To keep everyone updated on the the most important events ever that may or may not ever happen.
It seems there is still some problem with the Hollywood Test Center. You know the one that was promoted as being opened last Friday at 6:30 “to be in time for the Oscars crowd”?
It’s just a few days away and its “not finalized”. Again.
This is really becoming a pattern with every event. These things used to be like clockwork and since last year, starting with the cancellation of the 25th Anniversary MV financial hari kiri cruise, things have gone completely out of control.
Flag is promoting the “live” March 13th event to be at Ruth Eckerd Hall on Friday 14 March. Dear Leader is cutting this mighty close. You can be sure the expletives are flying and he is accusing everyone around him (all the SP’s he has to work with every day) of deliberately trying to make him look bad by “sabotaging” “his” event as he is not going to have anything to show the clubbed seals.
Ruth Eckerd is probably booked for the following weeks, so as much as he may want to delay the “March 13” event, he is probably going to be held to the date. In years gone by he would have refused to do the event and sent Heber, Guiullaume, me, Ray Mithoff, Yager to do the event (what he referred to as “the B Team”), but he no longer has that option.
It sucks to be Miscavige.
Date: Tue, 4 Mar 2014
From: Celebrity Centre International
Subject: Ideal ASHO and AOLA Grand Openings!Hi Xxxxx!
On Saturday, March 8, a dream of LRH’s is coming true! The Ideal Pacific Bridge will be in place from start to finish when COB cuts the ribbon on the new Ideal ASHO and AOLA and the doors are opened for tours! This will be at noon starting with lunch and then the opening following at 2 PM. Come early so that you can park and enjoy the festivities!
The Life Improvement Center opening is not finalized yet so I’ll keep you posted on that one!
These are openings that you will not want to miss — and right here in our own Los Angeles!
May I confirm you for next Saturday?
I would really like one of these gushing sycophants to explain exactly what “LRH dream” it is that is being fulfilled….
Very nice handsome photo Mike. I see a little cheeky behind the eyes. I loved that photo of you and Christie, it read a powerful partnership. Keepin’ it real…….she’s a little cuter than you. On the post, the ridiculousness continues. Do they think average people actually have “gowns” lying around? I have my clothes with paint all over them (artist) and then I have my nice jeans. I could combine the two for a new look……I think I’ll just pass. I smell desperation and I believe it’s because the numbers are dwindling severely. The propitiative, obsequious tone of these comms tells me, that the force and threat approach is no longer working. The attempts at caring about food, child care etc. come across phony and insincere. A lot of inside information has come out over the last 5 years and we’re probably reaching the point where most scn’gsts are no longer lacking data. The ones that are still there have made a decision to be there and, I would guess 75% have left or are highly suspicious/no longer participating. Auditing in the Indie field is growing as more people decompress and decide to do real Scn, with genuine arc and compassion. I am hearing more successes every day. The corp. church of empty buildings has less and less substance every day.
Field of Dreams script revision: if you build it, they won’t come.
All this change of plans, now it’s this, now it’s that, back and forth for MONTHS, stay up all night days in a row and then be told that it’s not going to be used…sucks. You guys still on staff who think you’re so tough, but in actual fact are ultra-wimpy because you can’t call this shit out….WHY ON EARTH DO YOU STILL PUT UP WITH THIS???????? ARE YOU PLANNING ON DOING THIS FOR THE REST OF YOUR LIVES?????
I love Anne Archer’s response to John Sweeney on Panorama: “Do I look hypnotized to you? How dare you!”
Very cool portrait Mike. Kudos to Tiziano. Man knows his stuff. Reminds me of the old events (you know, when there were other speakers) when I used to assume that the reason all these senior execs (including your good self) looked so gaunt must be something to do with the OT levels they were all obviously busy progressing through. Probably because it was inconceivable from my viewpoint at the time that there could actually be a negative reason for it. It’s amazing what you’ll dub in to explain what you don’t really understand or don’t know enough about. Or don’t want to confront. Good to see you looking so healthy nowadays.
Question about the test center. Last I was in that part of Hollyweird I didn’t see many people that were above the zombie level, (wasn’t tourist season) so WHY would they want to body route those types in for services?
God works in mysterious ways.
Your writing communicates calm objectivity, attention to detail, fairness, modesty and nuanced ironic humor.
This photo communicates, “Go Ahead – Make My Day”.
Mike, substitute the word nightmare for dream and you’ve got it.
You look hot in this photo, Mike!
You’re ok lookin’ I guess…Alright, alright! I give! You could give Robert Redford (in his younger years) and Brad Pitt a run for their money! Seriously, you should do a TV cop series with George Clooney! But, I want in as the sidekick…
Really, really good photo,Mike. Decompressing does wonders!
I also love the new photo.
