This just in from a Taiwan Special Correspondent:
Today the 26th of November in Taiwan Miscarriage managed to achieved what no other SP has been able to achieve in any other part of the world.
As of today all Missions in Taiwan have closed their Technical Divisions entirely and have sent them all to Kaoshiung for re-training on the new GAT II data.
NO delivery is to occur until they are put through high crimes of the new issues (that haven’t been issued) and even then re-commencement of delivery may only occur on a temporary basis. Another staff member must then be sent to Kaoshuing for complete re-training on GAT II materials.
Gotta hand it to the guy!
Just the idea of tech divisions in the missions here brings tears to my eyes ~lol
Ya gotta laugh! 😉
There are only a little more than 300 active scios in the whole country!
Scientology in a country like Taiwan is on very shaky ground, and I don’t just mean the earthquakes. The media here doesn’t cover much related to Scn yet because it is so insignificant. Once they appear to grow a bit and screw up more people – we know that’s gonna happen – the press will be all over it and it will all but disappear.
All of the groups here are running the Purification Rundown illegally. Not to mention the Taiwan people hating the idea of calling something a donation when in fact the fees must be paid to obtain services ~lol
My prediction, the org here will close down less than 5 years after it finally opens 🙂
Apparently, Buffalo org has closed. Jono Reece is declared, and the org, I guess, with it. Do any of your correspondents have any info?
So sad. So many good people came out of that org. Billy Sheehan, Joe Hesse, Sr., etc. etc.
WTF. If Ron was here, I’d be so embarrassed to tell him that we haven’t stopped an SP maniac from destroying what he worked so hard to build. And that the destruction continues.
Thank God for Mike and the other of us Indies and Freezoners who keep calling DM out on his BS and hopefully slowing little Caligula MustRavage down. Oh yes, and the Anons. Thanks for pumpin’ up the volume.
The Midget brings new meaning to KSW….
Killing Scientology Worldwide.
LOL! Good one Sejanus!!
Wendy and Sejanus… Killing me softly, with his wrongs…
Gotta say, little Davey sure did learn his SP tech. He knows how to be an SP REAL good. Pretty soon he’ll have kick EVERYBODY out!
i just got a report from a friend of mine who attended the SP Event Replay at her local org recently. I havent told her i left the church since though she hasnt been active herself for many years, i know she would disconnect from me in a Miscaviage Minute if i told her my true feelings about the church. Plus, i like to have some lines of infromation from inside they bubble. Anway….
From what she told me, the meat of the GAGII changes to the Grades are basically this: An LRH order to the effect that 6 or 7 or so of the processes of each Grade were to be run on each pc, and then they were supposed to run on the main process of the Grade. Somehow, this order never went in and was lost. Quickie Grades are supposedly when only the main process of a Grade are run. The way the Grades have been being done for DECADES, basically running all 30 or 40 processes of each grade, then doing the main one, is not what LRH ever intended and in fact is an over-run.
I’m VERY interested in what experienced Auditors and C/S’s have to say about this.
Sounds like running the basic minimum checksheet requirements to complete any given auditor level on the PC first before doing the meat & potatoes of the Grades themselves. Are they going to train level 0 students in all the facets of the styles of auditing too? That means no auditing being done until the trainee has completed Level IV. LRH was directly involved in the compilation of the ’78 Grades checksheets, so I am pulling a blank about this datum that “LRH never intended …”. Unless I can see this reference myself that clearly demonstrates LRH wanted something other than what we have come to know and practice for well over 35 years, I’m calling bunk on all this.
Once again the COB RTC is full of shit. Funny how he says that Ron said this or that but never shows the actual ref.
Can we say Hidden Data Line?
The Grades the way I and many auditors who’ve actually run them which excludes Miscavige are done in the sequence of the Process Sheet until the EP for that grade is reached. This what is called “Expanded Grades” and produces the maximum gain. What he suggests is just out tech plain and simple.
If the Ol’man wanted Grades run in such a squirrelly way he would have written an HCOB instructing auditors to do so long before the loser of found technology or loser for short “discovered” this new method of delivery.
