The latest puffery selling the idea of constructing a completely superfluous "L. Ron Hubbard Hall" in Clearwater. I have written about this before a number of times, most recently here. But this new magazine promoting their latest adventure, taking another "Journey with Ron," highlights a whole new level of deception. The trip was to Ireland and Scotland: I won't go into a lot of detail about Ireland. Hubbard did visit there and had an office at one point and tried to establish a "Personal Efficiency Foundation." Nothing ever came of it, and it … [Read more...]
Thursday Funnies
Free Ice Cream Apparently George is George is a whale who supports this mission. He is like the Good Humor Man... Really not looking good... Bobby Wiggins is sadly not much of an advertisement for "OT VII Super Power Completion" This their plaque? They can't even get the first name right? Such a terrible lie And they put it out every year around this time. Seriously? Now that's an offer you can't refuse... Worst photoshop ever Looks like a cardboard cutout pasted onto the … [Read more...]