Another slip of the promo piece has revealed far more than they would want. Interestingly, Tony Ortega posted about this same promo piece this morning and with the help of Chris Shelton, approached it from a very different perspective than my take (I wrote this last week but haven't had any time to post it, but now seems most opportune). This sets some sort of record for incompetence -- a scientology promotional item that is so revealing it makes it onto BOTH Tony Ortega and Mike Rinder's blogs... Now, that's a bargain. "Only" $27,500 to get to Clear where they start to really … [Read more...]
Flag and Tampa OTC Minutes
The leak plugging efforts just don't seem to be working. They even have a full time person in OSA Flag assigned to get to the bottom of this situation. But the OTC Minutes just keep rolling in. And though they have taken out a lot of embarrassing statistical specifics, they still have what should be embarrassing details (I think most of these people are oblivious to how ridiculous they are). Part of the problem is that they can turn ANYTHING into good news and "huge impact" so they THINK they are relaying good news. The delusion is a sight to behold. They remind me of the proverbial fleas … [Read more...]
What Would Ron Do?
I assume Tampa considers itself "on Source." I would be quite certain, that like all good scientologists are supposed to do, they often think to themselves: "What Would Ron Do?" After reading this, I am pretty sure I know what he would do: declare the "executives" of this org Fair Game and instruct Sea Org members to use R2-45 and reverse processes on them. He ranted for YEARS about "businesses on the backs of orgs" and "scientologists getting rich off org public" and these were not "criminals" (his word) charging $170 to do a seminar in the org giving their version of LRH tech -- pr … [Read more...]
Flag OTC Annual Report
More from the hushmail fairies. This is the annual report of the Flag OT Committee -- combined with the Tampa OT Committee. As usual, it contains some interesting reading. And it certainly contains proof that the largest, highest trained, most active group of "OT's" are like a pea shooter facing a battleship when it comes to making any sort of impact on society. Not to try to pick apart everything they say, but just a few notes of interest . From reading this, you can see they have gone to school on how to present information -- where there is no news, pick out a tiny example and make it … [Read more...]
OTC News
In the spirit of the Golden Age of OTC Security, here is some news. First, from the "EUS" OT Committee -- whatever that may be. Atlanta is going to be their next Ideal Org. Amazing prediction. Wonder if New Haven is EVER going to be done. They have had their building for about 10 years, sitting empty. Or Harlem? Surely Harlem is going to be next? After all, Miscavige has shown Harlem about 3 different times, along with his efforts to sound "hip and cool." Oh, Boston? They bought a huge new building, also sitting idle? That is one of the "big" EUS orgs. How about Miami? They have an empty … [Read more...]
Disastrous EUS OT Committee Report
The recent information from WUS resulted in one of our Special Correspondents forwarding this report about the EUS OT Committees to me. It doesn't have stat grids, but what is lacks in numbers it more than makes up for with hype. Some poor soul compiled this information to forward to "Int Management" (there is no such thing -- there is no WDC. No Exec Strata. No ED Int. No Snr C/S Int. Warren MsShane testified recently that Heber is "President CSI though he is "semi-retired"). Trying to make themselves look as good as humanly possible, this report in a combination of inflated or made up bs … [Read more...]
Tampa Ideal/SH Size Org Not Flourishing
This is the St Petersburg "Life Improvement Center" of the Tampa Org on Tuesday afternoon. Yes, the doors are closed, the lights are off and there is nobody home. Similarly, the "Mission of Old Tampa Bay" that was opened with great fanfare, closed up shop more than a year ago. This "Life Improvement Center" cost at least a couple of million dollars as part of one of the earlier "here is how we are going to clear the planet." This is TAMPA ORG -- the largest "Ideal Org" in the world. TWO St Hill Size Orgs. 10,000 local Scientologists (if you believe the church PR) who are all … [Read more...]
CO WISE Fundraising for "Ideal Orgs"
A report just in from Tampa. Quentin Strub, CO WISE EUS, flew into town to deliver a "KSW Seminar." Here is the invitation to this spectacular, must-attend event sent out by Kent Oliver the Director of Public Booksales Tampa Day (fast becoming the poster child for hey-you "org boarding"): Date: Tue, 7 May 2013 09:52:08 -0700From: [email protected]: ThisWednesdayTo: Hi,This is a very important seminar every person should attend. And it's at our Org, Tampa Org.Mr. Quentin Strub, CO WISE East US, from the Freewinds will be giving it. This usually cost $600, but for this one … [Read more...]
An Ideal Florida! Hand Over Your Starbucks
This is a bit old, but one of our Special Correspondents came across it recently. It follows the Captain Harvey the Clown posting perfectly, illustrating how far the Command Intention Vulture Culture has trickled down. This guy is theoretically the Dir of PUBLIC BOOKSALES of Tampa Day Ideal/St Hill Size super org. And here he is begging for donations to create OTHER "Ideal Orgs" for an "Ideal Florida" Not even "donations" for books. And they are doing it because they "are part of Flags total amount, but we get credit for the raising of what we bring in." What sort of Admin Scale are these p … [Read more...]