I have been nosing around the STAND League site of late, just to document what they are doing and have a record of it before it all disappears in a puff of smoke when that becomes necessary for whatever reason. I came across an article from a couple of months ago, newly tweeted out, smearing my friend of many years, Mariette Lindstein. I have written about Mariette before and her enormous success as an author of fictional novels that are drawn from her experience in scientology, including working at the Gold Base in Religious Technology Center and other very senior executive … [Read more...]
Violence at the Top of Scientology
The latest internet smear on me is a video from a person (Hans Smith) who claims I punched him. That may be true, though I don't recall it and I had little interaction with him. But I have admitted (and so have many others) to punching people when in the Sea Org. At the top of scientology, if you were NOT willing to use physical violence you were considered too weak to hold your post. There are numerous witnesses who can testify to the culture of violence at the top of scientology, many of whom watched David Miscavige dishing out beatings on an assortment of senior scientology officials. … [Read more...]