The big push to “go ideal” is happening at the perpetually moribund Foothills Mission.
There is in fact no such thing as an “Ideal Mission” — there is a policy by Hubbard called “The Ideal Org” which is what is used to name the concept Miscavige has foisted off of raising money to buy and renovate a new building for an old church. In fact, the “ideal orgs” don’t resemble the Hubbard policy. But there isn’t even a policy about “Ideal Missions” so this is even more squirrel…
BUT, it’s being touted as a new fundraising cause:
Now for the big reveal of what is going to become the “ideal mission” (once you’ve given them enough money of course) and suddenly the masses will flood in.
Apparently the ideal mission will consist of providing everyone with green tinted glasses and covering the wooden slatted ceiling. Impressive.
Apparently this is going to make all the difference.
If there ever was such a thing as an ideal mission, this ain’t it.
DM’s “Ideal” org: Empty of people, but pretty — and enormous.
If you read the comments in the 1Sept 2014 “another 1 bites the dust”, Foothill was dead even in 2014, before the GoFundMe fiasco. Nothing there but the corpse rotting away. ’tis a shame as the building looks interesting. It’s just that there are no PEOPLE, not even passersby posing as students or staff.
Kim Kutner is one of the 12 donors. She is Jason Dohring’s sister-in-law, so I’m betting the Dohrings will be happy to write a check for $12,000, especially since it’s so close to Glendale.
So let’s cover up the fire sprinklers, all they do is get things wet. Fire inspector? What fire inspector? Lock the door – tell them we are a Religionist House of Whoreships. Damn psyches, SPs every one of them.
See how we left the neat big black pipe in place? It matches perfectly with the crack in the great big wooden thingie, which we were going to take down but no one had a ladder to reach that high.
Christmas lights? What Christmas lights? I don’t see any Christmas lights. Do you see any Christmas lights? Anyone see any Christmas lights? Nope, no Christmas lights here. Where? Oh, those. No, they’re not Christmas lights, they’re just cobwebs. Christmas spider cobwebs. We’re leaving them there because we’re such good environ, enviroon, enviRonMentalists.
The comments alone are worth going to the gofundme page! – At the rate they are raising funds – I don’t see a new ceiling soon
So the cracked joists will not be replaced. I can why that would be incredibly expensive. Still, the ceiling may come down any day.
As the mission is hunting for donors, why don’t they just keep some of that ‘uplines money’ and pay for it themselves? Oh, that money is sacrificed to the Lron, so his word may continue to flow to the masses. Plus, Miscavige would send a special mission to take the money and declare the mission holders SPs.
Wait, what? OMG, after the orgs are done, will they start fundraising for ideal missions?
Lol after the orgs are done… that will literally never happen – that is unless missycavige decides to foot the bill through the “war chest”. With orgs like Oslo, Lisbon, Hannover, etc. the ideal morgues will never complete fundraising through whatever they are doing now.
It looks to me like Miscavige will have to keep footing the for “ideal” facilities for the remaining small and weak orgs that can’t raise the money themselves, to keep up the illusion of “expansion” and to keep on the pace of having 4 to 6 opening events per year. Plus he apparently also has to keep up appearances so that the IRS doesn’t have good grounds to object to Scientology sitting on so much cash and not doing anything.
The poor Mission holders are going to be forced to dump lots of money into their dead, closed, dusty “mission”. I’m sure they are going to love having management force this upon them. It is sure to do what the “ideal org” campaign has done, force veteran supporters of the church to leave.
They’re raising money for WHAT?
Man, I love it! I wanna donate!
I was at the Fort Harrison in ’82. I decided to do some of my comedy in the Lemon Tree(?). I pretended I had a meter. Two local boys:
Ok, bra. So, you no get drunk last night, right? Yes? Ok. You get nuff sleep? Yes? Ok. Hey bra??? You know smoke pcaclolo last night, right bra? Ok. Dis is the session. Ok…..HEY BRA!!! You rock slam bra! Hey bra! You not tinking bout me me bra, are you. Hey bra, (turns meter around so the pc could see the front. See bra I tell, you still rock slamming!
The staff were seething! The rest of the people were laughing their asses off! But, I was public. All they could is stand there and seeth away.
So, yes, I am a joker & degrader. Damn proud of my work.
Just too funny!
We should all drop say $20 into the gofundme page, then we can say it’s all been funded by us so called declared SP’s ?
Looks like there is plenty of ideal seating to handle the inrush of public.
Years ago mistercabbage posted an edict on all the walls to inform anyone who had any CI against his plan for major expansion would be declared on the spot.
Back about 10 years ago a group of friends, me included, wanted to paint the fence of a poor neighborhood ball park for the kids. We went to the paint store and bought all the mismatched paint and put it in a barrel. Color was not bad so we used that. Cost us $1.50 a gallon. Store had no use for it. So, those walls at that mission should take ten dollars to do.
The green is puky . This mission has always been pretty cute and well taken care of.
I used to volunteer there for a bit , until not signing staff became a problem.
A lot of good people run this place , it felt like a family run business , never expanding.
The OTs in the area were hiding there , doing courses away from the big orgs.
That’s about it .
I wish they would come to their senses and leave.
