The Hillsborough County Sheriff’s Office (Tampa) arrested and jailed a Pastor who held Sunday Services yesterday in violation of social distancing laws.
It now begs the question: What about the flagrant violations of scientology? Will the Pinellas County Sheriff’s Office (@SheriffPinellas on twitter) or the Clearwater Police Department (@MyClearwaterPD) do anything? It seems unlikely given their past track record. But one can always hope.
With a new Clearwater Mayor and City Council coming online imminently, perhaps there is a hope that instead of responding to calls from the Security Guards at Flag complaining that the person who shot this video was “violating social distancing”, they will instead be showing up to investigate what scientology is doing because it is clear from the images of the sardines being unloaded from the bus that they are NOT keeping to the requirements. At all.
Tracey McManus’s latest article includes quotes from the long-lost Ben Shaw…
If past incidents serve as a guide, Scientology is apparently exempt from many of the laws that govern Clearwater. Most politicians are politicians first. Defending the common good is a distant second. Most elected officials do not want to upset anyone and are terrified of any possible litigation. Scientology will continue to flout the law and nothing will be done. Perhaps Mark Bunker can remind the mayor and city council of the laws they swear to uphold.
Miscavige has the survival instincts of a Chernobyl king rat. Anyone with the slightest sniffle or cough will go in the basement until they’re dropped off at a neighboring town’s emergency room out of uniform.
Laughing laughing and laughing! Excellent description.
My guess is that nothing will be done until someone in the SO (or a public) becomes seriously ill. By then, many of the people at Flag will be infected, and it should be VERY interesting to see what happens then. But if they dodge the bullet and no one gets real sick, probably no one in the CW gov’t will do anything. I say leave the SO alone and see if they get sick. So what? Except of course if they infect innocent people in the community. Probably best to just completely quarantine Flag and keep the SO and their public cooped up together in the SP building until this is over.
The biggest problem with any SO member getting ill, is that the infection will spread to other SO members and on and on. And while no one will be taken to the hospital unless they are near death, they will swamp Mortan Plant Hospital down the street if the infection spreads throughout FLAG and more and more of their members get have to go to that hospital.
I can only imagine what it’s like to be a SO member and get the sniffles. What to do? Tell someone? How dangerous would that be?
Some ex SO member should tell what’s it’s like to end up in Isolation. I’d be curious because I got the sense that it’s a fate worse than death.
Defiance is the magnet of Scientology…going against the establishment. They all want to be like T Ron Hubbard, Defiant…that’s the magic. No typos here…
On the following site (Tracey McManus reports the following),
The Scam is apparently saying it’s virus prevention is “the best on Earth”.
I think it should be possible to bring a criminal charge containing the word “terrorism” or “terroristic” against the miniature miscreant for this.
I am not a US citizen. But I have reason to believe that one US citizen can petitiion the courts to bring a criminal charge against another US citizen. When this is done in other countries, it is almost always done by a citizen hiring a lawyer to navigate the court system for them.
I would so love to see the rat charged with a serious crime for this. It is almost like attempted murder to tell people to come into centers that contain rooms full of people in violation of almost all the government orders to stay at home and avoid participating in events with large crowds of people.
That’s the face of a hardcore con artist if ever I saw one.
Laughing a lot.
If they can get smart people to give too much money to them, again and again, they can influence the police. Piece of cake. They have been trained to handle police by one of the most successful conmen of all time.
Yeah, Dotey OT. Tubby had LOTS of practice smooth-talking lawmen and lawyers to get out of paying for his smaller crimes. The larger crimes were dealt with by the “hired help”.
Amazing. But which part of the concept did they not understand?
Contagion can occur regardless of which sanitizing products are used. It is enough that one is close to them even without having to cough.
Hey! Maybe just realizedwhats happening. They go to do W/C (word clearing) and FDS (false data stripping) on the topic as well as on ‘stay home’, ‘don’t go out if you can’, ‘respect the restrictions for the good of all’.
LoosingMyReligion asked:
“Amazing. But which part of the concept did they not understand?”
MOST of it, I see. They might have checked understanding each of the words, but didn’t bother putting them all together for the full understanding, a gripe I have with ALL “study tech”. too much attention on the trees to the exclusion of looking FOR the forest.
If they don’t test anyone, they can’t have a positive result and report that someone has it. Now they have the added exhausting duties of continuous cleaning of airducts and handrails. Makes my heart hurt for them.
A smart move for scn in Clearwater would be to move the sea org members into the many vacant hotel rooms or other accommodations they have.
Sorry for this analogy, but a slave owner wouldn’t be too bright to keep his slaves cooped up in close quarters during the outbreak of an infectious disease if he had a choice, which DM has.
