We have already reported about the downgrade of the IAS Event – see The IAS Event Is Already A Bomb from 8 October.
It is one thing to downgrade the 30th Anniversary of the IAS celebration to the parking lot on LRH Way, but its a total train wreck when the Flag event is suffering a similar, even more ignoble downsizing.
They are not going to be holding this event at the Ruth Eckerd Hall but instead at the Fort Harrison….
The Auditorium there holds 1500 people. They claim to have more STAFF than this and “2000 people from out of town on service at any given time” PLUS 12,000 scientologists in the “local community.” Scratching together 2500 sheeple should require NO effort at all — so where are they going to put them?
Here is a recent email from the FSO:
I am writing you as we 6 DAYS AWAY from the upcoming IAS 30th Anniversary event.
In case you haven’t already heard, this is a REVOLUTIONARY EVENT where earth-shaking new footholds in global salvage, making an impact on every continent will be announced, and where the next monumental advance towards an OT civilization, that will turn your world upside down, will be revealed.
This is the next revolutionary step! This is big. You do not want to miss this.
The event will be on Friday night, October 24th, with the doors opening at 6:00pm in the Fort Harrison.
The dress attire for this event is formal, which means tuxedo, dark suit or long gown – basically what you wore for this year’s live LRH Birthday event.
On Sunday there will special IAS Field Briefing with complimentary brunch in the auditorium. Doors open at 10:30am. I want to ensure you have your plans all ready so you make it to this event and brunch. I also want to make sure you tell others as we are just around the corner and want to ensure no one misses it.
Bring your event card to both of these events.
Please send me a quick reply to confirm you are coming to the event Friday and the Brunch on Sunday.
Meagan Tucker
Local PR Officer FSO
Now, to add insult to injury, Bill Maher of Religulous fame, has booked the Ruth Eckerd Hall on Saturday night. He poked fun at scientology in his movie (along with all organized religion) and is going to draw more people to a bigger venue in Clearwater than the church for its super-spectacular 30th anniversary bash. That’s embarrassing. And it’s probably partly due to Miscavige being incapable of setting a date for the event until it is too late to book a hall. The IAS Anniversary has been 6 October since 1984, surely by now they could firm up a date at least a few months in advance. It’s not like the date changes each year?
What is contained in this REVOLUTIONARY EVENT, where earth-shaking new footholds in global salvage, making an impact on every continent will be announced, or in the words of the CO CLO ANZO: “THIS IS THE BIGGEST EVENT IN IAS HISTORY! We have just heard that something is being presented at this event that is SO big, it will change our lives, personally.”
Well, hold onto your seats:
Dear Leader’s earth-shattering announcements were:
1. “ideal” Narconons (though he has NOTHING to do with this whatsoever if you listen to his attorneys). This is hardly earth-shattering news — see here at Tony Ortega’s site on April 6 where I am quoted about this.
And here is an excerpt from a March 2013 Miscavige address to the faithful at an IAS fundraiser in Clearwater Florida taken from the IAS Impact magazine:
“But lest you think that’s all you are making possible, it’s truly just a glimpse of what the future holds. By way of just one example, immediately in the aftermath of 9/11, the IAS planted footholds for social salvage, including a flagship drug rehabilitation center at Narconon Arrowhead. Well, if such represents a “Flag” [the church in Clearwater, termed the “mecca” of Scientology] Organization for that sector, what is the equivalent of an “Advanced Org” in each continent. As I speak, that’s exactly what’s going down—meaning a forthcoming fleet of Continental Narconons: for Africa, ANZO, Latin America, Canada, Europe, UK and, just for good measure, another in this nation’s capital.
“We’ve already located all the buildings. In fact, we already own several of them and those we don’t yet own are due to be purchased in coming weeks. If I haven’t grabbed your attention yet—then imagine an “Ideal Narconon” epitomizing the very ethnic and culture in its geographic zone: A celebrity Narconon in California, overlooking the Pacific and even including its own helipad. Or how about the nation’s capital? Our new Narconon is the former presidential retreat of Presidents Hoover, Roosevelt and Eisenhower on a Maryland national preserve.
