The news has sunk in, Mark Bunker is now a Clearwater City Commissioner-elect. As Tracey McManus put it, this is a historic day for Clearwater. There is another piece in the Tampa Bay Times (top of article screencapped above) this morning. It makes some interesting points - first of which is noting Bunker's "desire for the city to urge the IRS to revoke Scientology's tax exempt status..." Some have poo-poo'd this idea "The City of Clearwater doesn't grant tax exempt status, the IRS does" -- as if Mark Bunker is unaware of the difference between a city government and the … [Read more...]
Flag OT Committee
Just to make a record, every now and then I like to publish the names in searchable form of the clubbed seals that form the Flag OT Committee so if anyone Googles them they might find their names listed here. As a side note, there are lot of former SO members on this list. This is one of the fairly recent weekly commendations that are sent out: The following OT Members are COMMENDED for reporting their stats for W/E 01/30/2020: ALEX ECKELBERRY DIA BORNET KATHY STRASSER RALF HAUG ALICE BELLUCCI DON KARL KATHY WACH RALPH CRISCIONE ALISON OSBORN DONNA BARNA KATHY ZWERS RANDY … [Read more...]
It’s “Damagingly Commercial” – LRH (and some hair-raising Fair Game docs) first published May 16, 2014
See my announcement on Friday -- I am revisiting earlier posts during my vacation. Each day there will be a different one. A Special Correspondent sent this to me and it is an interesting study for a couple of reasons. First -- you can see the contempt LRH had for The Auditor being "damagingly commercial" and "putting emphasis on speed through courses." How do you think he would view the current scene in scientology? The statements made in this Auditor are positively pathetic compared to what is said today about the "speed up the Bridge" and with GAT II ESPECIALLY focused on the " … [Read more...]
Johannesburg “Ideal” Org — Truth Revealed first published 2 April 2013
See my announcement on Friday -- I am revisiting earlier posts during my vacation. Each day there will be a different one. This details the reality of an ideal org from an insider at the time. Things have only gone downhill since.... I have written a number of articles concerning the Miscavige “Ideal Orgs” scam. I have compared it to policy and shown it is squirrel. I have pointed out how it has destroyed the LRH Birthday Game and the idea of staff moving up to OT. But this write up puts everything into perspective. Strip away the hype and hoopla, the lies and false pro … [Read more...]
An Open Letter to My Family first published on 25 May 2010
See my announcement on Friday -- I am revisiting earlier posts during my vacation. Each day there will be a different one. While I might write this a bit differently today it still overall delivers the same message... Dear Andrew, Taryn & Cathy, You made a big issue out of my failure to respond to your letters, so I am responding herewith to the letters each of you sent. I note that Jude sent me a letter when I was living in Denver – but didn’t send another in the second round after I moved near where she lives, and Benjamin didn’t send me a letter at all. I guess the Church is wor … [Read more...]
Thursday Funnies
They were the heros of the Big Balloon Bust of Ventura Why aren't they doing something about Ventura instead of giving money to the non-existent org in Albuquerque? Just who is this guy? And why would anyone want to give him money? Another week gone... Still the same number of man hours needed as last week? Any excuse to try to attract some wogs... Hopefully. Maybe they think there is no Spanish-speaking Google so they can get some suckers? Oh, what a thrill... Would not want to miss out on a live-streaming … [Read more...]
Codependence in the Bubble
From long time commenter Clearly Not Clear. Codependence in the Bubble Being in a cult like scientology, is like being in a codependent relationship. I thought codependence had to do with living with an alcoholic or a drug addict. Evidently it can be more subtle. Here’s an internet definition: “Excessive emotional or psychological reliance on a partner, typically one who requires support on account of an illness or addiction.” – Google answer Let’s try that on with scientology - “Excessive emotional or psychological reliance on a cult like scientology, typically one who requ … [Read more...]
Planetary Clearing in Reverse
This is a new Clear proudly displaying his "Clear Bracelet" numbered 73,357. Let us assume for arguments sake that there have in fact been 75,000 Clears made. The number is significantly lower, most of the lower numbers are for people who were subsequently declared "Not Clear" and also every org is allocated a certain block of numbers -- there are probably 5,000 numbers out there waiting to be claimed, Salt Lake City gets 71,401 to 71,500 and Atlanta has 71,901 to 72,000 etc etc. But 75,000 is a nice round number that is pretty easy to do the math with. Since 1950 that is a little over … [Read more...]
Clearwater City Elections — Scientology Endorsements
A recent article in FlaPol ( reports on recommendations from scientologists "Citizens for Social Reform" (Brett Miller, Joanie and Steve Sigal) These are the surrogates who deliver the political direction of the church without being a formalized statement from the institution. Why do they do it this way? Because if the church itself published them it would run afoul of 501(c)3 prohibitions against political endorsements (though the Evangelicals don't seem to be too concerned about that). But make no mistake, the "Citizens for Social Reform" are just another scientology … [Read more...]
Thursday Funnies
Twin Cities is #1 Seriously? 37 weeks at number 1 speaks volumes as to the state of scientology. This place is deader than a doornail... and they are the best. Few Apply, All Are Chosen And why do you always leave out the bit about terrible pay in the middle? Why no mention of Scientology? It's being held at Joburg Org. According to Google maps that is the corner of Langermann Dr and Grays St. They can't even get the address right? They spelled it right one this one... Celebrate 10 years of … [Read more...]