Here is further proof, as if it were needed, that fundamentalist Scientology is 97.5% marketing hype and 2.5% product. Even when they are wanting money for an actual service (as opposed to buildings, IAS, library campaigns, "planetary dissemination", CCHR, ABLE etc etc etc) the lies and hype are simply out of this world. Barbara Dews is not writing this foolishness. This is the approved promotion for Super Power. The blind ARE still leading the blind. For those of you who may not be familiar with what Super Power actually contains, see the article by Dan Koon here. All the supporting … [Read more...]
Drew and Dede Johnston Sales Pitch
Once upon a time, Drew and Dede Johnston were respected Scientology field auditors. But they gave up that gig for the far more lucrative business of earning commissions from money squeezed out of their fellow kool aid drinkers. Of course, they are going to promote the astonishing wonders of Super Power, just like they promoted the wonders of Objectives and Purif and reading the Basics and the Purif or whatever the latest blanket "why" is. So, here they go, superlatives, generalities and exclamation points cocked and loaded, giving their newest reg pitches in the guise of "success … [Read more...]
Scientologists Running Around In Circles
The hype is now rolling for the Running Program (Cause Resurgence Rundown) and it is fascinating to see. Somehow it encapsulates so much of what is wrong with the over-the-top efforts to sell Scientology. As it is repeated and expanded it devalues anything of worth in the subject. Now the claims are that running around in a circle for days on end is a powerful OT rundown ...from LRH research on the whole track.... and this is amazing technology never before seen in this society and age. (?) Oh come now. Calm down a bit don't you think? It's just RUNNING! In circles no les … [Read more...]
“After GAG II” Supersedes “After Dianetics”
A Special Correspondent sent this in -- it was posted on the Razzline. It clearly is written by a Master Evaluator who thinks for himself and observes what is in front of him.... What a genius: I've read and heard comments and descriptions that many others have said about GAT II and the new Flag Building. Many superlatives have been used. Having attended the events at Flag, nothing I've read or heard is an exaggeration or overstatement. GAT II and the new Flag Building are simply spectacular!! Having been in Scientology for 45 years, I have a perspective that may see th … [Read more...]
What a Coincidence? Busted.
A Special Correspondent sent this in. Hilarie Rockl was formerly the DSA Vancouver and before that the CO OSA Canada. Now they are public still trying to "get in good standing with COB." No idea who Colleen Weinstein is. Setting up public with pre-written "personal emails" smells of desperation. Big time. Just received this message from Ray and Hilarie Rockl of Vancouver OT Committee. As I read it, it became hauntingly familiar. A friend had just forwarded me a message sent to Seattle Scientologists from Colleen Weinstein. What a freaky coincidence that their seemingly personal messa … [Read more...]
Come to The IAS at Flag. Repeat.
Listen to the new voicemail being left by Flag on people's answering machines twice a day. They must be pretty concerned about the turnout for this event as 1100 outer org trainees left Flag. And judging by the dismal turnout for last week's Most. Important. Event. In. All. Universes. Ever. they are going to have to spread out the chairs in the circus tent to make sure there aren't too many empty ones visible. Just in case this audio download doesn't work for some, here is the substance of the message: We are 7 days away til the first time ever celebration of the live IAS anniversary … [Read more...]
Update From Inside The Bubble
A new update from inside the bubble from a Special Correspondent. Tours Tours started right away after the ribbon was cut. Tours started every 10 minutes in groups of 75. It was very hot outside under the sun and many people just left instead of waiting around for a tour. It took many Cornerstone members at least an hour to start the tour, and they had priority. Each tour lasted 2 hours. Needless to say, this did not work well for most people. "There were four news helicopters circling" None of the public on the ground knew anything was amiss. They though the media was just rea … [Read more...]
Who Should Come To The Events
The idiocy from those who have not even seen the events, but probably read the hype on Facebook (but doesnt seem to have gotten the memo on only IAS members with cards being let in). Rob Ford does not have a monopoly on Crazy in Canada. But then again I doubt Canada has a monopoly on Scientology Crazy! He really comes up with some pretty unique lines. ALL WILL BE REVEALED. It's not your fault. The books were messed up but everything else was perfect?? C'mon!!!????" From: [email protected] Subject: Date: Sat, 16 Nov 2013 15:17:09 -0800 Hi xxxx. I want to tell you something … [Read more...]
Some Pix From Inside The Bubble
A Special Correspondent sent in these photos. I guess the dire warnings and threats of no electronic devices didn't catch everyone.... I have some catching up to do on life... I am putting these up without comment and probably won't get to another post until some time later tomorrow. Maybe something will come along in the meantime and there will be a surprise, but I have some backlogs that I must take care of. Thanks to all those who have sent me information since Friday. It has been most welcome. And thanks to all those who have made kind comments of appreciation. And thanks to every … [Read more...]
More Kool Aid Circus Acrobatics and COB “Almost in Tears”
Busy day today, so getting out the latest Special Correspondent report and Facebook Funnies quickly. ATTENDANCE: I'm told that 14,000 people registered for ID cards but that attendance was 9,250. To correct what I said earlier, it sounds like there actually were overflow spaces. A tent in front of the Oak Cove. Auditorium Ballroom. Sandcastle. Osceola. It's also possible they set up all the different locations so that they can give whatever figure they want without anyone being able to know that it was inflated, because any one person only knows how full their own area was. [There … [Read more...]