The scientology campaign to paint me as a monster has gone from dishonest, to ridiculous to utterly absurd.
I have chronicled the dishonesty and ridiculous claims of “abuse” plenty of times before, (“Justice4Mom” Advertising on Jezebel, Scientology’s Latest Lie About Me, We Did It!, and Mike Rinder: “Lady Killer”) as have other blogs. This newest entry uses the “crippled for life” tag rather than “I could hear her bones breaking” and her “shoulder snapping” of earlier posts. But now it’s just bizarre.
They come up with any excuse to write a blog post in Taryn’s name and this one is supposedly a celebration of Mother’s Day. I guess their supposition is anyone who reads this will not know Taryn and her mother are Sea Org members?
Taryn has never had a “home” other than the communal living facilities of scientology, whether a scientology nursery as an infant, a dormitory as child and unmarried teenager or a single room with her husband when she married. She has no clue what a home actually is.
And unless Cathy is posted as “gardener” somewhere, she has no “garden” or plants. Gardener is the LOWEST post in the Sea Org (along with garbageman) and every Sea Org member knows only the screw-ups and “Ethics particles” are assigned to “Grounds” to look after the plants because they cannot mess anything up there. It’s as remote a job from “Clearing the Planet” as one can get.
The pretended familial bliss of home life is a total lie. Even the idea of “staying at home.”
They are simply trying to sound normal.
And it’s remarkable how strained this is — a paragraph about a flower that isn’t even in bloom yet, in a blog that is supposed to be protecting people from domestic abuse. They have a quota of blog entries that must be done and they are hard pressed to come up with anything new to write. Because they don’t actually have anything to say other than “My father Mike Rinder is a monster” over and over.
I assume this is some theory that if they do this often enough it will show up on search engines?
It’s the reason I bother to comment on their ridiculous propaganda — so that my articles show up. Because scientology uses her name, it gives a veneer of credibility and some may be suckered into believing that the alleged physical abuse must have happened as no daughter would just write false stuff like that. Those would be people that don’t know scientology’s policy of Fair Game.
I’ve never heard of you before but I was so creeped out by this youtube ad trashing you that I started googling. Ohhh she’s in a cult, okay that makes sense. Link in case you care:
-Anon because I don’t want to touch cult junk with a ten foot pole.
YEs, that happens a lot.
Interesting that her video has 90,000+ views from her 173 followers and that comments are not allowed and there is no count of “Like” and “Dislikes” on the video.
I didnt watch it, it’s no doubt the same debunked stuff OSA has been spouting for the last 10 years. They just keep recycling the BS.
Glad you found your way here.
This is just ANOTHER example that scientology doesn’t let the truth have even a “nodding acquaintence” to their propagandist stories. scientologists lie, must lie, can’t not lie, or their world would fall completely apart. The worst lies they tell are the ones they convince themselves of. I’m so upset, sometimes, that I once was amongst their ranks.
But you WERE there. And you escaped! Jere, you’re pretty lucky my friend. Let’s celebrate!!!
I am so sorry that you still have to endure this abuse. I dont know why they continue with the campaign. It’s so wrong and ridiculous at the same time.
They continue for the same reason they continue doing a lot of things that are wrong and ridiculous.
Because the “tech” tells them this is what they must do. Or perhaps more accurately stated, the environment that Hubbard built has “norms” of behavior that must be adhered to. Always attack, never defend. “attackers” have crimes, it doesnt matter if you know what they are, you can be safe accusing them because they DO exist. And on and on and on…
And because nobody has the authority to change the words of Source, they will continue to do the absurd until there is nobody left to do it.
Given scn’s Mad Dog school of “defense”, I start to wonder about the “crimes” they’d ‘find’ about “Mother Teresa” if she’d ever have bothered to comment on that cult of no-personality.
Kat mused:”I dont know why they continue with the campaign. It’s so wrong and ridiculous at the same time.”
They continue it ONLY when someone from OSA reviews the list of people who “must be destroyed utterly” and realizes that they haven’t tried to estroy their once-boss and fire up their irrational attack generator to ineffectually flail like Tiny Fists of Fury does at any who dare think differently than he tells us we must, never mind that his persuasive powers fail at the ends of his arms.
They keep on doing the exact same thing, expecting a different outcome “THIS” time because of their self-imposed limitations. If the Flabby turd said it, it MUST be true for all time and all occurrances even slightly similar to what he so feared, the truth coming out about him and his creation.
The blog ‘post’ is missing a puppy dog. It’s got colorful blooming flowers, a loving mother daughter relationship, a dashing Panama hat, a restful gardening backdrop, an evil abusive husband-father, but no puppy dog. I’d send it back to rewrite.
I’m sorry if this sounds nasty but I wouldn’t leave any dog in the care of these two.
Aqua stated:”I’m sorry if this sounds nasty but I wouldn’t leave any dog in the care of these two.”
That’s not nasty, just a realization of the truth of the matter. Any dog would have to root for itself, as they likely don’t even have any table scraps to feed one, nor the time it takes to care for one: training, exercise, and the like.
Zola stated:”I’d send it back to rewrite.”
That copy was after MANY rewrites and Dwarfenführer’s reconsideration over weeks or months. I pity the poor peons who were so punished by having to produce the ineffectual drivel.
There was a puppy dog but it crapped in the rose bed and was sent to the Puppy Dog R.P.F. (Right Pooing Focus).
