The expansion is R eally setting in at the largest Ideal Org on earth, where, a month after their glorious ribbon yanking that heralded the dawn of clearing their zone, they are taking North Hollywood by storm.
Check out the amazing accomplishments they are so excited about:
There are “some” new people who started on a service out of the 20 total. I guess the number was too large to actually count if you only have two fingers so they settled in “some” which sounds better than 3
“Many” people are “completing a course and resigning for more.” How amazing is that?
And the huge new child care facility “servicing 200 families” has A very experienced staff member…. One.
That is truly some impressive accomplishments to get yourself worked up about.
These guys are on a serious roll, and this is 10X! And all for a mere $50 million investment. They are apparently very proud of this.
I am hoping that there is a network of blown people who help along the way…..talking to others helps greatly. Guidance from those that have gone before.
Hoping the Apocalypse is at had for Scientology.
I don’t understand how the rich famous Scientologist don’t wake up to all what’s going on..maybe they are in denial cuz the Truth is difficult to face
I’m SURE that the day care person is a VERY experienced staff member. Probably 85 years old and sits motionless in a chair in the corner of the room waiting…
Kathy Welch has got to be approaching 70 fast.
My brother and his wife work at the Clearwater site. My brilliant brother, a physics genius, scrubbing paint out of old sinks, putting together furniture, doing who knows what other menial meaningless tasks. He’s been in over 40 years. How could he ever make it outside of the COS? No social security, no savings, nearly 70 years old. He isn’t allowed to talk to me anymore because I see a therapist and take meds. It breaks my heart. I’ll never see him again, I’m sure. These stupid ideal orgs and the continual begging for money…it all disgusts me.
I’m a never in but I am so sorry for your loss. Keep trying to reach out to him. Maybe a miracle will happen!
I’m so sorry for what you and your brother, and all those others like you, are going through.
There is a real need for a specialized treatment facility for members who blow, that don’t have any means to care for themselves. A combination halfway house and treatment that is created specifically for exactly that situation. A place where at least half the staff are former Scio’s that fully understand what the clientele are dealing with. Where the only therapist involved are old school clinicians that practice “least intrusive means” style treatment; You have an issue, here’s a tissue. NOT , You have an ill, take a pill. I’ve been working on coming up with a therapy style that combines auditing techniques with actual clinical psychology techniques, that would be familiar, less threatening and more conducive to healing. Above all, it would have to be mostly pro bono services, an ACTUAL NON PROFIT service. Clearwater would probably be the best place to test out its viability. But, it’s all just guess work at this stage. I can’t even imagine the backlash from DM. What do you think?
Definitely some or many of the oldest (in terms of age) members would need a lot of counselling and support, both financial and emotional. I can’t imagine any group that would be willing to do that pro bono, though. With the current government administration, I’m pretty sure they would not be interested or willing to spend a dime on cult survivors.
My father was a secret schizophrenic (I’m told that that is possible) and wrecked havoc on his three children’s emotional lives. I’m pretty sure my brother needed the regimentation of the $cientology life to survive into adulthood. My other brother found his “$cientology” in Christian fundamentalism. The “sins of the father” concept rings true here. Sad and heartbreaking.
RAdams, that is so very heartbreaking, indeed. I admire your strength and courage in dealing with it all.
Checking around on my own as I already noted, it seems nearly impossible, a safe haven or half way house in a “town” where store fronts are for Commercial purposes only, and NOT made to house even temporarily people is not permitted. There are health, safety, fire concerns & over all square footage.
Rental homes are another issue, but runs the same scenario….smoke detectors, fire alarms, fire sprinklers in case of a fire, appropriate number of bathrooms and bedrooms….sleep arrangements meeting occupancy standards etc. .
NIMBY is another issue (Not In My Back Yard) people in the communities NOT wanting a safe haven or half way recover house for the simple reason as seen on TV…harassment by members of “those still in”, chasing down those who escaped.
There are some half way houses for recovering drug addicts, but nothing seems to “fly” when it comes to people who exit a cult….excuse me…..”religious organization” that they’ve given their all to. What a sticky wicket mess this is. Landlord will only rent to families, ONE family, unless it’s a “multi family home”…and THEN there would have to be along term lease signed by folks with INCOMES.
Local churches (REAL ones) in this area offer a week’s worth of “sleeping arrangements for homeless men, for 7 nights. During the day the visitors cannot stay. The are fed ONE meal at dinner, offered showers, and donated clothing. They are checked for drug and alcohol on their person or in their baggage before they are permitted to stay for the night. Each church group that participates offers only 7 nights and then it’s back to the regular shelters or streets when that time period ends.
The older folks will sooner or later be “put out to pasture”, as many will end up in a nursing home where the government is paying for their care until they die, and then they will be buried in a paupers grave as is common to those without funds.
