Tony Muhammad, poster child for the International Association of Scientologists (IAS) -- continues to preach hard and loud about the horrors of the White Man. Apparently he is unaware that the IAS is heavily white. He also hammers away at Jews and the media. Of course, there are a lot of ethnic "Jews" in scientology, some who even loudly proclaim that they ARE Jewish AND a scientologist. But he won't get any argument about the media - Hubbard hated the media and thus scientologists hate the media. But you have to wonder, where is Fast Eddie and his STAAD League? Why are they not taking a s … [Read more...]
An Update on the Anti-Semitic, Racist and Homophobic Statements by Tony Muhammad
This update is provided by "John Tyler" who tracks things NOI and posts at @IndieScieNewsIt continues to be a subject of great curiosity that scientology's "religious bigotry watchdog" -- the STAND League, doesn't say a word about this happening right in their own backyard, and that the "Jewish scientologists" (you know, the ones who say you can be a scientologist and a Jew at the same time) and the Jewish scientology apologists like Rabbi Michael Shevak never seem to notice that scientology is in bed with, and PROMOTES a rabid anti-semite. On December 2, 2018, Scientology Freedom Medal W … [Read more...]
Scientology’s Holocaust Hypocrisy
The OSA fake outrage website has hit a new low. While they hand out their "human rights" awards to one of the most reviled anti-semites in the US, they have the nerve to pretend they are "Standing With Jews Everywhere"... Hey OSA, this is your idea of "standing with Jews"? Palling around with Tony Mohammed, Louis Farrakhan's sidekick and apologist, with the Nazi hate propaganda on his promotional posters? In fact, you gave this guy your highest award... a Freedom Medal like you gave Tom Cruise. And you feature him on your ScientologyTV propaganda channel with his own … [Read more...]
Fast Eddie Goebbels
Fast Eddie is a one-man dumpster fire of crazy. His tweets become more and more unhinged as he frantically tried to think of something to say that is going to get anyone to believe that the abuses (and policies) exposed on The Aftermath are not the truth. I am variously a bobblehead, wife-beater, liar, Big Pharma Whore, bigot, anti-religionist, hater and now Goebbels protege. Now, if we apply a little of Hubbard "technology" of a "criminal accuses others of what he himself is doing." This is the entry on Goebbels from Wikipedia: Paul Joseph Goebbels was a G … [Read more...]
Holocaust Remembrance Day
According to Scientology and CCHR, this is a day to "honor survivors of human rights abuse". That is verging on holocaust apologizing -- calling the mass murder of millions "human rights abuse" is like referring to the Titanic as a "boating accident." They are also going to "challenge" the predjudice [sic], discrimination and hatred in our own society today. Here is a tough question for you Dakota. Are you inviting the Freedom Medal Winner Tony Mo to your event? Oh, looks like he is busy doing a speech elsewhere -- including on the poster promoting his speech some of the most disgusting … [Read more...]
The NOI is on the IAS Commission Trail
Following in the hallowed footsteps of Michael Roberts, Jeff Pomerantz and Andrik Schaapers, Tony Muhammad has hit the IAS fundraising circuit. What could possibly motivate the West Coast Leader of the NOI to devote his time to promoting scientology and not his own religion? Can anyone imagine Vicki Shantz, the West Coast region head of scientology (CO CLO WUS), on a tour of NOI mosques promoting their good works? She would be in the RPF or declared a Suppressive Person in the blink of an eye. Of course, the NOI doesn’t pay commissions. And of course they don’t let white people into th … [Read more...]