There’s so many lies in their latest blog is not funny. Who wishes someone to be “DOMESTIC VIOLENCE FREE” on Mothers Day? That’s just weird. And their is no celebration of Mothers Day in the Sea Org; it’s not a recognized holiday. When I was in the SO, there are only two days a year that are treated as vacation days – Sea Org Day and Christmas. And I never understood why you get Christmas off because LRH said that Jesus was just an implant, but whatever, it made more sense not to ask questions.
Anyone who has been in the Sea Org knows that it is nothing but communal, cult living where no one owns anything. They all live like slaves (except Miscavige). No one owns a home or a garden, though they may be assigned to take care of one (perhaps Tom Cruise’ garden?).
And you’re only assigned to “MEST work” if you screw up on post. It is thought that MEST work helps destimulate one while you’re going through a “justice cycle”. Being assigned to a post like “gardener” or any kind of construction work is considered a demotion if you were on an administrative post. In PAC, the lowest org is “PAC Base Crew” or “PBC”. PBC would get all the Ethics screw ups and “degraded beings”, Scientology’s word for “homeless person”, “scumbag” or”low life”.
So glad I have a real home now with a King size bed. No more sleeping in bunk beds stacked four high.
Jethro mused:”there are only two days a year that are treated as vacation days – Sea Org Day and Christmas. And I never understood why you get Christmas off because LRH said that Jesus was just an implant, but whatever, it made more sense not to ask questions.”
Truth be told, they were probably vacation days because Tubby liked to celebrate Christmas Eve, and the crew wouldn’t be “sessionable” the next day. New Years Eve was the real blow-out, IIRC, and that would include the “out 2-D” one shortly after the Sea Org abandoned the sea.
Is this the same assault where she was assessed in the field by paramedics and deemed not needed to be transported?
The sad thing is they publish the ambulance report like it supports them. It just makes them look like total noddies
Mo asked:”Is this the same assault where she was assessed in the field by paramedics and deemed not needed to be transported?”
IIRC, that would be a “Yes”. As I recall, SHE refused further treatment at the time.
“Easily provable bullshit”, par excellance.
It is ridiculous and utterly false and horrible that they say these things , such hanous things about you or anyone who dare speak out on them . I want you to know I never new much about scientology up until a few years ago . After seeing a news report done on them by CNN. I was utterly apaled that these things ( beatings , stalking ? Lieing) not to mention keeping people like prusoners . How does the government let them get away with this kind of behavior.?
If my children or anyone in my family were a part or taken in by this cult . I would fight with all my power to stop them .
I want you to know Mike if I can help with any kind of support in anyway I will. I am contacting my congressman over and over again or anyone in law or legal areas to stop them from treating people, weather it be former or people in scientology or non scientologt who choose to use their first amendment rights to speak out until something is done.
I admire you and Leah for what you are doing and you have my support as well as my gratitude for all you do . You and all the people who speak out are worthy of it.
Is their any possibility that they have people working in government positions or law enforcement. ? Is that one reason why nothing is being done ? No action being taken ? .
Trishia asked:”How does the government let them get away with this kind of behavior.?”
Because they CLAIM to be a church and there’s very little the government can do once they’ve made that claim. They couldn’t prove the assertion in a court of law to the “reasonable person” level of proof(The easiest to attain) , but instead, the rules are rigged so that a purported “religion” must be proven to be criminal “beyond a reasonable doubt”(the toughest to attain), before ANY action can be taken against them. In that case, I think it’s a travisty of justice, many travisties in fact, but it’s part of the fabric of America, now; along with the many aspects of the Bill of Rights that I cherish.
What’s up with the ex-Mrs Rinder?
In the first photo she’s hiding behind huge sunglasses and a huge hat.
I get the impression that she’s missing some important teeth.
In the 2nd photo her back is to the camera.
Why won’t she show her face?
Why am I asking this question?
Aqua you are asking because it is logical that tiny fists had her beat up for some imagined screw up.
I didn’t even think of that! How could I not think of that? OMG, yes, that’s all too possible…wow. Well, now I’m starting to feel bad for her, if that’s the reason she looks so – wasted, is the only word that comes to mind – wasted, not in the sense of someone drunk or high, but with a wasting illness. Look, this is just something that struck me right away when I saw her picture. She looks ill to me.
You are right, that second photo is especially weird. It does go against Photo 101 to take closeup people pictures when one of the subjects is facing completely away from the camera. Seems kind of pointless to bother clicking. Maybe Cathy is just extremely camera shy.
Who took the picture? Why did they take the picture that way? Did Mike somehow have something to do with her extreme reluctance to be photographed? Where was the picture taken? What is going on here? Why are we asking these questions? “The world wonders …”
Well, if she were facing the camera the fact that she has not lost the use of her arm would be obvious. To give the impression that her arm was permanently crippled she’d have to hold it a certain way and cover it up. Perhaps the idea, with her back to the camera, perhaps the intention was to let the viewer’s imagination run wild thereby supplying the necessary “data”.
Pedrito asked many technical photographic questions.
The reason for all those technical screw-ups is because the pics had to show Mike’s “crimes” as badly as possible and because “Tiny Fists of Fury” had to personally direct (at the end of a LONG comm line) everything and approve each “candid” shot —which each probably took a week to set up, shoot, and approve , if not longer. Cathy probably looked so bad(maltreated) from sheer fatigue from the process and lack-of-sleep in general. Too, Dwarfenführer don’t know squat ’bout photography. Tubby’s cherished wisdom about Art doesn’t help the scns take good pictures; quite the opposite, I found out when I delved into the arena myself.
