For those of you celebrating Thanksgiving today, I wish you all a wonderful time with family and friends.
We all have much to be thankful for. Good friends (whether family or not) who stand by and support you through thick and thin, friends who would never let someone else destroy the relationship they have with you are perhaps the most valuable thing anyone has — apart from good health. Cherish and be thankful for them today. And also spend a moment to remember those who have had their families torn apart and rededicate yourself to doing what you can to help bring such barbarity to an end.
For a little Thanksgiving fun(?) here are this week’s “funnies.” While we laugh at their stupidity and lack of awareness of the world outside their bubble, it is unfortunately no laughing matter that the result of their foolishness is people being hurt.
One of the most pivotal events in history…
At LEAST 40 people were there. Even Quinn the Eskimo made it.
Uncle Sam can help you…
What they really mean is Uncle Sam can help us persuade you to give more money to us
Walt Disney is turning in his grave…
There’s NOTHING magical or enchanting about scientology Orlando
The reverse point of the universe…
Yeah. I didn’t do it, so now it’s over to you. After 50 years we are nowhere, but everything is going our way now.
Invest in eternity
How do you do that exactly?
Pretending they give a shit
The ONLY thing they care about is selling the booklets to get their stats up
Looking good Dusty…
A Class IX auditor trained by LRH who doesn’t audit, but is instead sent around the world to spin tales of the wonderful life of LRH
Bart Simpson fundraising in Boston…
Cowabunga. I guess someone’s gotta do it…
You’ve had it
Scientology ISN’T making it, so you have no future life at all…
Good news comes cheap
We got someone through their second Purif! Hip hip hooray for us.
Show me the money…
When are ANY of these touring speakers going to demonstrate ANY ability to do what they claim they are going to teach others?
Scots Humor
Always enjoy the unreality, but good humor, of Fearless John g. Big news — a couple of people dropped in to say Hi (no doubt they had been to the IAS event in England and were taking the opportunity to visit the glory that is Scotland…)
Spiritual transcendence
I guess you no longer need to invest in eternity, or hang around on the front porch to infinity… Dan Sherman staying up at night with his thesaurus.
2nd Original Assessment Sheet
Boy is this “ideal” org hard up for completions. Pretty soon they are going to have a “completion success” for “Presession Rudiments”.
Well, that was a complete waste of time and money…
You could have just bought the overpriced PDC CD’s and saved yourself years and hundreds of thousands on OT VII.
Don’t you hate it when that happens?
It’s like the OT VIIIs on Objectives finding out they are in present time!
Hey, if you’re so hot shit…
How come nobody outside of scientology has ever heard of you?
Oh yeah, you got your money from your wife’s family.
Inspiring — this ideal org has hot cocoa all weekend
Black Friday — a great day to sell some black Dianetics.
18 Humanitarians in 2
9 each? Sort of like cats?
2 are 1?
Or is this Adam AND Drake? Or is it 1 guy looking in a mirror? And what are those sticks growing out of his head? Things are confusing in Kansas.
Just sad…
The Bard of Times Square
Truly remarkable — that they publish this stuff.
You do know they lost right?
Waiting for a sign?
“Special refreshments”
I think the hot chocolate at the Creek is a better deal.
Nothing says “Self Confidence”…
…like the picture of a totally empty course room.
Another “ideal” org rocking it.
“Good news comes cheap”
So he cannot wait to do his seond SRD, second Grades, second Dianetic program and s on LOL
This is hilarious
“Have a cup of coffee.”
Wow, talk about Special Refreshments! This totally put me over the edge. I’m so – enticed! A free cup of coffee – gosh, Dallas, wouldn’t miss this for anything..
Walt Disney isn’t the only one turning over in his grave. I’ll bet my great-uncle Marv Woodward is too, as one of the animators on “The Sorceror’s Apprentice”.
Emily Dickinson’s turning in her grave
Poetry just can’t save
Its place in the arts when a moronic knave
Pens a “poem” calling the EUS brave.
How will it affect poetry’s future?
It will need a large stitch and suture.
Poems would rather go away
Than help the clams pay and pay.
The EUS Eagles poem is actually a hoot, espcially the part about the party store glares.
