Now that the Garcia's have forced the opening of the SP Building, they are moving on to new false promises of what will accomplish planetary clearing. This time, it is the "LRH Hall." But note the admission about the "success" of the SP Building and the people "pouring in" from "all over the world" for GAG II ...comparatively, this is still a trickle that will soon reach epic flood proportions. You just have to wonder WHEN any of these future epic floods and planetary clearing juggernauts ever come to pass? Don't these people notice? And now The Next Big Thing is that you have to give us … [Read more...]
“Mandatory Class VIII Briefing”
The storks are busy. Hushmail must be experiencing heavy traffic. This is a debrief of a "mandatory" briefing for Class VIII's in Ideal PAC (in fact in "ASHO's" Lebanon Hall). The image is an artists' rendition, he mistakenly thought it was the audience at an "international event" not a mandatory briefing in Ideal PAC in which case he would have only included 5 attendees. But as he went to all the trouble, I used it anyway as it conveys the message he wanted. It is amazing how they can try to shift the blame to.... anyone else they can think of than themselves, and certainly it has NOTHING … [Read more...]
Random OT Committee Stork Mail
These random hushmails arrive down the chimney and I dont always have time to even read them. But eventually I publish them as a matter of record as they contain a useful history of the shrinking of the bubble. The panic has really set in at Flag -- he is at the OTC meeting handing out lists of local BUSINESSES and the OTC members are responsible for getting them to get their staff in and onto courses or auditing. This email needs to be preserved if only for this reason -- as evidence in the next lawsuit filed by an employee of a business that is forced to do Scientology as a condition of … [Read more...]
Flag’s Unimpressive Stats
Seriously Jeff, you are getting excited about this? 21 Super Power Completions (and remember, this is the "surge" of people who paid for this over the past 20 years in order to be first in line). At 20 per week (providing it stays at this artificially inflated level) it will take a year to complete 1000 people. 12 years to complete everyone in the Tampa Bay area and 10,000 years to complete all the Scientologists on earth. Oh, wait a minute, these are just your phony numbers because if they were real you could not be excited about that as its like being excited about having invested in a … [Read more...]
“Dear Wonderful Members…”
The big sheeple rodeo is on. Yeeha. THIS is the most exciting game we have ever played! That is, until next week when we announce the mostest most exciting game ever, ever. But the real kicker here is THE PLAYERS. The most upstat beingings in this Universe. And here is where the problem lies with the fundamentalist scientologists. Apart from their hype and spelling, grammar and punctuation problems, the arrogance is amazing. Kaye Champagne may well be a nice (if deluded) person, but to assert that she and her buddies on the Flag OT Committee (who cannot even get the local scientologists … [Read more...]
Solve It With Scientology
A lesson from the rewritten history of the Church of Scientology. Truly a blast from the past and a sort of time capsule into how things were 25 years ago before the Vulture Culture became the order of the day. People talk about the "good old days." Others sometimes comment that there were no "good old days" because everything was always bad because everything sprang from the evil mind of L. Ron Hubbard. Well, this makes for interesting reading, as it is evidence that at least one thing about the church really HAS changed dramatically, and it is not because of what LRH wrote. Back in the 7 … [Read more...]
Flag Is Empty
I hear they finished turning the Oak Cove back into a hotel. And its empty. The big influx to Flag hasn't been so big. Now they have too many empty hotel rooms, too many idle Russian housekeepers and maids, and too little income. So, the solution, as always: put on the squeeze. They are "losing money" because some out of town people would rather rent a room or apartment by the month than pay for a room at the Friendliest Place In The World (tm) by the day. For many it is not even the cost, its the fact that you cannot escape the regges/fundraisers/vultures at ANY time. Just another … [Read more...]
Secret OTC Minutes
Well, the hushmail stork keeps dropping OTC reports down the chimney. I am having a hard time keeping up with them all. And I dont have a lot of time this morning to sift through and comment on each of them. But I am sure there are plenty of readers who will highlight the strangenesses from inside the bubble. I made a couple of brief notes from glancing at these. Date: Thu, 27 Mar 2014 From: Flag OT Committee <[email protected]>Subject: Message of the Week & 24 March 2014 Meeting Minutes Flag OT Committee Meeting Minutes24 March 2014 Kaye Champagne, Chairman w … [Read more...]
OC GAG II Students Not Even Close
How is it possible that 4 MONTHS after the release of GAG II and its super, incredibly fast training line-up, the IDEAL ORG in Orange County the MOST ADVANCED auditor trainee on the GAG II line-up is on PRO TR's? Maybe GAG II isn't all it's cracked up to be? Surely D/Source for Lost Tech didn't misrepresent his wondrous breakthroughs? Or maybe Orange County only has ONE person on auditor training? Or maybe Orange County only started their first person on GAG II auditor training a month ago? Whatever the reason -- this is more proof that GAG II is not solving anything and the … [Read more...]
“World Famous Celebrity Laurie Webster”
Here is one for the gag file. We have all come to know about the hype that is used to make everything sound soooooo amazing and incredible. But really, Laurie Webster being promoted as a "world famous celebrity"? The only thing she is known for is making endless false promises to defraud people out of their money to "urgently complete" the SP Building when they had all the money needed to do it but just didn't want to end the cash cow. If the end phenomena of completing Super Power, Cause Resurgence, OT VII, Class VI and OEC/FEBC is being an accomplished liar and able to take money from pe … [Read more...]