I recently came across this list of people who had been in The Hole at one time or another. (For anyone unfamiliar with The Hole, it has it's own Wiki page) I don't think I ever published it before, and I am not sure anyone has ever made a comprehensive list of people who were prisoners there. Quite a number of the people who were there have left the Sea Org. Some have spoken out about it (they are marked in red) and some remain silent to this day -- either through fear (of retaliation or disconnection) or they have been paid off. They are marked in blue. If you have information … [Read more...]
About the Worst Thing To Do
Scientology continues to demonstrate it's irrational, dangerous attitude towards the current pandemic. They just don't get it. As the old saying goes, even if you put lipstick on a pig, it's still a pig. Even if scientology pretends they are totally in compliance with societal norms and expectations (in fact, they exceed them and did so faster and more efficiently than anyone on earth), they just cannot help themselves when it comes to displaying their real "pig." The pressure is still on to "get stats up" -- that will never change. So, these recruiters are feeling the heat to bring … [Read more...]
This is Scientology Social Distancing?
Here is an email forwarded to me from the VM's in LA. They are pitching to get "supplies" for the disaster, but attach a photo showing a cluster of VM's loading (or unloading) stuff... They are not 6 feet apart. They are not even 2 feet apart. Are they really meaning to advertise they are not maintaining the mandated social distancing? Is this an old photo because they actually dont have anything to take shots of? What is going on here? And I note, they are pushing scientologyTV "It's Time to Rediscover the Human Soul" which no doubt expounds on Hubbard's theories that ONLY the soul … [Read more...]
The Last Day of The Last Days
The Jehovah's Witnesses have been predicting the end of the world "Armageddon" since the creation of the movement by Charles Taze Russell in the late 19th century. Some of their earlier predictions had specific dates, but as these came and passed, and they came up with explanations as to why the dates were not correct (generally that God was revealing more truth and making things clearer now...) COVID-19 has their apocalyptic juices flowing. The JW's are run by a group of old men called the "Governing Body." There is a lot to know about the JW's and my good friend "John Cedars"/Lloyd … [Read more...]
Scientology “Tech” Backfires Again
Marlow Stern has written quite a number of stories relating to scientology. They have often questioned scientology's practices and have failed to regurgitate the scientology propaganda they try to feed the media. That makes him an "enemy." And what does Hubbard say about enemies? You threaten what they seek to protect and cost them their jobs. See this post for the exact words from Hubbard: Dealing with Critics of Scientology: The L. Ron Hubbard Playbook What never ceases to amaze me is how proudly scientology comes right out with the very worst of themselves, proving time and time again w … [Read more...]
Mark Bunker Strikes Fear Into Scientologists’ Hearts
I was sent this Facebook message by Aaron Smith-Levin, who received it from Aida Barbosa in Mexico City. He does not know Aida. But she is very concerned that Aaron may know someone who is connected to Mark Bunker and that he should unfriend that person on Facebook as soon as he figures out if that person has other friends connected to Bunker. Obviously she does not know who Aaron is or that he is more than Facebook friends with Mark Bunker. But it gives some insight into the world of scientology and how panicked they are about Mark Bunker. And that, as has been said so often, it is OSA … [Read more...]
Scientology’s Pandemic Pitch
I was forwarded this email from the EDs of Salt Lake City "ideal" org. I reprint it here with spelling errors/typos exactly as it was received. Another confirmation that this org is closed (public are not receiving services physically inside the org) -- but they then go on in typical scientology style to say the answer to the question "Wait, does that mean the Org is closed?" is "Absolutely not, in fact, the org is more open than ever." Only in the deluded world of scientology would a shuttered org be more open than ever... But "more open than ever" translates into more desperate for … [Read more...]
Words of Wisdom from Louis Farrakhan
I am not sure who sent this to me, but it is an interesting collection of quotes from the leader of the Nation of Islam: The brazen racism and Antisemitism is breathtaking. And yet, it was just announced that Abdul Malik Sayyid (formerly Tony Muhammad), his Western Regional Director, had attested to the state of Clear... Alfraudie, in his tweet making the announcement, even acknowledges the great "HON MLF" (Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan). Scientology is SO desperate to try to attract members they are still hitching their wagon to the idea they are making inroads into … [Read more...]
Dear Leader Speaks
Captain David Miscavige, scientology's capo di tutti capo, has reportedly weighed in on the COVID-19 pandemic. But apparently his words are too special to be read by mere "wogs" -- or even any scientologist who cannot get into an org. He issued an IG NW Bulletin (Inspector General Network) "No. 88" where he provides a message of "leadership and care." Having been around when his last "Call to Arms" was issued after 9/11, it is easy to conclude what his message of leadership and care is. (I was originally told to write this issue for him with Lyman Spurlock but of course … [Read more...]
Scientology and COVID-19
You may have seen this pitch and others on Tony's site and social media. Flaunting government guidelines recommending no gatherings of more than 10 people, scientology instead uses the pandemic as a reason to encourage people to COME IN TO THE ORG. It's batshit crazy. Take a read and I will then try to explain the madness from a scientology perspective. Admittedly, that one was before the stricter requirements for social distancing were in force in California, but then, after the Governor ordered that everyone stay in their homes, this one came in: A combination of … [Read more...]