Please, please, please come in. Pretty please. They will resort to anything to try and get people to come into their idle morgues.... Really? The Wobble. Cupid Shuffle. Teaching poker "moves"? Just like Ron says. Scientology v. Dudeism A Special Correspondent sent this in to me, she thought it was amusing, and so do I. Anyone who has ever seen The Big Lebowski will get the joke, but whether you have or haven't, the comparison to the scientology facebook page is pretty funny. Let's not forget church of scientology is on the "cutting edge of internet dissemination" … [Read more...]
If you have not seen the movie Glengarry Glen Ross, it is well worth watching. It's a look into the cold-hearted world of high-pressure sales. Could well be based on the IAS or any of the numerous other "regging" activities in the world of scientology. That there is even a "workshop" in a "church" that teaches "effective closing" is a pretty sad indictment of just how far afield this "church" has strayed. That they promote it to the general public and offer a free meal in order to entice people to attend is even sadder. … [Read more...]
Scientology’s View On Psychiatry
As I listened to Sylvia Stanard respond to a question about the scientology view of psychiatry at the Chauquatua conference (see at 1:19;45), I could not help but be amazed a the "spin" she sought to put on this. She claims that the church is only opposed to the "mind altering drugs, ECT and abuses in the field of mental health." An "acceptable truth" -- along with so many others she delivered that day -- but you have to wonder why when addressing a sophisticated audience of "thinkers and seekers" she didn't tell them the real truth? Why NOT explain the REAL beliefs of the church? No … [Read more...]
Pervasive “Black PR” On Scientology
A recent email from one of the people that delivers seminars in orgs and is touted as one of the "great disseminators" of our time. It provides some interesting insight into the general public's view of scientology and how things are going from bad to really bad. You've got to make sure you "inoculate" everyone, because all they know about scientology is bad. And this is the fastest growing religion on earth? More than doesn't quite add up.... the cognitive dissonance of these people is mind-blowing. From: Randall Michael Tobin [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: Tuesday, J … [Read more...]
Lessons Of History: Jonestown
Two Special Correspondents separately sent me information about the Jonestown tragedy in the last few days. And looking over what they sent, it seems there is a point to be made. First, I have long felt that there is no mass suicide in the future of scientology and I haven't changed that view. But I believe there are other fates that are the scientology equivalent of suicide (bankruptcy, destroyed families, despair at ever 'getting up the Bridge') and that the end story of scientology will be when everyone has been reduced to one or all of those states. The sign above Jim Jones' " … [Read more...]
Objectives End Phenomena: Give More Money
A quick posting before a more important one this afternoon. A couple of comments about this particular piece: 1. It is a further indicator of the increasingly prevalent pattern noticeable in the "successes" that are published by the church where they expound the "party line". "Acceptable" success stories include statements that are known to be what the church wants. Either parroting the promo for the service ("I have a clear mind now" after the Purif or "my OT perceptions are amazing now I can sense the salinity of my blood" after Super Power) or it's something like this "I went 'to … [Read more...]
Portland Ideal Org Is Pathetic
Below is the real "ideal org" in the "first clear city", Portland. We have earlier reported on the sad state of this org (see here, here and here) -- even though it is used as an "example" of how things "boom" in ALL "ideal orgs" the minute their doors swing open. A fairy tale to match the Wizard of Oz, and in many ways the analogy is apt. What you see is their OWN promotion. Proudly announcing that ALL their "most Dauntless, Defiant and Resolute IAS Supporters" were in attendance. It's THEIR shots, the best they have, not someone sneaking in for a "gotcha moment" that was taken during a … [Read more...]
Flag OTC Minutes And New Program
Well, the "minutes" have become virtually useless. With no information included, they are certainly not going to inspire anyone into action... I let a few stack up and if I don't have anything urgent I publish them just for the sake of having a record. And letting OSA know that their efforts to prevent these from falling into the "wrong hands" are not going so well. Don't forget, this is the FLAG OTC -- the biggest and baddest of them all. And they have absolutely NOTHING to say other than announce a few completions (Student Hat? Objectives?) and some vague … [Read more...]
The Most Ethical Group On Earth
Some of you may have noticed this item in the Sunday Funnies at the Underground Bunker. I found it a bit disturbing, but not for the usual Valley money grubbing reasons. This is the poster promoting the event: James Barbour hasn't been seen for many years. Back in the mid 2000's, he was one of the "A-list" musicians who was invited to perform on the Freewinds for MV. But then he got himself into trouble. Big time. Here is a summary from his Wikipedia page. In April 2006, Barbour was arrested and charged with having inappropriate relations with … [Read more...]
Some OTC Minutes
One of the saddest lessons of history is this: If we’ve been bamboozled long enough, we tend to reject any evidence of the bamboozle. We’re no longer interested in finding out the truth. The bamboozle has captured us. It’s simply too painful to acknowledge, even to ourselves, that we’ve been taken. Once you give a charlatan power over you, you almost never get it back. Carl Sagan This seems to be an appropriate quote to sum up the state of these "OT Ambassadors." While many OT Committees now send out their "minutes" hard copy to try and avoid them falling into the hands of the sm … [Read more...]