That is a great point. Where the “F” is the reference Dave? If it isn’t written it isn’t true.
What were the WDAHs prior to this? Is there any difference between now and then? Were any auditors being made compared to now?
Or “Wow wow wow!”
The introduction of GAT II and this new Hasbro toy “emeter” has managed to do what over 200 agents of the Federal Government, two inquisitions and the combined forces of Smersh have been unable to do in over three decades!
Now that’s impressive!
Well done Dave!
You can now give a “Done Sir!” to Jolly who is probably smiling down or maybe up from wherever he went.
I believe that in a policy I read somewhere LRH said, “Never unmock a working installation”. Am I correct about this and does anyone know of such reference?
In any event what DM is communicating to the world is, “Any auditing which was delivered to GAT I standards is hereby declared to be squirrel.” …..Does he think that Scientologist are not aware that he himself created GAT I as his solution to alleged out tech? Does he really think that the public will buy this crap again? I have paid for and receive some really good auditing in the Idie field. But if someone from the Church of Mi$cavology were to offer me free services, I wouldn’t touch it with a ten foot pole.
“Never unmock a working installation” is indeed LRH. It is in the Green Vols. Anyone have the date and title of the ref?
So the Missions have to cough up the money to buy Meters and all auditing delivery must stop. Sounds about par for a Miscavige solution. The guy is Ridonkulous.
The earlier comments about the new emeters being Big-Brothered makes this whole scenario even more nefarious. Not just greed… it’s resounding Nazi control. Very scary. Hope more people back away quickly and find a safe haven.
Funny–Communist China had re-education camps. Miscavige has the same thing in Taiwan.
Help me understand, please! Are these actions in Taiwan something like if the Pope shut down all the Catholic Churches in a country saying, “Jesus isn’t here for you until our new shipment of error-free bibles arrives?” Or is it more like keeping mass going on Sundays but taking away access to confession? It’s hard to imagine the scope of these actions as a never-in. Obviously nuts, but exactly how squirrelly are Miscavige’s orders?
Heidi, its like saying “no one get get medical treatment until doctors repeat their last year of medical school.” Yes, it’s ridiculous, especially since Davey has always said the tech works 100% of the time.
Thank you!
Only comparable if the Pope was a uneducated thug with a filthy mouth who enjoyed breaking people.
No worries! They can go to Helen Chen’s FZ Org which has over 100
Trey Lotz 19 November 09:20
“We’ve had a great couple of weeks here.
I did 79 hours of auditing, resulting in an L12,
three Original OT 7, and two 8-8008 Certainty Auditing
Novia has been the very capable ED of Hellen Chen’s
org in Taiwan for 12 years. This org has over 100 staff
and is the largest independent org in the world!”
I think it is the right time for them to advertise now!
Trey, VVVWD on your stellar and “real” stats. I know for a fact that Trey doesn’t pad the numbers like He Who Must Not Be Named. Proof that you can get real auditing in the Indie field by excellent auditors and CSes.
Must do what Chairman Mao wants…
I can easily imagine that Miscabbage ranted something along these lines: “It’s not suppressive to shut down delivery in order to retrain mission staff when after the retraining they will 70x their delivery!” And if someone said “but sir, can’t we send some deputized GAT II missionaires from the org to the mission to get the high crimes done?”, the resounding rant would be “and who’s going to pay for that…YOU?!?!?” and “they had a chance to get updated without closing down, why didn’t they…are they run by SPs?!?!?!”
When you’re talking about Miscavige, the old adage applies: “If you’re a hammer everything looks like a nail.” Well, when you’re Miscavige, everyone is an SP. Everyone. A suppressive generality in itself.
It’s interesting that they are going now instead of waiting until after the holidays. Me thinks dear leader wants to be sure there will be enough followers there for his New Years event?
He is ready to go…per The Psychotic HCO B, once he is uncovered will attempt to destroy everything before he departs, and he is exactly doing that.
That is what I am thinking. All that real state can be picked up for pennies on the dollar by the right person at the right time. Farfetched idea but nevertheless a possibility.
I had the same thought.
