Thanks to all who expressed their support for the Garcia's and the first victory in their federal lawsuit in Tampa. They were much appreciated. It is a long road to travel to ever exact any measure of justice out of the RCS, but the ruling of Judge Whittemore set the tone for the journeyahead. If I was one of the church's attorneys I would be very careful about wearing out my welcome with a very smart and no-nonsense Federal Court judge. As I looked over at the sunken-eyed OSA staff and the cluster of overpaid attorneys it got me thinking about what life is like inside the bubble these days. … [Read more...]
Tampa Bay Times Editorial
Someone sent me this editorial and I am reprinting it here as a public service. As noted elsewhere I can no longer see their website without paying them a fee which I am not inclined to do and there are others interested in the subject who cannot even buy a hard copy of the paper as they live outside Florida. The Editorial makes a good point. If everything is all above board and proper as the church claims, why are they so worried about these lawsuits and doing everything possible to distract from the real issues they raise? Editorial: Cases shine a light into Scientology Friday, … [Read more...]
An Unprecedented Future For Mankind (?)
The tidal waves are coming. It's GARGANTUAN. And what is IT? A million file folders for the newest newly renewed ASHO and AOLA. Is this the third or fourth time for the "new" ASHO and AO? And they have been "Ideal Org/SH Size Orgs" for as long as those concepts have been floating around the bubble. So how come their files are in disarray AGAIN? But in all our excitement about the files, let's not forget to get yourself confirmed for the events. We have NO IDEA when they will be, but make sure you sign up now, before Thursday at 2, to confirm your attendance for a date sometime in the future … [Read more...]
Promises, Promises….
So much for the first month -- a big fat nothing. None of the four epic accomplishments was done.... Wonder how many people are sitting around at Flag waiting for anything to happen -- desperately trying to avoid the regges? (Good luck with that) Now they are piling on. Promoting the wonders of the IAS event "directly following" the opening of the SP Building and release of GAG II. Make your plans to attend. We are just not telling you WHEN it will be. But when we finally make up our minds a week before the event you will be expected to be there. From: Nitzan Burstein, IAS A … [Read more...]
FSM Wacky Maximus Title Fight: Wilson v. Smith
A little humor to start the week. Battle has been joined. Another crazy email clearly signals David Wilson is determined to wrest the crown of FSM Wacky Maximus from Mike Smith. While Smith has had no challengers to his undisputed title for over a year, Wilson is quickly making a name for himself in the status stakes. This is a battle for the ages and the prize has never been higher -- the entire future of mankind and this planet hangs in the balance. And these two titans of titillation are not taking that lightly. Wilson is a strong challenger. Logic doesn't reside in his corner, but he m … [Read more...]
Scientology Disaster Capitalism
Scientology Kool Aid drinkers prove once again they have absolutely no shame. Any disaster is a good enough reason to insist on taking your money. The church of Scientology LOVES a good shooting or natural cataclysm. Great photo opportunities to send some ringers and a camera crew out, but even better for fundraising "you have to give us money now so we can help the _____ people of ______" (all that money buys is the camera crew, the rest goes to commissions and "reserves"). But Scientology Disaster Capitalism has a new twist. It's not just a good sell for handing over money to the IAS, now … [Read more...]
Give It A Rest Laurie
She is like the Energizer bunny. Turn on the switch, point her and off she heads, banging her drum and looking stupid until someone pulls the batteries out of her back. The building is DONE Laurie? A few weeks ago your letters said for people to arrive in mid-September so as not to miss the long awaited "grand opening." But there she still sits, paper over the windows, looking exactly like it did a year ago. It awaits the blessing from Dear Leader to allow the unclean to enter his palace and mess up his oiliness table. But it seems he cannot make up his mind. So, take the opportunity of a … [Read more...]
What Do They Fear?
Just what is it that the church is SO worried about? Why are they so paranoid about information "leaking" onto the internet? Funny, David Miscavige seems to enjoy crowing about how they got "19 million hits" (I know its a lie as this blog gets MORE visitors than and I average around 8,000 per day and even at 2.5 pages per visitor that only totals 7.3 million a year) and have numerous "state-of-the-art" websites and are on the "cutting edge." But they are terrified it seems about things showing up on the internet that they are not controling. And for an organization that constantly … [Read more...]
More On The Vulture Culture Revisited
My apologies for being somewhat out of touch on the blog over the last little while. I have been attending to some business. I was looking for something tonight for another reason and came across this post I did on Marty Rathbun's blog in November 2011. I thought it very relevant to much that has been said of late and so I am republishing it here for any who may not have read it back at that time. The use of the term "POB" in here was understood by the blog readers at the time to be "Pope on a Box" a reference to the fact that Miscavige uses an "apple box" to make him appear taller (an apple … [Read more...]
Disconnection And My Mother
My mother, Barbara, disconnected from me after I spoke out about Miscavige's abuses to the Tampa Bay Times. Prior to that, even though I had escaped from the Sea Org (not as the church now likes to claim "that I was removed from all positions of authority") she maintained a mother/son relationship with me, corresponding back and forth about things that had nothing to do with Scientology. Her dogs, garden, grandchildren and great grandchildren, the weather, anything but Scientology. She told me I was her firstborn and that would always trump anything else, no matter what … [Read more...]