“It’s the same-again scenario on every other continent: a hacienda villa in Mexico, a game preserve in South Africa, not to mention, another arising on Hubbard’s peak in the Himalayas of Nepal. The point is that’s how you train sufficient numbers to proliferate facilities in every crisis zone. And it’s all coming in 2013 and, yes, that’s the IAS in the name of Planetary Salvage.”
2. “ideal” AO’s — the “big announcement” here was the “new ideal AO in Australia” which we covered here on 6 September: Let’s not forget, he already has 3 other “new, ideal AO’s” that have been previously announced — in Mexico, Canada and South Africa. All are sitting empty and falling to pieces.
3. 3 new Public Service Announcements (they already have DOZENS of these that have never been used anywhere — I guarantee you there is not a single person on earth that could describe even ONE scientology “PSA” that has been released over the last 20 years.
4. freedom medal winners that sound extremely “same old, same old” including pulling Kate Ceberano out of mothballs — a VERY strange choice given the state of scientology in Australia/NZ, not just shrinking and failing, but the subject of relentless media exposes.
If that is a revolutionary, earth shaking, personally life changing event, then unplug the life support machines. It’s a waste of electricity that might be otherwise gainfully employed.
And just for a final bit of fun, here is how the Chief IAS Shill in Clearwater is promoting this upcoming extravaganza of magnificence:
Dear Flag OTC Members,
I attended the IAS live event in the UK this past weekend!!!! Many Scientologists from Clearwater were in attendance. With the release of the Golden Age of Tech II, Super Power, Cause Resurgence we know the world of Scientology has never been the same since.
Take what we know and now put it on the 4th Dynamic!! This 30th Anniversary of the IAS is monumental in every aspect. We really are building an OT Civilization – it is really occurring NOW!!! Every single member of the IAS is creating this together!!!
The release and details of creating this OT Civilization is laid out completely. The New Golden Age of Tech II release of the Narconon Network will leave you breathless. It has moved up to level of professionalism that will communicate to the world. What is now done and in place is the renovations of our Continental Narconons!!!!!
The 3 Freedom Medal Winners – one from a country where we never have had one before and how he changed an entire country. The other two are extraordinary artists and how both of them used their Artistic talents to communicate about Scientology and our 4th Dynamic Programs – simply will blow you away.
The 3 New Ads – for our Internet and TV!!! CCHR, How we Help and our new Scientology ad (remember the last one about our Majestic Cathedral Flag Building, e-meter) this new one is off the charts.
We are a part of something so special, we all come together as Freedom Fighters to ensure we guarantee our Religion is here for Eternity. This Event will make you so happy and so proud to be a Scientologist.
We really are building a NEW OT CIVILIZATION! You are all invited to attend the 30th Anniversary Event at Flag, I look forward to seeing you there!!
Kathy Feshbach
One thing she CAN do. Use exclamation tech. It has not yet been replaced with the Golden Age of Exclamation Tech, so her skills are still valid. Once the GAET comes though she is going to have to stop using them until she retrains from the bottom up.
An imagined scenario with Miscavige on the witness stand…
Prosecuting attorney:
“Mr. Miscavige, you stated that you were NOT involved in Narconon in any way, and they are completely separate from the Church of Scientology that you are the “religious leader” of, is that correct?”
Prosecuting attorney:
“You stated that you don’t get involved in Narconon’s affairs in any way, is this correct?”
Prosecuting attorney:
“So you claim that you don’t act, do or say anything on behalf of Narconon, is this correct?”