Ripping on Orlando a bit……
I knew the org to be a tiny 3 room office affair sandwiched between other sad little no-hope dumps. Three part time staff and one other student in the Div 4/6 course room – a hapless new STCC struggler.
Never was an org less in need of a big shiny new building with talking screens.
Can you imagine? Poor Clearwater Scios coming to their senses:
“honey, we”re moving the office location to Orlando, it’ll be good for business, a hundred miles from Flag and we’ll have an “acceptable” excuse to not attend Flag money sucking events”
Three months later the flyers and calls drown them:
“YOU! The OTs in Orlando Org Field! YES, it’s ON YOU to make this happen and get Orlando Ideal! Report in for your OT Committee Posting assignment! Your stats are due Thursday by 2 and we expect YOU to recruit other OTs in the field to make this happen! Love, Flag MAA”
Happy Thanksgiving all! I am so grateful that you have so openly shared your experiences with us. I have learned more than I ever expected to; not just about the CO$, but about human nature and how it is manipulated by groups like this. We were once groomed for the Int’l Church of Christ, or The Boston Movement, and they employed many of the same tactics including files of “sin lists” taken from confessions, mandatory “handlers”, and knowledge reports. Fortunately, I broke rank and investigated it before we went too deep.
We have only one life and we don’t know how long that is. It’s a shame they are squandering their time harassing those who reject them. It makes their faith look fragile and ineffective that they can’t move on.
Thanks, I appreciate your comment. There’s more to be aware of with these religious organisations than I ever first realised. As an ex Scientologist putting up with and then overcoming the mental conditioning of Scientology which helped a lot in integrating back into the real world has been educational in another way. It’s interesting to see the same type of patterns of entrapment are employed elsewhere.
Mike Rinder’s site has evolved over the years and for the most part imo defused many aspects of religious and cult like brainwashing techniques. Ortega’s site has done wonders too with his many intelligent contributors in debunking not only Scientology but a whole range of fundamentals common with such organisations.
I too have learnt a lot more than I ever expected.
I’ve concluded the cult like aspect of many “faith based” organisations evolves along with the popularity and wealth they accumulate. Developing power over people and what they think and will do, does present the distinct possibility that certain cult like consequences for the unwary or duped will develop in due course.
Lest we forget.
The line Lest we forget, taken from Kipling’s poem “Recessional” (which incidentally has nothing to do with remembering the fallen in war) is relevant here imo, here’s an interesting stanza of that poem:
If, drunk with sight of power, we loose
Wild tongues that have not Thee in awe,
Such boastings as the Gentiles use,
Or lesser breeds without the Law—
Lord God of Hosts, be with us yet,
Lest we forget—lest we forget!
Hey, all. My first post! Maybe my last – you never know. I’ve never been affected by scientology – I went in for a free stress test with my best bud in downtown Columbus, Ohio, likely 25 years ago. I wasn’t sold, so I pulled my friend out before he got to the e-reader portion of their sales pitch. Regardless, thanks for all that you do in exposing scientology. There are A LOT of people that don’t know much about scientology, and it is great to get the word out on what they do and what they believe. A side note – I work in Battle Creek, Michigan, and I’m pleased to announce that the downtown location is now CLOSED. I hear that that there are a couple of reading rooms still in BC, but I haven’t seen them (as I just work in BC, I don’t live there). Keep up the good work, folks!!!
I think there was a promo piece posted here a couple of months ago, which tipped us off to the fact that the Battle Creek org had moved from their longtime location downtown, to a building a ways away that showed up as having been formerly used by psychologists or therapists. However, that location turns out to be two doors down from a Narconon location, and someone has indicated that it was used by Narconon-affiliated counselors. So it’s even possible that Scientology is now just using some space that is co-located with Narconon affiliates, but there hasn’t been any verification of exactly what is going on. They also haven’t updated a lot of their online listings, including the one on Scientology’s own website that their domain redirects to, to show that they’re now at the North Avenue address.
Battle Creek is one of the small, struggling orgs burdened with a large, vacant old building they purchased, but can’t actually afford to renovate to the high standards necessary to make it an “ideal” org. They’ve followed the recent pattern of a couple of other orgs in that situation, in moving into cheap space off the beaten path. Twice in the past, once about 10 years ago after they first bought the old building, and again about 2 years ago, they got some press for claims that they were going to renovate a portion of the old building to move their operations in to as an interim measure it, but have obviously failed to even do that.
