There have been some technical difficulties with the blog.
I have not been able to see any comments since early this morning. They vanished like Shelly Miscavige…
Some bright minds are working to resolve whatever the cause of this is.
In the meantime, if you have not seen it elsewhere, I thought you might enjoy the new billboard and ad…
Maybe these things are connected.
It’s a beautiful day in LA today — but there is a hurricane heading towards Hemet…
Comments now enabled again. All you enthusiastic commenters can fire away….
I am very late to the party here, just wanted to say
Curious Confronts! Go Leah!
That billboard is brilliant! I love it! Can’t wait for season 3! Thank you Mike and Leah!
Hey Mike, I have a question
I have read for years Sea Org workers made very little money or rarely were paid. I worked for Wells Fargo Bank for many years at the branch that was in Hemet, CA on San Jacinto Blvd. and Florida Ave. and Sea .Org members came in all the time with “Huge” paychecks from “Golden Era Productions.”
Was that the Sea Orgs persons money or did they have to take it back to the base. Just curious.
The “awaiting moderation” and 5 minutes to re-edit my post reappeared!
Love the billboard’s sentiment, BTW.
Ooooh I really miss that feature! Let me test.
“Aftermath’s returnung November 27? That’s something to be thankful for this Thanksgiving….
Mike, as a molestation survivor from a cult, I want to thank you and Leah for all that you do. You are letting people who need it, have a voice, the strength to stand up, and you are giving them hope.
I have that same hope.
Thank you
Please put one on US 19 in Clearwater near the Scientology Channel buildboard. It makes me sick every time I see it. Thank you to everyone who has made this show work. As a resident near Clearwater, FL it breaks my heart knowing this stuff is going on in my backyard.
Shelly Miscavige.
So many things were set in motion by her removal.
I wonder if it has entered the toxic dwarf’s mind, the extent of the repercussions of that one decision?
I don’t think the toxic dwarf has ever given one second of thought about possible repercussions of his actions. After all, He is COB, and all flows from him are perfect! He is never wrong, it is all the fault of WOGs, or his dilatant staff that are fucking up all the time!
“Return of the Cult Classic.” This is PERFECT. OMG, I’m on the floor. Just perfect! Mike and Leah, rock on! Whoo, things are heating up and getting VERY interesting!
It would at all surprise me in the least to see “someone” climb up that billboard pole & try to remove or deface it. I am so proud to see it displayed so prominently…..wish the same could be done in Clearwater. Mike, you look really wonderfully pleased & happy & our Leah as usual….gorgeous.
As a “never in”….I truly hope to see the “curious issue questions” answered….but they I am not going to hold my breath. Hello Shelly, time to come out from hiding even if you have to FIGHT your way out. Of course someone KNOWS exactly where she IS….
WHY is it that when a missing person’s report is made…in THIS case….they DO NOT have to “produce” the living breathing LIVE person who to COS is NOT missing. The “officials” take the word of COS that Shelly is “just fine “. Really? Seriously….I thought that if someone was missing & possibly MURDERED…..well, the “legal officials” would HAVE to see her BODY….either way, living or deceased before CLOSING their case.
P.S Mike, will the edit feature return as well as being able to SEE our comment when we post?
I’m looking over a church takeover
That I overlooked before
The founder done floundered, Miscavige insane
The sheeple compliant with hardly a brain
No need explaining
There’s no joy remaining, it’s all just a great big bore
I’m looking over a church takeover
That I overlooked before
Ha ha! Good one, Scribe!
I love the billboard. I’m picturing cultists being told not to drive on that street in that area. Then I’m picturing a la Regraded Being. Some thirteen year old writing up her mom for taking a short-cut and driving by ‘gasp’ the billboard.
I love the picture of you Mike at the billboard. Just so perfect.
“I’m picturing cultists being told not to drive on that street in that area.”
Not in the least far-fetched, Cnc!
Can a common scientologist even afford a car?
I’m curious too…and I’m really glad Leah is curious. She is a strong person!! I love her. Love the picture of Mike in front of that billboard too. Respects!
Even as an exMormon I look forward to season 3!
Obviously, Ram Sharma’s change dot org petition failed.
Now let’s hope Jeffrey’s does not.
“Return Of The Cult Classic” is an interesting advertising promotion. Since Halloween is approaching “The Night of the Living Dead” is probably on the airwaves as well as the other cult classic movie where a guy and gal get stuck in a castle on a rainy night with “Meatloaf” and the crew.
