Scientology has come up with a new attack line -- the "Mike Rinder Problem." It is quite an honor to be singled out so specifically, especially as I am according to them merely a "bobblehead" (though a "wife-beating" one so that is apparently a bigger deal). They shifted their attacks from Nancy Dubuc to Paul Buccieri in a deft strategic move. Their clever PR maneuvers are a sight to behold. According to scientology, the "Mike Rinder Problem" is this: "Like the classic wife beater that he is, Rinder digs in his heels and refuses to admit he injured his former wife Cathy during an i … [Read more...]
Fast Eddie’s Invisible Friends
Fast Eddie Parkin is a source of continuing entertainment and blog posts. Here is a new one from him -- he seems to be falling into a pattern of quoting anonymous people who supposedly send him messages. Perhaps he is hearing body thetans and misidentifying them? He has been a Sea Org member for 30+ years but is still not OT 3... But you realize Eddie, this might actually have been written about The Aftermath exposing the abuses by "individuals and organizations" (like you, Dave and scientology) -- and along with a nice picture of Leah this could well be a promotional item for the … [Read more...]
Fast Eddie Whiffs Again
Another in the ongoing series of posts documenting the insane statements and lies of scientology's only public spokesperson, Fast Eddie Parkin. Eddie as you may recall from earlier posts is a long term staff member in the Office of Special Affairs International (he used to be an assistant to Heber Jentzsch before Heber was "disappeared" many years ago). Fast Eddie is busy on twitter. Though he blocks the people he constantly carps about, and in fact blocks ANYONE who questions him or any of his tweets, this self-proclaimed champion of free speech and human rights (as long as they are … [Read more...]
Fast Eddie is Losing His Mind — “Big Pharma Whores”
Fortunately, Fast Eddie Parkin, the head of STAAD League and OSA International old-timer (he used to be Heber Jentzsch's assistant back before Heber was "disappeared") cannot block everyone on Twitter. Fast Eddie makes a habit of sliming people scientology doesn't like with his STAAD League account (@EPStandLeague). But everyone he targets is blocked from seeing his Tweets, and anyone who ever responds to him with anything less than fawning agreement of his assessment of himself as a genius is instantly blocked. This is such a cowardly way of doing things -- but is a typical scientology … [Read more...]
STAAD Gives Itself a Pat on the Back
Here we have an example of classic scientology spin. Like they claim the IAS was founded with the Portland Crusade to "defend the rights of scientologists" (when it was actually a way of keeping money outside the purview of the IRS), so too STAAD has a "creation myth" that it came about as a response to "requests by scientology parishioners for a platform to speak out against discrimination." That is of course "utter bullshit" to quote David Miscavige in his last official statement to the press. The STAAD League was a bright idea to "combat" the negative PR generated by The Aftermath … [Read more...]
Scientology Logic
It is amazing that scientology always has someone to blame for the bad things that happen to them. It's NEVER their fault. Even though this flies in the face of some of the most fundamental principles of scientology: You are responsible for your own condition The overt-motivator sequence (for anything bad to have happened to you, you must have done something bad to another) Victim is at 0.1 on the Hubbard Tone Scale just slightly above death at 0.0 Here is another example from the genius at STAAD, Mr. Ed Parkin. Trying to catch a news tag about the mass murder of Jews in Pittsburgh, … [Read more...]
The STAAD League Strikes Out Again
The STAAD League have weighed in on the only thing they care about -- what is happening on Leah Remini: Scientology and the Aftermath. Apparently it is the only thing they exist for, which is quite a compliment. For the self-proclaimed champions of free speech and purveyors of epic humanitarianishism these guys have a pretty big blind spot. When Louis Farrakhan and his IAS Freedom-medal winning defender Tony Mohammed roll out the anti-semitic rants, the STAAD League is conspicuously mum. Not a peep. Ever. When we do a show that highlights victims of abuse, they go apoplectic. Not … [Read more...]