Hopefully, they’re in a “single-wide mobile home” now . . . That would be “IDEAL”, as we could start calling them “Trailer Trash” – LOL !
Welcome, JVB, and thanks for the good news about Battle Creek.
Scientology beliefs are so 1950
It would be interesting to know how many people actually show up at these things. I also wonder how grateful those people who have their pictures pasted on the posters are with all of the bad vibes against Scientology these days. I wish a short appearance to the members who are going to get stuck selling books at the mall…you might not get the warm and cozy reception that you are wanting. I love the tax one about how you should be so grateful that the government won’t get your hard earned money but the church will ha ha Ha ha ha ….. because we all know spiritual freedom is a bigger toilet to flush your cash in… it and go home. I am wishing you all a wonderful Thanksgiving with your family and friends especially to you Mike and Leah and all of the people that have been on your show and really deserve of Thanksgiving. I pray for the families who are still apart.
I wanna know… WHO shooped DM into the Uncle Sam poster?
Think of it: eternity with Scientologists, saluting giant pictures of L. Ron Hubbard and singing We Stand Tall in 5 part harmony!
Sign me up!
Happy Thanksgiving.
If you’re with your family, that’s wonderful.
If you’ve been separated from loved ones because if the cult, my heart goes out to you. May they wake up soon!
This ^ post is PERFECT. PERFECT.
What a nigthmare for them, its stats thursday and thanksgiving
Next week everyone on lower conditions
Those public who decide to expend some family time today will be on ethics tomorrow, no matter what
because they are just allowed to expend the whole thanksgiving in their org
At least the staff today can see the difference between empty and emptiness, from 3 or 4 to no one.
The only stat that will rise is the ammount of leftovers in tomorrow breakfast. a high carb one
Funny as ever, it will cost you a reasonable 1K for a tiny cup of hot chocolate, for sure you are gonna be there the whole week but they request to also bring a friend.
Since the aftermath is quite impossible to have friends outside the bubble.
So if the orgs are empty why are they asking to go on course or on audit and also have refreshment, maybe is foccused on those ones who had to and are already disconnected from their family that are most of them.
Have a nice afternoon dear Mike with the people who really care about you.
Yeah, but, if you bring a friend, you get free “mini-marshmallows”, if your friend buys a course !
Happy Thanksgiving Mike & family, and all.the turkey day celebrating commenters here at Mike’s blog. May a lovely day be had.
And for.those who are without their families, may you be together next year, free and happy together.
I gotta laugh at the last one. Empty rooms, empty desks, empty buildings.
Scientology is as dead as a door nail.
Hey Mike, where is Michael Chan in today’s funny papers? It’s just not the same without him.
Happy Thanksgiving to all.
I am thankful for being out of the insanity od the Co$. I’ll be even more thankful when my kids escape its clutches.
Pumpkin pie with whipped cream for everyone!
Thanks for another great season of Aftermath Mike & Leah.
Those hands? Top Hand is gonna let go if Bottom Hand isn’t reaching for his wallet quickly enough with his free hand.
How is Disney not suing for copyright infringement?
My thoughts exactly! Copyright anyone?
Maybe Disney isn’t AWARE of it . . . YET !
Of course, being “concerned citizens” we should bring it to their “attention” !
Dave F.
I think it’s a bit the other way. Like, Disney exec’s are more likely to think they’ll always have a few cockroaches about the place, you can never get rid of them all. Scientology’s use of their material in such a manner is more than likely ignored in the hope they’ll go away. Fooling around with them and stirring up Scientology legally regarding copyright infringement, unless it gets really bad isn’t worth dealing with the stench of Scientology in court. Disney doesn’t have to be THAT right! They know their PR and their products are well loved and in today’s media driven world, Scientology is poison.
I contacted DIsney and was sent this contact information to report Copyright Infringement . . .
Please feel free to use our email address ([email protected]) or
our Antipiracy voice mail hotline, 818-560-3300, if you want to provide
more information about the suspected infringement or to report a
suspected infringement in the future.