Just wondering, do they make people pay for the new passports?
Do you now need a “passport” to enter any Org?
Tuxedos and gowns are for well planned events months ahead of time…same with getting “the brand new 2014 event pass card”
Historically, these events are designed, at least in part, so sheeple can look at each other and confirm they are part of a massive, humongous international movement of important people.
However, these Keystone Cops events have the opposite effect. A disorganized event looks like bumbling idiots are in charge…
It looks like the well organized fleecing machine is crashing and burning.
Pass the popcorn…and watch Miscavige’s Ponzi Scheme unravel before your eyes.
Nice photo Mike!! You look great!
“The inability to make a decision” is the stage the Church of Scientology seems to be in and at least they are now dramatizing it and not trying to hide it!
The Co$ can’t seem to make anything go right…and the clubbed seals keep putting up with it.
We see it with the events – the date is March 2, no…it is March 8….wait a minute…it is March 13….?
The Church says “SP’s got in and changed the tech” – so we had it right…but we didn’t….then we did…..then we didn’t… we do….but DO WE?
This has been going on for 63 years and the Church says “deliver what is promised” – KSW states: “Having the correct technology” – THAT IS DONE! Wait…it is not done….now it is….no, it is not….well, it is now….and everyone has to re-pay and re-do.
The WOGS call that FRAUD! Even Scientology says it is an overt act and out exchange to not delivered what is promised. THEY HAVE NEVER DELIVERED WHAT THEY PROMISED – EVER!!
The clubbed seals receive the implanted command that “DM has worked tirelessly for years correcting the tech”! This is mind control!!
DM’s job is to protect the tech and keep it pure – FLUNK!
Anyone else would be booted out, slapped and thrown in the HOLE – but DM has his clubbed seals praising him!
What is that? Mind control!!
And the EP is Bat Shit Crazy!!
Great photo! Love the smile in your eyes 🙂
As for the OP – the RCS is in confusion, hopes it looks like decisive uncertainty, and thinks its in power.
Mike, well I guess I’m piling on with the other female vote. Sexy! Sean Connery in his younger days. Nice pic.
The picture of the half-decorated building kinda makes me feel sad. Not for the organization, but for the true believers struggling on through the fog, trying as hard as they can to ‘make it go right’ and seeing it all unraveling before their eyes.
And what about the people who flew out for these Big Events, only to find them cancelled? I’d be enturbulated as hell to be subjected to that kind of disrespectful treatment. Contrary to what DM might think, money really doesn’t grow on trees for most people.
I knew this day would come, when the cracks finally got big enough to see. Buckle up. It’s about to go E-Ticket.
I’m always interested in how many people attend big events. I think it’s a real indicator of how the church is doing. Since the live birthday game event this year is taking place at Ruth Eckerd Hall I looked it up on Wikipedia. It has seating for 2,180 people. How is it that the Church of Scientology, with straight up and vertical expansion, would have one of the biggest events of the year at a building that hold so few people? Is there something I’m missing here?
Donate to the LRH Hall today! That’s what you’re missing.
Stay tuned to this space for an update on the hall….
It is so… weird (hilarious?). I recall some example of an unneeded and unwanted theatre or stadium being built without a survey and left half-finished was used to illustrate what not to do in the admin scale course, or program series or something. Yes, we are so dense that until now we did not understand his magnificence’s brilliance – the whole RCS is simply a live clay demo of what not to do, until we all EP.
“25th Anniversary MV financial hari kari cruise, ”
2FF! Laughter!
I see a money-making opportunity here.
The time has come on the whole track when it can finally be revealed that LRH kept a secret notebook at his bedside, and just before dropping his meat body he passed it to Dave Miscavige with whispered instructions to make its contents available planet-wide when certain conditions had been fulfilled. After decades of research and tireless effort and personal sacrifice, Chairman of the Board Religious Technology Center has determined that the moment foreseen by Source is in Present Time!!!!!!!!
I’m thinking maybe an even G-note for Volume 1, which will contain an eerily accurate foretelling of events in this sector from 1986-2013. But to own Vol 1 you have to pre-pay for the complete 7-volume set, which contains dreams revealing the fate of the entire universe for the next 43 trillion years! It will blow your mind and rocket you to a new dimension of pan-cosmic understanding!!!
Wow! I’ll start saving right away in my penny jar because I really need eval and orders to know how to conduct my life!!!!!!!!!!!!!
“I wanted to ensure that you know to come in and get your brand new 2014 event passcard. If you already had one from last year then we have made you a revised one for this event specifically and you need to obtain yours.”
Nothing like making it easy for the public to attend.
Oh DM, you just go on and on doing the same thing
but more and more erratic. What is that definition of
insanity again?
And now Leah is doing a tell-all reality show. Oh man
just vanish while there is time left.