This is outrageous and ludicrous. It is sad that Mike has to deal with this neverending farce. Any reasonable person who has seen the video and heard the call, and knows the Cherch’s history of exactly this sort of dirty tricks confrontation, is laughing at them, and disgusted by how incomprehensibly lame their stunt was and how shamelessly they continue attempting to milk this ridiculous fraud.
Every new iteration makes them look more pathetic, more desperate, more sick in the head. And makes me even more disgusted by everything that CoS is and does to the minds of its adherents. What an evil, nasty, depraved organization, a perfect embodiment of the mind of lifelong liar, grandiose narcissist and inveterate charlatan L. Ron. Hubbard.
Hang in there Mike. Hopefully one day, somehow, some things will change, even a little, for the positive in this unhealthy obsession they have with their relentless pathetic attacks on you. Don’t let their negativity affect your positivity.
The GOOD news is that no one reads Justice 4Mom or any of the cult’s shit anyway. The GOOD news is that if people know Mike Rinder, the overwhelming majority of them know him from Aftermath, where he co-starred for years with Leah Remini on a show that won an EMMY! THAT’s how they know Mike Rinder! And last but not least, the GOOD news is, that, as Mike’s friends, we’re here to read this crap ANYTIME when Mike feels like posting it. Anytime! We’re here to read this swill and we want to read this swill ONLY because we want to support Mike, to comfort him in what must surely be his continual pain about it on some level; to defend him, to express our outrage and disgust at the blatant lies being perpetrated against him by Miscavige and OSA using his estranged daughter for this vile purpose, and to assure and reassure him that we know the back story, the whole story, the TRUTH. Because that’s what you do for friends enduring continual pain, OK? Well, OK, then! End of rant!!!!
The thing that leapt out at me, apart from the bullshit, was the crappiest bit of grammar I’ve seen for quite awhile, “…little tiny mini…” which means; the daisies were bred to be little then bred down to tiny then reduced even further to mini size. She must have had a powerful magnifying glass to be able to see and gush over them.
The more they push this “Justice4Mom” crap the more pathetic and tiresome and desperate they make themselves. You can’t even call it propaganda anymore, just the ravings from a bunch of sick and cult controlled minds (and I use “minds” loosely).
They teach that if you’re hurt you pulled it in yet they continuously blame Mike… it’s totally false claim anyhow. But if you compare this to Mastersons victims, they were hurt, but in that case it’s only their fault Masterson is guilt free, and it means nothing. Hypocrisy means nothing to their ethics system. They don’t have an ethics system. They have a what’s good for the churches reputation only system. 😏
RoseMarie, shame on you. The cult NEVER “pulls anything in”, don’t’cha know? That datum NEVER applies to THEM.
It still amazes me that Hubbard collected military disability for his arthritis yet he had the “tech”,
Gordon, Hubtard’s “tech” was the Art of the Scam. 😉
Another Hubtard factoid. According to Hubtard, ANYONE taking gov’t disability payments are low life scum, others responsible for their condition, ILLEGAL PCs. LMAO
COS social media content is nothing more than preaching-to-the-choir material. And if some of it gets prominent critics to spin their wheels, that’s icing on their stale and moldy cake. The COS will forever be at war with their critics. That’s an LRH written-in-stone reality that can never change.
There’s one reality, however, that continues to change. Membership. I don’t know if there’s a way to calculate how the COS distributes their dissemination, promotion, marketing and PR budget in terms of man-hours and dollars, but any way they approach it, they face conditions and situations they don’t control. They’re not “at cause” and their online material shows it.
The COS has no choice but to play defense, parrying countermoves to address a mass media over which they have so little influence. They have no choice but to respond each time a detractor belittles their increasingly vulnerable organization.
Why do they care what others think? Other than it’s LRH policy, I don’t think they do care that much. But they care a lot about their dwindling membership, and they’re locked into a desperate effort to hold on to the few church members that they do have.
Let’s face it, nobody buys into their crap any more. We know it, they know it. But they’ll soldier on, hanging on to a shaky hope that there are enough naïve patsies out there they can bamboozle, while they browbeat their current membership to keep smiling, keep donating, and keep pretending that all is well.
Chris. You are just saying the truth. The have their membership falling down since decades. Now that is the 70th anniversary of DMSMH the have just relaunched the only campaign that worked somehow (it was about 30 years ago). The one where they ask the reason for stress and the page, how the mind works and the relative page and so on.
The only point is that many things are changed. I “hope” in the name of precision, that they did some kind of ‘compensation’ survey, people are changed as well as their way to look atife. Otherwise it will result in another failure.
Chris observed:”The COS will forever be at war with their critics. That’s an LRH written-in-stone reality that can never change.”
And they’ll forever be creating critics and enemies from his usually false-why “solutions” to problems of their own creation. NO organization is as good at creating their own opposition as scn is.
Seems to me like the smaller an organization is, the more it requires an enemy, a common foe to hate. Just a thought but it seems like large powerful groups don’t need common foes to keep them bound together the way small weak groups do. And I’m just musing out loud but the degree of need or lack of need for an enemy may even be an accurate index of how weak or powerful a group is.