A fun scenario….He’ll order and bully everyone who is left to close up everything, then he’ll make it all their fault that that had to be done because that is what his viewpoint really is. Then he’ll take a few close people who are the most brainwashed to the Freewinds. He can still commandeer those people and they won’t be able to escape very easily or at all. The security guards on the ship will feel all honored that they kept the place “secure so COB decided to come here when he was being attacked–aren’t we awesomely fortunate!”
But I don’t know what the plan would be for all his upcoming court appearances….I sure hope this guy ends up in prison in general population…..sweet!
That makes sense. He is creating total chaos and confusion. People going all different directions and the knowledgeable standing by the sidelines watching and scratching their heads. Perfect timing for him to disappear with all the real estate. Create as much instability and mis-direction as possible. Urgent urgent urgent. And then disappear. Nobody will know he’s gone until he’s long gone. Just a thought.
I guess Miscavige’s earlier plans for entirely destroying the Mission network were not effective enough for him in terms of results. Some of those SP missions were still open despite all that has already been done to them. Aha, here’s a better strategy. Just order them closed for retraining of staff on a training lineup that will take forever, using materials that are not even issued yet to do the training with (at least in some languages). The genius of Miscavige shines on.
Davie Scamige will be proud if the world auditors get trough GAG II in record time. Let’s say the Time Machine will be set for 48 months to achieve Mis-perfection. Then they will be able and authorized to audit who?
Mike this is just an SP action. I worked there for 6 years. I know every single place in Taiwan. I really feel very sad for this people in Taiwan because they are looking for hope. I know they will start open their eyes sooner or later.
Thanks for the information.
Oh I get it…now the Taiwan Org will have some people in the course room to deliver to and a great photo op for their supposed upcoming Idle org opening. I guess DM has to make sure the stats get up somehow in the Orgs so, just send the mission staff there…they have no choice.
Interesting point to keep track of……..
Unbelievable but a VERY good thing. This will likely happen in all the missions and orgs. The AO solo auditors – every tech delivery person. Nothing seems good enough tech wise for this management. But it WILL open more eyes and hearts to the truth.
Staggering. The stupidity reaches ever new depths. Just how deep can it go? I truly believe if DM had his way he would make the quals for being even public beyond reach. He would want only 14 to 24 year olds who had no drug history, no sexual partners, blonde blue eyed jungens who were slavishly loyal and pliable at the same time, unless they were minted of course. He could create the sort of new order he seems to crave.
I think you mean “12 to 14 year olds”
That’s the Int Base which was beginning to look like Wewelsburg.
When I was working Exec Series 40 for a short time they rejected anyone who had experience and good stats in other words Veteran Staff or SO members. It seems that all they wanted up there were the Hitler Youth type you mention.
The same is happening in Hungary. All classed auditors in each Hungarian mission (all 3 or 4 of them 🙂 ) were ordered to retrain of GAT II courses and their organizations have to buy the new E-meters. So, I guess, effectively ALL delivery is stopped in the Mission Network. Wonder how they will survive this…
As a side note, Kaohsiung is scheduled to be opened on 7th of December 7 as an Ideal Org.
If I was the owner of a mission I would start delivering book 1 instead.
I have a serious question, one that has plagued me during this whole release of GAT II: are hypnotic commands embedded in this retraining, and could that be why CoB is making the retrains mandatory? Those who have done the GAT II, with all the attendant e-meter checks, M-4’s, etc. get even more inculcated?
I’ve done quite a bit of reading over the last year on the subject, and it’s a bit scary how easy it is to implant commands in people. Most will already be primed to accept the new information as dedicated Scientologists and having just been to a very big event with lots of mass hysteria, intricate lighting and sound being pounded at them.
I don’t want to sound paranoid, but am I the only one who sees this?
not paranoid .
7 hours of loud voice and flashing light .
It was noted though by someone who was there that Miscavenger never thanked anybody .
“he” surveyed , “he ” researched , “he” found out…..etc of course nothing new about that , the point is , that person did notice .
Hopefully more did as well.
This may be old hat, but still amazing.
This is AMAZING. Especially the 2nd guy. How is this happening? Does it have something to do with him touching the shoulder and handing him the bottle of water?
