This week's episode of Fair Game podcast features my old friend Alex Gibney. This is not an episode to miss. Alex is one of the greats in the world of documentary filmmakers. His credits include: The Inventor: Out for Blood in Silicon Valley about Elizabeth Holmes and Theranos We Steal Secrets: The Story of Wikileaks Mea Maxima Culpa: Silence in the House of God (won 3 Emmy’s) Enron: The Smartest Guys in the Room (Oscar nom in 2005 for Best Doc) Client 9: The Rise and Fall of Eliot Spitzer Taxi to the Dark Side (winner of the 2007 Oscar for best Documentary) about the war in Ir … [Read more...]
Scientology Hates “Experts” — Unless They Are Paying Them
STAND League is a constant source of ideas of what should be discussed about scientology. They accuse others (usually Leah Remini and me) of exactly what they are doing. They rail again anti-Semitism, it spurs me to write about scientology and the NOI. They complain about "anti-religionists" it prompts something about what Hubbard had to say about religion. Scientology is "fun" - brings on a post about disconnection and crush regging. And now I noticed this one. Rest assured, every one of the "experts" scientology touts is paid. Massimo Introvigne of CESNUR., Gordon Melton, Brian Wilson … [Read more...]
Episode 4: Scientology’s War on a Holocaust Survivor (with Paulette Cooper)
The newest episode of the Scientology Fair Game podcast features one of my favorite scientology survivors, Paulette Cooper. Her life story is amazing, and if you have not read Tony Ortega's excellent The Unbreakable Miss Lovely, I recommend you do so. The story of what scientology did to try to destroy her is unbelievable. Literally. And unless the FBI had recovered documents in the raid on scientology in 1977, what scientology had done to her was not believed by anyone -- it was so far-fetched it seemed it could only have been lifted from the pages of a cheap spy novel. Paulette … [Read more...]
Do They Have Any Idea?
o This promo piece just came in... You have to wonder if these people have a clue what they are supporting? The two beauty queen pageanters seem to be more of what we have seen in the past. Meghan Fialkoff somehow managed to get her foot in the door of this world and there have been a few examples who have been called out on Tony Ortega's blog. These beauty queens are willing dupes looking for a "cause" they can say they support to sound good on their resume. Being anti-drug is a popular one. The scientology front groups make it easy for them and provide … [Read more...]
Heber Jentzsch’s Niece Welfare Check on Her Uncle
The new episode of Scientology: Fair Game Podcast is now available here. We interview one of Heber Jentzsch's nieces, Tammy Clark. Tammy reached out to me and Leah as she was concerned about Heber. Many members of the rather large family had not heard from him and she was so concerned she thought it necessary to fly from Utah to try to see him as a representative of the family. But she was fearful of scientology and asked that we help her. Leah and I were more than happy to provide her support and a camera crew from The Aftermath accompanied us. Unfortunately, this is one of the shows … [Read more...]
“Justice 4 Mom” Gone Silent After Masterson Charged
What has happened to the "Justice 4 Mom" OSA campaign? Not a peep from them since May 11th. When my daughter Taryn, my ex-wife Cathy and their sidekick Sea Org minders from Gold, Maureen Labordique and Chris Maifield showed up at the Denim Day event in LA last year, they were confronted by Danny Masterson victims who called them on their fakery. Tony Ortega wrote an excellent piece at his blog about it, including a video of some of the discussion that occurred. Of course, Taryn and Maureen denied knowing anything about Danny Masterson, but had detailed false information about Paul … [Read more...]
Why Do Scientologists Lie?
I originally posted a version of this in early 2017. I have updated it with additional information and quotes. It's important, especially in light of the ongoing prosecution of Danny Masterson, other investigations, and civil cases. Anyone who confronts scientology witnesses needs to understand the nature of the beast. While repeatedly asserting that they are "the most ethical group on earth" and that they are constantly having to "get rid of" people who "cannot live up to their ethical standards," in truth, every dedicated scientologist is a liar. Why? The short answer: … [Read more...]
Danny Masterson Charged With 3 Rapes
Anyone who comes to this blog is going to be interested in this development. It is now all over the media. There is a lot of coverage, including AP above, which guarantees that this will be picked up far and wide. I am including a link here to the excellent summary on Tony Ortega's blog. He has had the most comprehensive and clear reporting on this matter from the get-go. I can tell you, the victims are extremely happy. As are Leah and I. They will finally have an opportunity to have their day in court. Jackie Lacey has been excruciatingly slow, but in the end, has done the … [Read more...]
Hubbard on Vaccinations
Tony Ortega has run a number of articles detailing the activities of scientology "Anti-Vaxxers." This is his most recent. One of the prominent scientology "conspiracy theory" purveyors is a guy named Jim Rego. He sends out emails almost every day to his scientology friends outlining rumors about vast government conspiracies, the "Deep State", George Soros, vaccinations, the World Bank etc. etc. This time, he sent out, without comment, a quote from Hubbard I had never seen before. If this is known within the scientology world, then it explains why scientologists would be against … [Read more...]
Fast Eddie Update
Just as I like to check in on my "daughter's" site, I also like to check in on Fast Eddie Parkin every now and then and his crazy Twitter feed. Leader of the STAND League, Ed Parkin is an OSA flunkie last seen in public sitting in the gallery of one of the hearings on Val Haney's legal case taking notes to report back to the higher ups. Let's just start with an amazing piece of hypocrisy. Parkin is known for jumping on the bandwagon decrying violence against Jews. But at the same time he supports hate-filled anti-semitic rants from his bedfellows at the Nation of Islam. And then … [Read more...]