Mike you’re right, every time it’s more and more absurd.
To me, without offense to anyone, it makes me laugh.
First of all, it is obvious that she does not write those crap but others. And it is as if they had to fulfill publication deadlines.
In addition, what I’ve been asking myself since I followed you is:
how can a person maintain such a constant level of hatred? It is unnatural.
The next time “she” talks about you (to try to create more audiences) she may say you were chasing her mother with an ax in a parking lot!
Really absurd.
Loosing my Religion:
They(OSA) DO have to fulfill publication deadlines:
It’s the Thursday-at 2 PM weekly stat-push: Number of attacks against innocent people” or some such thing, which must ALWAYS rise week-over-week, no exception or suffer a fate worse than the slow death they’re already experiencing. Thankfully, there comes a time when it gets too awful and they run away, hopefully back to the welcoming arms of their families and friends. The Aftermath Foundation can help with that, OSA web-watchers reading this.
Thank you Jere. Great comment indeed. Yes this is how it is and how it will naturally go. Thanks.
Sad to say, that picture was probably the only time she had with her mom last week — and most of the time was getting the shot set up “just right”. Do ya’ THINK she’s had any time with her husband? Funny he wasn’t pictured there with his wife and mother-in-law.
Hello to all! I’m a very longtime reader, but first time commenter. Happy to finally be transitioning from lurking to active commenting!
Anyhow, regarding your comment: all I can say is yes, yes, yes! That’s what really struck me, as well! She’s married, ostensibly, so why give the impression that she lives “at home” with her mom? It just seemed so odd to not even mention her husband, especially if what they’re going for is the depiction of a “normal,” happy family, who live in a home as opposed to cramped, filthy, decrepit dormitories.
It’s like whoever wrote this is so utterly unaccustomed to how “normal” adults and families live that they couldn’t even make a vaguely realistic depiction of non-SO life. To me at least, the result feels similar to what I’d imagine an alien or an AI bot would write if they were attempting to portray a scenario of “normal” human family life, based solely on impersonal, out of context, 2nd or 3rd hand data.
To where?
Just as a reminder for whoever reads here, how Mike Rinder was ambushed by a fanatic bunch comprised of family members, OSA and “Mom” who was screaming hysterically at her ex-husband:
Here the transcript, as the hysteric screeching of the attacking “Mom” is causing acoustic problems and thus is difficult to understand:
I have to admit I was surprised she didn’t wait until FATHER’S DAY to try to embarrass & humiliate you Mike……
What I find highly AMUSING…seriously “TARYN’S CLAIM CATHY IS A GARDENER”????
I NEARLY fell OUT of my chair…ANYONE who is a GARDENER…. KNOWS how much WORK it takes to maintain a healthy indoor OR outdoor garden….one cannot accomplish the HEAVY MANUAL LABOR it takes to maintain a garden of ANY kind.
Soooo..IF Cathy is “so crippled by Mike’s attack”…just HOW is she “Gardening”….
Where are the Xrays to PROVE the “significant injury”…where are the pictures of the bruises on her arms? Had Cathy & her cohorts NOT showed up at a Private Doctor’s Office Parking Lot to harass & confront a former member of COS who VOLUNTARILY LEFT COS on his OWN VOLITION…….none of this would have occurred.
Balletlady. Don’t fear; come Father’s Day, they’ll trot out what a HORRIBLE father Mike was/is.
Which is to say, a “Sea Org/scientology one; based on Tubby’s example. Hubbard bothered with his kids only so far as they were USEFUL to him at that moment.
She might never even SEE the posts done in her name. Most staff/crew are forbidden from seeing the InterWebz.
For sure Jere….yet what they’d consider another “slam dunk” will come Mike’s way.
Mike did what he was expected to do, what was REQUIRED….to have OTHERS raise your children.
“GOD” forbid you’d raise your OWN child & instill in them any fears or doubts YOU have…any thoughts or “secret desires” to BLOW…& get the Hell OUT would be exposed to your children UTR….
Yes, as noted Hubbard was NOT a good father by any means…nor a good husband…OR a good person. Sadly he left behind this horrible legacy that continues to this day.
Like many CULTS…insiders are forbidden to view anything from outside the “realm of their belief”…it might influence them to leave….as it did some of you….THANK GOODNESS!
Stay well, stay happy….be free…that’s the BEST revenge!
Wow! As a devoted gardener, I’m embarrassed to say that somehow I didn’t even catch that! But it’s so very, very true — since I’ve been sheltering at home, I’ve had the opportunity to spend even more time in my garden, and after only a few days of increased gardening activity, I noticed that an old back injury (which has barely even been noticeable for years at this point) was flaring up to such an extent that I had to spend a few days deliberately limiting my physical activity.
So how on Teegeeack is Cathy able to spend all those hours working in her supposed garden, despite her repeated & vivid descriptions of how she’s essentially unable to use one of her arms? I mean, I’m sure there are plenty of one-armed gardeners, but it must pose a unique challenge. And IIRC, she claims that she’s not only unable to use her arm, but also that she suffers severe, relentless pain from all the “permanent nerve damage.”
How remarkable that she’s now evidently able to live and enjoy vigorous physical activity pain-free and with no disability!
There’s clearly only one answer, of course: the tech works!! Hallelujah!
Thank you “G”!