And look at Mike now, that picture does not show his
hands but he has his boxing gloves on.
Mike, I love your new profile pic. You look very handsome!
Last October the Test Center building still had covered glass with torn out paper, some construction material was visible in the first floor, trash and dirt surrounded the building too. A guy that sells Hollywood tours, after we inquiry about it, said the building have been like that for a year and a half. Unprecedented, monumental slowness.
Well, I guess Black Heart works so much on his 24/7 scheduled that he missed directing the renos of the building…poor little devil, so overworked.
The Ideal Pacific Bridge goes from AOLA to ASHO and that is the span of it. LA has the highest number of people that have left the ’empire’…so you don’t need an Ideal Bridge bigger than that street.
Hey Mike,
Luv tha pic even though I’m not one of those kinda guys.
Ya know the ones who hang out in West Hollywierd or as some of us call it Boys’ Town.
Old joke.
What do you do if you drop your wallet on Santa Monica Blvd?
Keep kicking it till you get to Melrose.
Back to the fun and festivities here in LA with helmet hair officiating.
Test Center hasn’t been what????
What’s that sposed to mean?
I mean what do you need to run a Test Center?
A few tables, some chairs and most importantly some OCA tests.
How can anyone screw that up?
Never mind.
The Grand Reopening of the Pac Base which is supposedly the Ol’man’s dream.
Honestly read a lot of HCOBs, Policies, heard many Lectures on the BC and while on staff and never read or heard Ron say he had a dream of a bunch of morons rerenovating the Pac base more times then one can count.
Who knows maybe helmet hair picked it up channeling or something?
It wasn’t actually a dream that Ron had, it was a nightmare. That is why all these issues with the grand re re re opening.
Seems he was quite happy with the first Pac Base.
Probably the nightmare was that someone who was an insane squirrel (no names mentioned) would take Scientology and the Pac Base and continually alter it.
Davey works in mysterious ways.
Not really all that mysterious MJ.
The furry lil’ guy is insane.
The way he works is pretty much covered in the following quote:
Complex yes.
But not all that mysterious.
He’s a mystery to his mother. I raised that?
Especially if she was a real Scientologist.
Probably would feel like Rosemary Woodhouse 😉
The predictability of Miscavige’s unpredictability is so predictable that it is starting to get boring.
Like an auditor whose ethics are out, he does not keep appointments once made.
In a perfect world a fellow Scientologist would route him to an Ethics officer for assistance and guidance in working out his problems with regards to being on time.
The non-scientologist world has a word for people who are habitual no-shows.
The term is a “flake”.
DM being DM, one of those people who are incapable of reform, introspection, or self-improvement, it is probable that his problem will only get worse.
Mike, you speak utter truth when you say that “It sucks to be Miscavige”.
Wanna know how far down that dwindling spiral goes, Dave? Answer: it can keep going down forever if you really work at it as you have been doing. There is no bottom to that abyss until you reform. Got that? It’s up to you, Dave.
Ever since last years Freewinds Celebration, RCS has done nothing but delayed and misadvertised special events. Previously, all seemed well, things went on time and there were no apparent problems. What changed? Who is in the Hole?
Last years SP shindig in Clearwater was delayed by perhaps 2 months from the original date. While I can understand starting the tent erection early because it is new to the US and doesn’t speak well with other tents, Why spend the extra money to set it up early? Someone flunked getting Clearwater permits and now LA permits. How full is the Hole these days?
VERY nice portrait, Mike. But, that said, I will also miss the family picture with you, your beautiful wife and cute kids in it.
Actually, very strong looking. Not a guy to mess with!
Very handsome photo!
Nice pic!
Mike….great pic mate,,the Chappell brothers would be very envious!!!…anyway as you stated this is a Barnum and Bailey Circus that’s out of control of monumental proportions…and so “it totally sucks to be Miscarriage!”…and so fitting!!!…
Joey — funny, I used to live one house away from them in Adelaide. Literally they had nets in the back yard and we could look over our fence across the neighbors and into their yard. I started at Princes when Trevor was still there as the star of the First XI (Ian and Greg had already left). For the non-Aussies in the audience, the three Chappell brothers all played cricket for Australia, Ian and Greg were both captain. Greg one of the greatest players in history. Ian one of the toughest.
Hi Mike…wow I didn’t know about how close you were to living with these legends…as you know the cricket season in the 70’s was all about the Chappell brothers and Dennis Lillee etc etc …they were great Australians and as cricket fans these were great seasons and great matches at Adelaide Oval; the Gaba; the WACA; the MCG and the SCG were just memorable matches …. I wondered if u ever met them personally?.. cheers mate
Hey Dave, Did you tell your the contractor to glue some fake fire protection sprinklers to the drywall in order to get a Certificate of Occupancy for the Test Center?