What is this about? How does it work?
I agree about the loud music and crappy visuals and his loud, booming Big Brother voice. I can’t stand those events. It makes sense that something else (subliminal?) could be going on. I know nothing about those techniques. Wow.
Wow. Very good insight. Makes sense to me. Nefarious sense. Whew.
To quote William S. Burroughs:
“A paranoid is someone who knows a little of what’s going on. ”
Yeah those “events” in my opinion are Davy’s or whoever is running him (making me more paranoid than you 😉 ) version of “shock and awe”.
Really interesting to watch from an exterior POV. The AV with the upbeat announcer explodes on the screens and takes you on a virtual tour of some “Ideal Org” that looks like its been hit by a neutron bomb since there is no human life within the building to ruin the “aesthetic” effect or whatever and then almost everybody gives it a standing ovation and applause which is followed by exploding graphs of meaningless “statistics” so as you get the impression that Pax Scientologia is expanding “globally” or whatever more standing ovations and applause for a bunch of fabricated meaningless stats then the little subtitle flashes on the screens saying “Chairman of the Board Religious Technology Center ( a post that doesn’t exist on any Org Board BTW) Mr. David Miscavige” a title that is supposed instill respect. You know like back in elementary, middle and high school when all the teachers were addressed as “Mr” or “Mrs.” whatever followed by a droning “speech” written by someone who takes purple prose to the outer limits. The association is intentional because whenever his holiness walk on the stage and showed his weasel Oswald like face on the big screens to the left, right and center. The following words would go through my mind. Having grown up in the ’60’s and all that:
There is nothing wrong with your television set. Do not attempt to adjust the picture. We are controlling transmission. If we wish to make it louder, we will bring up the volume. If we wish to make it softer, we will tune it to a whisper. We will control the horizontal. We will control the vertical. We can roll the image; make it flutter. We can change the focus to a soft blur or sharpen it to crystal clarity. For the next hour, sit quietly and we will control all that you see and hear. We repeat: there is nothing wrong with your television set. You are about to participate in a great adventure. You are about to experience the awe and mystery which reaches from the inner mind to the outer limits.
Since we usually ended up in the cheap seats at the Shrine or the Universal Amp or wherever they decided to set up the implant station because we were not IAS patrons or even LT members nobody would notice that I’d go to the bathroom and go out and have a cigarette at this point. So I usually didn’t catch the whole meandering speech but I’d notice the hypnotic and raptured gaze of the audience on my way out.
Smoke a couple of cigarettes come back and realize I coulda smoked a whole pack in the time it takes Svengali to finish his “speech”. I come back notice that most of the crowds eyes are glassed over probably what could be mistaken as a “fixed dedicated glare” but really looks like a hypnotic trance.
The ordeal of another mandatory event is over so my significant other and I find the nearest exit before the human chain or Staff and SO members form at all points of egress.
Also, what happen to the Kaohsing idle org that was promoted to open by this year? Christmas is at the corner. GAG 2 re-train, then translation of Chinese GAG II materials need to be done. This is endless since 2005.
Yeah it was supposed to be October ~lol
There isn’t even enough people to fill up the missions here. It’s such a joke. The IAS paid for the building here because there are not enough Scios here to do it. And, when the media here find out what is really going on it will be a circus, the public will stay away and the whole place will close soon after it opens.
It’s just a Golden Age of Travesties for the cult!
The Miscavige method of total collapse to affluence.
Like those classified adds supermarket tabloids that
BEG for $10 to make you super rich buy doing nothing.
The Taiwanese will catch on , then more empty building’s !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
( did I get enough exclamation points and WOW’s for GAT 2 ese )
Sounds good to ME.
Some call it brainwashing….I call it SOUL WASHING.
So, nothing is “Made in Taiwan”…….
I hope that they open their eyes and close the chapter of CoS.
Actually, we ( that is Hellen and Helmut ) have made more the a dozen of clears, about 6 OTIII, in the last year and are delivering the Excalibor (OT 7 & 8 ) as well.