If something happens, the money recovered could hopefully be used for housing, food, counseling, clothing and hopefully getting some of the BUILDINGS that CO$ currently has, and a reputable person(s) funding the operations.
Meanwhile, those in power continue to thrive on the best in housing, food, entertainment and personal possession due to the donations of their “church members”….sickening & sad.
LYash, it’s obvious how much time and thought that you have put into all of this. It’s so sad that the current climate and circumstance is what it is. But, I don’t want to give up hope that somehow, somewhere, something can be done. Waiting for the organization to implode is going to take some time. Plus, the people who will unfiortunately make out with all the money and proceeds will undoubtably be the lawyers, on both sides. Something needs to be put in place, especially for the elderly and infirm, destitute. 7 days won’t even make a dent in the problem. We can’t give up hope
Thank you so much “EAngel”….after leaving the legal dept of the NYC institution I worked for I went to work for Social Services….Fam Services and also CPS. I’ve heard stories of all kinds of abuse, stories that you might find here. It also involved issues with housing etc.
Things got a lot better when restrictions were put in place for the safety of the tenants, but with that comes unforeseen issues with space requirements, number of bathrooms, fire safety as I already mentioned…INCLUDING the number of DOORS and SIZE of Windows to escape a fire along with necessary Fire Escapes systems on the outside of the buildings if it’s a two story or higher bldg
I recently spearheaded our local Township into applying to our State Reps to Institute a local International Bldg Code for the OUTSDE of property either privately or landlord owned because some of the landlords in the area have apartment bldgs. or rental homes that look like junk yards and are a danger to tenant and/or children. The Ordinance was recently approved and accepted in our Township.
Sadly when one is “escaping a church” that is recognized by the US Government. as meeting the requirements to be recognized as such……now that is a huge huge messy sticky issue.
Yes, hopefully someone with authority/power/connections/money might step forward…until then, well, we can just do what we can do! Sooner or later as some have mentioned the long time elderly will pass away or become sick and placed in nursing homes, the congregation as such MAY shrink down as possibly some of the younger ones will opted out for a better more secure life….we can ONLY hope.
Thank you dear friend, you ARE an Angel!
I’m driving right down there. Please watch out for surfers. Going home.. Thank you Gerry.:)
I have spent 16 years in the Sea Org to be convinced that the entire game in Scientology now is to only amass enormous property portfolio across the world with most of those Ideal Org buildings (Sydney for example) being a practically EMPTY with 2 students on the entire floor (last time I was there 2 months ago). The those two students are the Scientologists that have been there for at least 30 years awaiting for the return of L Ron…
So you got through your hang at doubt?
“move up in status” is the new hypnotic implant $cientology repeats over and over…
draining all funds from the sheeple
until they are bankrupted and broke…
Move up in status, move up in status, move up in status, move up in status, move up in status, move up in status…..status, the new case gain.
Status is simply another way of saying, “I gave more than YOU did! Nyah, nyah, nyah!!!” It has nothing to do with accomplishment in life.
Imagine leaving your kids to be tended by a scientologist. Before you know it, your own kid will be writing up KRs (Knowledge Reports) on your activities, much like the Pol Pot revoltionary children, or the East German Communist Stasi Youth groups.
It all makes me want to puke.
Davis Miscavige, take your little scientology fiefdom and shove it up your a**.
Revolutionary, not “revoltionary”. (typing too fast when I am outraged).
It is pretty revolting though…
The grammar errors are killing me, let alone the imprecise nature of the writing. (Though it seems to be a standard writing style) When reading about the child care I interpreted it differently. I thought there could be more than 1 caregiver, but only 1 had experience. Either way, it doesn’t resonate confidence or clarity. Isn’t it ironic…..
If the Federal reserve backs it why would you wonder if they can do it or afford it . when it is clear profit for them . America is not a democracy it is a constitutional republic with a rigged voting system
Very correct and nicely stated. A democracy has been described as “three wolves and a sheep voting on what’s for dinner.” And that’s what we’ve got.
I just realized now even though i’ve been looking at it all along:
“Each Ideal Org represents 10x expansion in their zone” is a claim!
And that’s just not true, which means that the church is straight up lying to their members!
…unless they deceptively want us to think that it’s a ten times expansion of membership, but can legally claim is a ten times expansion of square footage…or some other statistic (they keep hundreds of stats and even if they can’t point to any, they can make one up like # of pencils ordered this month)…or it’s a homeopathic 10X dilution, i.e. there are now 1/10th the members there who used to be there…
CRAP never mind. Damn advertising.
10x bloviation inflation.
I used to purchase and stock about 8 cases of legal size reams for AOs auditors in late 80s. My guess is that would be 1 ream per year now. Clearing this planet is no where in sight. Why do they stay?
They ‘believe’ Cece. They desperately want to believe that they have the answer to all of mans questions.