3rd season?
Who would have believed that a couple of years ago?
Who would have imagined “Aftermath” a couple of years ago? Leah, of course. AND she brought it to fruition despite the “fair game” she knew was going to follow Thanks, gorgeous girl, for doing such a great job
Leah and Mike are genuine hero’s in my eyes!
Beautiful billboard! Looking forward to season 3, but even more so, looking forward to our government finally doing something about this cults 5013c status and it’s multiple abuses of children and adults alike!
Awesome billboard!!! Hope it’s right in the view of their precious celebrity centre!!!! Hahaha!!!
Looking forward to the next season, keeping finger’s crossed that the cowardly I.R.S FINALLY revokes the tax exemption this CULT never deserved in the first place!!!
The gutless I.R.S should have had that egomaniacal, narcissistic, sadistic twerp David MISCARRIAGE charged for blackmail instead of helping this disgusting CULT ruin more lives and families – maybe a class action lawsuit against the I.R.S for their duplicity can get started and finally end this with the horrendous CULT they helped!
Best wishes to you and Leah for the show and take care because we all now know (thanks to YouTube!) about the MANY suspicious deaths that seem to surround the scientology scam!
By the way how’s that fictitious 13 year old going with petition to try to stop the show – bet if we started a petition to BAN the CULT of scientology we’d get BILLIONS compared to what…just over the 20,000 the fictitious13 year old has! Hahaha!!!
Have a good weekend?
Even if it’s not visible from CCI, I expect that enough “fuss” about it will be generated internally that bubble-dwellers will of course drive by to see what the fuss’s about — I believe it’s called the Streisand effect….
wogs, of course will talk it up amongst themselves; WHAT cult classic?
IF Dwarfenführer gets it into his teenie, tiny head that “Aftermath” has a cult following, he will absolutely EXPLODE. Couldn’t happen to a nicer guy.
The sooner the scientology ‘bubble’ bursts the better for the children who are mind controlled victims being used for slave labour and bashed and abused at every turn!
I absolutely LOVE the ‘Dwarfenfuhrer’ name!!!! Definitely suits the sadistic, egotistical, narcissistic meglomaniacal psycho twerp!!! And doesn’t need alot of typing! Hahaha!!!
If Mike and Leah have an episode on what the public thinks of scientology and the Dwarfenfuhrer I really hope they read out your message!!!
He’ll go off like a psycho ballistic missile, especially seeing as the ‘set ups’ he and OSA have tried to get the show stopped have failed miserably!
Because the scientology CULT members only react in one way it makes them weak and better still predictable.
I keep waiting for one of the harassed ex-members to fill their rubbish bags with animal poop for the P.I’s that take them out of their bins – now that’d be funny to see and best yet….NO laws are broken because once those bins hit that curb to be picked up they are PUBLIC property so if someone takes them the ex-member can’t be sued or charged because as soon as the garbage bags are taken they then BELONG to the pathetic P.I or whoever it was who takes them!!! Hahahaha!!!
Mike and that billboard: Fuck Yeah.
I know Gus! Freaking awesome!
Beautiful billboard! Well done once again, Mike.
Looking forward to the new season. My eyeballs were glued to the screen for the first two. I’m so glad you all are doing this. Thank you. The world wakes up a little more any time someone stands up to injustice.
Third Season of Aftermath! The world can not wait!
Hey scientologists, confront THAT. Your emasculated leader doesn’t seem to have any ability to counter the spotlight of attention that has been uncovering all the horrific and disgusting truths about your “religion”, so what now? And scientology TV has been about as effective as a wet noodle in a street brawl. If COB can’t handle the situation, who then? Why is he still your leader? Didn’t LRH give you the tools you need to perceive the biggest SP in your midst, Miscavige?
If they (CoS) get bored enough to target one of us at least it might take some heat off someone else. So excited about the new season. Maybe they will trot out Shelley in an attempt to make nice? Hooray for Mike and Leah, et al.