I am on it personally, and me and another person are OT IV C/S’s —
Switzerland’s Ron’s Org has trained me is still helping us with C/Sing those upper OT levels and will also train us to deliver OT 7,8,9,10 and above.
by the way Trey Lots is also helping us with auditing,to clear, L’s, supper power etc.
We do NOT do people in SCN already as a common practice at all, as we always have been “new people disseminators” and are having plenty public that way, but might just have to have no choice than to pick up the mess Mr. Mismanage is leaving behind him once more.
After all we are here to help, and the very first mission Taiwan was because of my wife’s selectee she got in SCN from the street, and then was helping him in taiwan with seminars etc :)))
In fact you will be hard pressed to find too many SO members form Taiwan who have not attended a seminar from Hellen which got them on mission line – staff about 20 years and then ripped of by the SO so that the mission holder never had any good staff.
sounds familiar ??
Anyhow, he could not have planed it more perfect as we are ready just in time for the cleanup :))
Dear Helmut and Hellen,
I can only applaud with one pair of hands and I am so so very very happy and proud of you.
This is such a great update! I well recall your YT videos via Marty’s blog. I watched them all.
As you know, LRH had put a very serious brute effort to develope the Tech, and as a gift He had given it, to all of us, for free. (postulated as free, free from suppression and out exchange, etc. as nothing is truly “free”) Best he can.
There is no question, His compassion to help others and to move forward despite all odds created one of the most important movements this Planet ever seen, a story yet to be fully realized and made truly a reality.
You very much play no small part in this, as you wish.
I believe there is now so much noise right this moment, that DM is fatally injured, and it is truly his end. It could be a matter of a few weeks or months. And no more then a few years, and he will be done. (with all assets intact)
I found an amusing LRH quote from an obscure website ( recently that I believe is LRH however comes without Ref.
“If there is an Authoritarian structure at St. hill it has been brought into being by the government itself. St. hill is trying to correct itself. It doesn’t know what it’s trying to correct because nobody has told it what to correct.”
There has to be a third-party accordingly, and not a being on earth fails to realize this, despite personal PTPs, that a death to “modern” current government is long long over due. So very big changes are certainly inevitable….all around.
And. Here you are, both of you, making postulates reality!! ? OUTSTANDING. BREATHTAKING!
This is not to overlook Ron’s Org, Rinder, Steve Hall, Marty and countless others, we know simple things perfectly well, thanks to LRH: one of those things is that NOTHING comes into being with out a Postulate. (or a Prayer given in faith. Samething imo) These things work. Just like magic. And thus we can all Help. We can disagree. And we can agree. with something better. Even in as little as that…. This Reminds me of other amusing quote from LRH that comes to my crazy mind… I recall it from a taped lec. again without ref.
(LRH was doing his work as he researched, he says, and looking up noticed a fly on the wall, he watched carefully while it cleaned it’s wings and laughed as he realized “My god! how postulates STICK!!” It is very funny to recall. It is telling, we could swat and splat DM like a fly in an instant as a group. But that would of NOT put us here….
I believe God is with us, and indeed it is complicated. Nevertheless, you are winning and we will win.
Thank you so much for being with us and being You.
Thanks for your applauding Antoine :)):)
yes, its an effort of very one ,but without subscripting the need of needing to regulate each other or otters.
The Tech is actually simple with rather few principles ( as it has been put together by an OT ) .
As said, thanks to the Tech we got form the establishment over teh 25 years, and thanks to what we now get form people such as Ron’s org, Trey, and literally countless others who have forged the way to the continuation of our freedom for actually a couple of decades now
You are very welcome Helmut.
Indeed, Hubbard had a way to making things stick, and to everyone’s benifit.
It IS simple Tech, and as Hubbard put it, … to paraphrase “if You were NOT so powerful as a Being, there would be no need to take such suppressive measures”.
It is simply foolish to think Hubbard had no foresight for volume! He built the Org Board to handle 800,000+ Staff, he was a big thinker, and he knew his history. That despite his wrongs, he knew he would succeed. And in that success, as a true Culture growing, we could or would of 8Ced The Establishment for a better World and a safer World, (the true role of the SO I understand) where the aims of Scientology became reality. (a dream not lost in many of us) Not much wrong with that, but costly delayed. Another thing Hubbard had: the sense of urgency.
