More evidence, as if it were needed, that scientology is failing. Flag is empty. If there was massive international expansion, the number of people moving up the bridge would be increasing. Flag is the pinnacle of the empire and its state is a clear reflection on all of scientology. This is the Oak Cove hotel at 7:30 pm the other night. As you can see, the place is virtually deserted. This is the nearby retirement home that is the companion building to this one (they used to be part of the same community, but scientology bought the block closest to the Ft … [Read more...]
Even More on Ventura
Someone sent me a link to this Facebook group I grew up in Ventura California and a posting there about scientology coming to town. This group has 22,000 members. It was a pretty innocuous thing about the brightness of the sign on the building. As of now it has over 450 comments. Though I have not carefully read every comment, I can say with a high degree of certainty that there are virtually no positive comments about scientology. And yet, their PR line is that the demand for scientology is so great, and they are expanding so rapidly, that to meet the demand, they have … [Read more...]
More on Ventura
A tidal wave of Shermanspeak engulfed Ventura county as scientology's Dear Leader yanked his ribbon in front of his latest real estate investment in an industrial area next to a freeway. The screaming headline at is typical: SCIENTOLOGY IDEAL ORG RISES LIKE A LEGENDARY KING WAVE IN VENTURA’S SURF CITY And it goes downhill from there. This is a "Seaside" Grand Opening that marks a milestone for Scientology’s spectacular growth across the Golden State. Growth?? Where? Every org is struggling and there are less missions than ever... The smarmy surfing language continues: R … [Read more...]
Thursday Funnies
On the road again... Mystery ailments and a mystery cure. Who said scientology doesn't cure physical conditions? She can drive again! This quote is not about joining staff... Typical, they can't even get their quotes from Ron right Talking Half-Heads? What happened here? Another young life wasted... But she was an employee of Grant Cardone, so it's not a whole lot different. She just won't have as much free time or money. This is all they could muster? A CLO, an AOSH and an Ideal Org and the best shots they … [Read more...]
Closing Orgs in “The Greatest Era of Expansion in Scientology History”
There has been some discussion on the blog of late about Day and Foundation Orgs. It is an interesting topic in the face of scientology's bold statements about their "greatest expansion in history." I have commented that almost all of the Foundation Orgs have been closed by Miscavige as he rolls forward with his "ideal orgs" real estate investment scheme. Newcomers to the subject of scientology may not understand what this terminology means, so I thought I would be provide you with some "source" on the subject, taken out of OEC Volume 7 which contains a section about the "Foundation … [Read more...]
Scientologists “Shattering” Suppression
This is a recent Facebook post from one of the deluded scientologists who believe they are "changing the world." She actually believes the magazines disappeared from the shelves permanently? And even if they did, that she makes any difference to the impact of this story? Here is what she was so upset about, last week's Us Weekly (they are dated for the day they "expire" so readers don't think they are getting "old" fake news) cover story.... Typical of tabloid mags, the story actually doesn't have anything to do with the headlines. It reports on the … [Read more...]
An “All Ideal Cali”
Somehow, they are focusing on the number of staff needed for this to be an "ideal org". There has always been a rush to try to get people to sign up for staff, and the opening of an ideal org is the only real excuse they have. They tell people that with their ideal org they will suddenly have a massive influx of public and everyone will earn a living wage. It never happens. The only people who can exist on staff are those who have some other form of surviving with no money -- they live with their parents or they have a spouse that works a normal job, or they got an inheritence or someone … [Read more...]
Clearwater City Commission Candidate Forum
Tonight is the official Candidates Forum for the City Commission hopefuls conducted by the city. The event begins at 7 p.m. in the City Council chambers in the Main Library at 100 N Osceola Ave. The city will broadcast the forum live on the streaming video page at and the city’s Facebook page at It will also be shown on C-View TV, Clearwater’s cable access channel, on Spectrum (channel 638), Wow! (channel 15) and Frontier (channel 30). The election is a little more than one month away -- on March 17. F … [Read more...]
The Scientology/NOI Divorce is On Hold?
The signals are getting mixed in the ongoing saga of the marriage of inconvenience between scientology and NOI. The breakup seemed almost a fait accompli when Tony Muhammad and Alfrauddie Johnson were uninvited to the annual IAS fundraising extravaganza at St Hill in November. A sure sign of trouble to not have recent medal winners in attendance and participating in the photo ops with Dear Leader David Miscavige. It was understandable given the anti-semitic radioactive glow of the NOI and TonyMo in particular. And the criminal prosecution of Rizza and Hanan Islam for defrauding the … [Read more...]
The Ever Evolving Smear Campaign on Me
The latest from my daughter Taryn Teutsch... Much of the same old stuff, but here is a new addition. The rendition of this story has evolved over the years, despite the fact the clear evidence contained in the Pinellas County Sheriff and EMT reports has not changed. It began with claims that I "attacked" my ex-wife (when she and 6 others and 2 PI's) had followed me and approached me screaming obscenities, all the way to "permanent neuorological damage" to "I could hear the bones breaking" and now "gouged flesh pouring with blood". None of these things are reflected in the … [Read more...]