Yes, my own mother was an avid gardener….she grew huge vegetables & also had a gorgeously enviable ROSE Garden, prize roses all the time. There was a lot of “digging, fertilizing, watering with a heavy hose dragged back and forth, heavy watering cans, bending over to weed & pick veggies & cutting roses in FULL bloom.
Carrying baskets FULL of large heavy veggies, an armful of thorny roses that scratched….not to mention the early on need to TILL the soil into submission & PLANT EACH & EVERY PRE GROWN PLANT…& to sprinkle on the powder to alleviate PESTS…
Hours spent in the sun, bending over, kneeling squats, up and down…YOU KNOW….sooooo
IF Cathy were so “GREVIOUSLY INJURED”… is she able to do all that……..obviously…SO BUSY being a dedicated & loyal member…how DO they find the TIME to do all I’ve stated???
I was not one who wanted to do all that work…I found even an “indoor plant garden a chore” I did NOT even that went.
Do these idiots even check there terminology. an attractive, charming man who habitually seduces women. I thoughta lady killer was definded as ‘an attractive, charming man who habitually seduces women’. Never picteured Mr Rinder for all the good things he is now, as Scientologie’s very own Casanova.
Who acts like that from any reputable church? What a bunch of douchebags to put up HATE sites against critics.
I remember watching that video of Kathy Rinder screaming at you like a mad woman, Mike. You looked sane. She looked and acted bat shit crazy.
Your daughter is very much under the power of mind control and has no clue. It is obvious she is under the big thumb of OSA from Scientology.
I feel bad for Kathy O’Gorman and Taryn Teutsch. They are insane and disabled.
This is why people need to get out of Scientology now. Who is next? Who is the next poor fool who is going to do something really stupid and bizzare for the church of Scientology?
I am grateful I got out before Scientology disabled me.
Scientology – disabling the able since 1950.
ABLE posted:”Who acts like that from any reputable church? What a bunch of douchebags to put up HATE sites against critics.”
scientology ain’t never been “reputable” other than in the minds of clams who desperately need it to be so.
I’d slap the shit out of them!!! And then kick them down the road!!!
ABLE quipped:”Scientology – disabling the able since 1950.
So true, but you won’t find the truth about that with their true believers.I still have to actively combat the reading disability that “study tech” created in my study habits. Instead of devouring novels, science articles, and other light fare at high speed, I was reduced to laborously reading word-by-word to ensure I could define every word in a “star-rate checkout”.
Taryn claims she loves Mother’s Day. But I don’t have to wonder how often she got together with Mike to celebrate Father’s Day during the time after Mike left the CoS and before their multi-person Fair Game assault on him in his wife’s doctor’s parking lot.
I am reminded that this Fair Game event by Mike’s brother, his ex-wife Catherine, and his daughter Taryn, accompanied by the shrill Jennie Loudmouth and others, plus some PIs, 7 in all, was also a Fair Game assault on Christie Rinder, a woman visiting her doctor.
Bothering a husband and his wife at her doctor’s office? Is there nothing they will stop at? No, there isn’t – and if anyone thinks there is, just read Scythe Tleppo, an account of a child forced to endure the abuse of a Scientology youth camp for many years.
There would be a couple of PIs and some long-time CoS members who could attest to the self-inflicted casual contact nature of the minor injury, but they split the scene the second they heard the cops were coming,and have been quiet since.
Mike’s brother was there and could attest to the self-inflicted casual contact nature of the minor injury, but he doesn’t have the courage to defy Little Davey and speak up in defense of his own brother. Why? I expect he doesn’t want to face Fair Game himself, or become isolated through Disconnection.
It is truly sad to see so many people of different ages and genders, some in the same family, some formerly from the same so-called “church”, and some simply hired help, all kowtowing to one miserable little tyrant, in the name of a policy a money-grubbing con man wrote fifty or so years ago to punish those who failed to revere him properly.
My sympathies to Mike and Christie for having to endure this petty and hurtful Fair Gaming, time after time.
My sympathies also to those people, including Taryn, who are still trapped in The Prison of Belief.
My note to Taryn and Catherine: The ex-wife was age 56 when she forced this incidental contact. By then she was either going through or close to menopause, and certainly growing older. Your skin gets very thin as you age – I know that well, looking down at half-a dozen band-aids on my forearms covering skin tears from clipping the hedges and trimming tree branches this week. Those skin tears can bleed profusely until they get bandaged, but they eventually heal fully. By now, Catherine, if you are really ‘gardening’ you have endured several skin tears as bad or worse than those you put yourself through in that Fair Game event. Live with it – it’s a product of normal aging, and it’s a blessing compared to the alternative.
She looks unhealthy to me, in that photo, somehow. Bony. And her smile is strange. Something’s not right, and it ISN’T a “crippled arm”, for Christ’s sake.
Appalling! All of us ex-sea org members know this is such a blatant lie! Gardening! What a farce, they are such bloody liars. Pathetic…………
I doubt she was NEAR the “garden” the week before that PR picture was taken, UNLESS she’s been sentenced to that particular punishment.
Based on the way the photo is cropped, combined with the oddly irrelevant description of a plant that’s not even shown at all, I think it’s entirely possible that those lovely roses are living in a pot. After all, this setup would allow the stage managers to much more easily move them around in their attempts to get the best looking shot.
