A Special Correspondent sent this in from South Africa where they are offering people a test drive of the Warehouse 8, but no trade in allowance on their old model.
It never ceases to amaze me how suggestible people are inside the bubble. Tell them the Quantum is “perfect” and reads “instantly” and is “so much more responsive” and whatever other foolishness and they will write “success stories” parroting whatever they have heard at events. Then come out with the Warehouse 8 and tell them the Quantum sucks donkey dong and they will jump right on that bandwagon about how THIS is now soooooo amazing. If you put the guts of a Mark VII in a Mark VIII case and gave it to these people they would write exactly the same bunk. It’s funny to read the “successes” from “Flag pc’s” about how incredible the auditing is “now” with the Warehouse 8 — because Flag has had Warehouse 8 guts inside Quantum cases for a decade while they were “being piloted.”
But really, if this meter is so damned good that it makes all auditing that has gone before it akin to walking through a swimming pool full of molasses wearing snow skis and your eyes burned out with hot pokers, then isn’t anyone upset that this life-saving, eternity granting miracle was literally kept in a warehouse for a decade while Dear Leader figured out the best marketing gimmick for maximum sales and sold off his stocks of old meters?
And finally, does anyone have a clue what Rene Anne’s sentence means? Getting your Mark ultra VIII today, just sets the purpose, it clarifies it. Do you think she made that up by herself?
Difference between the QUANTUM and ULTRA VIII
Success story
“When I heard about the new meter, I didn’t have a reality on why I should change meters. I was doing great with the quantum, and my auditing was going great. So why change?
“When I got the new mark ultra viii and started doing meter drills, I liked it. I wasn’t quite sure why, but the drills went faster and easier. The reads were easy to get and see. As I said, I liked it. I was happy with it. It was a better meter than my old one. Then I went into my first solo session with the new meter. I was blown away! I was astounded by how much better the mark ultra viii was than the quantum.
“I could see every little thought that went through my mind. The reads were totally clear. The best way I can describe it is that there is simply no effort in it.
“With the quantum, a read had to push against some resistance in the meter to show up on the needle. In the mark ultra viii, there is no resistance at all, no effort at all. Whatever happens in your mind, bang, you see it on the meter. It is as if the meter itself is transparent and there’s nothing at all between you and the needle.
“I still get VGIS every time I go into session just from the meter itself. It is so amazing to use. I get a big grin on my face just thinking about it and writing this.
“Now I don’t like my new Mark Ultra VIII – I love it! ” — D.W.
Getting your Mark ultra VIII today, just sets the purpose, it clarifies it.
So don’t hesitate and come and see me today for a test drive!!!
Rene Ann Rhoda
Bookstore Officer – Jo Burg Day
Org No) 0871506514
Cell) 079 059 3099The Better educated you are as a PC, The Better your auditing goes. Understanding and handling life – The Basics create a partnership for going clear.
Sent using Hushmail
PS: Happy to see she is using hushmail….
Aquamarine says
And what is even more bizarre is that these people actually believe that they are uptone!
They will tell you how uptone they are, with a not-so-well-hidden smugness. Really, one has to laugh so that one does not cry.
MJ says
Uptone is the new downscale.
Aquamarine says
Mike, thanks for cracking me up so that my exasperation at the still-ins’ stupidity becomes can be laughed at instead of cried over.
My explanation for their blindness is that they aren’t stupid, appearances much to the contrary. Instead, this is a tone level – apathy. I do believe that these people are in apathy or numb, and in that band people will go along and obey and be very cooperative, and, in that band, any data seeping thru to them which contradicts what they are told to be, do, have or think will bring them uptone into fear, which is an uncomfortable place to be when you’re coming from being mostly in apathy and numb. They shoot up to fear and that’s why they automatically reject anything which contradicts, explain it away any way they can so they can immediately descend back into their complacent “don’t have to think about this or be upset in any way” robot status in the apathy band.
MJ says
Aquamarine says
Thanks, MJ. Pink Floyd nailed it, all right.
1subgenius says
The picture reminds me of the last model that car manufacturer produced:
The Yugo Screwyourself.
mwesten says
See http://goo.gl/G9M2t4 and http://goo.gl/10TZo2
“The Quantum is the E-Meter LRH wanted everyone to have.”