A rampant outbreak of Covid-19 among the thousands (?) of sea org members in Clearwater benefits no one and only adds to the current crisis. It may already be happening. It’s an economic benefit to DM to have as many workers as possible remain healthy (and alive) and probably wouldn’t raise operating costs that much until the pandemic runs its course. He could use any reason he wishes to explain the change such as, “The government forced us to . . . ” or “In order to ensure the safety of our team . . blah, blah” or any number of other reasons. He would probably gain additional praise among his followers for being so insightful.
I hope OSA presents him with this idea.
Richard, it’s NOT an analogy; DM has slaves; many are foreigners whose passports are held by HCO to ensure they don’t try to escape. In addition, there’s a modern “underground Railroad” named the Aftermath Foundation to help them achieve their freedom from the endless frustrations of trying to attain their “spiritual” freedom. I believe that Foundation deserves all the support we can give them.
Sorry if I sound like a “shill for them. I get no direct benefit from your support of them, only the benefit of fewer scns attempting to spread the disease which is scn (Which gives me some effective antibodies against re-infection.
DM’s primary concern is profitability of the corporation. No doubt he has accountants who can do a cost benefit analysis to determine whether or not temporarily changing the living arrangements of the employees is profitable. He’s been running the business at a profit for almost forty years so he’s probably able to do the analysis himself.
He better act fast before a massive outbreak of Covid-19 in the Sea Org becomes a huge public relations flap.
DM needs to do a cost benefit analysis soon. That religious group in South that caused an outbreak got international attention.
South Korea
Minimal interaction with wogs might slow the transmission. Rapid isolation of infected members in the empty hotel rooms would help.
The sheriff should lose his job…
What?? Why?? I think he should go take care of the nonsense happening at FLAG.
But he isn’t…hence the call for him to lose his job an be replaced with someone who has a backbone.
Maybe I was confused about which sheriff. I thought it meant the one who arrested the church guy. If it was meant towards the CW sheriff..then…yes.
Take Em Down said:
“The sheriff should lose his job…”
Perhaps, perhaps. Is it an ELECTED position? Either way, he, or his successor is subject to scn’s “safe-pointing” efforts and I know of no law-enforcement personnel who are immune to large wads of cash being spread around OR to scn’s “Noisy investigations”, which can jeopardize ANYone’s livelihood and home-life. The Sheriff probably has to choose his fights carefully. He’s got a job which can pile up LOADS of enemies IF he does a good job, any of which would help scn in their efforts to “ruin him utterly”
I am praying that Miscavige is also arrested and put in jail. He does not deserve the $400 for bail.
Bravo! I sure would love to see that happen.
Wouldn’t it be INCREDIBLE if this pandemic finally gave us the key we needed to open the Penitentiary cell and toss the rat inside and then lock the door and take the key and throw it away?
It is almost like the best possible dream I could ever dream.
I’m voting “NO BAIL”, as he’s a definite flight risk. Even if he stays in the US, he’s got layers of lackeys who we’ve seen do their best to isolate him from any legal actions, and they’ve been effective. If he wanted to, he could stay right where he is, and the cops wouldn’t be able to reach out and touch him for as many years as he cared to play that game. Quite likely, they wouldn’t find him even after death, if he chose. Neither would Shelly. She might only find out he died by reading the (one) newspaper with his obit in it.
I hope enough people write in tweet or FB the local police. Fair is fair! I’m still waiting to see if they get that virus going around down there. That would be sad but all they see is STATS!!! Time will tell
You’ll never know…. they will hide the ones who got sick and more so died ……
Three cheers for Rose Marie!
Yup, RoseMarie, all they “see” is
stats!, and then usually only the false stats Dwarfenführer® determines are an “acceptable truth”.
If 1/3rd of the crew died, he’d spin it as “67% SURVIVED! Hip, Hip!”, never-no-mind that “wog” survival rates are much higher
“Clearwater City Council member Mark Bunker was quarantined on Election Day and could not even go vote for himself. Today he got confirmation he tested negative for coronavirus.”
Thank Xenu for that! I was worried.
Oh, thank goodness. I was worried. I have so many people to worry about, but it’s nice to be able to scratch that one off my list.
Scientology stays open, but says its virus prevention is the best ‘on Earth’
Church cites intensive cleaning and social distancing at its Clearwater hub while continuing to pack its buses and bring followers together.
They are doing just BS. Using these products by the way they could affect negatively the staff on a short length of time. They did something like this just on time in the street beside where we are living now, I haven’t seen bees, or other insects since 1 week. And here is spring.
Yay, Mark Bunker! Congratulations on testing negative!