It will be interesting to see what Dave has in mind for the SuMP activities.
In homeopathy, the greater the dilution, the more powerful the doseage. That hardly works for scio!
The way I read it, they had an Easter function (that sounds odd celebrating a Christian holiday) and over 200 families attended. The next sentence brags about the child care center (staffed with one) that allows parents to leave kids while they take courses. That is about as impressive as the nursery volunteers most churches provide for Sunday services so adults can attend without screaming kids. Only most of them employ two or three for large crowds. And not every congregation has lots of younger members with children. In fact, many churches run public day care centers from their premises during the week just to make ends meet (and possibly recruit new, younger visitors). These two things are not necessarily related, but by shoving the sentences together it gives the sense that the complex is large enough to service “200 families” simultaneously, when that is only the attendance of a large holiday event. Given the older demographics these days, maybe they don’t need more than one person to watch kids during “coursework”. The juxtaposition is very misleading.
In fact: many leave their children never to be seen again. Only the Tigers survive. Sad live to wake up to, but there are friends here. Thx all 🙂
That is sad. And unfortunate that an organization dedicated to removing suffering from the world causes it for its own members so often. It sounds like a dichotomy factory that creates a convoluted doublespeak of cognitive dissonance and not much else.
Instead of child care services, these aging BT exorcists are much more likely to need senior care services for the cult’s increasingly demented parishioners!
It is always interesting to see a form that asks for a written response, but doesn’t leave space for writing. Kind of says it all.
It’s because it’s a stealth form. You can’t even see it…
On Ortega’s site there’s a rather remarkable “time freeze example” of a 1973 TV interview of Scientology by a Canadian TV station. The only difference I saw in it was that in Scientology today finger pointing declares have taken precedence. It’s the exactly the same situation in 1973 as it is today except it’s worse now by Miscavige’s high volume arrogance in intentionally going out of his way to damage people’s lives, plus he’s had more time to fine tune and streamline their tactics to steal money by more pressured coercion, lies, the IAS & status levels etc. Check it out, the “family discussion” is unique (it would never be permitted by the Cof$ today) and the Church’s spokesperson at the end gives one of the better examples of Scientology’s double speak, arrogance and failure to answer a direct question you’ll ever see.
No wonder Scientology NEVER does interviews anymore! Well done for finding that TV interview.
This is so pathetic, it really is.
I have to wonder just how unhappy these people really are, these staffers, surely they can see that what was in their hearts is not materializing in the world around them, hopelessness comes to mind.
I pray they wake up before their dreams are as empty as their buildings.
I wonder the same thing, Bob G. I say the same thing to myself: “Surely they can see that what was in their hearts is not materializing in the world around them”. It never ceases to amaze me how they continue in their delusion. I don’t get it. I really don’t get it. I’ve never, ever been able to kid myself THAT much!
You just have to try harder, Aqua! LOL And close your eyes and ears while you’re doing it!
None are so blind as those who will NOT see……..
I have heard news of the worst kind:
A tragedy has occurred and, of course, been exploited.
Long-time Scientologist John Stout and champion of the Michigan University band died a few months ago of cancer. Just yesterday was his memorial service with hundreds of people, ‘wogs’, Scientologists public and staff, all in attendance.
After the service was held, the Scientologists were gathered around in a local hall. Can you guess what they did there?
Fundraising…of course.
Strike while the iron is hot, I guess. “Let’s use the death of this Scientologist icon as a way to motive the local flock into coughing up more money.”
I ask you, what church have you ever seen that is so callous, so greedy as to do something like this? They didn’t even wait until the day after the funeral to tug people’s heart-strings with his name.
I have experienced this….in the Catholic Church. The local priest in the small town I grew up in…presided over my grandfather’s burial in the Catholic cemetery. Before we had even turned away from casket…..he had his hand out for his payment for services rendered. Disgusting.
Haven’t been back since.
At least he was asking money for a service he’d provided; Scientology was just doing their usual begging for donations for the local ideal org, not even the funeral service.
BTW, I’m not saying what the priest did was right.
OverTheBridge, I’m sorry you had a bad experience with a bad apple priest. My local priest would give you the shirt off his back if you asked him, and I’ve met a few others who would do the same thing. I joined the Catholic Church two year ago, and studying scientology for the past few months has only strengthened that decision.
There’s and interesting vid on YouTube on the Tokyo Org. The “undercover” vid maker asks the girl at the desk about some homeless people under a bridge nearby and whether the sci org does anything for them. Very naively, she replies: “Oh the Catholics and the Christians take care of them.” I’ll be she got “handled” for that one.
Just when you think it can’t get any more low rent? It does.