MJ says
So nice of them to tell us what LRH wanted.
1984 says
That piece of promo says that it can be recharged while being used. The implication is that you do not need a second meter as a spare.
voltaire2003 says
There’s an additional secret feature on the Mark VIII: It detects and rockslams on French and Belgian pcs et pre-OTs, which triggers the in-built self-destroy mechanism and melts the meter.
1984 says
That’s a flunk. It was supposed to take out the PC too.
hiatus57 says
The e-meter is a simple circuit designed to do two things. Measure and show an increase in resistence, measure and show a decrease in resistence.
The only amazing thing it does is the reads it displays such as the “theta bop” and how LRH’s technology allows you to understand that read and how to audit.
The only complex and expensive part of any e-meter is the actual meter movment and dispaly assembly.
The MK V used a clever spring and back stop assembly as did the MK VI and is basically the same meter bar a few Chips to drive the digital LCD TA counter and time stamp. The case is cheap nasty plastic instead of nice wood.
The quantum is no better or worse than a MK VI if tested in a lab. How much could you do to a basic circuit to justify a $5000 price tag, ooops I mean $10,000 as you must have two.
The comments from the cretins still in the bubble comes from the well understood old addage of ” I paid a fortune it must be better”.
A fool and his money are soon parted.
Espiritu says
Saw a promo for the Warehouse VIII recently which said that it was “50,000 times more accurate” than the Mark VII. What the heck does that mean? Pure hyperbole!
I also read somewhere that the reads on this thing are “cleaner” because they are the result of an algorithm in the software that continually samples electronic changes every so many micro-seconds and then outputs an average which moves the needle. If true, it would seem that this would influence the “instantness” of instant reads,would it not?
Anyhow, the Mark VII and even the Mark VI are excellent e-meters designed for the purpose of auditing. They have always worked well as any auditor knows.
And lets put this whole scam in perspective: For many years people, including Ron, audited everything including OT levels with the “lowly” Mark V !
1984 says
Espiritu, I saw that promo “data sheet” on the Mark 8, and I thought that it was quite funny. It looked like someone took a bunch of numbers off a schematic / parts list and pushed those numbers without any idea of what those numbers referred to. Someone else took that report and made up the data-sheet. Result is a random bunch of real numbers that is non sequitur and Moron approved. On the surface, it looks good, but is totally irrelevant to the usage of a meter.
For instance, measuring 1 / 1000 of a TA division. Are they trying to measure a tick with the Tone Arm?
The “algorithm” might make some sense, but only if they actually know what they are doing. Otherwise, it is a cute word to use.
BTW, definition of “instant” is subjective. A micro-second is 1 / 1,000,000 of a second. If something takes 100 microseconds (100 millionths of a second) to do, that is 10 mli-seconds (1 / 10 of a thousandth of a second). To my eye, that is pretty instant.
This will make it easier then for some pre OTs to fake the FNs.
Believe it or not, in late 2011 there were still some parishioners trying to get onto OT VII but after three or four intensives of Sec Checks they realized it was close to impossible and withstanding more torture was a ‘no,no’. So, they managed to think of something else to get FNs easily, wrap up the torment and leave (which they did and now are happy out if the Church enjoying their lives).
With the new Warehouse device it will be easier for the poor remaining souls to fake their FNs….thank you Miscavige, whatever you do it is backfiring back at you big time.
Potpie says
Here’s a good one Sylvia. I found out about the
3 swing fn the hard way….on an exam after an
ethics cycle. I was soooo bummed….felt fine
but no fn? Called up a CL XII and asked to meet.
We did and I voiced my concern for this fn thing.
He laughed and said he understood…..then said
when he is on the meter and it doesn’t fn he just
thinks of other theta fun things until it floats.
I was waiting for some technical explanation
or reference he could give…..nope just think
of fun/theta things till it floats.