Very truly yours,
Antipiracy Group, Corporate Legal
The Walt Disney Company
500 South Buena Vista Street
Burbank, CA 91521-0527
Dave F.
There are many good ones ???especial the empty ideal org totally rocking it ????
Really?! There’s actually more than one Scibot left in Poole and/or Bournemouth? Harry Batson and whoever wrote that flyer? Well I never! Still stuck in that dingy garret over the Alcatraz Café (“baking pizzas since 1974”) in the High Street, I see…
Yep. Afraid so. Bournemouth mission is very much part time though. It rather pains me that the Harry Batson is probably the son of a couple who were in the cult back in the early 90’s. All these years later they’re still in it and have evidently introduced their offspring to it too…….
Very sad.
I have been reading all over the internet that your President Trump wants to take their tax exemption away. Some scientologist who never said he was one was working in a government department and reporting back about the drug program the government is trying to start. If Trump gets a bee in his bonnet, he doesn’t usually let go. Let’s hope, because that should bring them to their knees.
Wendy, One can only hope………DRAIN THAT SWAMP!…..
Question – if scientology loses the tax-exempt status, does that have any effect on their ability to use next-to-free labor from Sea Org members?
I would think so because then one could sue for labor law violations and many more violations because the church would no longer have First Amendment religious privileges.
No JVB it probably does not. Tax exemption is separate from religiosity. The labor portion comes from being a religion and people willingly working for their religion for no compensation. That cannot be legislated away.
If people want to get paid they can choose to NOT work for a religion for nothing.
Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours.
I’m pretty sure the tears at the Pacific Coast Recap were shed by those watching the last of their savings disappear into the gaping maw of Scientology. I’m thankful for all those who are courageous enough to be lurking here and at Tony Ortega’s (and other) sites, opening their eyes and getting up the courage to take control of their lives. And thankful for all the true Bravehearts who will be ready to help them as they stumble away. Thank you to all ex-Sciantologists who are standing up for the truth! Have a wonderful Thanksgiving, everyone, wherever you may be – and Mike, you and Leah enjoy your families and take some well-deserved R&R.
God bless you !
Dave F.
Ha! I love how this guy thinks he’s the only one who’s ever heard of a tax deduction. He can’t forward that poster without including a four paragraph explanation of income tax. In 8 pt. With footnotes.
I’m thankful for the staff uniforms of the Silicon Valley Ideal Org. This is so counter to the culture of Silicon Valley that it will repel almost all public.
Happy Thanksgiving!
As a former study of Ron’s tech (almost a decade off lines), I find this collection of event posters both funny and shamefully void of substance. Can’t express my disdain of the constant barrage of emails and phone calls from staff about each upcoming “life changing” event. “Learn how to go OT”, “Be at Cause” and such misleading taglines were used to lure you into a room where the real agenda either involved extorting money from attendees or pressuring us to join staff.
In fact, after one such event, I was extremely arc broken (pissed off) and the senior CS took me in for a session. While on the meter, we uncovered the root issue as “enforced reality” and I unloaded my disgust how the ends do not justify the means for expansion. After acknowledging my origination, the CS said the senior executives seem to have “something” powerful and I think that’s what kept her in line. Oh the power of the almighty carrot, just dangling out of reach……
……Speaking of carrots, hopefully today everybody’s carrots are well within reach, glazed with sugary goodness and accompanied by FAMILY and FRIENDS.
I just saw the first LRH quote that really encapsulates to me what he was all about, above: “Scientology is the only game on Earth where everybody wins”. Interesting choice of words.
Except it is obviously not the only “game” being played out there. And certainly the last word is inaccurate. Even the “winners” in his racket end up losing it would seem. (Other than a lot of magical thinking that involves insiders feeling sorry for or despising outsiders, there is no real demonstrable or measurable difference in their lives that an objective bystander would notice)
Maybe that was his version for the masses. I have a feeling, even through that incredibly inflated ego, he saw the truth and realized he was the only true “winner” in all of this. We have all seen his quotes which prove it. He is the P.T. Barnum of religions, imo. Or whoever callously said “there’s a sucker born every minute”.
