AN OVERVIEW OF SCIENTOLOGY IN LATIN AMERICA by: Special Correspondent. I just happened to visit Mexico City and here is some information about the Scientology scene in this country. As a background Mexico City has 21.2 million people. Per a report from March 2012, a Dianetics spokeperson claimed 5,300 followers in the City alone. You can arrive at your own conclusions as far as the straight up and vertical expansion. Mexico City has several Organizations – ODD, ITD, ACD, IFA and Centro Cultural Latino Americano. They are known as Organizations because despite various requests, the Gove … [Read more...]
“Case Gain Equivalent To Those Of A Session”
This really requires no comment. The radical church of scientology has reached its final goal. People who think that giving money to buy buildings is as good as auditing. And of course, thanks to Mr. Miscavige for making this possible and keeping us Scientologists working for him. Amazing the things the RCS puts out. Their own statements are so damning. They have completely lost touch with the reality of the outside world. It seems they are oblivious to how utterly absurd and laughable they are. … [Read more...]
Ukraine — Confusion Blowing Off In The Wake Of GAG II
I made a comment at the end of a post a few days ago about a Freedom Medal winner claiming that the situation in the Ukraine and in Venezuela was "confusion blowing off" in the wake of GAG II. Then I received a new promotional piece from WTH Fdn asking for money for WTH for Crimea. The bubble-dwellers literally never see anything happen in the world that cannot be twisted into a request for money. It is amazing. The first outness is that IF it was truly IAS Freedom Medal winners who calmed down the scene in the earlier revolution (which goes unmentioned as it was soon replaced by the … [Read more...]
Pat’s Latest Parodi
Just for the sheer enjoyment that comes with rejection of outpoints. Mel Brooks could make his funniest movie ever with the material that gushes forth from the bubble. It could be a sequel to Spaceballs -- Screwballs maybe? Date: Sun, 2 Mar 2014 From: pat parodi <[email protected]>Subject: Sunday Note and Quote Hello to you! If you live in So Cal you are probably bailing out from the amazing amount of rain we have experienced in the past several days. It was enough rain to push back the grand opening of AOLA and ASHO. It appears that we are in the process of "drying out" and ev … [Read more...]
News So Big….
Here is a reality check on the Ideal Org program. Miscavige's "solution to planetary clearing" has been limping along on life support. The efforts to hype it have become increasingly strained. It is no snowball gathering momentum as it rolls down hill, but a snowman melting in the sunlight. As more people SEE what happens in his shrines to MEST, the levels of enthusiasm for participating in the scam wane. Thus you see little mention of anything happening on this front. In order to have video clips for March 13th Miscavige is hanging ribbons on PAC and staging "grand openings" of bu … [Read more...]
Cause Over The MEST Universe?
The farce continues. Most of the idiocy has been documented here as they have bounced around between "it's happening and you had better be there" to "we handled the drought and you had better be there, time to be announced" to "we parted the clouds and you had better be there" to "we have delayed it, but you had still better be there" to "the final time is 3:30 Sunday and you had better be there" to "let's try it again next weekend." Of course, this could all change again in the next hour, once Pam Lancaster awakens from her beauty sleep and postulates some clear sky. Or it could all be a … [Read more...]
Cloudy OT Powerz
CC Int has made their statement about the impending Papal Ceremonies, and if anyone who received it didn't roll their eyes and wonder about the sanity of Pamela Lancaster, I pity them. Not only OT Weather Powers in evidence, but also Exclamation Tech(r) -- which is part of the Golden Age of Grammar the RCS is experiencing. Date: Thu, 27 Feb 2014From: Pamela Lancaster-Johnson <[email protected]>Subject: OK!! GO FULL BLAST!!! Dear Xxxxx - OT POWERS ARE "MAGICALLY" SHIFTING CLOUD PATTERNS!! YAY!! GO FULL BLAST AND GET EVERY CONFIRM TO CONFIRM AT LEAST 4 PEOPLE TO BRING … [Read more...]
The Scientology YouTube Footbullet
These people have mastered the art of the footbullet. And the IAS is desperate to try and demonstrate that some of the hundreds of millions of dollars they squeeze out of their marks is actually spent on things they tell them it is so urgently needed for. But guys, really, the last place you want people being curious about Scientology is on YouTube. Here is the big news announcement from "Shaked Flash" -- can that be a real name? Subject: YouTube Home Page Takeover - starting tonight! Date: Wed, 26 Feb 2014 17:56:20 -0800 From: Shaked … [Read more...]
Beating A Dead Horse (Sheeple?)
It seems the wheels are coming off the Ideal Org bandwagon. This from the land of superhype, where unreality is the norm and the KoolAid flows freely.- the "First Ideal Continent" springing forth from the Miscavige Minions of PAC. Even with the Grand re-re-reopenings set for this weekend the lustre of the "Ideal Orgs" seems to have worn awfully thin. (As a note about this weekend, it occurred to me to wonder what Dear Leader is going to do for makeup on Sunday -- his normal high-priced makeup artist Bruce has no doubt been booked for the Academy Awards for many months which probably has … [Read more...]
The Gods Are Crying
Seems the Gods are not smiling down on Dear Leader. Either that or some SP's have conspired to suppress the weather (though everyone else in California is no doubt pleased) and mess with his party on Friday and Saturday. Confusion reigns inside the bubble -- first they announced the date as last weekend, then changed to this Friday and Saturday ("to capture the Academy Awards crowd...."), then word went out that the events would be delayed until Sunday and Monday. Then that changed -- like good OT's who will make it go right, "we will not be effect of the weather" and it was back to Friday … [Read more...]