Sacramento "Ideal" org completed no more than 375 "Bridge steps" in a whole year. And that was "Highest Ever." A Bridge step is defined as: "anything on the Bridge: Basics, Life Improvement Courses, Life Repair, Purification Rundown, Student Hat and on up, etc." This is 7 completions per week. SEVEN. Including Life Improvement Courses. And this is an "ideal" org -- an org that is "the best" and "dominated" in the "Ideal Org arena" (whatever that is...) with "massive upstats." For a 10 million dollar plus investment, this is not much of a return. They could have paid 375 people $1000 a p … [Read more...]
The Birthday Bash
So, the next event is upon us. Scheduled for Friday the 14th at Ruth Eckerd Hall. The routine attendance emails are flooding inboxes everywhere. Date: Mon, 10 Mar 2014From: Meagan Tucker <[email protected]> Hello again!!!! We are 4 days away until our Commodore's birthday! The event is LIVE and we want you and everyone else to arrive at five! Realize that this is the first time ever that we have done an event at Ruth Eckerd Hall including entry with your event passcards. We have only done this drill at the base so... it's VERY important that you are thinking with this Friday a … [Read more...]
Miscavige Re-Re-Ribbon Pulling Speech
Here is the text of Dear Leader’s speech for the grand re-ribbon cutting in PAC. You will understand the Noah’s Ark image when you have read the speech. I have included a few comments throughout in square brackets. I have a feeling Mr. Miscavige may be “too busy” to show up at the March 13th event on Friday at Ruth Eckerd Hall and this video will be shown to the adoring masses in his place (there will be another post about March 13 event coming soon). For those who had heard the report that this was a 3 minute speech, that is incorrect. It is about 12 minutes long. It begins with an introdu … [Read more...]
OTC News
In the spirit of the Golden Age of OTC Security, here is some news. First, from the "EUS" OT Committee -- whatever that may be. Atlanta is going to be their next Ideal Org. Amazing prediction. Wonder if New Haven is EVER going to be done. They have had their building for about 10 years, sitting empty. Or Harlem? Surely Harlem is going to be next? After all, Miscavige has shown Harlem about 3 different times, along with his efforts to sound "hip and cool." Oh, Boston? They bought a huge new building, also sitting idle? That is one of the "big" EUS orgs. How about Miami? They have an empty … [Read more...]
The Security Noose Is Tightening
The efforts to stem the leaks of what is actually happening inside the bubble (as opposed to what is presented at Miscavige Rallies) are ramping up. No doubt this is due to embarrassing (but true) things leaking out onto the fringes of the internet. So funny the level of paranoia about FACTS being made known. One thing that drives Miscavige batshit crazy is the thought (or worse yet, fact) of some information about Scientology that he cannot control. He believes he owns it all. And only what he wants known shall be known. And so the lengths to which they will go to in order to try and s … [Read more...]
Ice Cream For Everyone
Another inadvertant admission from inside the bubble. They are totally enthusiastic about the fact they got "Highest Ever" for a WUS ribbon cutting. Really? All SO members in LA and all staff and public that could be rounded up in the LA area (and no doubt from San Diego and Santa Barbara and some were even shipped in from the Bay Area and Phoenix and anywhere else)? After all, they did not want to disappoint the Pope. Is there anywhere else in WUS that would expect to have higher turnout than LA? Certainly not Las Vegas. Or Phoenix. Or the Bay Area. Or Portland. Or Denver. Or Seattle. Or … [Read more...]
Sea Org Recruiters – The Ultimate Merchants of Chaos
This article was written by Special Correspondent Chris Shelton. It was one of those rare things in the world of Scientology -- something that actually surprised me that I knew nothing about. I thought this sort of doomsday talk was the exclusive province of regges, but had not considered (silly me) that Sea Org recruiters were really regges just like the IAS and all the other vultures that have ascended to the top of the RCS hierarchy. I believe this is important information to be made known. I am not commenting on the 3 minute, poorly attended massive ribbon-fest as there isnt … [Read more...]
PC Folders Are Confidential
The church lawyers who stand on their hind legs in court and proclaim the absolute sanctity of pc folders should get a load of this. The lies the church tells the public, media and courts about how NOBODY can access pc folders except the auditor and C/S are exposed by the "CF I/C OTC DK Org" (I guess the OTC is now a "shadow org" with duplicate posts to the org itself). The fact that a public person is recruiting other random public to "go through pc folders" and "pull out data" is one of the more remarkable FB posts I have come across. So typical of the RCS. Virtually everything they say in … [Read more...]
The Latest “Catalyst For Planetary Clearing”
Things in the world of perpetual money-grubbing move along at a rapid clip, with a new story every week (it's tough when you have to keep asking the same people over and over). As a result there is hyperinflation of the hype with each new story more over-the-top than the last one. For 20 years the cry was to give us your money because Super Power is going to make planetary clearing a reality. Never mind the same thing was said about GAT I, The Basics, the Golden Age of Knowledge, Ideal Orgs, The International Dissemination Center, BPI, the purchase of KCET, ads on the Super Bowl and the … [Read more...]
Test Center Opening, Or Maybe Not…
To keep everyone updated on the the most important events ever that may or may not ever happen. It seems there is still some problem with the Hollywood Test Center. You know the one that was promoted as being opened last Friday at 6:30 "to be in time for the Oscars crowd"? It's just a few days away and its "not finalized". Again. This is really becoming a pattern with every event. These things used to be like clockwork and since last year, starting with the cancellation of the 25th Anniversary MV financial hari kiri cruise, things have gone completely out of control. Flag is promoting the … [Read more...]