Marie, I chuckled at your post because I was one of the OT’s who did courses there to hide out from the orgs. At ASHO the registrars would wait outside the courseroom for them to let out. So to get out you had to walk the gauntlet that awaited you in the hallway outside the courseroom.
Marie, Is this where our dear friend used to hang out as well? Do you know where she is now? Pasadena? Maybe she has finally managed to be no where with no one bugging her to be on staff or OT Committee, which is what a lot of us OT’s wanted.
The IDEAL scam
I think someone ought to submit a KR on this “squirrel tech” because any money going to a mere mission is not going to the Church of Scientology, and is thus inherently against Command Intention. Dave ought to know that this ceiling renovation is at risk of diverting $2,000 from whatever campaign he’s running at the moment.
Incidentally, the Foothills Mission is only 2-3 miles from the La Tuna Canyon fire, which ravaged thousands of acres in September 2017, in the largest fire in the history of the City of Los Angeles. I’m stunned that this “upstat” mission was able to round up only two Scientology Volunteer Ministers out of the hundreds of thousands of people in what David Miscavige called “the biggest private relief force on Earth” to go to the fire lines and offer “pull my finger” assists or even to set up a tent somewhere to solicit donations.
Montrose and the surrounding communities of Glendale, Burbank, Sun Valley, La Crescenta, La Canada/Flintridge and Pasadena probably has more Scientologists than anywhere except Clearwater. And lots of longtime members like to go to the missions so they don’t get regged as heavily while doing courses as they would at the Valley Org or at AOLA. And yet they can’t raise $2,000 for a ceiling renovation. Makes you wonder about the membership math.
The rennos would cost under $2,000. But they are sking for $10,000. Probably need the extra money to pay for light and cooling bills. Also note that the Foothills Msn is halfway under ground. Although they have windows, it is pretty dark in there. And after some of our ex Scn whistleblowers went there and took pictures through the windows of how empty the place is, now they cover their few windows with huge Dianetics posters, thus cutting off what little light they did get in there. It must be very gloomy in there with no natural light coming in.
Kinda like being a $cientologist these days!
Yo Dave,
” It must be very gloomy in there with no natural light coming in.”
I assume there must be some sort of standard for the several missions that have been set up as “ideal” in the last decade or so, however vague or general those might be, but that we’ve apparently never gotten any reports of. I’d hazard a guess that it also involves the mission holder paying larger fees, and buying bigger stocks of overpriced material to have on hand – that will never move.
Given that Scientology can apparently no longer meet its own requirements for “ideal” orgs when it comes to things like getting the CF finished or a big increase in staff, for the struggling mission-size orgs that are now being put in lavish oversized facilities, I’d guess that the standards for “ideal” missions are slipping. This picture certainly doesn’t look like previous ones, which were in nice buildings and thoroughly renovated inside so that they were almost miniature versions of the “ideal” orgs.
It’s also a sad state of affairs that now funding for everything from scientologists’ critical health care needs to mission facilities, is ending up on gofundme.
What’s the difference between the two rooms again?
The overhead lights.
Different exposure and a very nice ceiling treatment.
I liked the “before renovation” picture better.
Too much humanity in that one. Human & $cientology just don’t mix.
I always thought members were Cyborg’s.
And you were RIGHT!
I do too ! ! !
I got the Wizard of Oz reference!
$1,200 raised over two months, with twelve contributions. Yikes – this will take a while.
I’ve got a couple of sheets of drywall left over, little bit chipped and minor water damage but it’s theirs if they want to come pick it up. Be ideal for me.
No shit!
I’ll come and get it. You’re in Australia, right?
Yep, I can leave it at the airport car park if I’m not home.
Roger, that.
Before or after, it’s still quite ugly. But if I had to choose, I would say I prefer before!
An Ideal FOR profit Cult of Scientology center. Hmmm.
Wrong target – MEST
Wrong Why – MONEY
The WHO – Miscabage
Scientology is its people not its furniture.
If brainwashed staff who act like “Truman Show” actors too much, it makes outsiders fear coming into Scientology’s “Truman Show.”
Empty furniture, is better than “Truman Show” fake staff though.
Hubbard’s doctrines force “Truman Show-ism” on the Scientology staff though, so it’s always creepy.
How to make that work, only on those already part of the “Truman Show”.
You know, Chuck, it truly is like the Truman Show.
Tory Christman aptly crowned Scientology as a Truman Show, a decade ago, and someone before her likely even saw it that way. Scientology’s membership is Hubbardian behavior playing alongism. Quit fast is the KSW#1 right way to get out of there.
Since this is already a ‘make-believe mental mockup’ of the Demented Midget , would it be appropriate to mail them some Monopoly Money to match?
Imagine their surprise when the BofA or Wells Fargo refuses those deposits.
Oh! Definitely! What a hoot that would be! Try paying for services with Monopoly Money! There’s no sense of humor in the cult! These folks gotta lighten up! But, that’s against policy.
you’re a joker and degrader OSD.
(And we love it)
Always thought OSD played with a 54 card deck.
53, you’re only allowed two jokers.
And I am one of them!
Good to see there’s no cheating then. Deal ’em up and let’s play.