Tony Ortega has another excellent expose of scientology's spying activities on his blog this morning. If you have not done so, read it there. He links to a recent article here written by my wife about another of these spies, which in turn contains other links to scientology spying pieces. … [Read more...]
Scientology, Danny Masterson and Law Enforcement
CNN picked up on the Danny Masterson story. It includes a denial from "DJ Donkey Punch" and a shout out to Tony Ortega: "News of the allegations date back to March when journalist and former Village Voice editor Tony Ortega wrote on his site, "The Underground Bunker," that Masterson was being investigated by the Los Angeles Police Department" and to Leah: "actress Leah Remini and her A&E show "Leah Remini: Scientology and the Aftermath" helped bring the accusations to light when one of the alleged victims shared her story with Remini." But most interesting is … [Read more...]
The Final Aftermath Smears?
With two specials in 3 days, scientology has been working overtime on concocting smears about the show contributors. Of course, they NEVER respond to anything the people say, never dispute the abuses or the lies exposed by any of the contributors or on the show in general. They just sling mud. They have nothing they CAN dispute, so their only avenue is to try to "discredit the source"... Let's take their smears in sequence. Tony Ortega Of course Tony has long been a target of the scientology smear brigade. But they have nothing new so they roll out their moldy old … [Read more...]
Harvey Weinstein & Scientology – Separated at Birth?
This New Yorker article is an extremely detailed and well-documented peek behind the curtain of a dirtbag with a lot of money hiring big-name, reputable lawyers and private investigators to conduct a concerted campaign to intimidate and silence victims of and witnesses to his abuse. Scientology has been doing this for years. Decades actually. They wrote the book, literally, on this sort of intimidation tactics. Everyone else is a pretender to the throne of corrupt power abusing the less powerful with impunity. The big difference between Harvey Weinstein and scientology is the money s … [Read more...]
Scientology, Lying and the FBI
Recent articles at Tony Ortega's blog and the Tampa Bay Times recount the stillborn scientology FBI investigation based on FOI documents obtained by RadarOnline. There is not much else to say about the investigation itself, it has been covered at length by Tony Ortega, the Tampa Bay Times and Lawrence Wright, first in his New Yorker article then more extensively in Going Clear. What is interesting is to look back at how scientology responded when asked about the investigation in earlier years. A number of people who had been interviewed by the FBI (including me) had confirmed that an i … [Read more...]
Dealing with Critics of Scientology – The L. Ron Hubbard Playbook
If you read this blog, you are likely aware of Leah Remini's upcoming A&E show. I have had the pleasure of working with Leah on this show as a consultant and participant, a cause of great distress for the church. So I thought I might weigh in with some information I feel is pertinent to events now and into the future. As a reader here you are likely also aware of the "church" reaction to the announcement of the show and the first trailer being released - the usual name-calling, smearing and foot stomping that does not RESPOND in any fashion to the abuses being exposed. … [Read more...]
The Life of L. Ron Hubbard
This is a fascinating insight into the world inside the scientology bubble. This image was posted to a scientology message board on FaceBook. Shortly after this screenshot was taken, the group's admin asked that it be taken down as it didn't have "Issue Authority." Despite all the LRH biography briefings, websites, press releases and books in today's official scientology scripture there is no mention whatsoever anywhere that L. Ron Hubbard even had a wife (or 3) or any children. One of the reasons the Briefing Course is no longer available is that the lectures have not b … [Read more...]
Narconon – Introducing Them To “Our Tech”
The big push is on -- open the unwanted Narconon "celebrity/VIP" centers across the world so Miscavige has something to talk about at the IAS Event. This is the latest. Narconon Ojai... It's been a long time coming, but the heat is on now, because it's just a month til the IAS event. Tony Ortega first reported on it way back in April 2014 (where I predicted it would be a Celeb/VIP Narconon)... And while Narconon, ABLE and the church scream like stuck pigs when the plaintiffs in the numerous lawsuits filed over abuses in Narconon claim they are part of "scientology" and are controlled by the … [Read more...]
Dave’s New Car?
Could this be David Miscavige's newest vanity license plate? The person who sent me this photo swears it is NOT photoshopped, that this is a real plate on a real car. It's not really worth a post by itself, but I feel lazy this Memorial Day weekend and thought everyone might have a laugh in the morning and get their weekend off to a good start. Perhaps Mr. David Let Him Die Miscavige might appreciate some other suggestions for plates to go on his BMW, Land Rover, Acura, Miata, RX 7, Saleen Mustang, Ducati, GMC armored van, Lincoln Navigator and whatever other assorted vehicles he has … [Read more...]
Going Clear: The Prison Of Belief
I am late to the party with my thoughts about Alex Gibney's Going Clear The Prison Of Belief, not being as diligent as Tony Ortega, who despite NOT being a "former Scientologist" nevertheless has the work ethic of a dedicated Sea Org member. There are numerous media accounts of the film and the premiere and I will not try and recount everything, because I don't want to spend hours rehashing what has already been said by others. And frankly, nobody else's take on the movie is going to have the same meaning to you as you will get when you have the opportunity to see it. Which is itself high … [Read more...]