The whole thing of Disconnection “Tech” is with the “wife beater” NOT the whole lot.
How in gods name did Miscavage think to govern a scientology population (had we exspanded to millions) with such stupidity? Obviously, Miscavage can not see past his manicured dick.
Shelly Miscavage? Poor girl, she surely is not interested in being found. Too disgusting in her reality.
This is a direct reply to Helmut Flasch original comment. Now I’m a never-in so please forgive me if I get this wrong or am missing something (very possible I’m just extremely confused here) but I thought that LRH only ever released levels up to OT8? If thats the case how can you be getting trained to deliver OT9,10?? If its not LRHs original creation than wouldn’t that be considered out-tech aka squirrelling? Ive always thought indies were very fanatical about using LRHs original unaltered bridge? Or is it because its a RONS org? I’ve never really understood the whole thing with RONs orgs so I may just be understanding or missing something here.
I’m NOT trying to attack anyone or trolling I’m very fascinated with Scientology and believe its important to hear as many sides to an issue as possible. Indys, Exes, Critics etc. I’ve been reading mikes blog since it started and try to keep up with Martys too. I started out on TonyOs blog and am a daily reader of Mikes & Tonys. Usually Marty too.
Please forgive my ignorance and I appreciate any help/opinions on this topic.
PS Happy Thanksgiving for all you Americans out there. Already had ours in Canada.:)
A brilliant mind to already see from far above it. You have nothing to worry about.
helo ozzybud,
This is a really good question regardless of whether you are a scientologist which is learning and using the tech (form what I read from you I don’t think so )
Or whether you an avid observer of the scientology happenings as a bystander (something I have a difficult time understanding why any one would want to waist time like that )
Or whether you are a fully greatly dedicated, but rather naïve and ignorant, and thus heavily misled SO – OSA staff ( the most likely situation )
It’s a good Question period.
So lets get at it. Read and learn!
About Indies being standard tech oriented:
I am sure they are, and I hope that everyone uses his OWN judgment and interpretation of what good tech is . I know I do and could care less if some or any of the Indie guys agree with what I do.
I learn and get auditing form the once which I agree with and not necessary do I need to agree with all they do , just in the things I get involved in.
Tehr are a great many of great, great indies using and teaching the tech in wonderful ways.
Anyone saying that the tech is very, very exact and un-interpretable, and a small narrow path is wrong.
And in case Ron did say that – which he did , – I declare him wrong on that point.
Any problems with that?
I have more areas I think Ron screwed up, which does not mean I do no believe that learning his tech was not the super very best thing I ever did in many of my life times.
Marring my wife would be the second . second because I don’t think I would have met her, nor would I have made it with her without Ron’s tech.
Leaving the corporate scientology was the third bets thing – yes all three things go for all life times I know of!!!!
Anyhow Ron said in a lecture (I never give actual references since, first of all I don’t remember where they are, and could care less, and second, its YOUR responsibility to believe or check or explore to make things true for you or not.
You see personally I never have cared who said things, I f it make sense to me I use it , if not I don’t.
Hitter said some very sensible things, he just was 1.1 and lower, and surly did not act on what he said but that does not make the actual statement less workable.
Do you get me??
Ok, sorry, back to what Ron said in this lecture:
There is only one drawback with making true OT’s, and that is that they can’t be controlled any more for nothing!!!
You must hear the full lecture to realize that this was NOT a real problem in his mind at all, but a rather good and amusing thing. After all controlling or even guiding others was NOT his objective in any way. He laughed when he said that ☺
I have said it many times, every Indie should do what he likes to do and how he likes to do it.
If what he does works, and by that I mean makes people feel better and have a better life , then he will have business or followers or whatever – if not he will soon be to of business.
Hellen’s group in Taiwan is growing and growing.
Nothing else counts; – I have NO interest to forward the good name of Ron (since he does not have one any how)
I am interesting of doing a job I like, and make a good living doing so, which happens to be helping people with real life problems using the wonderful tech from Ron, and using it the way I see fit.