Ron says
Mike, this is a very funny and effective posting. Funny but also very sad. The “church” just keeps getting sadder. Personally, I think DM is laughing his ass off at the millions of bucks he generates with his expensive out-tech schemes, as he hammers out of existence correct technology. Possibly he is programmed or a plant. But do we really believe that he thinks the true stats of the church’s survival are going up? He doesn’t know how empty orgs are? He’s not aware how staff have been leaving, and no new recruits? Really? From what I’ve been seeing, this is calculated. This is intentional sabotage. This is one long set-up for losses, not wins. The church’s activities resemble nothing of what LRH put into place. OT sec checks, Verbal SP declares, PR lies, “Ideal orgs”, Disconnection, Tech alteration and perversion, “ecclesiastical leader”?, etc. How long before the Basics are re-rereleased? The church does its own printing of all books and course packs, from digital files. What’s stopping DM from altering, deleting, perverting these materials? Nothing. The true crime is the perversion of the tech, the “re-releases” are just more fun for DM to raise more millions. What’s been happening is willful destruction. Scientology is simply too great a threat to the “status quo”, to the global control agenda. Look around at the corruption and depravity that has taken off, “straight up and vertical” since the early 1980s especially. School shootings, soldier suicides, excessive public violence, the prevalence of drugs and the average middle class family in rehab, orchestrated economic collapse, cultural destruction, the “entertainment” we are bombarded with on network TV, involuntary psychiatric commitment, “global terrorism”, dangerous psych drugs (If you’re not on one or two mind altering drugs these days, there must be something wrong with you), etc. Yes, Ron wrote and talked about all this. Yes, this is the downward spiral. However, Scientology could have and would have curtailed the downward spiral if it hadn’t been derailed. I’m not saying everything about it is perfect or right, and I’ve no intention of starting a debate here. And I’m not referring to upper levels or “super powers”. But it is a workable system. Basic study of its simple, basic principles helps to increase people’s awareness, self determinism and ability and willingness to communicate and take responsibility. This I know because I’ve observed it in myself and many others. My point is that, I believe, we were on track to halt the degradation. We had a chance, but now it’s too late.
MJ says
Never too late Ron.
Jose Chung says
Not too late
When the going gets tough, the tough get going.
Aquamarine says
Ron, I am so with you on everything you’ve said, except one thing: “Too late”. Too late for the Church, maybe, but for Scientology the subject, no, its not too late.
FraudPatrol says
I am trying to find some of the old false advertising that the latest version of the emeter is “all that you will ever need.” Problem is a lot of the old posted ads are not word searchable (they are pics). If you have them, please post and pass along!
In the meantime, here is some discussion from 2006 on the release of the Quantum Mark VII. http://ocmb.xenu.net/ocmb/viewtopic.php?t=17769
Deep Six says
“The reads were easy to get and see.” —– How could a read be anything OTHER than easy to see? It’s a black needle on a white dial. Always has been.
“I could see every little thought that went through my mind” —– WTF? Get your meter checked! That must have been horrible! Was it dirty? R/S’ing? Every though that went through your mind showed up on the meter? The needle shouldn’t be manifesting every thought that goes through your head. Must be hard to get auditing done in that case.
“The reads were totally clear. The best way I can describe it is that there is simply no effort in it.” —– so I guess the needle was lighter than weightless and more instant than instant?
“With the quantum, a read had to push against some resistance in the meter to show up on the needle” —– it did? That seems like a pretty major problem. So does this mean that all reads on the Quantum just moved slower? Or were the reads shorter? Or were the reads all latent?
“Whatever happens in your mind, bang, you see it on the meter.” —– Funny thing; LRH has been saying this is exactly how a meter works since the Mark V. LRH did his own OT levels using the Mark VI (or Mark V, I don’t actually know). We have had THREE new meters since then. If the meter LRH used for his own OT levels and OT research wasn’t good enough by three generations…what does that kind of imply for the validity of all the research he did and the validity of the entire Bridge…or the validity of the use of the meter as tool in auditing? The glutz PR of it all is horrendous.
“It is as if the meter itself is transparent and there’s nothing at all between you and the needle.” —– It’s called plexiglass you idiot. It is LITERALLY transparent.
