It's Saturday. That means it's Terra Cognita time. Words that Hurt: Scientology Nomenclature I never realized how dehumanizing Scientology nomenclature was until my spouse and I began tossing out words LRH and his followers assigned for humans. Turns out, scientology is great at degrading people. If you weren’t one hundred percent onboard with Ron and his tech, he had a name for you—and it wasn’t complimentary. Note: It would take too long and too many words to try to define all these pejoratives. Google “Scientology Tech Dictionary” for links to sites to help you clear these definitions i … [Read more...]
Still Waiting for Scientology OTs to Change the World
A day late due to extenuating circumstances, but here is this week's installment from Terra Cognita Still Waiting for Scientology OTs to Change the World All Scientology Operating Thetans—OTs—are handed the responsibility of clearing their environments after returning home from Flag and the Freewinds. They’re expected to transform their local communities—ideally, into some sort of Scientology-based utopia. If that’s too much, tidying up their neighborhoods and/or giving touch assists to Uncle Dick is helpful. At the least, walking Rex more regularly is good for their Fifth Dynamic. Before … [Read more...]
Scientology Hidden Data Line
The latest installment from Terra Cognita Scientology Hidden Data Line From the Scientology Tech Dictionary: “HIDDEN DATA LINE, some students have believed there was a ‘hidden data line’ of tech in Scn, a line on which Scn tech was given out by me but not made known to students. This started me looking for there is no such line. The whole of technology is released in HCO Bulletins and HCO Policy Letters and tapes I do and release. I don’t tell people anything in some private way, not even instructors. The apparency is somebody’s pretense to know from me more than is on the tapes and in the b … [Read more...]
Personal Choice vs Scientology Policy
It's Saturday and Terra Cognita is here.... Personal Choice vs Scientology Policy The Church of Scientology has always been quick to point out that disconnection from others is a personal choice. Yes and no. It could be argued that every decision one makes while in Scientology is personal. Every course one does, every session in which one picks up the cans, and every evening when a person walks through the front doors of the org boils down to personal choice. Nobody twisted your arm while you filled out an OCA. Nobody held a gun to your head while you read DMSMH and did the Comm Course. T … [Read more...]
Scientology Food Chain
A day later than usual, but here is the latest offering from Terra Cognita Scientology Food Chain I don’t remember where exactly, but somewhere L. Ron Hubbard talked about and created his hierarchy of churches in which new public would start their services at lower orgs and work their way up the lines, ultimately ending up on the Freewinds. He created this system because, as usual, he knew better. This design system has never worked and Scientology churches at every level have been insolvent and failing for decades. The Hierarchy At the bottom of this hierarchy, LRH created F … [Read more...]
Platitudes, Bad Attitudes and Mother Issues
Saturday is Terra Cognita day... Platitudes, Bad Attitudes and Mother Issues A while ago, Mike posted a letter from Pete Sokoloff imploring Santa Barbara and Ventura Scientologists to donate more toward their “ideal” org. Pete included the following quote: “Anything for which the individual feels any misemotion—antagonism, anger, fear, grief, apathy—is something for which he has not accepted responsibility; and there is misemotion only when an individual refuses to accept responsibility in that sphere of action. He can control anything for which he has accepted the full responsibility. He is … [Read more...]
Scientology’s Code of Honor
It's Saturday, must be time for Terra! Scientology’s Code of Honor A code of honor sounds like a good thing to carry around in a wallet; a concise set of moral guidelines; principles on which to build a solid foundation. And yet...not all codes are equal. Some justify acts of unethical behavior in individuals. Some justify unethical conduct by organizations. Let’s see how L. Ron Hubbard’s Code of Honor stacks up. (Having just read Marty Rathbun’s latest diatribe, I couldn’t help but think how parts of this code might relate to him.) “Never desert a comrade in need, in dan … [Read more...]
Twisted Policy
Saturday is Terra Cognita day... Twisted Policy Why have so many of LRH’s Scientology policies been twisted to the point where they do more harm than good? Did the man consciously intend that these policies be used for evil purposes? Did he write them expressly to harm mankind? To exploit others? Was this all some elaborate scheme to make himself rich? Did he intentionally include material in these policies that would inflict hurt and damage? Did he really plan it all out this way? Examples abound of polices that were horribly twisted and misapplied over the years: conditions; d … [Read more...]
The Bestest, Most Monumentalest Event Ever Ever
It's Saturday, it must be time to hear from Terra Cognita again... The Bestest, Most Monumentalest Event Ever Ever The longer I stayed in Scientology, the more I hated going to events. When I first got into Scientology at my local org, events meant everyone getting off course to listen to a Scientology celebrity talk about a piece of LRH tech. And we students weren’t even expected to make up the time! The speakers were spontaneous, funny, and full of “ARC.” They encouraged feedback from the audience and everyone had a great time. Nothing was scripted. The events weren’t filmed. There wa … [Read more...]
Treating the Mentally Ill: Scientology vs Psychiatry
Treating the Mentally Ill: Scientology vs Psychiatry I always had a hard time wrapping my mind around Scientology’s policy on dealing with the mentally ill. L. Ron Hubbard wrote that Scientology was for the able and that those not up to standards need not apply. He and his church didn’t have the time or energy to deal with the depressed, the neurotic, or the insane. Saving the planet before it exploded was hard, grueling work. Dealing with crazy people was a distraction. Not until sufficient numbers had gone “Clear” would Scientology handle these people. Psychiatry and Drugs … [Read more...]