I was sent a copy of this report by Mike Laws and I thought it worth making more broadly known. It has NOTHING to do with giving money to scientology which is about the only form of commendation one usually hears about these days. Mike makes some important points, not the least of which is how Mike Ellis could be sent to the doctor (Megan Shields) who diagnosed him with congestive problems and an ear infection, but then just a few days later he is taken to another doctor who discovers he is overweight and has what is apparently a serious heart condition -- bad enough to prevent him from … [Read more...]
A Happy, Healthy and Prosperous New Year to everyone who gathers around this internet water cooler. Tony Ortega has been summarizing the events of 2014 over the past 10 days or so on his blog. It has been a seismic year in the scientology world. But I believe it is just a warm up for what is to come in 2015. I think it is safe to say that the church of scientology confronts an uncertain and stressful future. And it is not due to the great forces of evil that are lined up against it, ready to persecute the poor saviors of this sector of the universe. It is because they have … [Read more...]
Lying and Fundamentalist Scientology — Sunday Redux
This was originally posted on 29 December 2013. It has only gotten worse.... Is the "Church of Scientology" a fundamentalist organization? In my view, it is. And if you read the criteria for fundamentalism above, there is not much doubt that the hard core members of the church fit right in to these 5 points. I was prompted to write this by an interesting post on Marty's blog a little while ago entitled Trained To Lie. I posted a comment in response which I repeat here: Marty — the corollary to this is the fact that these people will do anything to “protect the church” and bel … [Read more...]
Scientology Shitstorm
The Tampa Bay Times has just put on their website the latest story on human rights and disconnection written by Joe Childs. This is a must read for anyone interested in the subject of Scientology that puts the lie to the church PR that there is no such thing as enforced disconnection. It will appear as the feature story in the Sunday print edition, but went online just as the sheeple were filing into Ruth Eckerd Hall. You should also read the 25 page order from Judge Waldrip in the Monique Rathbun handed down today and now on Tony Ortega's site. Judge Waldrip hoisted the church on its own … [Read more...]
Scientology — The Art of Cognitive Dissonance
Somewhat random thoughts after returning from an out-of-town trip. Cognitive dissonance has reached an art form within the walls of the RCS bubble. Cognitive dissonance is described this way: Mental conflict that occurs when beliefs or assumptions are contradicted by new information. The concept was introduced by the psychologist Leon Festinger (1919–89) in the late 1950s. He and later researchers showed that, when confronted with challenging new information, most people seek to preserve their current understanding of the world by rejecting, explaining away, or avoiding the new information … [Read more...]
Tom Cruise and Disconnection
There is a rash of media articles following the disclosure of parts of Tom Cruise's deposition in the lawsuit he filed against a magazine for saying he "Abandoned" Suri. The media is of course focused on the sensational aspects, including the fact that while he apparently didn't have time to visit Suri he flew from the US to the UK for the annual IAS Event to show his support for his BFF. I read the excerpts of his deposition that are on the internet and was struck by the arrogance he displayed in responding to the questioning. Very reminiscent of his BFF. He snapped terminals with Dear … [Read more...]
Monique Rathbun Sues David Miscavige
If you have not seen it already, read Tony Ortega's story, including a copy of the complaint and Monique's affidavit, here. … [Read more...]
Scientology Spokespuppet Footbullets
Karin Pinocchio Pouw -- the woman behind the curtain that is the name affixed to the public statements of the man behind the woman behind the curtain, David Miscavige -- has stepped in it once again. Responding to reporter Dana Kennedy in a piece published this morning in the Hollywood Reporter, Pouw/Miscavige once again assert that disconnection does not exist, it is merely a "personal choice." Here is a passage from the article: Karin Pouw, a spokesperson for the Church of Scientology, tellsTHR that there is no such policy of disconnection. "While none of this is a comment about … [Read more...]
Scientology Responds To Paul Haggis — Sort Of
The Hollywood Reporter published an open letter written by Paul Haggis this morning. In typical Haggis style, he zero'd in on the crux of the matter and showed himself once again to be a man of principle and dignity who clearly articulates his calm and well reasoned points. Of course, Karin (David Miscavige) Pouw just HAD to respond. In a page out of their normal "attack the attacker" playbook, they launched an illogical, poorly composed ad hominem assault on Paul Haggis. It does not respond to a SINGLE POINT of his Open Letter. It is so ridiculous that I am reprinting it here in full. Th … [Read more...]
Narconon — Miscavige's Worst Nightmare Coming True
See Tony Ortega's breaking story on the raid on Narconon Atlanta. This is Miscavige's worst nightmare. Mary Rieser and anyone else at Narconon Atlanta will likely be thrown under the bus if ONLY because Miscavige figures they are so tainted that ANYTHING done to try to help defend them will blow back on the church and him because this whole Narconocalypse is being watched SO closely by the media. I suspect his biggest concern right now is that this is a breach in the wall that has held back law enforcement/govt agencies from conducting … [Read more...]