I have not been posting OT Committee Minutes for a few weeks as they are just too boring. I have a collection of them that have come in and I will probably do a "data dump" and throw them all into one post so there is a record of them in case anyone is ever interested. But I got these newest minutes from CC Int and they contain some stuff that is just too astonishing to not comment on. I have highlighted the most important points: Date: Thu, 22 May 2014 From: CC Int OT Committee Subject: CCI Int OT Committee Meeting Minutes - 2014 05 16CCI OTC MEETING MINUTES - MAY 16, 2014Carol E … [Read more...]
Some New Pleas From The Bubble
This stuff rolls in the door daily from Special Correspondents and there is just too much of it to publish. Much of it is same old, same old. These three came in just now and each has something a little special about it, particularly the last one. So I figured I would spread the word from Loony Tunes land. The Biggest Global Impact Ever Event Date: Sat, 17 May 2014From: Joel Morris <[email protected]>To: [email protected]: [OTC-Mail] FW: from Sara- Save the DateDear OTCers,Join us on Friday, May 30th for "The Biggest Global Impact Ever Event"!Now that we have … [Read more...]
David Miscavige’s Office At Gold
A Special Correspondent alerted me to this website that has photos of the work they did on the RTC Building at the Int Base, otherwise known as “Building 50”. To give you a little more detail on what you see, and what you don’t see in these photos, I pulled together some information from a number of sources who worked on this building and this a compilation of that information. There are many more details and stories about this building that I may get to at a later date. The shots included on the website do not include Miscavige’s actual office, but only the “Commun … [Read more...]
The IAS “Benefits All 8 Dynamics”
The cliches just keep rolling out. And apparently the meaningless drivel is accepted by the sheeple as somehow coherent and believable. These sort of emails and promotional pitches offer an interesting insight into the warped world inside the bubble. If you read Shaked's latest missive just as it is written, you will see there is not a single specific about anything, just sweeping generalities about final rewards and walking free. Can the intelligence quotient of fundamentalist scientologists really have descended to levels where this sort of babble is acceptable? It seems hard to … [Read more...]
Finish GAG II St Hat Or We Will Shut You Down
Things are really heating up trying to force everyone, especially Field Auditors, onto the GAG II line up. A number of reports have come in about methods being used, and a survey has been sent out to I HELP members. The ASHO Qual Sec has been threatening Field auditors that if they don’t complete the GAG II Student Hat soon they will cancel their Qual OKs to audit. Apparently ASHO has been underwhelmed with the rush of students on course. They can’t cancel certs but someone came up with the bright idea to cancel Qual OKs. But most interesting is this new survey, purporting to be about … [Read more...]
What’s It Really Like Inside An Ideal Org?
If you listen to any of the statements that emanate from the bubble, whether from the mouth of Dear Leader himself, or other minions, they shout from the rooftops how the "ideal orgs" are "the turning point in the universe" and "the salvation of this sector" and are "bringing about planetary clearing." Of course, everyone outside the bubble knows its garbage, but it isnt often we get this sort of report from INSIDE an "ideal org." And not just ANY ideal org, but the much ballyhooed "ideal org" in the "first Scientology city" -- Portland. You will recall Dear Leader yanked their chain … [Read more...]
Ideal Vulturing
A Special Correspondent sent this in as a comment on the latest blog post, but I thought it deserved a bit more attention. I received this from Jeremy Arezzini, Portland Ideal org fundraiser and long time Registrar at Portland CC then Portland Org, also the guy who donated 1 million to Valley (?) ideal org, in their promo of a few months ago. I don’t know how a staff member came up with a million bucks to donate, besides his commissions from ideal org fundraising (?) Subject: Important Personal Comm From Jeremy Arezzini! Date: Thu, 17 Apr 2014 17:52:05 - … [Read more...]
The OTC Security Hammer Is Dropping
Apparently hushmail didnt solve the problem, so now they have a new message right at the top of the OTC minutes: Note: The minutes are for the sole use of Valley OTC members. All members receive a copy. Please do not forward the minutes to anyone else for any reason. Apparently there are all sorts of measures being taken to try to stem the flow of information outside the bubble. One might ask why that is of such concern. Of course it is merely information they WANT to impart to the "OTC members" -- if it is true, how could it be so damaging? But that is like asking why if you are opening a … [Read more...]
The Street Will Be Completely Closed
We would not want the undesirables getting a glimpse of Dear Leader, the Emperor with No Clothes. So the long-anticipated, joyous occasion of finally yanking the ribbon on this building that has been put there in order to move 5+ million people onto and up the Bridge, is being done out of the public eye.... Hardly consistent with the message "we are here and everyone is welcome" that they will tell the media and repeat endlessly on their website. Funny, I dont think the Australian media is going to buy it. Hell, I dont think the Australian public are going to buy it? "You want us to come in … [Read more...]
It Was A Bit More Than We Were Thinking, But….
Some Sunday morning Rah-rah to brighten up your day. I sometimes wonder how these people keep going. "Enthusing" the same old weary "donators" and trying to paint a good face on everything. And of course, in typical Vulture Culture style. after YEARS of fundraising and false promises about "gettin' 'er done" and endless planning as to how they are going to turn this building at the end of a cul de sac in an industrial park, they have now discovered they need MORE MONEY. The millions they have already raised (just look at the endless stream of promo from "iDeal SiliCon Valley" and their … [Read more...]