Here is an update of the goings-on in Clearwater. I took a drive through downtown this afternoon. The only thing of note was the number of people with earpieces, walkie-talkies and guns. More Security, OSA, PIs and cops than I have ever seen in one place. It was like a walled off fortress defending against imaginary hordes of attackers. I am sure the citizens of Clearwater were reassured that such a wonderful humanitarian organization had chosen their city to make its presence felt. But what was going on behind the gates, fences and phalanx of security? Here is an update report fr … [Read more...]
Singin’ In The Rain
Even though it's still raining, the clubbed seals are positively orgasmic over the warmed-over dross served up by Dear Leader in the first installment of His three part Magnum Opus. Honestly, I am not sure how many more of these I can wade through in the interests of science. But here we go. At least it is somewhat entertaining in a morbid sort of way. In keeping with the admonition of NO DATA, Hans Eisenman and Co. gushed forth with more nonsensical meanderings, tortured math and sucking-upingness. I wonder if all these people are working on amends projects and dutifully saving their FB … [Read more...]
The lunacy games continue. The Scientologists Facebook page is all aflutter. It is truly a comedy show. Steven Colbert could do an entire week of shows with this material. Amongst all the hyperventilating exteriorization and OT powers on display, dire warnings are surfacing. There are holes in the dike. Here are some fun posts for your reading pleasure. First, we have an admonition from the Admin that unless the whole package is presented correctly, people could get the wrong idea. They might think it's just a bunch of random hot air and bits of paper held together by hype and chutzpah. O … [Read more...]
The Hype Ratchets Up
A small selection of a few of the emails received by one person YESTERDAY and some key pull quotes. It's just like they do on movie posters, except these are all about a movie nobody has SEEN. Imagine you heard someone saying this sort of stuff about a movie that they had not yet see, you would think the people saying them were barking mad. And with that, here are some of the RCS's finest parroting the Shermanspeak emanating from the Mecca: ...what will be the greatest event in Scientology history... ...whatever it is you think you know about Golden Age of Tech Phase II, in terms of … [Read more...]
New Shots from Inside Ft Harrison and The Oak Coven
One of our Special Correspondents sent in these photos of the SP Building this morning. It's looking like all will be ready to roll for the momentous occasion. It's going to take a mighty big pair of scissors to cut that ribbon.... And in keeping with tradition, somehow they have found a way to include a phallic symbol in the backdrop Meanwhile, in preparation for the influx of registered ticket holders, the new "The Terrace" restaurant was opened in the Oak Coven. It was witnessed by a standing room only crowd of FSO staff and outer org trainees. … [Read more...]
Random Facebook Mutterings from The Bubble
Some random thoughts from the Scientologists FaceBook page. The tension is mounting. They are getting giddy with excitement. I must credit Miscavige. This is a real PT Barnum effort. The gullible masses are drooling just waiting for Him to tell them how much money that have to turn over this weekend. The comments alongside the photo are reproduced below for your reading pleasure.... History in the making! Brown-nosing 101. Gary Wattman is a master. I wonder if he would still be gushing if he heard what "COB" said about him.... 1000 remaining local Sci … [Read more...]
Scientology Epitaph — Give Us Your Money. Now.
Even though the building is officially complete, you can STILL give us money and pretend you contributed to making it happen. We will ALWAYS be happy to take your money and tell you anything you want to hear -- even inscribe your name on the COMPLETED building as if you helped "make it happen." The big selling point is not "we need to build a building" but "you can still buy some status if you buy now!" Crass is hardly an adequate description. This will be engraved on the headstone of Scientology Inc. GIVE US YOUR MONEY. NOW WE TOOK IT. NOW THERE'S NOBODY … [Read more...]
Counter In-tent-ion Update — The Circus is Coming to Town
Charlie Frago of the Tampa Bay Times has provided a new update on the requirements the church has to meet to satisfy the city for the GAG II/Sooper Power weekend of over-the-top back-patting and self-congratulations that the planet is at last now being cleared by a building. Looks like the city is basically allowing the church to close off Fort Harrison to hold the ribbon cutting. This is good news for all outside observers. Glimpses will be had of the magnificent celebrations, what He has to say will be heard ringing through the streets of Clearwater for believer and non-believers alike, … [Read more...]
The Sheeple Are Hyperventilating With Hype
Here is a random selection of recent hype from a variety of sheeple. What is interesting to note about these people and their comments is how well they duplicate what they are fed. They have been trained to hear and see things from "authority" and then regurgitate it as if it was their own thought. There is not much comment required, but I, as is my wont, have included a few: From: MarcB Registrar <[email protected]>Date: Mon, Nov 4, 2013 at 11:12 AMSubject: Whoooooo Hoooooo!! Here We Go People!! : )To: MarcB Registrar <[email protected]> Ok... I jus … [Read more...]
The Squeeze Is On
See the story just published in the Tampa Bay Times about the plans the church just filed with the city concerning the upcoming events. Of course, in typical fashion they submit them two weeks before the scheduled events, demanding over-the-top special treatment. The usual time for applications such as these is 30 days. They are asking for Ft Harrison Ave to be closed entirely from Friday to Sunday evening. And all sorts of sidewalk closures. If the city doesnt bow to their demands there will be squeals of "discrimination" echoing through the empty halls of the SP building. Chopping down … [Read more...]