This month’s edition of Tampa Bay is evidence of how hard scientology is still working to “safepoint” the Clearwater community. There is a concurrently published YouTube video on this subject:
Tampa Bay magazine is typical of this sort of publication you find in many major cities — it’s glossy pages feature full page ads for the restaurants they review, ads from realtors for the homes they highlight, ads from lawyers who write columns in the magazine and a bunch of “social” shots of the local luminaries attending events in the area. There is no real reporting, it’s all puff pieces.
Scientology, and especially local OSA volunteer Joanie Sigal and OSA PR people Lisa Mansell and Pat Harney have appeared in the “social pages” at various events from time to time.
For this edition, scientology rolled in the big gun — the wealthiest scientologist in the area, Trish Duggan. She is featured in this edition, and with her comes a whole lot more scientology stuff as you will see. The OSA PR people were dancing in the streets when they got this edition.
The cover is Trish Duggan art.
There is a feature story about Trish Duggan. She is seen in the “social pages” as are the aforementioned Joanie Sigal and Lisa Mansell.
The issue ALSO includes a feature about a food event held at the Ft Harrison, the opening of a new scientologist owned apartment building and a page of puffery about Winter Wonderland!
I want the people who are normalizing scientology in Clearwater to be seen and their names to be known. It may seem innocent, but this sort of thing is exactly what scientology is trying to accomplish — appearing “normal” as a cover for the ongoing abuses they are engaged in in the very hotel the event took place.
So, let’s go through all the mentions of scientology in the magazine. The publisher/editors of this magazine, Aaron R Fodiman and Margaret Word Burnside are the chief enablers of the “look how normal scientology is” parade.
The first mention, Joanie Sigal because they held a luncheon and fashion show to benefit the Pinellas Sheriff’s Police Athletic League and Winter Wonderland (you know where most of the money went…)
Enablers: Pippa Pelure, Sharon Fekete, Maureen Gabe, Denise Hall, Rita Ivy, Dr. Kellie Lightbourn, Kathleen Litton, Seema Ramroop, Tracy Stephens, Brandi Winans.
Next is the Trish Duggan piece, they simply took what she told them and put it on the page, including her “many projects including human rights and a drug-free world.”
Next is the reporting on the scientologist developed apartment building — along with some featured scientologists at the top of the page.
Once again, Trish Duggan with Tom Cruise’s sister and wife of IAS Freedom Medal winner Greg Capazorio, Cass.
Then scientology artist Marlene Rose who is a scientologist business owner on Cleveland St who was used to praise Miscavige’s “downtown redevelopment plans.”
And finally Moises Agami and his wife, the developer of the property.
Then the real kicker — a puff piece about Winter Wonderland. Though no mention of the fact they hand out the L. Ron Hubbard booklet Way to Happiness to kids there or that City Council member Mark Bunker is not allowed to visit and was in fact evicted from this very locale by the Clearwater PD following demands by Sarah Heller the legal director of scientology in Clearwater. There are a lot of others who are not welcome, though the article claims “it is open to everyone in the Tampa Bay area.”
That is a lie.
And here is Lisa Mansell in the “Social Seens” with enabler Frank Chivas.
And finally, the glowing report about the “Chef’s Showcase” held in the Crystal Ballroom of the Ft Harrison hotel as a joint effort of scientology and Tampa Bay magazine.
Enablers participating here (some of these may be SO members who cook in the scientology restaurants): Cam Ryan Anderson, Marni Atherton, Rene Marquis, Vanessa Marquis, John Harris, Souka Phommarak, Baystar Restaurant Group, Geoffrey Blanchette, Cameron Mitchell, William Brown, William Dean Chocolates, Jeff Holland, John Stout, 20 Shekels Bread
Thanks for exposing this disgusting magazine bulls—t. Scientology is suppose to be a path to spiritual freedom. In fact it is a path to narcissistic, materialistic androids. Bodies without souls. Hubbards robot army. And the Sciebots are flouted in a vacuous magazine of paid ads disguised as articles.
Two of the biggest Scientology Patrons together in art…:
Gottfried Helnwein and Trish Duggan Speak at Special Reception to Promote Their Collaboration “Blue Madonna
At first glance, a collaboration between Gottfried Helnwein and Trish Duggan might not be expected. The celebrated Austrian artist Gottfried Helnwein, is known for his mysteriously dark and often controversial life-like paintings. His work often references taboo and sensitive issues from recent history, especially Nazi rule in Europe, the horror of the Holocaust and childhood abuse.
This artistic partnership breathes life into an evocative homage dedicated to mothers worldwide. Through “Blue Madonna,” Helnwein and Duggan weave together the threads of history, technique, and emotion, delivering a poignant tribute that transcends cultural boundaries and resonates deeply with audiences.
So Trish glued seashells on a mannequin. I glued macaroni on paper in grade school. Give me a magazine cover.
THIS! ^^^^^^
Disgusting. Good find! Nothing is more effective than this safepointing. Magazines like that (There is one in West Hwd also) cater to the rich. Just the people Sci wants to influence.
At this point if it weren’t for the gullible or greedy, $ci. would have zero interaction with non-$ci. people.
(OT I miss the Friday RB comics)
From Mark Bunker — here’s a YouTube documentary on Astra Woodcraft’s experience in Scientology:
When you watch it, think about the Scientology enablers at Tampa Bay Magazine. And shame on Clearwater PD.
Good grief! Is Tampa Bay Magazine OWNED by a scientologist?? Christmas was always my husband’s & my favorite time of year (his birthday was Christmas day
). We lived in Safety Harbor for the 1st 15 years of our marriage. Around 2000, we heard about Winter Wonderland & drove over to see, since we tried to attend as many Christmas events as we could. We didn’t know it was a scientology thing. We drove slowly around the park to see what was there. We were so unimpressed that we never even parked the car. We drove on to the next event
As for the condos, I thought Alt 19 was as dismissal as it could be. Sticking a giant eyesore there just puts an exclamation mark on it
. Sunset Point is no prize either. They’re seriously encroaching on Dunedin territory.
And the picture of the food looks downright gross!
No big deal but I enjoyed your “slice of life” story about driving to see the Winter Wonderland and going from “not sure what to expect” to “whatever I was expecting, this ain’t it”.
That woman, on the cover… in white… It’s Shell-eek!
Not the long disappeared Shelley, or Shelly, but Shell-eek! with an Eek!
Oh I hope those shells are virtual, and not something laboriously applied with hot glue, or superglue, or that crusty white paste we used back in first grade. Because it would smart when they were removed, and that would be dumb.
Dumb. Just like Scientology. Dumb, and hurtful.
Eek, Shell-eek. Eek.
Winter isn’t wonderful, at least not in Minnesota.