“I still get VGIS every time I go into session just from the meter itself” —– I’ll let you in on a little secret…the meter is not supposed to be the most exciting thing about the session. But I get where you’re coming from my man…anything to get that needle to swing three times to avoid having to do ruds. Maybe this meter will save PCs a lot of money after all!
Laurie Dlm says
“It is as if the meter itself is transparent and there’s nothing at all between you and the needle.” —– It’s called plexiglass you idiot. It is LITERALLY transparent.
I laughed so much this morning thanks to all these comments. You all have posted the funniest comments ever. Humour is the best weapon
KFrancis says
Mike I have told this story in the past but it seems appropriate to repeat it.
Recently I received auditing from an Independent auditor and we briefly discussed the new Ultra meter. My auditor told me that she was there in the HGC at Flag when new meters which looked liked Quantums but contained the internals of the new Ultra were distributed to HGC auditors. She was asked to give her opinion and generally report on the meter. She told me that there was no significant difference in the needle response with the new meter given to her. That is why I said we briefly discussed it because she gave a one sentence review and was done-No significant difference in the needle response. It was pretty much a big yawn for her.
Now this is a Class 9 who had thousands of hours of auditing experience over many years at Flag so I knew I was getting an honest review. She had no axed to grind and in fact while I was there she was anxiously awaiting the arrival of a Quantum and a new set of cans she was pretty excited about.
The Ultra may be a fine meter but it’s not a deal breaker if you don’t have one.
MJ says
Amazing how Ron got by without one.
Aquamarine says
Who’s Ron? 🙂
Cindy says
“The Ultra may be a fine meter but it’s not a deal breaker if you don’t have one.” It’s a deal breaker if you bought your Ultra, turned over your Mark VII for demolition, and then the church decides you are not fit to audit and “unplugs” your Ultra meter leaving you without the meter you paid in full for and no way to audit otherwise.
Anon says
Most public don’t know the meter was sitting in a warehouse for a decade. The ones that do are too scared to speak up. Or they really are…that…dumb.
One time I was doing a lower condition at CCInt. I had decided to do it “right” for the first time, by not just completing the “admin,” but actually thinking hard about each step. It took me hours to finish the doubt formula, and I felt so good afterwards. I turned it into the ethics officer and she said, “this isn’t done correctly, because leaving staff isn’t the greatest good ever.” 4 submitted formulas later, I finally said eff it and wrote what she wanted to see (knowing I would just do what I wanted anyway). It passed through with flying colors and I happily left the building.
This is why people just “write what you’re supposed to say.” It gets you out of the building. And people know it, even most of the bubble-dwellers.
Unless they really are just…that…dumb.
LDW says
“But really, if this meter is so damned good that it makes all auditing that has gone before it akin to walking through a swimming pool full of molasses wearing snow skis and your eyes burned out with hot pokers, then isn’t anyone upset that this life-saving, eternity granting miracle was literally kept in a warehouse for a decade while Dear Leader figured out the best marketing gimmick for maximum sales and sold off his stocks of old meters?”
I’ll make you a bet that not one single solitary person in that cherch has any idea how long that meter sat in a warehouse. They are simply not informed and won’t allow themselves to be informed and would call you a liar if you bothered to inform them. Scientologists are second only to North Koreans in uninformedness.
I’ll make you another wager. Those that have been accidentally informed are either secretly out or are secretly plotting their escape.
The only exception would be the guys who make so damn much money from duping the seals that they just don’t give a damn.
singanddanceall says
LOL, you got that right Mike, it’s called a “magicians” trick. As you quote:
“It never ceases to amaze me how suggestible people are inside the bubble. Tell them the Quantum is “perfect” and reads “instantly” and is “so much more responsive” and whatever other foolishness and they will write “success stories” parroting whatever they have heard at events. Then come out with the Warehouse 8 and tell them the Quantum sucks donkey dong and they will jump right on that bandwagon about how THIS is now soooooo amazing. If you put the guts of a Mark VII in a Mark VIII case and gave it to these people they would write exactly the same bunk. It’s funny to read the “successes” from “Flag pc’s” about how incredible the auditing is “now” with the Warehouse 8 — because Flag has had Warehouse 8 guts inside Quantum cases for a decade while they were “being piloted.”