They could really HELP by having a reunion weekend/evening/BBQ with all the old past SO, staff and public presently in their area. But wait a sec… don’t be critical just yet. They are the masters of communication are they not … well, aren’t they? Scientology answers ALL your questions about life and it’s interactions, mmm, doesn’t it? Should be a walk in park for such highly trained beings with the only tech of life just oozing with enthusiasms to Clear their zone. What better way to start the ball rolling to even greater expansion than to gather up all the old acquaintances, have a burger or two and sing Auld Lang Syne. Get all those ‘warm and fuzzies’ on the boil.
Why the silence?
Is that ‘very experienced staff member’ a 11 year old sea borg?
If this is what passes for Lron’s magic marketing, the end is neigh…..
Don’t say ‘neigh,’ say ‘nigh’ or you’ll look like a horse’s ass.
Like they did when they said ‘resigning,’ (quitting) when they meant re-signing (signing up again).
…grammer nazi is Grammarly.
Thank you for your grammarly courage! I was raised long ago by a writer and woe unto me when I used the wrong word or spelling! Drove it home hard! I fear it’s no longer taught (or learned?) very well.
Bad grammar does not a good first impression make. “Each org….across THEIR zone?” I guess that’s what happens when you yank kids out of real school and stick them in Brainwash Prep.
A Scientologist, an ex-Scientologist and an English teacher walk into a bar…
THAT is funny! Well done! LOL
The real funny thing is, shouldn’t the Flag Land Base be the most Ideal Org in the world? The entire Grade Chart is there for sale in one location along with the most highly trained Sea Org members to deliver it.
Yet in spite of this, the church just lost its bid for another piece of real estate to add to their collection from the Clearwater city council located less than a block away from Flag? Is that Ideal? 🙂
Is that OT intention? 🙂
The block of dirt wins!
I do wonder what they are telling themselves at Flag about the sale of it to council instead of them. It’s probably taboo and a trip to ethics to even mention or even think it.
It was probably the psychiatrists again up to their old tricks. 🙂
They are “resigning” for more? Oh, but for the lack of a hyphen. Or perhaps they are simply “resigned” to more.
Again, they don’t need no stinkin’ hyphens! That’s just for Wogs! They also don’t need education. As long as they do what’s told, they’re happy campers. Simple, isn’t it?
Don’t you just love it when barely literate cultists unintentionally tell the truth? Pretty soon, they’ll all be resigning for more…of a real life, far from the insanity and evil which lies at the dark heart of this killer cult!
Praise Xenu, let it be so 😉
“….some starting for the first time…….”
That’s such an inside joke!
In the language used in the Scientology statistics keeping department, the word “start” could be studied as an example of how the mental world of Scientology slyly gushes with postitiveness and exaggeration.
In the HGB Management Building, where they collect all of the production statistics of all churches and missions worldwide, there is a more specific statistic called something to designate a brand new person, firsttime ever, service start.
“Starts” are understood to be mostly repeat starts.
But the word “repeat” is omitted from the labelling, it’s not positive thinking enough.
But the vast almost total majorit of “starts” are in fact:
“Repeat Service Taker”
And the brandnew service starts ought be called “First Time Ever Service Start”
And HGB management ought to insert “repeat” in front of all the start definitions in the stats branch where they really are repeat starts.
It gets so complicated parsing all of the Hubbard hopeful writings, and avoiding using negative words, like “repeat” and instead all their “repeats” are included in their “starts”.
These tricksy $cilons just never quit trying to falsify their stats and maintain the illusion of the cult’s expansion, do they?
The only real stat that’s on the rise is the Obfuscation Stat, which really is undergoing 10X expansion!
The church is so much about deception.
Their entire time they’ve been in existence. That’s why they’re a cult…
OMG. Bring in your neighbors and friends. They all need help. ?? They WILL need help, getting out with their funds intact.
“They all need help.” What…leaving the cult? It’s pretty simple! Stand up and walk out, never to return…
OSD, I saw the same thing when they were described as finishing and immediately resigning. Boy, that’d save the marks a lot of time and money.
Never to return… except with lawsuit maybe.
I stand corrected! I will return if it’s a class action lawsuit. A really fucking big one. The kind that would put them out of business. Forever…
I don’t think I’ve ever seen a list that begins with “0”.
It’s a pretty straightforward thing to do in Microsoft Word if you know where to look. But, you have to be some special kind of incompetent to do it by accident, and then not catch it. Or perhaps they did catch it but couldn’t be bothered to figure out how to fix it. Or perhaps they really do want to start with zero because somewhere, some time Flubbard started a list with zero, and that’s teh most standardest Tech and starting a list with zero will clear the zone in 47x time frames.
In most computer languages lists begin with zero instead of one.
I think that is a clue as to what the answer to that question is….”Nothing.”
How about OT-TR-O?
As an old programmer, I’m used to arrays and lists srarting with the zeroth item. In planning, #0 was what set the stage for everything that followed. It had to be in before we even started