Reaching out to the Chinese community of Pasadena when they are not even scraping the surface on the english speaking population... How come they don't have a Spanish speaking mission? Or how about any english speaking ones? Amazing.... From: Sara Jonic [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: Friday, February 07, 2014 11:53 AMTo: Subject: la- Chinese Mission in Pasadena The Time is Now! We are opening a Chinese Mission in the Pasadena area! This is vital and will not only bring LRH directly to the Chinese community in the LA area but will also bring LRH to the countries where they com … [Read more...]
The Good, The Bad, The Really Ugly
What an odd catchphrase, substituting "Ideal" for "Ugly".... They must think this is something brilliant as they have a whole campaign based on this slogan.... But the third one here is jaw-dropping. Taking money from a 10 year old? And promoting it? Tells you how warped one's view becomes inside the bubble. That left me almost wordless. That SHOULD be titled, The Good, The Bad, The Really Ugly. Oh, how sad. … [Read more...]
Sydney Ideal Org
Some news about the latest "Ideal Org" to blow smoke up the remaining butts that will occupy a seat at an event. I didnt post this email from a few weeks ago -- sort of got lost in other activities. And it was just a single email. Following is what I wrote about it on 15 January.... Just 6 weeks away from the Grand Opening! And THEN we can START rocketing people up the Bridge. Because everyone knows, you can't get anyone up the Bridge unless you are "ideal." Mark your calendars everyone -- 1 March is the big day (I am taking bets now on when this will in fact occur -- anyone in Sydney g … [Read more...]
10,000 on Solo NOTs “Update”
Another inadvertant disclosure of the real scene inside the bubble -- this time from Clive Rabey D/CO of the FSO. They have been trying to reach the target of "10,000 onto or through Solo NOTs" for 30 years or so and are still not even close. And this is a CUMULATIVE stat. It's not 10,000 this year. Or even 10,000 this decade. It's 10,000 from the beginning of Solo NOTs. And still they cannot make any headway. I have written about this before. 10,000 of the world population in 1985 (4.5 billion) would be equivalent to 15,770 of today's population (7.1 billion). (I am ignoring the … [Read more...]
The Model Ideal Org Isn’t So Model
Apparently the "ideal Ideal Org" that is the model for ALL other Ideal Orgs is not so ideal. LA Org was declared "St Hill Size" MANY years ago. But the intervening years of straight up and vertical expansion under the magnificent leadership of Captain Miscavige seems to have missed Los Angeles. Amazing how that expansion has been occurring everywhere OTHER than where you look for it.... So now, out of the mouths of babes comes another of the "OTC Truths Revealed". Date: Fri, 31 Jan 2014From: PAC OTCSubject: Chairman's Update: Getting LA Org Saint Hill Size Chairman's Weekly U … [Read more...]
“I Don’t Have To Think” (Apparently Not….)
The three headlines say it all... Not only does this new meter now allow you not to think, it is THE thing that means "now we can really make it" and even more importantly, this meter is the "start of a new civilization." These hype phrases could be part of one of those games. Fill in the missing subject (new Meter/GAT/Basics/Congresses/Ron Series etc etc) and then add the "descriptors" to complete the sentence. They keep using the same statements over and over and they describe anything from attending an event, to reading a book to running around a pole to completing OT VIII. Completely … [Read more...]
The OTC Reports — Things Are Looking Grim
I recently published the Quarterly report for the EUS OT Committees and the stats for the WUS OT Committees. Here are the quarterly reports from the other Conts. I cannot be bothered to read them, but specific areas may be of interest to some. I am publishing them all here so there is a public record as they are enlightening as to the state of the orgs. You will note as with the other areas that there is more reporting on the NON Scientology activities (WISE, WTH, Narconon etc) than on getting people into orgs. Where there are any specifics given on people moving on the bridge they are … [Read more...]
London Calling
This is a report sent in from a Special Correspondent that was originally in response to an earlier posting about the New Years video. It deserves its own posting as by the time we ironed out the difficulties getting the shots, there was a new posting up and this would have been lost. A lot of specifics about the state of this "Ideal Org" confirm everything else that is being reported about orgs around the world. Remember, this is the org that is so heavily hyped in the "We Are Clearing The UK" idiocy that routinely emanates from inside the bubble. This is also an org that cost 10 million … [Read more...]
Johnny Spag Hypes It Up
Here is the text of an email sent out by John Spagnola to as many people as he could. Of course, though he claims this is all "Fully funded" by the "US Army" he is asking for "donations" for "additional expenses." What a shock... Dear Friends, The Purification Detoxification Program just got a full okay from the US Army to move ahead and do an official medical pilot by applying this technology to Veterans! And it is funded by the US Army!!! I'm working on the Veterans purification detox project below and wanted to know if you were aware of any veterans who still had adverse effects that … [Read more...]
Miami Ideal Org – The Royal Flush
Here is the Miami Org tax bill on their "ideal org" building that awaits renovation. Last year they paid upwards of $200,000 and were refunded $70,000 due to reevaluation of the appraisal. The current tax bill for 2013 is $140,000. This is a building that is making NOTHING. I believe it was purchased in May 2012. The only use it is being put to is holding "Ideal Org fundraisers" (probably not even raising enough to cover the taxes they are incurring). You will also note on the tax bill that the "legal name" is the Church of Scientology of Florida. Thus, the local church is res … [Read more...]