My mission is NOT to save the planet – “it does NOT need one more saving” LRH
About Ron not having released anything beyond OT VIII:
First of all released and develop are two very different things.
Would you agree?
So, could he have had develop them? As after all I do believe he said that they are developed ,and releasing them is up to management when he talked about the OT VIII and above development .
With all the shit MR. Mismanage is pulling on us (also on you, if you are OSA person)
Starting from changing how the can squeeze is done in the early 90’s to GAT II ,never mind that actually no one very gets any of the auditing action which would ,even if done badly , get a person eventually to OT, and never mind all the false psych flags he pulls to force – reg ,and the supper power, and ,and ,and .
Don’t you think, he would not be capable of withholding the OT levels beyond VIII ??
Isn’t he withholding superpower for 3 decades now??
Like the 9 year old ware hose E-meters? Maybe he planes to use “releasing” the above OT VIII as his last exit strategy for him personally, as to have a bit more spending money on some lonely island ☺
Is it possible, that Ron KNEW that shit was going on in management and that he entrusted the tech quietly to someone he trusted and told that person to run with it when he thinks it’s needed?
And in any case, didn’t Ron constantly encourage us to try processes, and things? YES hi did!!!
For sure!
So, what if some one did just that, and holey and behold he got gains and told others and they got gains and so on??
What about that? What if it isn’t Ron, but works ??
Ether way Ron is not here to make a comment on it, so we might never know.
But who cares? Me for sure – I don’t.
If thetans are indestructible, and ever living, something which is very, very true for me, then surly a little experimenting is not going to kill us, especially if you understand that our current state to our potential state of power and awareness is literally nowhere to be found on the scale. Something very, very true for me as well.
This basically means what I heard a great friend and super great disseminator ,Mark Shreffler, ones said: don’t be so dimmed about what you say or don’t say when disseminating – you cant kill those walking zombies any more than they are already death.
Ron actually say similar staff, he also talks about not to ever be series about anything, so I don’t know why people are so serous about the bloody tech.
Its an out point.
Unimpressed with winning or loosing is the only way to really live.
Now, I thing that should do it.
We are free beings –OT auditing, especially around VII and above really really shows that and addresses that, and not being able to do what you want, feel, or know is just a very funny consideration.
Drop it – you save yourself many hours of auditing and get an imitate search of abilities ☺☺
if you are an OSA chap, or any OSA chaps reading this, and one day you get up the courage to bust out ( I don’t believe that you need to BECOME aware of it as it is latterly impossible NOT to be aware of already ,since every thetan KNOWS ) drop me a note on how this article helped.
I totally agree with this!
“There is only one drawback with making true OT’s, and that is that they can’t be controlled any more for nothing!!!”
Halleluiah! That’s what everybody wants, right?
So WHY?????? pray tell, do we think that MustRavage is STOPPING PEOPLE FROM BEING TRULY OT?
Ron also said, “We are not here to make good boys and girls, we are here to make free beings.”
I like that about the tech.
Remember the point Ron made about “A stat doesn’t just stay down, it has to be held down?” Here we are.
Then, of course, if you look at the worldwide agenda to dumb people down, to make them illiterate and sick, why would those powers that be WANT ANYONE to be truthfully (and fully) OT?
So, if we’re looking through those glasses, who might influence a little power-hungry money grubber to sabotage any tech that would create completely OT OTs?
Wow, Indie 8Mill, you really painted the big picture and I must admit I had never looked that big before. Yes, add it up…. GMO foods to make us sick, toxins in the water to make fish and us sick, sabotaged Church of Scn to make NO OT’s who can’t be controlled, and there you have the current state of the union. Maybe DM is the puppet of someone other bigger slave master? Not sure, but sure is food for thought. So the antidote is to come to the Indie world and get the pure tech and go OT so that no one can enslave or control you ever again. And lobby and work to defeat Monsanto.
Hey Lady Jane – YES! Isn’t it interesting? I personally believe it’s all connected.
Plus, remember, back in the day, we, as a group, would actually speak out about crimes against humanity? Remember the ORIGINAL Freedom mag? We talked about psychiatry, yes, but we also exposed the use of Agent Orange, etc. We, as a group of Scientologists, were interested in the well-being of the world.
