The big hype about "getting WTH into the hands of everyone in Sunland" is apparently not exactly that. Rather, it is sending out a "promo mailing" to addresses in Sunland. The percentage of people that throw this sort of thing straight into the garbage is very high. I never open 99% of these sort of generic mailings and I am sure I am not in the minority. But for the few who do -- can you imagine the disappointment of finding out that the pitch for reducing homelessness and crime is to buy copies of the Hubbard WTH booklet? Set aside the fact that the booklet is a childish rendition … [Read more...]
Thursday Funnies
The Spirit of Giving... To us. They found one A single person to say how great Battlefield Earth is. That's worth promoting. For good? Seriously? Do you know how many NN grads relapse? About the same as every other program.... Kiddie Corner She is 9 and learning how to identify SPs in her life Come to dinner Get a pitch from the "Captain" -- sort of like one of those time share or cemetery plot offers. But I bet the food isn't as good. All about helping people ...relieve themselves of their … [Read more...]
Thursday Funnies
That Cristian Vargas sure gets around... He seems to be the only person organizing events these days? Big news From a "former" investigative reporter and a retired Army officer. I am sure they are experts. Just as sure there will be a lot of correlation without causation involved in this (almost by definition you have to be mentally ill to engage in a mass shooting -- how come scientology hasn't yet "taken over the field" on mental healing and handled this problem? Are they not just as responsible as "the psychs" who they claim know nothing but they have ALL the … [Read more...]