Only using words as the magic. LOL
Potpie says
Finally…..a meter that Whistles Dixie.
nomnom says
The Yugo….”At least it had heated rear windows–so your hands would stay warm while you pushed.”
Sarah James says
Juggernaut says
“It is as if the meter itself is transparent and there’s nothing at all between you and the needle”…I wasn’t aware there was an opaque cover over the needle on the Mark VII.
1984 says
There is, but your supposed to take it off first, and use it as a shield.
(I guess that the whorehouse 8 doesn’t have a shield – That figures.)
Michael says
“When faced with the unusual, do the usual”….that concept hasn’t been used since the mid-seventies.
Gail Paige says
It seems that everything church comes up with is an example of UNUSUAL SOLUTION.
Radio Paul says
I liked the Yugo despite its reputation, I thought it was cute. The buyer knew what they were getting and could afford it, unlike Scientology…..
Science Doc says
Love the photo of the Yugo dealership. In the movie Bowfinger, which many people see as a parody of Scientology, Steve Martin’s producer/director character had movie posters for his fictional previous films on the wall of his office. One of them was for a documentary called The Yugo Story.
WhiteStar says
extreme peer pressure. i don’t know how some people can take it.
“everybody says it’s great, what i’m stupid? and if everybody finds out i don’t get why it’s so great, they’ll think i’m PTS or something and then i’ll be in real trouble.”
it’s a combination of “the emperor wears no clothes” syndrome and a billy club that produces “success stories” like this.
and then when you get far enough into it and you know there is no turning back, you know you’re not going to leave the group, you’re not going to cut yourself off from the things that HAVE meant something to you and you might not have anywhere to go anyway.
some of those people, realizing they’re not going anywhere, figure they might as well get ahead of the curve, they might as well be the one that jumps up exclaiming how bestest the new thing is, have everyone look at you and think “gee if i could only get it like her/him”. in other words “if i have to fake it anyway, i may as well get the full benefit of doing so.”
my view from the outside.
Aquamarine says
From my viewpoint as someone who is an Indie Scientologist, I’m going to add that it is as well a tone level. Paraphrasing here, but from the Chart of Attitudes, “Doubt about one’s own reality; doubt about others’ reality” is what comes to mind. People in this band need to be told by an authority figure what is going on. They doubt their own observational and reasoning abilities.
Aquamarine says
Correction: that’s not from the Chart of Attitudes, its the Chart of Human Evaluation, the Tone Scale chart itself.
Idle Morgue says
The only thing missing is the spiraling circles moving in and out on the new E-Meter brochure.
Regardless of what meter they use or what version of the tech –
OTVIIIisGrrr8! says
The Ultra Mark VIII is so blazingly fast that when we in RTC test-audited COB the needle swung back and forth violently and at great speed.
OTVIIIisGrrr8,You continually crack me me up. You’ve got the best site the internet (except for this one).
Potpie says
Good one OTVIIIisGrrr8!…..very funny!
1984 says
Is this the meter that was rumored to have generated smoke?
I do hope that someone thought to deep the data, and install it in the PC-Meter simulator, for training purposes, of course.
MJ says
This meter measures if you have an independent thought and generates a pulse that hooks up to Dave’s humidor. That’s how he smokes out suppression.
threefeetback says
Grrr8!, Is he being audited on his Happiness Rundown?
MJ says
Heaviness rundown being piloted on hole residents.
Laurie Dlm says
You know what MJ I suspect you come from somewhere else….another planet for example….:0D
MJ says
You’re right about that Laurie.
greenonwhite says
Too funny. I am much nearer to the UK but saw a shooting star come past. They told me it was a shooting star, but of course I knew, it was your test-audited meter. Silly people. Shooting stare, Sheez.
Jose Chung says
The OT 8 meter was obsolete from day one.
More than the RS 22 port swapped out to USB port,
issues that you really don’t own it after paying $5,000.
Can be remotely shut off ( remote Kill switch)
Software, patches and upgrades soon to follow,naturally.
It’s over hyped ( like that’s a surprise ?)