And no wonder they laughed his tech out of court. This system is about as “scientific” as creating a cure for cancer based on mysterious “research” without divulging either the actual research itself, the rate of cure or admitting the failures. Real science is based on experimentation, measurement of results using control systems, and insists on the results being able to be duplicated outside the lab (testing and modification of hypotheses is required – no way “results” are static and written in stone). Real science is transparent and strives for accuracy.
No science is perfect, but even the field of psychiatry isn’t stupid enough to abandon the scientific method altogether and brag about inflated results. In fact, I would argue that the worst parts of any medical field is the fact that it can become dependent on or influenced by large greedy corporations like insurance and drug companies, that are simply there to make a profit on their product regardless of the cost to consumers – a principle that CoS clearly runs on. Instead of avoiding its phony archenemy – it is simply imitating it. In fact, it’s even worse – consumers are still allowed to criticize big drug companies if their medicines don’t work or cause harm, and doctors can be sued for malpractice. When drug companies advertise, they are required to list the side effects and complications, so the public is aware of the risk. No sort of recompense happens for dissatisfied customers of CoS. In fact, they are dispatched by being harassed and defamed.
If you want to create a religion, fine. If you want to base a dogma on science, fine. But don’t use the term “religion” to cover up the gaping holes in your “science”. It just won’t. And for heavens sake don’t design it like a multi-level corporate marketing scheme with the executives dressed up like Navy Cosplay officers who run the operation like a banana republic. I don’t know what clever CoS terminology would describe that, but it’s just flat out counterintuitive to “winning”. The King of the Cans was very clever. But certainly fell way short of being wise.
You’re so spot on, as usual Cecy. Thanks.
How is it they are they able to use the likeness of Mel Gibson and Braveheart? I hardly think the film execs or Gibson would endorse the cult.
Good point! Michael Jordan sued a local grocery chain here (that is now defunct) for using a copy of his name and jersey that appeared in a congratulatory issue of Sports Illustrated above an advertisement of a special on their steaks (saying he was “a cut above”). They say they meant it as an homage and not just to bring attention to their sale. The jury didn’t buy that and awarded him almost $9 million. I doubt if Gibson’s face is worth that much in licensing fees, but I’ll bet the studio didn’t give permission either to use a shot of their movie to advertise a religion. Might be fun to point that out. Especially since advertising this religion is a lot more about profit than charity.
I believe Gibson actually won the best best director Oscar for Braveheart so maybe he would be able to sue with some success. If anyone knows of a way to show this to him or his reps please do.
Good idea. Here’s a link to the imdb page. Gibson did head one of the production companies, but it lists the VC company that holds the copyright. Since CoS is so “sensitive” to copyrighted material, it might hit a nerve if somebody turned the tables. I was also looking closely at the Tampa ad to raise money for Orlando. I notice they just stuck with wizard hat. Maybe they already know that Disney will sue the living crap out of absolutely anybody to protect those ears and anything else they have copyrighted or trademarked since Day One – even if it’s not based on original material. THAT would be a fun food fight to watch!
Happy Thanksgiving to Mike and all the readers of the blog! And yes besides being thankful for family, let’s work to end the destruction for families that are separated due to disconnection policy of the church. On a lighter note, I loved the part about Danny Sherman leaving the light on at the inn while he looks up more big words in his Thesaurus.
Nothing says the Orlando Ideal Org is booming and in the condition of POWER like holding a fundraiser for it in Tampa! No doubt public are flooding in the doors so fast the income from all the services they are buying can’t keep up with the demand for trained auditors!!!!! Tampa needs to step up and do its part. Orlando will be CLEARED in no time! Their postulates are IN and they are sitting on the front porch of infinity ready to guarantee their ETERNITY!
Now Mr. Dusty Rhodes… hmmm… seems downstat. Such a dilettante.
He’s in his late 60’s or 70’s, former captain of the Freewinds, Class IX auditor, but only OT V?!?!
Seems like he needs to get off his ass and complete New OT VIII so he can handle all the SP’s dominating the airwaves and make planetary clearing a REALITY.
Now THAT would be acting at correct orders of magnitude.
