The PAC Bridge is getting the big push. No reason really, other than another way of the vultures trying to squeeze money out of the nearly-dead. Apparently they are soon to have "Ideal Sea Org Orgs" -- ASHO and AOLA. But ASHO and AOLA have both had TWO "Grand Openings" already? Both times they were announced as the "perfect organizations, just as LRH intended." So,they are going to do ANOTHER photo op for Dear Leader to spout some Shermanspeak, yank a ribbon and soak in the applause. How feeble is it that the "Ideal Org" program has now become re-renovating ASHO and … [Read more...]
Disastrous EUS OT Committee Report
The recent information from WUS resulted in one of our Special Correspondents forwarding this report about the EUS OT Committees to me. It doesn't have stat grids, but what is lacks in numbers it more than makes up for with hype. Some poor soul compiled this information to forward to "Int Management" (there is no such thing -- there is no WDC. No Exec Strata. No ED Int. No Snr C/S Int. Warren MsShane testified recently that Heber is "President CSI though he is "semi-retired"). Trying to make themselves look as good as humanly possible, this report in a combination of inflated or made up bs … [Read more...]
Current List of OT Ambassadors and OT VIII’s in WUS
As a follow up to the OT Ambassador stats of yesterday, here is the current (as of 23 January 2014) list all OT Ambassadors and OT VIIIs in WUS. The percentage next to the name is the percentage of weeks since "Maiden Voyage" 2013 (the one that was canceled) that each of these people have been "active". And apparently if someone has been "active" one week in the previous year they are "counted" as "Active OT Ambassadors/OT Committee members." I am sure there will be a lot of readers who know far more details about their own areas than I do. I only noted a few oddities just from glancing at … [Read more...]
Yesterday’s WUS OT Ambassador Stats
Here is the WUS OT Ambassador stat report for W/E 23 January 2014. The key to explain what these stats are follow the first grids. This is a remarkable picture. All of WUS Public routed onto Div 6 Services is SIX. Clears onto their next step is THREE. Books sold to Raw Public is 33. This is from 721 supposed "active" OTs in the field. The Ideal Morgue fundraising is appropriately moribund -- except for a single collection in Salt Lake City. All the IAS money came from PAC, Pasadena and Valley. This is the REAL state of affairs in Corporate Scientology. It is dead. (Click the image … [Read more...]
The GAT II Student Hat Is Truth Revealed OT Level
The Miscavige Hype disease is extremely contagious inside the bubble. The GAG II is not only the most monumental breakthrough in the history of history, the GAG II Student Hat is "Truth Revealed" and "like an OT level." I swear that Miscavige could feed clubbed seals dogshit and tell them it was foie gras he had discovered in a long-lost storage room and how it is "exactly what LRH intended all Scientologists should eat for maximum speed of progress up the Bridge" and they would start writing success stories: "I thought I had tasted real foie gras before, but until I tried this 100% on … [Read more...]
Bludgeoned With A Blunt Object
If you are a Field Auditor and GAG II has not completely destroyed your willingness/desire or ability to continue your profession, this surely will. You are expected to come up with $10,000 in the next 2 weeks to purchase the "required number" of Warehouse VIII's -- otherwise you will be declared a CI squirrel. How very typical of the arrogant "let them eat cake" attitude of Captain Miscavige. I can see the orders that have been issued now "You tell IHELP they had better get all the field auditors to buy my Warehouse VIIIs and if there are any field auditors who are so DB they are going to … [Read more...]
Me and My Big Mouth: Food For Thought Chapter 2
Ok, so my name is Ian Lee. Back on August 15th I wrote an article for Mike's blog. At the time I was in good standing and wanted to voice my opinions of some things that are happening within Scientology. You can and should read that article here before you continue. The specific reason I wrote it was that a friend of mine had posted a voicemail of a mutual friend of ours "disconnecting" from her. The practice which the church of Scientology denies exists. So I decided to put that assertion to a test. I was in good standing. I'm free to communicate. I'll say some stuff and see what … [Read more...]
Miscavige’s Irish Faux Pas
Here is why David Miscavige is so terrified of his "International Events" being seen by anyone outside the bubble. (You would think He would want all that good news disseminated far and wide?) But the problem is that when what he says gets out into the real world, there are people who actually check the Shermanspeak(r) bs he spouts against FACTS. Pesky things them facts.... The New Years video went onto the internet yesterday and already it has hit the media in Ireland, because one of the "featured" videos concerned the Dublin Mission (which was a very sad little place when I went to visit … [Read more...]
Same Old New Years
Tony Ortega put up the video of the New Year's event today. Unlikely many could stand the torture of watching the whole thing. If you have a choice, it's a good idea to avoid the avalanche of Shermanspeak like the bubonic plague. It can make your ears bleed and brain turn to mush. I mentioned last week that I had been going through the event and making some notes. I never got around to publishing them. I didnt make it through the whole event, and don't plan on doing so as now anyone who is interested can watch it for themselves if they have a masochistic streak. But just because I made the … [Read more...]
More Lies From The Bubble Exposed
The leaks from the bubble continue to expose the truth to the world. The "Ideal Org" program is an abject failure. It was "launched" more than a decade ago and is NOWHERE. Here are the facts that this email confirms: 1. The entire United Kingdom still only has ONE Ideal Org and that was paid for by the IAS as part of Miscavige's PR campaign. He told the IAS to fund it as he was trying to gain charitable status in the UK (different from religious recognition and something still not accomplished) but also used it to promote himself. Not one other org is even close. 2. In theory the London … [Read more...]