For about 30 years now the FSO has been pushing an arbitrary target of "10,000 onto or through OT VII" as the solution to "handling the planet." It comes from a twisted interpretation of this quote from a 1952 lecture: " any one time on earth there were not more than about 10,000 people of a caliber that was sufficient to do a little steering or leading..." Clive Rabey, the point man for the FSO on this matter, explained it in Source Mag like this: "It was a mathematical equation, all extrapolated out. From the real physical universe effects this would create in terms of case gain and … [Read more...]
More Fundamentalist Threats
To continue to document the dwindling spiral, I will keep publishing the threatening and quite insane emails that demonstrate the insanity within the bubble. Here is the newest one. These people truly are insane: all beings will be blind and in pain forever, soon. This is apocalyptic cult talk without doubt. From: Your Enemy [email protected] Here's the entire issue boiled down to its basic. If LRH were here, what would he think of you? Of COB? Who would he side with? You think he would side with you. The person who ran away and went to the SP press, who's dragging Scn th … [Read more...]
We Never Deliver What We Promise
Here is a new twist. You are in the middle of a service (one of Miscavige's certified "On Source" checksheets that came with the "Golden Age of Tech") and He reverts it back to an earlier version ("just how LRH intended it"), raises the price and then expects you to pay for the "upgrade". Mid-service. Wow. Wonder if they ever thought of recrediting people for all the extra auditing they had to get in the "old" GAT Bridge before the release of the new, streamlined, extra on-Sourcy "upgraded" GAT II Bridge? You know, the "pilot" that was being delivered at Flag for 9 years while the Class V … [Read more...]
Happy New Year
To everyone that is part of the extended family that gathers here to share views, to see what's going on or are just a little curious -- Happy New Year. 2013 has been an adventure. I sincerely appreciate the encouragement and support I have received from so many of you. Over the past few days, Tony Ortega has recapped the year and if you haven't caught up with it, do so at his blog. A LOT has happened. The landscape of the Scientology world has shifted. In my view there were two monumental events in the last year: 1. Monique Rathbun filing her lawsuit. To mix metaphors -- this is a … [Read more...]
News And Stats From The Bubble
A couple of recent OTC emails from the PAC area. PAC OTC is focused on fundraising (big surprise) for the "PAC Auditorium" and "Ideal PAC Base" (whatever that is -- "Ideal" has morphed into a new term in the bubble not even trying to pretend it has anything to do with the policy letter on "The Ideal Org" any longer). But this email also includes some stats that are pretty revealing. This is the PAC OTC -- the biggest concentration of Scientologists on earth (they claim in their stats to have 126 active members). And remember, "PAC" consists of "all" the Missions including the winners of t … [Read more...]
Lying And Fundamentalist Scientology
Is the "Church of Scientology" a fundamentalist organization? In my view, it is. And if you read the criteria for fundamentalism above, there is not much doubt that the hard core members of the church fit right in to these 5 points. I was prompted to write this by an interesting post on Marty's blog a little while ago entitled Trained To Lie. I posted a comment in response which I repeat here: Marty — the corollary to this is the fact that these people will do anything to “protect the church” and believe that this is “the greatest good.” Thus, telling a lie is not a harmful act if it going … [Read more...]
Bubble Bath
Sent in by one of our Special Correspondents who monitors the Scientology Facebook groups. I am at a bit of a loss for words over some of this stuff. But it does give some interesting insight into life inside the bubble that is fundamentalist Scientology. 1) How pathetic. And how many people do you think are in this boat? And its not even seen to be something odd. Either that one of the most powerful beings in the universe cannot afford an emeter, or that an emeter is priced out of reach. The poor fools who have been on Solo NOTs for years, spending all their disposable income to … [Read more...]
The Big Scientology Lie
"Scientology is more than 11,000 churches, missions and groups." (The latest Scientology public relations line.) They have just increased the number from 10,000. It's funny how they can count every single phantom individual in attendance at the mini ribbon cutting for the SP building (10,273) but can only operate to the closest thousand when it comes to their number of churches.... No doubt this new number was dictated by the master manipulator just as He did when He told Heber Jentzsch to stop saying there are 6 million Scientologists in the world and just say it's 8 million "otherwise i … [Read more...]
Another posting from our Special Correspondent Galactic Patrol. I though it appropriate at this time of the year when we take stock of our lives and are thankful for what we have (and in some cases, for what we no longer have....). To all those who frequent this blog, may you enjoy a wonderful day with those who love you for what you are, not what anyone else says you are.... They are your REAL friends. The two greatest crimes that can be committed with Scientology technology are the two "shuns" - evaluation and invalidation. In numerous references, LRH explicitly details the destructive … [Read more...]
Ideal Org Countdown or Down For The Count?
Things are not looking too good in the Ideal Org race in East US. Even though they are sending out this "promo piece" to their public. 8 Orgs with ZERO points? Detroit, Boston and Miami (who have all PURCHASED expensive white elephants), are not even collecting enough to pay for the plywood to keep the windows and doors boarded up. (Remember, this is a POINTS system -- it's not equivalent to the number of dollars collected, except where the figure is 0. That is nada no matter what system it is). All orgs being ideal is truly an absurd pipe dream. And they don't even seem embarrassed to m … [Read more...]