In all warfare and conflicts there are lulls and miscommunications, subterfuges, lots of mistakes, the influence of spies etc along with, of course action and counter actions. Scientology is under siege, brought about by their own criminal behavior and lies. If David MIscavige was half way of being a human being he’d realize he brought this all on himself, especially by underestimating that his greed for money and power comes at a price that eventually has to be paid for. By following Hubbard’s playbook he has dug himself a nice big hole to sit in, now those hole walls are contracting. His arrogance and pretense is about as effective a defense as the stated abilities of OT. He’s just a mean and bad tempered little boy who doesn’t understand the hate for him is quite real. No matter what he says or the websites or his minions praising him, he’s scared shitless of people and probably of life itself. Even the best quality whisky in the world is still just a beverage. The best marble can still be only used for floors and stairs etc. All his efforts are always directed to fighting to remain evil, he’s quite stupid!
Scientology has made more enemies and created unbelievable ill will towards them than they could have ever comprehended. Well… maybe not, Season 3 might change that somewhat.
What a sick joke Scientology turned out to be… the punch line is now being driven home by a society waking up to & tired of such bullshit!
What you so eloquently said, yes!!!
Yawn, you’re right: Davey boy DID “pull it in” by his reprehensible behavior. And he seems to think that continuing to do the same things will somehow obtain a different outcome.
Fabulous billboard! I like the one of you in front of billboard. Excellent!
I just want to say thank you Mike. Thanks ? for what you are doing.
O/T. An interesting open access academic article: “Hubbard Bubble, Dianetics Trouble: An Evaluation of the Representations of Dianetics and Scientology in Science Fiction Magazines From 1949 to 1999.”
Mr. Rinder, were you able to see any of my test comments?
No comments came through from about 5 am til 5pm.
Love the A&E trailer. Leah is awesome. Fuck yea I’m curious. So excited to see what all of you have been working on.
Looking forward to the new season, thank you for what your doing, it’s important.
Can’t wait for the next installment of the show. Thank you guys for all your hard work.
What a glorious billboard!
Kudos to all concerned.
(fizzing with joy)
Yeah, great isn’t it? Best selfie I’ve ever seen Mike, but my military training/brainwashing insists you stand a little closer to the razor.
Thanks Mike. Love the billboard!
Love the new billboard!
A close-to-Thanksgiving debut! Perfect.
I will be watching, along with millions of others!
Beautiful day indeed! Thanks for the heads up on the Aftermath, blog techno-issues, and EVERYTHING, Mike!
One can now post comments again
Is it possible that the website has been hacked ? ( Tampering with comments, etc )
Dave F.
It is possible, though seems to be merely coincidental. The entire site did not go down. Just the ability to comment. Now fixed obviously…
I was concerned about them possibly gaining access and “siphoning off” the names and email addresses of people who comment here ( possibly to be “targeted” in the future ).
Dave F.
Oh, don’t concern yourself too much about that. Be streetwise in dealing with Scientology or any cult for that matter and nothing will come of it. Scientology as a community hasn’t realized (except the insane leader and his lawyers) that they are now the targets in more ways than just bad PR, (the people who run Scientology at the money end are a seething pit of coverups for criminal activity).
WordPress tends to break at least one thing when they are patching another.
As a longtime programmer, I sympathize with the poor guys keeping WordPress going. It’s a thankless job. Even if you fix the bug, there’s a laundry-list of features others are screaming for. Well, it’s job security, at least 😉
As a nide-note, Back in ’60, my older brother had advisors tell him not to go into computer programming. What with the new languages (FORTRAN & COBOL & a few 4th generation languages), they wouldn’t need programmers any more. I heard the same thing in ’70, repeated a few times since. Yes, programming is easier and quicker, but those darned users keep asking for more and more. At one place I worked, the users had us program them out of much of their jobs. The computers did most of the work for them, anticipating what they were going to enter/ask, based upon history, their business practices, and applicable laws.
OOPS! “nide-note” should have been “side-note” in my last, but “snide-note” might also work.
I do understand what they are going through, I am just thinking to a few updates they rolled out that caused me a lot of headaches. Crap happens and when you are up against the world finding any weakness for php injection or any other exploit every couple of seconds on a WordPress site I do appreciate the work they do to plug the holes in a timely manner.
I had a Point of Sale vendor in NZ that pushed a fix to resolve a discount coupon for a movie theater concession deal on a Saturday night when i worked for a large US chain.. They fixed the discount, but if the station logged out (which they did after a few minutes of inactivity) you could no longer log into the station regardless if you had admin privileges.. This was pushed out to a couple hundred locations right before our prime set. Some unlucky locations were down to pen, paper, and tally marks on a busy weekend night.
Simply no time for testing/QA. I understand, just being a bit of an ass and venting.