Always a head-scratcher The Hubbard "message to black people" is like My Philosophy. Total bunkum written to make himself sound altruistic. You don't need to look far to find the REAL truth. His REAL message to anyone of color can be found here: Ron The Racist. Decidedly NOT funny. Scrooge McDuck? Did you forget you are PAYING for this stuff? Incredible what people say -- went exterior and had wins comparable to auditing from reading the "basic" books and AP&A taught him how to audit.... Just like Mother's Day -- a total … [Read more...]
Thursday Funnies
It's the name of the game... And that is all it is. They have not seen expansion in ANZO other than in Taiwan in 50 years. Australia and New Zealand are permanently dormant. Wonder how long it took to round these people up? This is probably 10 weeks worth of graduates... How does this qualify them for staff? They've paid to run around a pole.... No LRH Birthday Event again? It's on "L. Ron Hubbard Way"? Not much of a Success Story She finished Grade 0 and she "feels more willing to communicate"? The stated product … [Read more...]
Thursday Funnies
Bunny Rabbits and Freddie Mercury Impersonators What symbolizes ideal orgs better than this? And a trip to the Blue Mountains... Brisbane, Adelaide and Canberra will be ideal in no time. Forget about the rest of Asia and the Pacific. First? Is that a sad state of affairs if this is true? Did you see the latest census numbers from Australia where 2000 people in the whole country identify as scientologists? And three of their six orgs are still not ideal... Yeah, sure there are dozens every week Not Canada Day Graduation... Chris … [Read more...]