Scientology must be a pretty weak technology if it can’t handle a crippled arm. It’s one thing for the clams to call you, Mike Rinder, a monster. It’s quite another, though, for them to admit that Mike Rinder is more powerful than Scientology, in that you can impose on Taryn a condition Scientology can’t overcome.
ROTFLMFAO!!! Now THAT’S some funny shit!!! Well done, KSW!!
At first it was kind of funny, now it’s just sad. Don’t worry Mike, no one outside the cult bubble believes their shit.
Do not even think for one minute that anyone who read this and is IN Scientology active believes this stuff. Everyone in knows Taryn is in an incident of long duration, swinging at windmills and seeing “FBI agents and martians” when it comes to her father and the lies Scientology / David Miscavige makes up about you. Your daughter is under undue influence. She was implanted with the information by OSA that you abused her mother and most of the time, she is not the one posting it. OSA is posting this to try to fair game you and other high ranking officials who left Scientology and spoke out against the abuse and criminal behavior by David Miscavige. It is all in LRH policies about attacking critics. I am still considered an active member in good standing but been reading all about your escape as well as Marty’s for about 6 months now. Too many outpoints in Scientology to stay in and many are leaving quietly due to this nonsense they post about you. Thanks for speaking out Mike. You helped me wake up and see Scientology for what it is. A mind controlling cult.
Paul stated:”no one outside the cult bubble believes their shit.”
No one outside of the OSA operatives involved CARES about the balderdash they’re trying to peddle, much less believe that scientology might just be telling the “truth” for once. scientologists lie, must lie, can’t not lie. It’s required to stay “in” Davey-Boy’s tiny little cult of no-personality.
I’m sorry they keep playing the victim bit but this pathetic campaign is simply not working. No one in the real world believes the drivel and the poor performance of their little justice league just proves their failure.
Carry on Mike. Hope you’re well and enjoying your real family life in your real home.
Hope you’re well and enjoying your real family life in your real home.
Yessir. Very much.
Mike assured us:”Yessir. Very much.”
FANTASTIC! ” The best revenge IS living well.”, and if that’s at all measured by the number of your friends, you’ve got quite a few real ones, not the scientology “friends” who abandon you the SECOND you can’t/won’t contribute to their “cause”, or should I say, their being ‘at effect’ of the Dwarfenführer®, ’cause there’s no being ‘at cause’ in that equation.
+100 x 100 to everything jere just said.
“Flourish and prosper.” Didn’t LRH say that?
NO ONE ever “went free” while lying and believing lies. Its just not possible. Only truth sets a person free.
A smart prophet back in the day with the initials JC put it this way: “Let the dead bury their own dead”.
That about sums it up for OSA and the Sea Org Zombies.
There’s not much one can do with people this far gone. All they do, all they know how to do, is lie and destroy. Sad for them, because they’re really only destroying themselves, but that’s the path they chose and its the path to unhappiness, illness and early death.
They could leave. We left. Why not them?
Live and enjoy the good life you’ve created, Mike!
If it weren’t for the Aftermath…& several books & follow up interviews……people on the outside…”never ins” or even “former ins”…might believe some of what Taryn is spewing forth.
She’s beating a “dead horse” so to speak….over and over and over…each time more and more embellishments are added. It’s like “the song that never ends, it goes on and on my friend”….
There will never be and end to this, Taryn & Cathy who has remarried…seems to thrive off this. Maybe it gets them both more attention from within COS…..just what they both crave.
Mike has a wonderful free life on the outside with lovely Chris & those two adorable sons….HAPPINESS & A JOYFUL LIFE IS THE BEST REVENGE.
You nailed it all, Balletlady.
Thank you dear friend Aquamarine…(one of my favorite colors btw)….wishing you love, peace, good health ….you’ve already found happiness & joy!
Thanks, Balletlady, and its true, actually. I have found peace. Inner peace, kind of.
And it just appeared. And I don’t know why or how, but I have that now, no matter what’s going on “outside”. And its nice 🙂
You mean to tell me you nailed Balletlady? That must have hurt!
Taryn is OBSESSED with her father.
Cathy Bernadini is OBSESSED with her ex-husband.
If any non-scientologists are regularly reading Justice4Mom (highly unlikely but there may be a few) then THAT is the message they’re getting.
A daughter obsessed with her father.
A woman who long ago remarried who is obsessed with her ex-husband.
You know, if this were for real, you know who would be blogging and posting about it, don’t you?
That’s who would be OUTRAGED.
In the real world, the current husband would be the one fulminating about this if it were true!
But we don’t hear anything from Cathy’s current hubby, do we? Curiously silent, isn’t he?
I’m just giving the viewpoint from which most people would look. But of course, in fairness, non Scientologists don’t KNOW that Mike’s ex has long been remarried. Taryn never mentions a stepfather!
That’s no accident.
All good points! Of course do NOT mention a “step father”…or anything of the sort…..that would prove all of this a moot point. Taryn HAS to go on and on about the “critical injuries”…yet there Cathy is out gardening!
Taryn’s mouth runneth over again and again, rehash everything, drive it into the ground, keeping adding additional injuries until we see her mother Cathy is from those injuries now “on life support” bandaged from head to toe….lol!
Yes indeed, why doesn’t Cathy’s husband come out & support what Taryn claims..”.Yes, my wife Cathy is so grievously injured she can’t do any cooking, cleaning, laundry, grocery chopping or have SEX with me”.
