What Deal!! 2 weeks in a motel, then a week on the Freewinds. And you get a webinar" that you could do from the comfort of your own home. And two people who are going to instruct you on how to get into Power as an artist and be on the comm lines of the world. Two people nobody has ever heard of. How to do everything at once seminar Wonder if this guy has ever read Problems of Work? Does he know what he is promoting is flat out off-Source? What? How does graduation equate to "Stronger together"? More … [Read more...]
Elisabeth Moss: Scientology PR 101
The recent New Yorker article piece by Michael Shulman has resulted in a ton of media pickups, mostly focused on her responses to questions about scientology. There have been a number of takes on this of interest: Martha Ross wrote an excellent piece in the SJ Mercury News Martha quotes journalist Yashar Ali who tweeted: And Tony Ortega added some thoughts from Geoff Levin who was extensively interviewed for the story, but little of it made it into print: Now, let me add some of my thoughts, as it was my job back in the day to … [Read more...]
Thursday Funnies
10 weeks with Arte Maren... People PAY for this? Amount raised - $0 This is her birthday fundraiser that's been up for a year. She is the Snr C/S of the Portland "ideal" org Wait until you find out... Actually you have to pay more to get that ability because you really cannot confront life until you are done with OT III. And then OT V. And then OT VII. And on and on... That's a real stretch... Many of these people OD'd -- First guy on their list, Don Simpson was in scientology for a while. Didn't save him. Buried … [Read more...]
Some Funnies on Thursday
Just a few of the things that have been forwarded to me recently. Some are a little old. But nothing really changes in scientology, it just gets smaller. People have been asking for Thursday Funnies to come back. It somewhat depends on what comes in. Once the pandemic hit, the volume of promotional items they sent out decreased. But it seems to be coming back now. Not sure if I will do this every Thursday, but here is an installment to satisfy the need for some humor on this topic. "Get some of the most praised products!" Huh? And what might they be? This place is … [Read more...]
STAND League — Fair Gaming Journalists Is Their Thing
Everyone familiar with scientology knows there are two things that really get their hackles up. Saying something they consider unkind about Tom Cruise, or saying something mean about David Miscavige. It does not matter whether what is said is true, if it casts either of them in a bad light, the STAND Minions are activated to come out with pencils blazing, firing off volleys of accusations of bigotry and hate. Martha Ross wrote an article about Tom Cruise in the San Jose Mercury News. Here is some of what she said that so incensed the Standbots: While the move was widely a … [Read more...]
The Unhinged Rants Go On
The minions of the STAND League are always on the lookout for something to cry victim about. Wil Seabrook must have a big amends project he is trying to complete. He racked up a couple of hours and an item for his Liability formula ("I published an article attacking the SP's"). Even for the whiners at the STAND League, this one is really a stretch. Apparently, Kohler had the nerve to advertise in publications that run stories that offend scientology. Frankly, these days, just about every media outlet has something negative to say about scientology. So you could do an article like this … [Read more...]
Scientology Responds for Tom Cruise
How odd is this. Scientology is speaking as the PR representative of Tom Cruise. While he and his PR people remain silent. The man who laughs in the face of suppression and can confront and shatter any SP is apparently unable to confront some bad media. It would seem David Miscavige was upset that "nobody was coming to the defense of Tom" and so ordered his minions to put out a statement. To me, this is further indication that the whole thing was a publicity stunt that blew up in their faces. Or at the very least, Miscavige had praised Cruise for his "tough guy" image and told him he was … [Read more...]
Leah Remini on Tom Cruise’s Rant
Tony Ortega posted something written by Leah to put the recent Tom Cruise rant into context. I think it is important information that should be shared as widely as possible. Perhaps there are some readers who come to this blog but don't visit Ortega's. Here is Tony's posting with Leah's statement in full. Leah Remini sent us this statement about Tom Cruise’s on-set rant that was caught on tape and released by the Sun yesterday… Tom Cruise claimed he does not get so much as a cold because of Scientology. All Scientologists believe that if they aren’t connected to what they label “su … [Read more...]
Scientology’s Tax Exemption
I happened to pull up this posting from April 2015 and in re-reading it I thought it important enough to repost here today. With The Aftermath on Netflix, many new people are being exposed to the horrifying truth about scientology for the first time. And many have the same question as those who have been in the know for some time. How is it that scientology can be tax exempt? This is a pretty good essay that explains in some detail why it should NOT. And it addresses a bit why it hasn’t changed. Unfortunately, with a conservative majority now firmly entrenched in the US Supreme Court, … [Read more...]
Jenna Elfman — A Good Scientologist
A recent article in US Weekly quotes Jenna Elfman about "the controversy" around scientology. She is a shining example of how a good scientologist acts and speaks. Foolishly. While scientologists proclaim they have "the tech" to protect them from suppressive influences and they learn to "confront and shatter" this sort of thing, in fact, they avoid "suppression" at any cost. And by "suppression" they mean anything that is negative or even questioning about scientology. When they are confronted by such things, they run from it. Close their eyes. Hold their hands of their ears … [Read more...]