Whoever is authorized those bus loads of people in spite of the ‘safe distance’ orders should be arrested for ‘Reckless Endangerment’. And if anyone dies after being infected by those crowed bus conditions a charge of ‘Depraved Indifferance Homicide’ should be added.
Since when do Scientologists recognize “wog law’?
When? I’ll tell you when.
Whenever their personal freedom is threatened or whenever they believe it may cost them more than a dollar or two, they will start squawking like a chicken on the way to get their heads cut off.
Probably, I mean more than likely, the inside of those busses are not hygenically cleaned…hand rails, seat handles, the inside of the windows..I’ll stop there..
Supposedly they’re using Decon7 on the buses. But if they’re packing people in them for trips, then the lack of distancing would spread infection anyway.
Decon 7 might kill bacteria and viruses on surfaces but it certainly is not going to stop the risk of being exposed and highly likely to contract COVID-19 via air droplets should anyone sneeze or cough whilst sitting like packed sardines in a bus! Oh hold on a moment, these are super human beings that take intravenous vitamin c, injest high doses of niacin and sweat all the bad things out of their bodies. Why do they need to waste time and money on decontamination processes like fogging with Decon 7 or remove/kick older staffers out of their accommodation in Australia………Just asking as a mere wog!
How about at a time when the whole world is warned about the seriousness of the situation and the need to isolate , sea org members at Flag are being told that the number of cases in Florida is insignificant and therefore they are in the safest place.
It is outrageous and we all know that they don’t have access to the news and in any case they wouldn’t doubt what they are being told.
It would take one case to infect this whole place.
I think it’s going to happen.
“I think it’s going to happen.”
You could be right. I’m just not wishing it on anyone, no matter how much they deserve it. For each person who deserves it, a lot of healthcare workers and vulnerable people will die along with them who don’t deserve it. But jail time for Miscavige would make for a dose of justice that would boost everyone’s immune systems. I’m okay with wishing for that. Even a Hollywood movie about a Scientology-like organization where the Miscavige-like leader goes to jail could cheer us all up. Tom Cruise could play him. Oh look, I did cheer myself up. That’s what I need right now, to imagine a little justice. So mote it be… as they say.
Who would have even imagined that a global pandemic would be the final straw for the cult?
Certainly no one would have wished it.
Yet here we are.
We are a huge country. This thing is no joke. Its not being handled in a coordinated fashion from the top. States are being pitted against each other; this is wrong. I trust my governor and Anthony Fauci to give me the facts. I really feel sorry for people in other states who for whatever reason are not taking this seriously and who cannot or will not do what’s necessary to contain this disease whilst a truly effective vaccine is being tested and developed.
Hello Aqua. Very nice to see you again. I hope you are in good health and spirits and will remain so throughout this thing.
Here is a thought exercise:
Imagine there really is a God. God would have been watching the happenings on this planet for the past 50 years or so. It’s highly presumptuous to ask what people might think God is thinking or is feeling. But I don’t think it is a terrible sin to wonder about that.
I would think that God (being careful to stay gender neutral) would have seen the tub come and gone. Then God would have seen the rat take over and during all that time, God would have been watching as many good people tried to right this evil wrong and failed because they were not suficiently evil to just snuff the rat.
Ultimately, I’m guessing God just may have decided that enough is enough and come 2020, it was time for God to intervene directly and now we just may all see the power of God in action.
It’s just a hope and a prayer. But here’s hoping.
P.S. Should we get prepared to send the rat letters in the penitentiary?
Hi Skyler,
Right back at you, my friend. Yes, I’m fine. Ridiculously healthy if you want the truth. I’ve always been lucky that way. Amazingly unlucky in some other ways but quite lucky with my health. Now insofar as God acting on our behalf to bring down the cult, well, I’m out of my depth opining on that. I guess it would depend on how one defines “God”. What is God? I don’t know. I believe there is God somehow, and I believe in justice, and that when there is great INjustice, it can go on for a long time, but then something – SOMEthing – occurs and the wrong is righted – just like that! I’m not saying I’m right. This is all STRICTLY my own woo. But its real for me, that injustices, flagrant wrongs, man’s inhumanities to man, etc., get “righted” somehow, in totally unexpected ways. Is this God, is it Karma? I don’t know. But as far as Miscavige going to jail, I don’t think so. You see, as crooked as he is, he’s not doing anything illegal in the USA. His punishment – well, I don’t know what it will be or when it will be, but I do know that I wouldn’t be him for anything, because when his punishment comes it will be – I don’t have the work, actually, so I’ll just say it will be very bad.
Edit: “…I don’t have the WORD…”