It’s the ONLY thing COS can keep feeding off of….to continually dig up old issues because Mike LEFT without notice…..BLEW….escaped…saved himself from possible continued lock up & hard. labor, & being sent away from his then family…where Cathy WOULD have divorced him anyway…..
Without a doubt Aqua, you ARE a cherished friend! I am so glad you’ve found your way in life & are free & happy!
Another point to pick on – does anyone recognise the location in the picture? Is it someone’s home, or is it more of a work place?
Yes, would love to know. I think it might be at Gold. The stonework looks familiar. The windows could be MCI.
But not sure. If not, then probably some park or botanical garden somewhere nearby (they’re not going to spend a lot of money for this photo shoot…) Or it could be the home of some OSA volunteer/whale.
Yes I thought the windows might be those of MCI. No doubt Cathy had to be pushed there in a wheel chair, and after she is done with her gardening has to be taken to be hand fed by Taryn due to her massive, crippling and life-threatening injuries, which have also probably reduced her life span by at least 20 years and made her life a living hell.
Why isn’t Cathy’s HUSBAND joining in the “outrage” on Taryn’s blog about Mudther Dearest’s alleged “crippled for life” condition? Why isn’t HIS voice joined with his stepdaughter’s about this? Why isn’t HE hugging his poor little spouse in the photo with Taryn, showing his support for the woman he loves? What kind of man is he to let his stepdaughter fight these battles all alone? Doesn’t he care at all? Or could it be that maybe he knows what how untrue it all is and how batshit crazy both wife and stepdaughter both are and prefers to stay the hell out of it? Enquiring minds, etc.
That photo looks as if it could be shot in front of one of the banks of windows of the dining hall at Int Base, which I think is the old golf course clubhouse (scroll down):
Other photos of the entrance to the building on Facebook show red and yellow roses in the plantings.
Hubbard said that auditing could bring the dead back to life. It doesn’t seem that Flag is practicing standard tech if poor kathy is getting worser and worser as time and blogs go by.
She can’t use her right arm yet there she is using her right arm. She must have cured herself just like ElCon did with his blindness and war wounds.
That is EXACTLY what I thought when I saw the picture! Oh yeah, his ‘war wounds’. By that you mean his conjunctivitis (pink eye) and his arthritis. I’m actually wondering why Cathy doesn’t get pulled in for a Sec Check every time Taryn posts one of these lies. What exactly did she do to “pull it in”?
There appears to the outsider to be an apparent absence of information of what actually happens in the Sea Org.
I’m sorry you have to deal with this and comment on it when it comes up. It’s so unfair, and to come from your daughter is so cruel. I hope she some day thinks the better of this campaign of lies and stops allowing it to be done in her name.
Mike, why don’t you file a suit for libel and slander? The facts are overwhelmingly in your favor.
I am not a big fan of lawsuits, no matter how right you may be.
It is an arena where the amount of money you have to spend on lawyers is a better predictor of the outcome than whether you are right. And it is incredibly slow and frustrating.
But it’s not out of the question with the right lawyers.
There is no rush, the libel is ongoing…
Go ahead and set up a Go Fund Me fund, I will contribute. Even if it takes a few years, this crap pisses me off. I would feel better doing something about it in general, and this seems pretty obvious that it’s going to be hard to prove this disability and damage.
Hello Mike. I am currently involved in a civlil lawsuit as a result of a slip and fall accident I had on my landlord’s property.
I want to tell you that I think you are wise to do everything you can to avoid a lawsuit. There are so many twists and turns the legal system can surprise you with. This slip and fall happened two years ago and even if it was not for this pandemic, there would still be a very long time before I could ever hope to see a resolution.
Given the nature of this pandemic, it is very likely that I will die of natural causes before it is ever resolved and the money I will have spent will be almost as much as I hope to win from this suit. It is a real mess and I wish like Hell I had never got involved in this catastrophe. It is a real catastrophe both for the Plaintiff and for the Defendant. The lawyers however, are smiling all the way to the bank.
The amount of money the Plaintiff (which is me and would be you if you sue – sorry to state the obvious), spends on lawyers and court fees just keeps on mounting and even if I will win the greatest amount of money I can hope for, my costs and expenses will have eaten up a huge portion of the win.
In summary, I regret ever filing this lawsuit. If I had it to do over, I would never do it again.
From my perspective, the only time it would make sense for someone to file a lawsuit to seek damages is if the amount of damages is huge (perhaps at least a million dollars) and the person filing the suit has a great deal of wealth because the nasty financial surprises just keep on coming. If you are interested, I will tell you just what those nasty surprises have been. Most people just have no idea of all the twists and turns the lawyers can take that require both parties to keep on putting up more money. In the end, the lawyers get almost all the money. The only time they don’t get almost all the money is when they lawsuit is … well … perhaps I shouldn’t speculate on that aspect.
Also, the person being sued has plenty of money and it is easy to get our hands on it. This is far from certain and I would advise you to check this out thoroughly because it is the biggest problem that Plaintiff can often face. I’m pretty sure your wife doesn’t have access to much money so suing her would be pointless. You would prob have to sue the scam and you know how slippery and tricky they can be.
I would just like to recommend to you that before engaging in any lawsuit, make sure you know exactly how long it will likely take before you get any money – exactly what are the odds you will get any money – what the maximum and minimum time frames are before you get any money and exactly the minimum and maximum amounts of money you will have to spend over the lifetime of this lawsuit.
