The hype is now rolling for the Running Program (Cause Resurgence Rundown) and it is fascinating to see. Somehow it encapsulates so much of what is wrong with the over-the-top efforts to sell Scientology. As it is repeated and expanded it devalues anything of worth in the subject. Now the claims are that running around in a circle for days on end is a powerful OT rundown ...from LRH research on the whole track.... and this is amazing technology never before seen in this society and age. (?) Oh come now. Calm down a bit don't you think? It's just RUNNING! In circles no les … [Read more...]
Mike Rinder Texas Declaration
Because I have it soft copy and because I feel it summarizes a lot of relevant information that should be easily accessible for readers of this blog, this is the text of the declaration filed in the Monique Rathbun case in Texas today. For some reason loading this into wordpress keeps messing up the numbering. It doesnt change any of the text. DECLARATION OF MICHAEL RINDER My name is Michael Rinder, I am over the age of 21, and I have personal knowledge of the facts stated herein, which I declare are true and correct subject to the penalty for perjury. I was raised in a … [Read more...]
The Texas Showdown
Read the article and attached documents on Tony Ortega's site this evening. There are a series of declarations that tell a lot of the real story of the state of radical Scientology. Some weeks ago I said that I would post some things from LRH here for people to contemplate as there are some who read and post on this blog that seem to believe that LRH was flawless and that the aberration that is the church of Scientology today is entirely created by others. You will see in my declaration that was filed today that I cited some little known LRH references that may surprise some readers of this … [Read more...]
How Many Scientologists?
This was sent in some time ago by a Special Correspondent, but there have been so many other things going on that I have not been able to get around to posting it. I think it is a good topic for discussion and this is a thoughtful and insightful writeup from someone who has considerable experience from which to base their estimates. Though there is no figure placed on the number of Scientologists, my estimate is 25,000-30,000 worldwide. These are people who may still do an extension course to maintain appearances, buy a book when it is released or attend an event -- though not necessarily go … [Read more...]
“COB, You Are The Best! You Have Given Us The Tech Now…”
Some people have been aghast that I would suggest that fundamentalist Scientologists believe that Miscavige is the reincarnation of LRH. Perhaps reincarnation was an inartful way of expressing myself. Miscavige is the NEW LRH would probably be more accurate. Whether they believe that LRH has now occupied Miscavige's mortal coil or whether they believe Miscavige has now succeeded LRH as unquestioned source is somewhat immaterial. Today, Miscavige is The One. Miscavige Himself seems to be trying to position himself as the "voice of LRH" much like the Pope is God's voice on earth. His … [Read more...]
“After GAG II” Supersedes “After Dianetics”
A Special Correspondent sent this in -- it was posted on the Razzline. It clearly is written by a Master Evaluator who thinks for himself and observes what is in front of him.... What a genius: I've read and heard comments and descriptions that many others have said about GAT II and the new Flag Building. Many superlatives have been used. Having attended the events at Flag, nothing I've read or heard is an exaggeration or overstatement. GAT II and the new Flag Building are simply spectacular!! Having been in Scientology for 45 years, I have a perspective that may see th … [Read more...]
They Would Rather Forget This — the Big Ideal Org Lie
This is a fascinating look into the ever-shifting sands of corporate Scientology hype. J. Swift pulled this up from the Wayback Machine. I am sure a certain individual who cannot be named would rather it remain buried and forgotten. But unfortunately the small handful of bitter defrocked apostate unemployed bloggers on the fringes of the internet don't listen.... Back in 2004/5, COB's Ideal Orgs were the "big thing." GAG II was just a twinkle in the great man's eye at the time. Ideal Orgs were THE THING. Seattle ED Mark Arnold sent around a briefing to urge his people to get behind the … [Read more...]
What Does COB Say?
This really requires no comment. But I increasingly think many Corporate Scientologists do now believe that Miscavige is the reincarnation of LRH. What He says has the same force of command as anything from Hubbard. John P Capitalist sent this to me and also noted that the constant highlighting of the failure to complete Santa Barbara, Mountain View and San Diego (let alone Valley) has got to be a negative message. Surely it is striking people as just a little strange that in this period of massive international expansion, and 10 years into the "Ideal Org Program" that there are … [Read more...]
Message From A Field Auditor — GAG II is Like Waterloo
One of our Special Correspondents sent in this report: It's all true. Following is an excerpt of a message I received from a Field Auditor. He has one of the biggest field auditing groups in our area. He is OT VIII who remains with the Church because of his family of Kool Aid drinkers. But maybe this will change the scene. "They have revived the Survival RD and the BTB about short grades and said that they really were from LRH. "Everything needs to be redone from Student Hat. You have to do it once and then M4 and then once more. Then Pro Trs because they say Clay Table Processes … [Read more...]
Class V Price List (“Donations” When You Want Them Back)
This is a partial list of the new GAG prices for services in a US Class V org. I don't have a recent price list, so don't know how these numbers compare to pre-GAG prices. It appears there has been an effort to simplify things. Probably because Miscavige is convinced there are rip-offs occurring because it is too confusing and there are too many possible discounts and packages. You can be pretty sure that even if these prices appear to be LESS than pre-GAG prices they are in fact MORE than what was ACTUALLY being paid on average in Class V orgs through manipulation of discounts and … [Read more...]