Lord knows, there’s a lot to be concerned about today, even more than them. What astounds me is the similarity of how the government is running (indefinite detention, rote speeches with teleprompters, use of mind control techniques, etc.) and how DM is running his show. I wonder who is teaching who?
Here is an example of what the REAL Freedom magazine was reporting before DM took it over as a hate mail/propaganda machine.
I believe this is more about the Indies now than it is about Corporate CofS. It’s all been inverted. We are the thetans without banks. We have risen above an avid craving for agreement from a humanoid group. The decent, pleasant things are coming from us and others, not in. I’m not even going to mention who is the more ethical group (and who is not).
The next to last sentence here almost sounds like the Independent movement’s mission statement. I vote for it.
“The common denominator of a group is the reactive bank. Thetans without banks have different responses. They only have their banks in common. They agree then only on bank principles. Person to person the bank is identical. So constructive ideas are individual and seldom get broad agreement in a human group. An individual must rise above an avid craving for agreement from a humanoid group to get anything decent done. The bank-agreement has been what has made Earth a Hell — and if you were looking for Hell and found Earth, it would certainly serve. War, famine, agony and disease has been the lot of Man. Right now the great governments of Earth have developed the means of frying every Man, Woman and Child on the planet. That is bank. That is the result of Collective-thought Agreement. The decent, pleasant things on this planet come from individual actions and ideas that have somehow gotten by the Group Idea. For that matter, look how we ourselves are attacked by “public opinion” media. Yet there is no more ethical group on this planet than ourselves.
Thus each one of us can rise above the domination of the bank and then, as a group of freed beings, achieve freedom and reason. It is only the aberrated group, the mob, that is destructive.”
+100 on the LRH quote Indie. Yes, we are the ones without banks, poised on the brink to do some real good. Let’s organize and do it!
Thanks, Jane. Yes, organize and win. We have the best minds in Scientology at our disposal.
And when they come back……..GAT III is comming….sooooonnnnnnn
DM’s only mantra for life is clear: “I control you!” He cares not about anything else. He will do all to prove it. The hell with any other purpose, especially a good one.
How about “I control you, then NULLIFY you!”
or, “I control you…I am God…you are nothing”
or, “I know all, you know nothing.”
or just “All are idiots!”
What is sad, is that those in still go effect to that viewpoint.
“I control you! I nullify you! And I SQUISH you!
And that’s the truth….phhhtttthhhhh…. More scotch.”
Similar things happened at AOLA after GAT 1. All of the experienced auditors were removed to non – auditor posts. It was very difficult to get auditing there for a long time.
Ya gotta stop clearing the planet, to clear the planet. Everyone knows that.
Reminds me of when LRH says on the FEBC lecture about how you cannot stop everything to get organized. You have to keep on going, smoothing things out [with hatting & training] as you go.
He says, “ is absolutely gruesome. ..That’s a wonderful way to die. The first LA foundation, not under my control, the first LA foundation at 2600 S. Hoover failed, because the head of it…closed it for ten days to find out if the legal organization
was correct. There was no threat, there was nothing happening, but it just wasn’t well
enough organized. And they accumulated an indebtedness from which they never recovered. ..they just shut the doors for ten days.”
WOW! The crazy, cooked up crap Miscavige dreams up never ceases to amaze me! The sillions still in have got to be sick of it too…just ask them…”At What Point Does Scientology Work?” That will poke a hole in the Scientological Bubble!!
scientology ~ 60 years of SPing???
Great quote: “At What Point Does Scientology Work?”
Brilliant question. I talked to someone the other day who was proud to say that they’ve been in Co$ for 32 years. They are still fat, broke and, at a time when they should be concerned about how they are going to live through their golden years, they are over-the-moon excited about COB’s newest “finds” and trying to sell me more Kool Aid.
What’s wrong with this picture? The big question I should have asked is…. “At What Point Does Scientology Work?”
In Taiwan, Miscavige’s latest Re-education of Scientology technology will remind many Taiwanese of The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution. And the similarities don’t favor Scientology.