There is a rash of media articles following the disclosure of parts of Tom Cruise's deposition in the lawsuit he filed against a magazine for saying he "Abandoned" Suri. The media is of course focused on the sensational aspects, including the fact that while he apparently didn't have time to visit Suri he flew from the US to the UK for the annual IAS Event to show his support for his BFF. I read the excerpts of his deposition that are on the internet and was struck by the arrogance he displayed in responding to the questioning. Very reminiscent of his BFF. He snapped terminals with Dear … [Read more...]
Tommy Davis and Jessica Feshbach — WTF?
How is it that Tommy Davis and Jessica Feschbach have never stepped out into the sunlight? They left a trail of destruction in their wake and witnessed a lot of things they KNOW hurt people or were just plain wrong. The Tommy/Jessica (Tomica) story is darker than most realize. I wouldn't doubt that if anything keeps David Miscavige up at night it's the thought of Tomica growing a conscience. That's probably right up there with Shelly escaping. Or Heber exposing the abuses he has been subjected to over the last 20 years. A recent article on Tony Ortega’s blog exposed the shore story that ha … [Read more...]
Mike Rinder: Open Revolt Against Vulture Culture?
The following interview of Mike Rinder was published in the most widely circulated and influential newspaper in Germany, Sueddeutsche, over the weekend. It is informative and gets more integral differentiation going out worldwide. (Click Here for Mike Rinder Bio) Thanks to Greta Alexander for translating for us. Scientology-dropout about leader of sect “He beat me, he made me clean toilets” January 14, 2012, 15:57 Interview: Marc Felix Serrao For 20 years Michael Rinder has led the feared secret service of the Church of Scientology. In 2007 he dropped out – because he could no longer deal wi … [Read more...]
More on the Vulture Culture
by Mike Rinder In light of the ongoing St Pete Times series, here are some further thoughts on the subject. Some Background: David Miscavige has a long history of financial rape extending back to his days as “Chairman of the Board Author Services” in the 1980’s. There he oversaw the Battlefield Earth and Mission Earth “special editions” and “signed artwork prints” exorbitantly priced rip-offs sold as “investments.” Anyone who owns these virtually worthless “properties” knows how much they are worth and how much bullshit hype accompanied their sale. Miscavige also directed the pillaging of or … [Read more...]