I expected one thing but the reality was that it will take at least four times as long and cost five times as much money as I expected at the outset.
The worst part of the whole thing? Just because you win the lawsuit does not mean you will get any money. Collecting the money you have won can be a much bigger battle and cost a lot more money than winning the lawsuit did.
If any lawyer tries to talk you into suing, please make sure you spend a lot of time learning all the maximums and minimums of time and money expected before you agree. If you want to know my experience, I will be glad to tell you privately or publicly.
In any case, best of luck and best wishes to you as always.
Remember, I spent more than 20 years on the other side of scientology litigation. I am unfortunately very familiar with tort litigation in the US.
Involvement in tort litigation in the US is not really the best way to spend one’s time.
Mike If you do decide to sue for libel and slander, there could be a Go Fund Me page set up, or just donations on your blog and we could all contribute to your defense fund. We used to give huge sums to the IAS for nothing, so we could dig deep and give funds to you for a snarling defense and to strike a blow to use their own parlance.
Thanks so much for your support Cindy
Everyone supports you, Mike. Everyone. Especially what you’ve gone through. And you came out the other side smelling like a rose. You really are a remarkable individual. And I’m so glad that I got to meet you.
Lovely idea, Cindy, a defense fund for Mike to combat all the attacks directed at him. Remember, the suit is not to win but to harrass, according to Tubby’s edict. ‘Tis ’bout time they get some of theirs back at them.
Hmmm … “Crippled!” after you bumped her arm to get away from a group of people attacking you . .. Doesn’t say much for Scientology “tech” that she is so delicate and can’t get better (no case gain? You know what that means) … No one gave Cathy an assist so she wouldn’t be “crippled”? … Very curious … And no one gave Taryn any training or processing so she could get past this continuing never-ending upset with her father and take some responsibility for her condition? … Ron would say they need their withholds pulled … Pronto!!!
Joe, she’s got so MANY overts against mike filed in her name, if not necessarily with her permission.
Sounds like it’s way past time to get a court order to put a stop to these lies.
I would suggest you consider the value of any court order. If what they are doing makes them look as ridiculous as you suggest, it may be best to just let them keep on digging the hole for themselves.
In any case, I would spend a large amount of time and even money to make sure you know the pros and cons in starting any action. It is real easy to file a motion. It is real easy to file a lawsuit. But it’s very difficult and very expensive to get out of it once it is started. I advise you to exercise the greatest possible caution. Find out all you can about what usually happens when people do this. If possible, talk to people who have been through this before and find out what their experiences were.
It’s so easy to get in but so painful to get out. I know this from my actual experience.
PickAnotherID stated:”Sounds like it’s way past time to get a court order to put a stop to these lies.”
The problem is that there are no “real” people Mike can go after. and scn’s lawyers have plenty of experience making scn’s documented “fair game”attacks sound like so many conspiracy theories, not to be taken seriously.
That gardening bit is ridiculous. I wonder who’s “home” they used for this photo.
What is so funny is that anyone who knows how the SO works knows that she and her mom probably rarely see each other, being posted at different places, or even at the same place, you can’t take a break to have a coffee with your mom. And as for being in stay at home mode, they aren’t. They don’t berth together and are each in separate birthing, some of which is double or triple bunk beds all lined up in a small room. How’s that for distancing?
TooDangerous bserved:”That gardening bit is ridiculous. I wonder who’s “home” they used for this photo.”
No place in Clearwater, I’d say. Those leaves are too GREEN. Plants in Florida are a lighter color as less chlorophyl is required in that harsh sunshine. The first time I returned home for a 3-week “leave”, the difference blew me away.
The last insane gasping of a disappearing criminal organization.
Wynski said:”The last insane gasping of a disappearing criminal organization.”
From your keyboard to Xenu’s screen, Wynski.
Boy! You got that right!
Isn’t this getting to the point of libel? Weren’t there witnesses? It seems like an interesting thing to do, to sue them in this regard. She would have to be willing to be checked and disability rated by medical professionals. Prior to this, she would have to go out and actually have damage done to her arm and shoulder in order to not fake the medical exam.
It is pretty gag-worthy. But they are trying to clear the planet and all that.
Dotey OT asked:”Isn’t this getting to the point of libel?”
Yeah, but WHO could Mike go after? Certainly not his ex- and daughter, I’d say. Getting a court injunction against such libel wouldn’t stop the OSA agents from continuing their fruitless efforts; perhaps from other “people” than Cathy & Taryn.(Neither of which may know they’re being so used,).
They have a quota of blog entries that must be done and they are hard pressed to come up with anything new to write.
Before I even read this sentence, the thought that OSA/Justice4mom were under pressure to get their stats up came to my mind. Surely they have also to send a compliance report to “COB” about what steps they did on the program of “Operation xxx”, whatever the name David Miscavige sanctioned for the program to ruin ” +#@§*’^ Rinder “.
Scientology has been, is and will always be a lying, disgusting cult of the lowest form. It is no wonder that Scientology continues to fade into the abyss of cults past.
I’m afraid I have to agree with you.
No need to be afraid, otherles. They’re toothless these days, easily neutralized by us DBs out here in the wastelandz of the InterWebz.
She’s crippled because of you Mike? Wow your old family is comprised of a bunch of victims. I agree that they’re all mentally crippled, thanks to the policies of LRH.