Happy Thanksgiving to everyone in the US.
Thank you. No Thank you. No, thank you…
But in the end it’s only Ron that matters.
Eradicate the Reactive Mind
I’ve got a faster, better, cheaper idea.
Don’t buy into the idea in the first place. In the end, they coax you into believing you created it in the first place.
Holiday Escape Rooms?
They lock you in a room with a reg and see if you can get out without going bankrupt?
Big News
You can bet it has something to do with you giving them your money for their holidays. That is always big news.
Class VI?
Blasphemy. There is no such thing. You didn’t hear? There is no GAT Class VI course so there are no Class VIes…
Wonder if RTC will send in some squirrelbusters to break up this little party.
Hate to break it you….
The unprecedented expansion at Columbus is not happening.
Most of your staff are “expendable” SO members shipped from LA and NY…
It’s “live and virtual”?
Why show up for “live” if you can turn it on your computer at home and pretend to pay attention with no regges present?
Still running in circles
Cannot get beyond the absolutely whack “3X Cause Resurgence Completion”
Do you go on Friday or on Saturday?
Or neither….
Ideal OT Cooking Competition?
They are apparently serious
Singing the blues?
What’s she going to do about the Clearwater election?
She and her husband Steve are the main OSA election activists in Clearwater.
How old do you think this new staff member is?
14.5 years already…
If I quit now I will have to admit I was wrong.
And his parents have been on staff since he was born? This is a family tragedy.
How to Target Children
The real title
Loaded Cheese Balls for Graduation
How could anyone resist?
I guess you don’t need to spend any more time and money on the Bridge….
CCHR Graduation?
That’s a new one
Source App?
What would Ron do now just a tap of your phone away…
Saves on paper too
Bruce Lewis and Stacy Simon…
Wow. He looks like he is trying to win an Uncle Fester look-alike competition
And she is a “veteran Sea Org member” who is the Field Control Secretary of a small and failing Class V org in Columbus. Told you these orgs are manned by SO…
What’s not to like?
It’s the holidays! Yay!
Can’t wait to go to some org for the annual Beer and Cheese party! Boy, I….
Oh, wait. That’s only for Sea Org and contracted staff members.
And I left staff ten years ago.
Hold on! My local Salvation Army puts on a fabulous Christmas breakfast!
Ha! Problem solved!
Congrats for escaping with your life, Alcoboy.
Really! No telling what’s in that beer and cheese!
Wonder why they call their off Central Ohio rather than Columbus …
LOL… The first thing that came to mind when I saw the poster describing Shawn May as a “Successful FSM” was “What does this have to do with the Flying Spaghetti Monster?”
When I saw there is a reunion for all Class VI auditors, I wonder if any of these auditors at the reunion would have the gut to ask, “Why are no more Class VI auditors being made? Why did they close the BC?” Maybe the church would answer, “You don’t have the effing rank to ask that question.”
Re Drug free world……..I checked their website out and note not only is there no mention of connection to $camology, (no surprise there as that’s their modus operandi) but they state they have 800 law enforcement agencies using their materials around the world and the site displays 20 law enforcement logos on the bottom of their page including LAPD, Chicago Police and many international law logos. Normally the use of other organisations logos without permission is unlawful and very likely breachIng copyright but also very misleading. One would expect it is highly unlikely they would have permission to badge their webpages with these logos?? Surely??
It doesn’t matter. As scientologists, they aren’t subject to mere wog laws, and in fact are directed to ignore wog law as they do MEST laws, the laws of the Universe.
Yep. Typical cult mentality.
Now when the mainstream religion back on track with normal activities …..Cult continued its journey in virtual world…the ultimate destiny 🤣🤣🤣
The good thing about the virtual world is that it can be turned OFF, unlike falling asleep at one of those incredibly-boring McSavage worship-fests. They can nudge you awake IRL.
The world out side is infected with wog virus , Cult losing their love ones like those in Nicole Kidman movie Body snatchers.
Wog virus get booster shot every day from Mike Rinder, Tony Ortega, Chris Shelton, Jon Attach and other SPs.
I started to read that as “Thank you. No not you.” Which sadly fits with scientology’s (and, originally, Hubbard’s) way of dealing with the world, and relationships,
People of good faith everywhere will try to set aside differences and disputes this holiday season, unless they are absolutely intolerable or a threat to safety and health. Not so Scientology, which has dividing families almost irreparably, and remorselessly cutting people off entirely, over inconsequential matters, down to a science (perhaps one thing they’ve mastered).
Best wishes to all, and my sympathies to those dealing with the fallout from Scientology, and other culty dysfunction.
scn altering “Thanksgiving” to ‘thanks FOR giving’, a usual inversion.
ALL flows are INWARD to the Dwarfenführer, who only thanks that last shot of whisky that numbed his throat and FINALLY allowed him to pass out and not consider his crimes, (or the missing wife, Shelly).
Happy Thanksgiving to all of you Mike, Leah and American friends.
In addition to Uncle Fester, I see many other characters worthy of being part of the Adams family. It almost seems like a time extension of Halloween.
The guy, new staff from Malmo, should come and help me with all the renovations in the different houses I’m managing, he would understand what it means to “go back to the present time” instead of shooting concentrated bullshit PR, mixed with lies.
Ideal OT Cooking Competition?
I feel sorry for all the cannibals that are going to have to eat and then judge which was the best prepared OT Committee.
Reminds me of an OLD SF short story about an alien species having a sacred book, “How to Serve Mankind”, which is revealed only in the last sentence to be a cookbook, not a textbook of proper etiquette.
How come all the OT 8, ‘successful entrepreneurs’ are spending their time selling $cientology? Couldn’t they make more money by selling chia pets or pet rocks? You know, something more useful than $cientology.
Happy Thanksgiving and may all be reunited with missing loved ones.
I think “successful” outside the bubble really means they “suck (at) selling” and can only survive by helping to fleece the sheepbots.
They can’t even succeed at selling, the ONLY real-world skill they try to teach. Except for Registrars, NO one in scn for very long has any other possible valid entry for their resumé. I certainly couldn’t use my ‘auditing’ or file-clerking skills . NOTHING in scientology means squat in the real world. “Clear” and the other ‘advanced’ grades are illusory, and the illusions pop like soap bubbles shortly after attestation. CRASH!(as I recall). The only good thing I found about attesting to clear was that it presaged the deep depression which led them to kick me to the curb like a bit of dried dog dirt. If you can’t FAKE cheerfulness on demand, they can’t have you around depressing others with the true state of affairs.
I just love the way many scamologist, I mean $cientologists liberally use the word entrepreneur when promoting themselves. I’ve even seen a roof repair office manager call himself one. I believe this is them trying to convince themselves of being a “superior race” and their mindset of thoughts of grandeur. The sad thing is many “successful” $cientologists have been convicted of fraud, declared bankruptcy etc, and lost many innocent people’s money on undeliverable promises. But of cause along the journey, they have donated big time to CoS and this is why CoS promote prosperity conferences etc.
yeah, and it’s telling that with so few scns around the world, Tony can keep up such a LONG list of the miscreants’ ongoing criminal trials, tagged to the end of his posts at https://tonyortega.org
Happy Thanksgiving to all!
Uncle Fester….LOL
Tee hee!
Excellent news and comments Mike.
Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family.