I predict there will be more bells and whistles that will cost
big bucks for OT 8 meter renters. D.M. knows he’s got a captive market
so it’s go to town milking them or get unplugged from OSA for being CI to the COB.
remoteviewed says
Just what they need.
A meter that reads on any stray thought the PC or Pre OT might have, probably with a feather weight needle which will make it virtually impossible to F/N any prepared list.
I know somewhere in the Book of Emeter Essentials Ron says that a meter that is too sensitive is a bad idea.
But anyway who really cares what Ron says over there any more.
Just sell the rubes over there the “newest and latest” in quantity and never mind actual quality.
Bruce Ploetz says
I see your point, remoteviewed, but rest assured. The hype about the VIII being more sensitive is just hype. My guess is it might be a little less likely to read on grip changes and I know it is no longer reading on heartbeats, but to say it reads better on mental reactions is a bit silly. Sensitivity is set by can squeeze anyway. By the way, the killer e-meter for mental reactions while rejecting body motion etc. was the Mk IV, I still don’t know why. You’d think the needle was stuck but all of a sudden a real read just sends it rocketing. There was a reason LRH banned all other meters on the ship.
1984 says
Bruce, Is the Mark IV documented (schematics) anywhere?
remoteviewed says
Very interesting about the IV. I’ve heard that the IV was one of the best meters developed.
Now I see why.
Never used a IV but audited with a V, VI, VII and “Quantum” which was by far the worst meter I ever used since it would R/S on the tiniest static electrical charge.
The best was my trustee old VI.
Don’t know that much about the VIII but if its anything like the “Quantum” it would probably make a good door stop 😉
MJ says
There are cheaper ones at Home Depot.
greenonwhite says
Hey RV and Bruce.
I was on the boat, hey Mike, and the very first time I ever had a live one on the end of the cans, doing a meter check on something, the dam thing rock-slammed. Shat my breeches I tell ya!
Poor guy looked spooked as much as I was. Not sure the model of the meter. I then learned about what a faulty crocodile clip on the cans can do.
Bruce Ploetz says
1984 – don’t know why your comment doesn’t have a reply button, but hope you can find this anyway –
The germanium transistors they make today are quite different from the ones in the old meters. Nowadays everything is made in big wafers using diffusion. In the old days they used a variety of hand methods, leaving you with a very slow, low performance part that is perfect for the old wonky circuit. No need for bypass capacitors to clean things up and prevent high frequency problems – the transistors themselves are too slow to even have high frequency problems.
Yes, the IV and V circuits are the same except for the battery and charger. They had to make almost every resistor in the front end adjustable to get around the fact that the battery is different and I think this ended up changing circuit parameters a little. Bottom line is current through the cans at a given TA – if this is different you can get too much body motion reading or heartbeat showing. So it may not be just the movement, but I do think the old Instrumentations movements were pretty good.
Please please do not use the old battery charger with the big capacitor. It is literally dangerous to human life. The mains are directly connected to the cans if you get the power plugged in wrong, and there is no way with the old “tv cheater cord” power cord to tell which way is the wrong way. It is only a problem if you pick up the cans while the meter is charging and off, but I don’t know why this didn’t kill people back in the old days. Whenever you walk up to the PC Examiner station it was always on charge if the Examiner wasn’t there yet, and who doesn’t pick up the cans to “warm them up” as soon as you get to the examiner? The only saving grace is that you are probably not grounded so you won’t feel anything – until you lean back and touch the radiator behind you… or the steel deck of a ship…
The original Azimuth meter was just a British V in a different case. Later there were American V azimuths and even a squirelly Pat Flanagan azimuth (Pat of the “sharpening razor blades by putting them under pyramids” fame).
To hear you talk about making new old stock meters is like hearing a civil war re-enactment guy talking about how to load a cannon. I guess it is fun to do for a historical weekend excursion but you don’t want to be anywhere near those things in real life! They’re loud, they hurt and they kill people! I only hope I can live long enough to even partly make up for the damage I did in the Church and I hope you would concentrate more on recovery than on resurrecting the faded glory of e-meters past. Just my two cents.
