Once they get Canberra, Brisbane and Adelaide done… They will have an “ideal continent” and absolutely nothing will have changed. It might be helpful if they said where this event is taking place? Looks like Melbourne? Why not Sydney? THE auditor training organization… Celebrates auditors once a year. Still no SH Briefing Course - the course the organization is named after! An epic event… What has this got to do with “Flag life“? The NOI are taking over Florence KY… And it’s all thinking, no action. &nb … [Read more...]
Scientology Hall of Fame Grifters Come Together at Flag
Alfraudi and Tony Mo holding court Two of the scientology Hall of Fame grifters came together recently at Flag: Alfreddie (affectionately known to his friends as Alfraudie) Johnson and Tony Muhammad (Tony Mo or now known as Abdul Malik Sayyid Muhammad) We haven't seen them for a while -- though both were once very prominent and both are IAS Freedom Medal Award Winners. The constant promotion of the Nation of Islam in the scientology world seems to have come to a virtual standstill, so it was a bit of a surprise to see these two pop up, along with Sister Nayirrah Tivica … [Read more...]
Thursday Funnies
Three? Not just scientology -- the only path to Planetary Clearing? Maybe NOI? Buddhism? Columbus is back With a Dianetics potluck. They're really going to town celebrating the most important book in the history of mankind.... This is the "huge" Canada Ideal Org convention.. The one they held at the airport. They had a penguin/dolphin/killer whale thingie... A moose... A few people -- many appeared to be staff.. And of course, people on stilts wearing a hockey mask... Talk about … [Read more...]
Thursday Funnies
Of course. we kick off this week with the hype about the magnificent, epic, earthshaking, LRH Birthday celebration. Finally, the final component... How stupid were we, thinking the ideal org "movement" was the "final component" for Planetary Clearing? There is in fact a final component to the final component... And next year the final, final component will be the new "on Source" KTL because nobody who actually studied the OEC/FEBC had done KTL and that is why they couldn't apply the tech and the stats didnt go up... And after that it will be the now "on Source" False Purpose … [Read more...]