The Fun is Back! Until the regges show up. It's Magical That's a good word for it... And it beats chanting every day for 12 years to not become a pig or a stone.... "Special" Commendations All you have to do is send in an Extension Course for 7 weeks in a row. Come in to the org and get a VERY Special Commendation. What a prize! You have to wonder if any scientology org has ever given out a "normal" Commendation. It's a Festival Bet anyone that shows up on L. Ron Hubbard Way that day is a scientologist -- and a large … [Read more...]
Toronto Files Fail
OMG! Toronto is thinking about finishing their files. Like every single org on earth, they are incapable, even in this age of computers, of keeping their paper files up to date. They probably have millions of pieces of paper lying around unfiled since the 70's and now, 20 years after the "ideal org" evolution began, they are going to handle their backlog. One might ask the question, what have they been doing for 20 years? One of the only orgs on earth that was not required to buy a new building in order to become "ideal" they have sat frozen in time since 2003 unable to raise the money … [Read more...]
Canada – The First Ideal Country?
Hold on a second. The scientology definition of an "Ideal Country" is all EXISTING ORGS with "ideal buildings"... This is what they push all the time. We need an "ideal USA" -- that does not mean an ideal org in every city. It doesn't even mean an ideal org in each State. It simply means, all the orgs that ALREADY EXIST need to have new buildings purchased for them (or in the case of Toronto and Los Angeles, simply renovate the one they have -- which STILL isn't done in Toronto). Scientology hasn't opened a new org anywhere in recent memory. By this definition, the following COUNTRIES … [Read more...]
It’s “Virtual OT”
Truth in advertising? From scientology? Must be inadvertent. There is plenty of evidence that there is no such thing as an "OT" despite what Hubbard claimed. But now, it seems we are getting closer to the truth in the scientology claims about this. Now we are seeing "virtual OT's".. I wonder if there is really any difference between a "virtual" OT and a fake OT? Or one that is a "mental image picture" or even just pure imagination? These virtual OT "NCB's" (New Civilization Builders - they actually use this term with a straight face) don't seem to be able to get their act … [Read more...]
Ideal Gone Wild! The Ideal Moose. The Ideal Grant Cardone
Really? But now we have the Ideal Duo!! … [Read more...]
Toronto — Ideal Org Bust
One of the few Scientology orgs in the world that does not need a NEW building to be purchased for the Great Ideal Org Boondoggle is Toronto. This org was purchased in the late 70's pursuant to the LRH BIC (Building Investment Committee) program. Yes, more than 10 years AFTER the launch of David Miscavige's "Ideal Org Strategy" for Planetary Clearing, Toronto, the CONTINENTAL Org for Canada remains unrenovated. Not only not much Planetary Clearing, but it seems not much Canadian Clearing. Or even Toronto Clearing.... So, in desperation, the org with the largest field in Canada (it used to be … [Read more...]