1984 says
Bruce , pm me at [email protected]
Hallie Jane says
Exactly Remoteviewed. Too sensitive is a TERRIBLE idea. They are chasing thoughts not charge, which ends up with endless thought chasing about god knows what, NOT case gain. This will harm cases and cause psychological harm as well. This is what those sec checks are about, causing people to introvert on thoughts. It’s evil!
Bruce Ploetz says
To 1984 – the schematics are all over the web, just look at the V patent document. The only difference is the battery and charger. The IV had primary cells, they put a NiCad in the V. Same for the VI. BUT they used old style transistors that aren’t made anymore, so you can’t really build one like that nowadays. The fact that there are 5 cells in the IV and 6 cells in the V makes a subtle difference, mainly in the amount of current through the cans.
To MJ – sorta true that you can get an ohmeter at Home Depot but it is really hard to see tiny changes on that kind of meter. And they are mostly digital nowadays, completely useless when it comes to digging around in your psyche for fun and profit.
To remoteviewed – yeah, I don’t know that LRH ever actually used a VII and of course never the Quantum. They say the VII was approved while he was alive but I don’t know if he really dug into testing it. I was off doing electrical work while that was going on though I did contribute a little. So maybe we can add squirrel meters to the reason for the decline of Scientology.
MJ says
I was talking about a regular door stop Bruce. 😉
1984 says
Bruce, I have a shitload of old Germanium transistors. I would rather reverse engineer it. Are you saying that the mark 4 and 5 have the same schematics? (If so, then the difference is in the meter movement itself.)
BTW, was the Azimuth meter a mark 4 or 5?
remoteviewed says
I agree Hallie,
A one time we used to call them Confessionals and all crimes revealed were forgiven.
Now OSA posts them on the internet which is a total betrayal.
Also under the new edicts of the Golden Age of Tech it is presumed that a Dirty Needle is “withholds” when in fact in most cases it is caused by Code breaks and bad TRs.
Thus instead of correcting the auditor the poor PC is subjected to an endless exercise in “fish and fumble”.
Note: that the LRH Model Session is Ron doing what was then called prep checking and developing a “What Question”. Thus its use was supposed to be limited to Sec Checks or Confessionals.
Yet now its being used for all types of what they call “auditing” over there. Thanks to the squirrelly “Standard” Tech (mis) Training Drills.
Making a meter that is just too sensitive and reads on any random thought makes it possible to waste a way the PC’s hours on his or her considerations about the dust bunnies on the floor and other idiocies.
Wouldn’t surprise me if such a “development” wasn’t intentionally done by someone who’s R/S would sound like a five alarm fire from hitting the pins on either side of the needle.
MJ says
GAT, guilty and trapped.
The Oracle says
The Church has gone anti Dianetics. Real estate determines purchases will make clears and emeters determine case gain.
In Dianetics, the “break though revolutionary idea’ upon which everything was built, was that “function monitors structure”. That was in 1950. Here it is 2014 and the entire message from the David Miscavige to the world is that “structure monitors function”.
Perhaps he is actually handicapped with dyslexia.
greenonwhite says
So true Oracle.
His is classic dyslexic. Reverse Dianetics and Scientology.
LRH says deliver auditors and happy PCs and he thinks “buildings! Yeah!”
He tries to join NASA and ends up in ANAS Guam, or South Korea or the American Scholastics Institution.
He sees a situation that requires actual empathy and can only belittle or rage against.
He sees contraction and claims “Expansion! Yay!”
The dyslexic valence is nicely settled into a sociopathic tenor and flavor.
The Dyslexic Sociopath Next Door.
It sucks to be the dyslexic sociopath next door calling it self miscavige.
greenonwhite says
As I put down my “pen” I thought:
And when he sees LRH he thinks “Miscavige! Yay”
When we sees an old meter in the warehouse he thinks “New meter Yay!”
Aquamarine says
Wow, Oracle, I wish I had thought of that. Structure now monitors function in the Dwarf’s Cult.
Madora P says
Mike, your hyperbole (swimming pool comparison in this post) keep me coming back! LOLLLL
Roy Macgregor says
This seems like some kind of Darwinian test. The years roll by and they keep pulping the “old” materials and releasing the “new” versions. Each new release sees another layer of people step away saying “that is just too crazy for me”. What kind of people are left in the bubble? All the free thinkers, people who are powerful and self-determined, they are bleeding off- what is left is a more and more a kind of sticky robotic residue. Yuk.
