This guy is a walking disaster zone. He probably thinks this is "good" media. He is well known as a scientologist, in fact identified here as a "Scientologist and soft porn actor..." This is a recent tweet from him... It seems there are a good number of scientologists who have fallen prey to the Q conspiracy theories. They show up o0n social media and in emails that circulate around inside the bubble. It's not much of a leap from the ramblings of Hubbard about the government, world bank, Big Pharma, psychs etc etc to the wild claims of Q. The … [Read more...]
Scientology “Religious Arbitration” – Giving Kangaroo Courts a Bad Name
Recently, one of the OSA bots on Twitter announced that the Judge in the Masterson civil case had "found me to be a liar" in the case "I lost." This is their twisted interpretation of the following statement by Judge Steven Kliefield in his ruling that the Masterson plaintiffs must submit to religious "arbitration," (see Tony Ortega's site for the full order): Defendants argue the Court should disregard the March 6, 2020 declaration because Rinder is biased, dedicated to falsely attacking the Church and has no foundation for much of his testimony. CSI and CCI also make specific objections … [Read more...]
Scientology Responds for Tom Cruise
How odd is this. Scientology is speaking as the PR representative of Tom Cruise. While he and his PR people remain silent. The man who laughs in the face of suppression and can confront and shatter any SP is apparently unable to confront some bad media. It would seem David Miscavige was upset that "nobody was coming to the defense of Tom" and so ordered his minions to put out a statement. To me, this is further indication that the whole thing was a publicity stunt that blew up in their faces. Or at the very least, Miscavige had praised Cruise for his "tough guy" image and told him he was … [Read more...]
The “Glory” of Scientology’s Dead “Enemies”
A couple of days ago, Tony Ortega posted a lengthy "success story" from a woman who had recently completed "Super Power." Of course, it was over-the-top bizarre, but one paragraph stood out: While on the rundown two major SPs (2.5 percent) connected to my dynamics received their bitter end. One died in an unexpected way, and the other got put in a psychiatric hospital by his best friend. This filled me with the glory of justice. I doubt there is a more clear-cut example of the callous disregard for human life into which scientologists are inculcated than this. Many former scientologists, … [Read more...]
Happy Thanksgiving
It's Thanksgiving today in the United States. It is traditionally a day to spend with family (though in these Covid times everything is disrupted) and appreciate the good in your life. For many who read this they are reminded of the family and friends they are not sharing today with for another reason than Covid -- scientology's inhumane practice of disconnection. But even if you miss a loved one today because of disconnection, you can be thankful that you are not in the bubble, but have the freedom to think for yourself. Those who have disconnected themselves from you do not have that … [Read more...]
Clearing The Planet
It's a catchphrase in scientology. "We are clearing the planet." "We are making planetary clearing a reality." There are a dozen different variations. It's a time-honored hot button that is used to get people to hand over money and "progress up the Bridge." One of our readers sent this new promo piece to me recently, with some comments that made me think we should address this topic again. In part, this is what the contributor said: When I looked at this promo piece, it reminded me of the jarring, shocking and unpleasant experience of finally, after clawing my way up into the … [Read more...]
Uncle Sam Wants to Help Scientology
Every year, scientology rolls out the posters about how the US Government is making it especially easy to give more money to scientology. Unfortunately, this is one of the only true things they ever say. And one of the most galling. The entire US Government is certainly not on the side of scientology. There are many government agencies that do not agree with scientology even being recognized as a tax exempt religious organization, but unfortunately, the most important one, the IRS, seems to be in the minority. Though truth be told, I suspect there are plenty of people in the IRS who … [Read more...]
Money, money, money
I received this email recently, and the person was happy to have me publish it. This adds to the existing mountain of evidence of scientology worship of money and that they will do literally anything to get it. Dear Mike: Congratulations—the Fair Game podcast is great, as is your blog. On Sunday, Oct. 25, I received a stunned call from a pal who has a mammoth amount of Church of Scientology card debt, something like 17 different credit cards, plus refinancing of his vehicle, along with a second mortgage on his home. His mother co-signed for one or both these loans. This gentleman is a sol … [Read more...]
Leah Remini: Scientology And The Aftermath Now on Netflix
As of today, 3 seasons of The Aftermath are now available on Netflix... Hoping this will generate a new wave of interest in ending the abuses of scientology. … [Read more...]
Scientology continues to run this stale campaign -- the photo above was taken by one of our readers (Doug Sprinkle) 3 days ago. This is the sign in front of "Big Blue" on Sunset Blvd. Here's what Doug said: I'm in Los Angeles and I drove by big blue. I thought you might find the attached picture funny. I rode around the building and the security guy on the bicycle seem to be looking at me suspiciously. I saw several people running around in a hurry but they all appeared to be staff. I saw one person going in the building that looked like she might have been public. If t … [Read more...]