Well, you will be happy to hear, that like Jack Nicholson in The Shining, He's back. (Had to make a trip to Los Angeles to meet with lawyers to try and figure out how to wriggle out of the Monique Rathbun lawsuit). But in His absence there was lots of excitement in downtown Clearwater over His tent. Actually, over the illegal destruction of two live oak trees to make way for the tent. He no doubt issued the order to chop down the trees when He was not in town so he couldnt receive any embarrassing phone calls from the city. Interestingly, none of the reports, even Tony Ortega himself, r … [Read more...]
Miscavige’s Motto
Finally, some (accidental) truth in advertising. This IS what the orgs and "Humanitarians" have been led to believe "If you build it, they will come" -- so it's interesting to see it being stated overtly. But it is NOT the whole truth. The truer statement would be the actual Miscavige Motto -- "If you build it, they will believe me." THAT campaign has worked with the sheeple. They DO believe that the purchase and renovation of buildings is proof of massive international expansion. It even worked with some media for a while (you never see ANY statement from the church that doesnt include how … [Read more...]
Hooked On Begging
This email was forwarded to me by a number of people this morning, incredulous that they are STILL trying to collect money for Palace Miscavige. At this point, it is on automatic. The first thought in Corporate Scientology is "Give me your money" and ANY reason/excuse will do. No matter how lame, unreal or downright stupid it is. After all, "any outflow is good" and the ONLY thing that really counts is MONEY. The derision LRH displayed for the GI stat push in orgs is well-known. This is way beyond that -- as back in those days there was some significance of a service associated with the … [Read more...]
Super Power — It’s Official “Sometime in September”
In typical Keystone Kops fashion, the world is informed of the planned dates for the "Grand Opening" of "The Mecca Building" and release of Super Power and GAG II and the Mark VIII meter and, and, and... in early October. BUT, the Chief Super Power Reg sent an email 3 days ago TO GET PEOPLE TO COME TO THE EVENT and she is STILL NOT GIVING A DATE! In fact, she is telling people to come in September and that the Grand Opening and IAS event will be in September and October. And this is an email telling people to get visas and make their travel and accommodations reservations. Are things really … [Read more...]
Voldemort’s Tent Update 16 August
This morning I received 3 separate reports on “Graduation” from last night. The stats are going up! I have combined them into one summarized report here. Thanks to those who continue to keep the world updated on the latest news from inside the bubble. As usual my comments are in italics enclosed in square brackets. Also as usual, He talks about MEST logistics almost exclusively. It’s almost bizarre to contemplate the leader of the "most important and fastest growing religious movement on earth" gives a weekly running commentary on the adventures of a tent making its way from England to the US … [Read more...]
Voldemort Update 2 August
Here is the report from last night's "graduation".... He is turning these into mini "Int events" where He covers every possible piece of information that will keep the local sheeple convinced that all is well inside the sandcastle. He knows that this public, through the PR and goodwill of "Flag" and the "OT Committee" spreads the word far and wide about how spectacular everything is in the world of Scientology under His leadership "following in the footsteps of our Founder, L. Ron Hubbard." So, its a hodge-podge of random stuff that makes it sound like everything is hunky dory. Ideal … [Read more...]
Flag OTC Minutes — “News” From Inside The Bubble
Here is the latest self-hyping propaganda from the "OT Ambassadors" inside the bubble. It is the minutes from their last meeting. Mathilde, Public Sec FSO spoke about the importance of "getting ready." She said that she knows we've been hearing about it at graduations, but wanted us to realize just how close it is, announcing that the New Flag Building will be opened sometime in September, followed by the IAS Event here at Flag in October. She said that as soon as precise dates are known, she will let us know. Mathilde said that now is the time to get everyone on board here in Clear … [Read more...]
Voldemort Update 26 July
The hype seems to be slowing down, the gushing praise for Him seems to be subsiding and the insanity of what is "news" seems to be reaching lower levels as each week goes by... Here is last night’s report: IAS Event at Flag: The preparations for the IAS event are well underway. The mega tent is on the way to the US by ship, and due to arrive in 3 weeks to Miami. It will be transported to CW, and then placed between the parking garage and Fort Harrison Avenue. Dave noted that it will be visible to all tourists who are going to the beach, so they will notice the presence of Scientology in the c … [Read more...]
Voldemort 19 July Updated
Here is the update from Graduation last nite. Absolutely without question the most spectacular event in the history of Scientology..... (until the next time Dear Leader takes the stage). He saved the showing of the 1993 IAS event so He could introduce it and He could make a pitch for the IAS. He is, after all, Founder of the IAS, a title that cannot be disputed as L. Ron Hubbard had nothing to do with the IAS. Stealing a phrase from Mel Brooks History of the World Part I "It's good to be the Founder".... He started the evening off with some really impressive stats: - 23 Cornerstone … [Read more...]
Superpower — The Facts
A write up by Dan Koon about Super Power has just appeared on Operation Clambake (see here). Because I have had so much to say about the subject of its "imminent" release, I am republishing Dan's write up here in full (though if you want the attachments referenced, go to Clambake, I have not attached them or linked to them here). If there is one person who knows the story of Super Power -- what it contains and what it is supposed to accomplish -- it is Dan Koon. His recollections may help distinguish the hype from reality and help make clear just what a boondoggle the entire Super Power … [Read more...]