New Years is on Saturday! The wog world is behind the times. Only scientology is fully at cause over matter, energy, space and TIME... This will "literally be the most EPIC!" How could anyone possibly miss it? I bet Tom Cruise won't be there... Or Elisabeth Moss. Or Laura Prepon. There are going to be a whole lot of people who manage to resist the most epic event ever... And look at this -- they will hold your children in pens for the duration of the event! That's cause over Matter. They are even trying to get people to come for the event by offering a free dinner. Bet … [Read more...]
The Sea Org coat of arms includes one word, the latin Revenimus - "We Come Back." It is the motto of the Sea Org. I received an email recently about the passing of Ken Delderfield which reminded me of how many of the important names from the early years of the Sea Org have now passed. Ken was the LRH Communicator WorldWide and then was on the Apollo and began the Pubs Org. He was the person who got the original OEC Volumes compiled and printed. Recently we learned of the death of Tony Dunleavy, Hubbard's "Staff Captain" for many years and then the first Captain of the Flag … [Read more...]
Thursday Funnies
JAW at it again? "Superfan" John Alex Wood elicited a "Fuck scientology" from Eric Idle. Perhaps the Pythons will have something to say about this? Well, not sure about best... But certainly poorest. How sad... His life was a mess. So he moved his family to Columbus to join staff. No doubt with promises of a place to say and good pay. Expect he will reach out to the Aftermath Foundation in about 6 weeks... Wow, what an honor This is actually a thing? Erm, what about "Done Sir"? That was last month. All … [Read more...]
Thursday Funnies
Freedom for all California... One more empty building and California will be free at last! Not a chance ANYONE actually buys this. But the rah-rah seems to impress. No we don't Not a one has EVER come back Nothing quite like "Big Blue" It's ugly, dirty and empty. The celebration may be memorable, but not for the right reasons. They're trying to sound fancy... If you have ever been to the "PAC Canteen" you will understand the crazy of them serving "lobster tail" Scientology Thanksgiving Not only are they NOT providing … [Read more...]
OT IX and X: Promises, Promises, Promises…
I came across this the other day. It is a High Winds magazine from 1995. High Winds is the "magazine of the Sea Org" and only a few were ever published, usually to commemorate "Sea Org Day". This is the edition where Captain Miscavige (he now considers referring to him this way to be improper/derisive and had his lawyers complain about it in court -- because it indicates he is the capo of the SO and he fears this being used in litigation to hold him responsible for the things he is actually responsible for...) announces the "requirements for the release of new OT IX and X", Of course, … [Read more...]
Get ‘Em Young
I came across this Sea Org promotional piece from 1999. It was a time when there had not been the extensive exposure of abuses of children in scientology. And thus it reflects the true attitude of scientology -- not the carefully worded utterances that are put forth these days ( is the epitome of scientology propaganda and it is the lead for most public statements now). Here we witness the unvarnished (well, at least less varnished) side of how scientology views children. Education outside scientology is not valued. In fact Hubbard derided it often -- especially higher … [Read more...]
The Brainwashing Is Strong
Not much need be said about this, it really does speak for itself. She no doubt believes they are "Clearing Los Angeles" and it is a sad reflection of the mindless belief that is the hallmark of scientologists. And, on top of that, she has the inculcated "tech" of Tone 40 that she has been told is her right as a member of the Sea Organization. Thus, she can order lesser beings about, and use exclamation points as if they were cracks of the whip compelling compliance. Her "OT Universe" is the fantasy land of Alice in Wonderland -- or perhaps more accurately the dystopian world of … [Read more...]
Scientology’s “Massive International Expansion” Under Captain David Miscavige — Lies Exposed
Jeffrey Augustine posted the document below on his wonderful site The Scientology Money Project which is an invaluable source of amazing information. He included it with a video of scientology's grand poohbah of mailing lists which in itself is fascinating. But I wanted to make a different point. Captain Miscavige and his crew of loyal sycophants constantly claim that scientology is experiencing its "greatest growth ever" and "more expansion in the last few years than the previous 50 years combined" blah blah blah Everyone outside the bubble knows these are massive lies. But … [Read more...]
Scientology: Children in the Sea Organization
This is a follow up to yesterday's post about scientology promoting for 3 month old infants to get "auditing" and children being put through the grueling Purification Rundown. This is the next step in "get em while they're young." Signing up 10 year olds for the Sea Org. This kid cannot be more than 10 years old... likely younger. And there appear to be 2 Sea Org members standing over him, as he signs his billion year contract. This is not an isolated random incident that happened to be caught on camera. Here you can see this boy and another kid on stage. The “AO L … [Read more...]
An Important Survey
Now, this is a deadly serious activity. It is also another of those inadvertently revealing things from inside the bubble that appears out of the ether with more regularity than one would expect. "Sean and Frank" clearly mean business. And this is VERY important. We need to find out what scientologists "think" about a "few things." Well, being a sucker, I took the bait. Here is the first question: Now, what good scientologist would not answer that they have at at least "wanted" to do this at some point? It's like asking "have you ever wanted to have money". It's … [Read more...]