Right ON, 3feetback!! But the contractor wouldn’t do it, and the sea org estates crew did after he left.
“Flag is promoting the “live” March 13th event to be at Ruth Eckerd Hall
on Friday 14 March.”
Here is one of the emails going out from Flag.
Date: Wed, 05 Mar 2014
From: Flag OT Committee
Subject: The LIVE Event in 9 Days!
Hi Everyone,
In 9 days, we have the LIVE Birthday event. This is the day we celebrate LRH’s legacy, and his care and compassion for everyone whose lives he has touched.
I wanted to ensure you are fully prepared.
The event is 9 days from now, on Friday night, the 14th of March.
It will be held live at Ruth Eckerd Hall on McMullen Booth road.
Event entry begins at 5:00pm and seating begins at 6:00pm, event starts at 7pm.
I wanted to ensure that you know to come in and get your brand new 2014 event passcard. If you already had one from last year then we have made you a revised one for this event specifically and you need to obtain yours.
There is child care for children of 5 years old and up at Mace-Kingsley.
The dress is formal, meaning tuxedos and long gowns.
Please e-mail me back to let me know that you have received this and that you will be attending the event.
ML, Meagan Tucker, Dir PR
Event ENTRY is at 5 …. seating begins at 6 …. event starts at 7 …. two hours in which …… too much time folks …. too much time …. TUXEDOS??? (BTW …. the event is allegedly “LIVE ” but it will seem like death very quickly)
Sorry, I don’t wear tuxedos. Ever.
One of the great unwashed
2014 passcard? I wonder how much they charge for this?
If you have to ask, you can’t afford it. 😉
WOW! ^^^
Have to wear a tuxedo or a formal full length gown? That alone will guarantee most people won’t come.
😀 You are so funny !
Who is that macho dude who is busting Miscavige’s chops day in and day out? Is it Clark Kent? Is it Bruce Wayne? Is it Arnie? Hell no- this is the real thing- Mike Rinder! Kudo’s to you Mike! Hollywood, Shmollywood, Mike Rinder is the real deal.
“And now, in one of many ways to mark LRH’s birthday, I am proud to announce … no, I am MORE than proud to announce … a monumental introduction of a new face to the Church of Scientology … the face of a man whose indefatigable creativity in the face of indifference, unyielding effort in the face of masses of granite resistance, success spoken in straight steel stanchions above chasms of vast failure to build a new bridge to a resplendent future for all of us here in this sector of the universe and beyond for eons to come … the face of a man who needs no preamble of introduction … here without further ado, immediately and now in the present, is my unveiling with this ceremonial ribbon cutting, pulling away the curtains to allow you to see … here is the new face of … HEY!! @$#^%&*!!!! That’s not MY photograph! What the %@$#^%#*!!!! LOU!!!!!! @$#%^#(*!!! Get this out of here!!”
One thing you can’t accuse his Hole-iness of having is a sense of humor.
LOL! Brilliant!
“….starting with lunch….”
so all that food they were expecting to serve to “thousands” has been held over a week…nothing like week old lettuce.
all these repeated fits and starts have got to be wearing people to the nub, including the majestic munchkin.
This really is a great photo. It has a kind of a, “the gloves are off” bad-ass aspect to it.
No one on Clearwater Beach is going to think about kicking sand in your face…..ha ha
Second that!
I think the new portrait captures who you are at this point in time.
Mike, since you’re getting comments on your new picture, I’ll put my two cents in.
Last week I was watching Vikings on the History Channel (series), and I kept thinking that the guy who plays Rollo looked familiar to me, like someone I know. I have a quirky habit of linking faces so I kept running images through my head and came up with Mike Rinder!
The actors name is Clive Standen and he is younger but there is a similarity. True story.
Anyway, nice pic. It’s always good to change things up sometimes.
Thanks Pepper. No idea who that is so just googled him. I can see some resemblance, and am flattered at your comparison 🙂
Well, all I real have to say is…LOVE the new picture of you, Mike. 🙂
oops…should read “really” instead of real.
Mike, I love your picture. Why do men seem to get more handsome with age?
That reminds me when in 2010 I went to go see an old timer about the state of the Church and while discussing you having left he told how “bloated” you were compared to when in. It was a shocking reminder how deep the mind control goes. Healthy demeanour = bloated. Presumably emaciated and gaunt = healthy, while war = peace and black = white. Even some media noticed how thin and ill you looked while doing the 2007 Panorama.
Well, good job of it. Ditto Ann’s comment and question. I think you’ve got the female vote with this one. 😉
Mike you look great since you left the cult. I realised that looking at the old images of you with Tommy Davis and the recent ones at your weddi ng. It is just an indicatof of the Way to Happiness. You look better because you have been true to yourself and you are doing a great job. You are
I second that comment!