This is the PR line that is presented on the Sea Org. It is their motto “We Come Back.” It goes hand in hand with signing up for a billion years - we will return, over and over, lifetime fire lifetime to fulfill this obligation. Ask any Sea Org member, in fact, any scientologist and they will explain this with absolute certainty. Yet, since the formation of the Sea Org in 1967 -- more than 50 years -- there is not a single case of a Sea Org member returning to duty after their 21 year "leave of absence." L. Ron Hubbard himself is way overdue -- he should have "Come Back" in 2007. N … [Read more...]
“We’ll have to come back to earth someday…”
A sort of follow-up to yesterday's post about deaths in scientology. This from a slightly different angle. I wonder if the person who put together this promo piece and chose this quote even gave it a moment of thought. Probably not. It's good enough that "LRH said it" so we can just put it in here and it will inspire people. Because his words are inspiring. Always. No matter what they say. But if you stop for a second, where is "the Commodore"? He has not "come back"? No sign of him (Justin Craig doesn't count, or if that IS him then he regressed terribly in his between-lives implant … [Read more...]
Important Survey
Apparently, this is very important. But then again, what isn't in scientology? To save you the trouble, I looked at the survey. A couple of "softener" questions "What do you feel scientology should be doing in the current situation" and "How important is scientology to the world" sort of stuff. Then -- Have you ever considered joining the Sea Org? When are you ready to start? Are you eligible? What is your phone number? I wonder if anyone actually completes a survey like this? And I wonder why Tampa Org is trying to recruit for the Sea Org? Maybe FSO has a full time … [Read more...]
Scientology Recruitment
Scientology's quest for money is unrelenting. They rake in tens of millions (perhaps hundreds) each year. But they have to spend at least some of it to satisfy IRS requirements. They don't ever give it away. One of the things they spend it on is new buildings (they always say they have opened "a new church" but in fact they have not opened any new churches since the one in East Harlem NY and before that the one in Inglewood and before that, nobody can recall). Buildings remain assets on their books, so the statistic of "total reserves" does not go down (total reserves is cash, property, … [Read more...]
Scientology Preppers
An interesting thing here from some people who call themselves "Community Preparedness Group Int. Inc." Can't find this with a google search. It is my supposition that scientology tends to attract people who are conspiracy theorist/anti-vaxxers/New World Order types because these views fall in well with the Hubbard anti-government, anti-medical, anti-pscyhiatric, anti-communist, anti-UN, anti-everything not scientology world view. And within scientology people are indoctrinated into Hubbard's way of thinking, so the chorus of agreement continues to grow within the … [Read more...]
Oh Canada
Here's some news from Canada. It's a pretty good snapshot of scientology across the planet. The hype about Extension Courses is going to come back to bite them in the butt once the lockdown is over. "Intensive gains" from reading books. Who needs auditing? If this is so good, why would anyone ever need to go into an org again? It's going to be interesting to watch how many people use this as an excuse to avoid coming into orgs in the future. It is pretty funny that after two months they are still "accelerating towards 10X." With the staff and Sea Org pretty much idle, they are … [Read more...]
Signs of the Times
In lieu of Thursday Funnies, we have a few things that have flopped over the transom that make for entertaining reading in these strange times. If you were wondering what the Sea Org "management" people are doing (in the Continental Liaison Offices and at the Flag Bureau) this gives a clue. The "managers" in EUS are "delivering" extension courses. With the orgs having little or no income, these management units are really struggling to come up with a few dollars for food. Their income, meager as it is, comes from the orgs. When the orgs make 0, the SO Units make 0. The difference is, in … [Read more...]
About the Worst Thing To Do
Scientology continues to demonstrate it's irrational, dangerous attitude towards the current pandemic. They just don't get it. As the old saying goes, even if you put lipstick on a pig, it's still a pig. Even if scientology pretends they are totally in compliance with societal norms and expectations (in fact, they exceed them and did so faster and more efficiently than anyone on earth), they just cannot help themselves when it comes to displaying their real "pig." The pressure is still on to "get stats up" -- that will never change. So, these recruiters are feeling the heat to bring … [Read more...]
An Ideal Scientology Family
A recent Facebook posting, coupled with the blog post about my daughter yesterday, prompted me to write this today. Mirit Hendrickson is a full-on scientologist known for her "VM videos" -- donning a yellow t-shirt and heading out to look for photo-ops during hurricanes that she then posts all over social media to prove the "effectiveness of the tech." Her life is immersed in all things scientology. So it is hardly a surprise that her children are being raised as part of an "ideal" scientology family (which includes joining the Sea Org as soon as possible). As you can … [Read more...]
Orlando — Flag East
They have made a big deal about how Orlando is an “ideal org”, it is also clear that it would not have happened without the Flag OT Committee. They did the fundraising. They did the files. They recruited staff. Orlando would not be ideal were it not subsidized by Flag. But now we find out the org is actually MANNED by Sea Org members from Flag! More of the ruse of "ideal orgs" on display. Scientology pretends they are in response to "public demand" and "curiosity" about scientology, which is "rapidly expanding" in [fill in blank]... The truth is that these orgs don't … [Read more...]