A Special Correspondent sent this to me. I felt it worth reprinting. Especially in light of the recent revelations about the new scientology push: "Voice For Humanity." It is an article in the UK Daily Mail about slavery/human trafficking. The Correspondent noted the following, comparing the Sea Org to what is discussed in the article. For instance note the signs of slavery below: FROM KEEPING STRANGE HOURS TO REFUSING TO MAKE EYE CONTACT: SIGNS YOU COULD BE LIVING AMONG VICTIMS OF MODERN SLAVERY Slavery comes in many forms, people who show some of the signs below could be … [Read more...]
Money, Power, Servitude
This new book is a must read for anyone interested in scientology and what goes on inside the church. Peter Bonyai recounts his experiences from the day he first walked into a mission in Pecs, Hungary through his life in the Sea Org and ultimately to his departure 10 years later. I helped Peter by editing the english translation (he wrote it in his native tongue and translated it himself). I found the book fascinating and compelling. Peter has a wonderful sense of humor and an amazing ability to analyze both the insanity of what he experienced and his internal responses and thoughts, … [Read more...]
Thursday Funnies
Tony Ortega has Sunday Funnies. Today, I have Thursday Funnies. Some Special Correspondents sent these in and I could not withhold them from bringing a smile to the faces of readers of this blog (especially as the posting coming up tomorrow is one of the least funny things ever to appear on this blog). This first is one of the funniest (saddest?) things I have seen in a very long time. Apparently someone created a pack to overcome objections people have to joining the Sea Org. Obviously potential recruits have heard about the food. Or maybe they have seen it. So, in typical … [Read more...]
Sea Org Recruiters – The Ultimate Merchants of Chaos
This article was written by Special Correspondent Chris Shelton. It was one of those rare things in the world of Scientology -- something that actually surprised me that I knew nothing about. I thought this sort of doomsday talk was the exclusive province of regges, but had not considered (silly me) that Sea Org recruiters were really regges just like the IAS and all the other vultures that have ascended to the top of the RCS hierarchy. I believe this is important information to be made known. I am not commenting on the 3 minute, poorly attended massive ribbon-fest as there isnt … [Read more...]
Don’t Miss This “Exclusive Briefing”
The "new Ideal PAC Base" is in need of personnel. Quick, you don't want to miss out on the opportunity to be a 50cents/hour cleaner and one of the people He mentions when He announces the "Ideal PAC Base now has 100 Maintenance Staff." "Exclusive briefing" is now a euphemism for "recruitment interview" -- seriously, is anyone going to fall for this? From: Traci <[email protected]>Date: Wed, Jul 24, 2013 at 10:15 AMSubject: Survey for YouTo: Please take a moment to fill out this brief survey. Thanks! This is being done to see if you qualify for an exclusive brief … [Read more...]
Scientology – The Good, The Bad and The Ugly
This article was written for those who are new to Scientology by one of our Special Correspondents. I think it may be useful to some, and certainly a get a LOT of emails from people who have come across the subject and are curious, so I will from now on be able to direct them to this post. If you are interested in Scientology this article is important reading. If you are considering taking a course, this article is absolutely vital to your future happiness. Scientology- The Good Why are people attracted to Scientology? What is it that can bring powerful figures such as Tom Cruise and John … [Read more...]
Lana Mitchell — "I did not lose my eternity, I FOUND it."
Next in the series "Life is Good" from another who experienced the horrors of working directly for Miscavige, eventually escaped and is now a recognized leader in a totally new profession and has also moved up the bridge.... Mike Rinder By Lana Mitchell There are many things that cause a person to think twice when having doubts about departing the Church. The most obvious one is the idea that by doing so, you “forfeit your eternity”. By leaving the church you will no longer have access to the OT levels – or to standard tech – so you are damned to continue a homo sapien existence here on … [Read more...]
Who Is To Blame For No Superpower? YOU, of course… Updated
Another in the now familiar pattern of “blame it on you” from Radical Corporate Scientology announced that Super Power cannot be released until 500 MORE sign up for the Sea Org. The “thousand” already recruited just wasn’t enough it seems…. David Miscavige needed a new excuse as to why this "vital tech that will salvage planet earth" (and was promised in 6 weeks in 1979) STILL isn't being employed to Clear the Planet. It became obvious that the problem really wasn't that it required a special building and not enough money had been raised (odd, there was NO mention of special buildings for Sup … [Read more...]