Wow, so the sad little Orlando org has to resort to asking people to drive an hour and a half across the state to the Tampa org to hold their “ideal” org fundraiser, where presumably the space is free? I suppose that might be a sign that more of the support for the Orlando project is coming from Tampa, than from the remaining membership in Orlando itself.
It’s interesting to see them sending out a couple of California heavy-hitters to Boston. I guess that if the deal to sell off the albatross of an old building they were stuck with in their first attempt to go “ideal” actually goes through, then they’ll need to get serious about finally finishing the project and renovating the relatively newer building they bought 2 years ago – perhaps with further help from California, such as money from central coffers, once they’ve squeezed the locals, who may be tapped out and not particularly excited about trying to make up for likely losses on the old deal.
If KC has 30 of 50 statuses filled, does that mean that they’re now 60% of the way to having the money to to do an “ideal” renovation of the decaying building they bought a decade ago? Or is it just some indeterminate waypoint?
Looking at the backstory behind some of these, I can imagine that the local members are weary and worn out, and it’s not surprising to see PR flogging the same fundraising campaigns over and over, trying desperately to find some angle to make it appear new, exciting and even hopeful.
The child profile for a Humanitarian Level? My heart saddens that a child is brought into any controversial group; especially this one. Is the consensus here that he’s a victim for being profiled publicly rather than keeping atleast his name confidential?
And since when did LRH talk about topics like ‘Spiritual Transcendence’? Does anyone have any reference to this, as it is the topic of the 2018 event in LA. Anyone? I wonder.
Happy thanksgiving to all US based readers of this blog!
I’m planning a trip to Scotland next summer…..looks like I have been invited to drop in and visit with Fearless Leader…..they did say anyone could drop in and hold LRH’s sword, right?
As for the Orlando flyer – as if you’ll have enough
money left over to afford Disney World – ha!
Happy thanksgiving!
The empty org course room tells it all!
Today I am so thankful for not being part of this cult. Also for all the other brave people who left, especially those that speak out.
Happy Thanksgiving to all.
Have a wonderful day with your family Mike!
Happy Thanksgiving Mike and to all the readers!
“Refresher” indeed … I kinda hate to be a stickler on the definition of WORDS (is that important in scientology?) … but does one actually feel REFRESHED after a “refresher”? … I mean before one gets on the plane out after a stiff drink in the airport bar …
Your wallet will certainly feel a release, a light floaty feeling that comes with the sudden loss of a great deal of mass.
I remember the days when they used to pack a course room so they could take a PR photo – public, staff, SO. Cram ’em in so it looks good. In fact, I even remember times when one had to arrive early on course just to get a seat. Now they have no hesitation in showing a completely empty course room. I’m not sure what that’s saying, but I don’t think its good!
Here’s an EUS poem for their consideration:
My friends are those who call
and call again.
Who get hung up on
and still admire
that person on the other end.
So come on, EUS folks.
Bend over
and we will get you in the end.
What a Feast of Absolute Overload of Scientology Delusions! The Saphire Estate in Sharon,Mass just 3o minutes from Quincy, Mass had me in stitches. Nancy Cartwright & Michael Who? Duff will have to work their Tone 4o just to get a few bodies in the gate. Really in the boonies. And I see Scientology now has trouble-shooters to help spread the Big Lie even further from any sense of reality. How the cult can smugly smirkingly praise holidays and family when The Disconnection Policy tears all that apart day & night!
On a much higher note, Mike, Christie, and those Handsome sons may your Thanksgiving or Happy Everything Day I like to say,be filled with Love, Laughter, Light & Hope. I am going turkey free this Thanksgiving but plenty of veggies & garlic potatoes and a little chocolate for a sweet.????
Happy Thanksgiving Day to readers in the US!
Spiritual Transcendence = an illusion we use to steal your money.
Dusty Rhodes – the guy in the picture bears a slight resemblance to a professional wrestler who used the name Dusty Rhodes. However the wrestler passed away a year or so ago.
Empty course room: EMPTY = IDEAL
I thought it WAS the wrestler for a second!
I would like to indicate that my noodle is fleeting and my tone arm flew off the meter and hit the LRH Bronze Bust I have in my target practice room…in the eye. 😛
My postulate came true! Several years ago, I made a postulate…I wanted and needed Scientology to be destroyed and the truth exposed so that there are nothing but big, empty, and Idle Morgues….spanning across the globe.