The new meter is pretty good actually. The nutty hyperbole and the $5000 price tag to RENT one is just insane. And a somewhat better meter is just not going to do anything for the state of Scientology. A solid meter will do just fine. Mark V is still valid for all the auditing up to Clear. All this focus on the newest and latest release is kooky tunes.
Well, Scientology is definitely a religion now- blind and unquestioning belief is an absolute requirement.
And the David Miscavige events are a lot like revivial meetings, everyone having raptures and assuring each other how wonderful the kindgom of Miscavige is.
Double Yuk.
Annabelle says
Hallelujah Brother! Can I get an “Amen.”
Poet13c says
The revival meetings of old encouraged love of ones fellows as a gateway to heaven. The CoS does no such thing.
MJ says
The only thing they revive are enforced purchases of useless donations.
Aquamarine says
Witty, funny and devastatingly true as usual, Roy.
Robert Almblad says
“Getting your Mark ultra VIII today, just sets the purpose, it clarifies it.” This gibberish is just a symptom of sleep deprivation, brought on for not selling enough of these meters.
Chronic sleep-restricted state adversely affects the brain and cognitive function and gibberish comes out their mouths.
Poet13c says
…plus the high-octane pressure from above, to sell, sell, sell.
Thoughtful says
That sounds exactly like verbatim Miscavige thug-mouth to me. Not Danny-Sherman-teleprompter-speak, but raw Miscavige, unfiltered and untreated (think sewage).
MJ says
No shit. I mean yes shit.
Chris Smith says
In the future, those studying the phenomenon of individuals and groups willfully deceiving themselves to their own detriment will use Scientologists during the Reign of Miscavige as their high water mark for this behavior. It is quite seriously as baffling as it is puzzling. I think it is one of the key factors about the cult that has fascinated me so thoroughly over the years. I want to believe so very badly that I could never engage in this sort of behavior, but seeing it put on display like this utterly shakes my conviction.
Annabelle says
+1. “…as baffling as it is puzzling.”
DollarMorgue says
Plug me in, baby!
Cindy says
“But really, if this meter is so damned good that it makes all auditing that has gone before it akin to walking through a swimming pool full of molasses wearing snow skis and your eyes burned out with hot pokers,
Mike, your description had me ROFL. Now I cant’ get that picture out of my mind! It’s too funny.
MJ says
Personal message from DM: “All of youse CICS writing on this abominable blog – (Mike, ya hear me? I’ll fucking choke you again if you ever set foot in Hemet) never got any real gains in Scientology because the tech was incomplete. Now get with the program and do your A-E and make suitable amends by donating to the whale fund, and then maybe you’ll be worthy to have a comm cycle with me. Lou, why do I waste my time?”
Cooper Kessel says
Yes, using hushmail will ensure there are no leaks to the dark side. Fricken clueless these folks are!
pedrofcuk says
If you don’t log in to your Hushmail account for 3 weeks it gets deleted. Just saying, lulz approaching 🙂
scientology411 says
And the remote kill-switch when you get out of line or are of insufficient IAS status – oh so smoooooooth!
1984 says
Is there any hard info on this “remote kill switch”, or is it just the yearly unneeded / upgrade thing?
scientology411 says
It’s somewhere in this WWP thread IIRC
Jose Chung says
1984 says
Hi Sci411. I am aware of this thread. They kept going off topic , and got nowhere.
Laurie Dlm says
OMG! What an excellent idea a Remote Kill Switch…..
MJ says
Please leave mine in the warehouse. I’ll pick it up when Davey gives a public auditing demonstration of it as both auditor and pc.
Poet13c says
MJ says
I realize it could be a long wait – comparable to orgs going Saint Hill size under DM’s regime.
Laurie Dlm says
Chris Shelton aka Galactic Patrol says
Mike, your comments on these things are just priceless. LMAO. Very funny. You are laser-precise in your biting wit. Keep it up.
Ron says