Here is the latest self-hyping propaganda from the "OT Ambassadors" inside the bubble. It is the minutes from their last meeting. Mathilde, Public Sec FSO spoke about the importance of "getting ready." She said that she knows we've been hearing about it at graduations, but wanted us to realize just how close it is, announcing that the New Flag Building will be opened sometime in September, followed by the IAS Event here at Flag in October. She said that as soon as precise dates are known, she will let us know. Mathilde said that now is the time to get everyone on board here in Clear … [Read more...]
Scientology Responds To Paul Haggis — Sort Of
The Hollywood Reporter published an open letter written by Paul Haggis this morning. In typical Haggis style, he zero'd in on the crux of the matter and showed himself once again to be a man of principle and dignity who clearly articulates his calm and well reasoned points. Of course, Karin (David Miscavige) Pouw just HAD to respond. In a page out of their normal "attack the attacker" playbook, they launched an illogical, poorly composed ad hominem assault on Paul Haggis. It does not respond to a SINGLE POINT of his Open Letter. It is so ridiculous that I am reprinting it here in full. Th … [Read more...]
Don’t Miss This “Exclusive Briefing”
The "new Ideal PAC Base" is in need of personnel. Quick, you don't want to miss out on the opportunity to be a 50cents/hour cleaner and one of the people He mentions when He announces the "Ideal PAC Base now has 100 Maintenance Staff." "Exclusive briefing" is now a euphemism for "recruitment interview" -- seriously, is anyone going to fall for this? From: Traci <[email protected]>Date: Wed, Jul 24, 2013 at 10:15 AMSubject: Survey for YouTo: Please take a moment to fill out this brief survey. Thanks! This is being done to see if you qualify for an exclusive brief … [Read more...]
Super Power Grand Opening Hype
Lauri "We Are Opening This Year For Sure" Webster is leading the cheering section to get everyone routed onto Purif and Objectives "NOW" so they are "ready for Super Power." You can read some of her recent emails below starting with the most recent. While they really speak for themselves, I have noted some significant things after each: Date: Tue, 23 Jul 2013 From: Lauri Webster <[email protected]>Subject: Important: Grand Opening Data Needed Dear Cornerstone Member, As I told you in my last email, the new Building will be opening beforeOctober (E.g., we will open in S … [Read more...]
Terry Brawley — Life Is Good
Another in the series of "Life Is Good." I have known Terry since I worked with him in OSA in the 80's and 90's. Terry is one of the nicest people I have ever had the pleasure to call friend. He is a talented stained glass artist, photographer and also runs guided kayak tours out of Venice, Florida. It makes me very happy to see him doing so well. Mike My history with Dianetics goes back to 1951 in Wichita. I started reading Scn. books in late 1968 in the Ozarks, and moved to Florida to join staff in early 1969. I did the usual...volunteered, did basic courses, and when old enough, joined … [Read more...]
Brainwashing — The Proof
The Corporate Church of Scientology is going all out to attempt damage control internally on the withering blasts that have been exposing some of the nasty, not to be spoken about underbelly of life in corporate Scientology. We see the media "handling" of claiming its all just lies made up by a couple of "self-promoting bloggers on the fringe of the internet" or a "small handful of bitter, defrocked apostates", but where the real panic is occurring is in trying to keep the faithful on board. The Ethics Officers are working overtime, but Miscavige's personal troops, the "OT Ambassadors" are … [Read more...]
Voldemort 19 July Updated
Here is the update from Graduation last nite. Absolutely without question the most spectacular event in the history of Scientology..... (until the next time Dear Leader takes the stage). He saved the showing of the 1993 IAS event so He could introduce it and He could make a pitch for the IAS. He is, after all, Founder of the IAS, a title that cannot be disputed as L. Ron Hubbard had nothing to do with the IAS. Stealing a phrase from Mel Brooks History of the World Part I "It's good to be the Founder".... He started the evening off with some really impressive stats: - 23 Cornerstone … [Read more...]
Disconnection? No Such Thing….
Watching the saga of the church of Scientology deal with Leah Remini and her family unfold is like watching a clogged toilet overflow. The inevitable unfolds before your very eyes and you know nothing is going to stop it. You know exactly what's coming and hope by some miracle that it will stop before it overflows and the shit goes everywhere. See the story this morning on Tony Ortega's site about the orchestrated campaign to turn Leah and her family into "unpersons". The RCS in its typical style is not just overflowing, they are backwashing their entire septic system over the ai … [Read more...]
Handling For All The “Entheta”
This is the email being urgently sent around to "handle" the entheta "that comes up in your life" (ie if you have been anywhere near the internet, TV or print media over the last week). The "positioning" game is going full roar. By their very actions the church are PROVING exactly what Leah said. When she asked "Where's Shelly" Tommy Davis told her its "above her fucking pay grade" to even ask and she ended up being sec checked.... For expressing concern over the whereabouts of someone she had known for MANY years. Of course, such a question is only "entheta" if it misses the withholds of … [Read more...]
Mystery Solved — It’s the T Shirts Stupid
The latest briefing to the Flag OT Committee has revealed the "Something Very Special At The End" of the Super Special "Turning Point" replay of the 20 year old video event -- T-shirts!!! But not just ANY old t-shirts. They are "designed by Giorgio Armani." I posted yesterday about the desperation. This is a whole new level. I don't think anything further need be said: Public Officer FSO, Mathilde briefed us about the event this weekend on Saturday night. She said that this will be the Summer IAS Event like that which is usually held on the Freewinds at Maiden Voyage Anni … [Read more...]