I postulated that $cientology would be dead…with no one coming in.
I also postulated that A big “A-lister” Celebrity (Leah Remini) finds out the truth about David Miscavige, L Ron the Con Hubbard…and his Cult, Scientology…
(thank you Leah and Mike 🙂 )
And….Thank you, Sir, LRH – for the tech!!
Without my ability to make postulates stick….I would be forced to watch your evil Cult continue to harm people and the evil Warlord and dictator $cientology created – David Miscavige – kill, maim and destroy the victims that get sucked into the cult of Scientology.
Thanks to Tom Cruise, David Miscavige and LRH for your hard and dedicated work to make sure Scientology is getting destroyed.
Hip Hip Hooray!
The American dream Dusty Rhodes! Boy that takes me back.
Happy Thanksgiving! We try our best not to miss it too much as it’s one of the best times in the US family calendar. But summer is beginning to happen here in Aussie and the fishing is hotting up. Bushfire season is also coming right up and after a very dry (half the average rainfall) winter we are a little nervous in our neck of the woods.
Happy holidays to everyone and here’s hoping we can celebrate a major collapse of the Cof$ next year.
Those flyers should come with a pack of antacids.
A very Happy Thanksgiving to all here & your families. And that empty course room? Too wonderful for words. Anybody up for a couple of Hip Hips?
Hi surfer dude. Do u think the ppl in the RPF are having turkey and all the trimmings today?
I bet not
Happy Thanksgiving, Mike!
Thanks for being here. Thanks for this blog and this group of friends. Thanks for all you have done to help expose the truth!
Thank you for this cozy room, offering a bit of group therapy for those of us UTR. I often feel like I’m mentally in Witness Protection, everything I knew to be true is gone, but I’m wearing the same suit, hiding in plain sight and seeing the world through secret eyes. Thank you for the comforting whispers in the dark.
Happy Thanksgiving, to you and your lovely family.
and here’s the Thursday Funny that landed in my Junk Mail box this chipper morn….
“Millions of Scientologists exist around the world…
If every one of us donates just $100
to the IAS on this day…
Help create a better world & save lives.
Join the IAS global celebration and give the gift
of a better world on Tuesday, November 28th.”
If there were truly millions of scientologists and if anyone in their right mind believed that donating $100 would mean they would smile and go away and leave you alone, and if IAS did anything but asked for money….ah I’m preaching to the choir.
Happy Thanksgiving Mr. Rinder. I’m thankful for you and everyone associated with Aftermath, its been sad fascinating series and its heartwarming to see it starting to bear fruit. I hope many more start to pull back the curtain to get a good look at the man behind it all and realize its all smoke mirrors. Cheers to the contributors, their stories have shed so much light on the church and I hope that light stays focused for another season or two.
‘Tis the season!…….Do you think they will “get a day off”???
32 Shopping Days to Christmas !
Every time I see that Braveheart photo, all I can think of is “just look at the poor bastards who couldn’t afford their own horse!” They all had to walk to their deaths! It’s easier in scientology. Just pick up the cans and leave your family behind!!!
Yea i wonder what Mel would have to say about his image being used to peddle this crap? This stuff is so bad, I’m embarrassed for them when i read it lol
Now look at what you’ve done Peter! I can’t help but try to make a song out of that (to the beat of Mr Sandman) –
“Mr Can Man, play a song for me,
take me heights that no one else can see
don’t need no family, it’s just between you and me
Mr Can Man, my money is yours
make me free and I’ll always be yours…”
Yuck! That’s enough, I can taste the galvanising.
What does “substantial refreshments” mean? Lol
You can have a second donut …
A second donut?! My God! I thought it was just a myth! I know what my path is now…
Is that where the hole comes into play?
More than the poor Sea Org schlub serving you ate this week.
An extra large glass of cal-mag maybe?
I used to spike mine with Jack.
It probably means you get a toothpick with your coffee & donuts….
Seriously, hope all have a good day!
OSD….I was hoping to read one of your hilarious “come backs” at those ”
Scottish Ads”……let’s hear one of your really funny rants!