Midwest Unite Giving money to "build a great Midwest" by finally renovating the Battle Creek building purchased nearly 20 years ago -- they should be trying to open some orgs in the Midwest as most Midwest states have no scientology org at all. Poor Mike Blake This guy gets hit up for everything in Columbus. Why isn't the ChanMan ever participating in giving his money? Columbus org paying for Battle Creek Why? They're supposed to have opened dozens of missions by now that should be turned into orgs (remember Miscavige's infamous "arrow" graphic?) -- … [Read more...]
Thursday Funnies
Not so many funnies this week. There's no major events happening, no new ideal org openings, just the quiet sounds of orgs slowly circling the drain…. The Clown Royalty of Scientology This pair are like cartoon characters — check out the topics of her talk! Nuts. Any reason to try to get some bodies in the shop…. Hubbard would have RPFed the executive strata of the org if he saw this Senior Master Members? They're running out of stupid names for the stupid people who hand over stupid money for stupid things. This being the dumbest one of all. Dead in the wate … [Read more...]
Some Scenes from the Circus Tent
The IAS circus came to town, complete with R6 angels, helicopters, movies everyone was required to watch. The sheeple filed in, subjected themselves to 3 hours of loud noises, flashing symbols and lies about their accomplishments, dutifully stood and cheered, whistled and applauded at all the appropriate times, then filed out again, re-dedicated to the idea that they alone are saving mankind. A few notable images below. Some of them we showed on the The Aftermath fundraiser yesterday. Mr. Tom Cruise was in attendance -- one person (appears to be one the Freedom medal … [Read more...]
Thursday Funnies
I guess they only had one "silver contributor" Things seem to going at a snail's pace. Haven't heard of this status before, must be small fry... Don't forget, they also have to do Canberra and Adelaide. They have LOOOONG way to go. Yeehaw We got one! Jean Dale Glass hyping things again She is in Los Angeles. They have 5 miserably failing already ideal orgs within the greater LA area, plus LA Org. Why is she worried about Austin? Because everyone in WUS is now worried about Austin because they have been told it's supposed to be … [Read more...]
Give Us Your Money for Christmas
Scientology, in the "spirit of Christmas" wants you to give them money for a building in Puerto Rico. "This is our chance to give an incredible Christmas gift..." So typically scientology that "our gift" is for you to hand over your money... Two public people are "hosting" what they call the "Ideal Miracle Event" in Flag's restaurant. The Old Man is spinning in his grave thinking about "FCCI's" doing events in Sea Org buildings. The best bit about this is LRH quote. Such incredible arrogance: "We are the protectors of the real tradition of Christmas..." -- that "real … [Read more...]
Thursday Funnies
What Deal!! 2 weeks in a motel, then a week on the Freewinds. And you get a webinar" that you could do from the comfort of your own home. And two people who are going to instruct you on how to get into Power as an artist and be on the comm lines of the world. Two people nobody has ever heard of. How to do everything at once seminar Wonder if this guy has ever read Problems of Work? Does he know what he is promoting is flat out off-Source? What? How does graduation equate to "Stronger together"? More … [Read more...]
Holiday Funnies
A special edition of the Funnies just for the holidays. There is an apparently endless stream of "Holiday" promotion -- though scientology of course does not recognize Jesus as anything but part of the "R6 bank." Virtual Freewinds Wouldn't you like to be at the Freewinds for the holidays? So, to entice you to go there, they are holding a virtual concert in Los Angeles? WTF? Virtual Hawaii And the point of this? Strictly a fundraiser obviously. What does Bodhi Elfman have to do with Christmas? Or Hawaii? Or anything at all? Well, they are going to … [Read more...]
What Is Needed?
What is needed? You don't need to tune in to get an answer to this question. It is IAS Anniversary event month and there is no IAS event. They are scrambling... Money, money, money is what is needed. It’s the only thing that is ever needed. “We need to keep our 4th dynamic campaigns going that are helping billions of people every week... blah blah blah” Hubbard laid it out: MAKE MONEY. MAKE MORE MONEY. MAKE OTHER PEOPLE PRODUCE SO AS TO MAKE MONEY. Scientology is exclusively about money. If an activity does not generate income it dies a very fast death in the scientology bubbl … [Read more...]
All-American Hero
This guy is an "icon" and "all-American hero" because he has given some of his ill-earned cash to ideal org campaigns, but more so because he has persuaded others to part with their money. Who can forget his wacked out video on Tony Ortega's site: "You're going to pay this money fucking eventually"? It is an interesting microcosm of the crazy world of scientology that this is what is lauded. He is a hero figure for scientology. The ONLY criteria for being a hero, humanitarian, icon, champion or any other title you can think of is giving money. While Hubbard said it was the "lowest … [Read more...]
Thursday Funnies
One of these 3 didn't get the message Arms folded is the only way to go. All of them missed the memo about not smiling. Narconon not flourishing They are disappearing from the face of the earth.... We finally made 2 Clears We have to tell the world with a special promotional item because it's such a rare thing... Like really rare... So we made ANOTHER poster for the same person. The St Lucia Sickle Cell Association hasn't done their homework... Or they are just really hard up for a place to show a … [Read more...]