Prosecuting attorney:
“Mr. Miscavige, let me quote from your speech which was reprinted here, in your own magazine, in 2013, where you said: ‘WE’ve already located all the buildings. In fact, WE already own several of them and those we don’t yet own are due to be purchased in coming weeks.’ You are referring to an organization that located the Narconon buildings, and already owns some of them. “Locating” buildings, I understand can be outsourced but ownership, in the other hand, is a legal term that has a very specific meaning. You are referring to the organization which owns these buildings simply as “us”. Can you clarify for me which organization legally owns these Narconon buildings, or in other words, which organization are you referring to in your speech as “us”?
“I don’t understand the question. It’s not clear at all what you are asking.”
Stupid Crass Nonce
I happened to be in downtown Clearwarer this evening and noticed all the tuxedos – was in front of the Fort Harrison and saw a young couple pull up in a Ferrari with the vanity plates “SCN”!!! anybody know who they are? There seemed to be quite a fuss when they arrived.
“an OT civilization, that will turn your world upside down, will be revealed.”
Please someone post the content of this event.
Yea. I got a taste of that “OT Civilization that will turn your world upside down.” I don’t recommend it. In fact, “Run!”
Have you seen these yet? Pictures of the event, courtesy of a comment at the Bunker:
That is the Sunday Night “Charity Concert” — an afterthought to the main activities.
Thank you for the clarification. I was actually puzzled by the lack of formal attire…
type “Scientology Top Managers In Action ” into google. the video has been embedded on tons of sites.
Wouldn’t an ideal Narconon be one where nobody DIES?! The words “planetary salvage” keep sticking me. What are they salvaging? What are they salvaging that from? Have they done a survey to inquire as to what would be desirable to salvage? Are we raising ships from the bottom of Lake Superior? Are ideal archeologists discovering lost cities? I really need to know what the hell I’m doing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Will we have a helicopter in the air at this event?
“We really are building an OT Civilization – it is really occurring NOW!!!”
You guys don’t even have an OT Sea Org, for Christ’s sake. Think about it.
I bet these medal winners feel a bit like somebody who just cracked open the book on OT III. Like, “WTF are they giving me this for, I didn’t really salvage the whole country… but I better keep up a façade so people will continue to think it’s a Big Deal…”
“…change our lives personally”
As opposed to publicly?
Do any of these people actually have the ability to read what they’ve written?
Or is superfluous verbage now a thing in the cult?
Not sure
Oops, forgot to mention this earlier. Yesterday, LA Curbed started a week long series titled, “An Introduction to the Long History of Los Angeles Cults.” It looks to be an interesting and fascinating read. For instance, I didn’t know LA’s first cult was started in 1840. See http://la.curbed.com/archives/2014/10/an_introduction_to_the_long_history_of_los_angeles_cults.php
BTW, in a site search for “Church of Scientology,” 70+ articles come up about CoS’ buildings in the LA area, specifically their history and architectural significance.
Kate Ceberano!!!!! – geezes, my sister can sing as good as her and is thinner too.
I went to a few of Kate’s in-house private promotional singing bees in ANZO in years past – oh hum but when she was at the AO getting serviced she use to shun everyone in the place and sit on the floor in a circle with her minders, extroverted and friendly she is not. I had a lot to do with the academy and never saw her in there (ever). Typical, another Scientology representative who has never trained to be an auditor. But , ho hum, don’t get me wrong – she knows all about the subject she’s never studied!! So much so, she’s got a medal to prove it. Freedom – from what exactly?
Makes me wonder just how many people who are in the limelight of $cn spruiking it are actually qualified in the subject?
We know Dave is a failed CL4 (slappy) auditor. Are Nancy, JT, TC and other celebs actually capable of or know how? Are any of them certified to deliver actual Scientology?
Everything about that organisation is a scam.
Off topic, but in the last half hour, Marty’s airport video has gotten 15,000 new hits. I wonder where David Miscavige shops for footbullets.
Ain’t it grand? I swear every time I check to see how many more new hits the video has gotten, I see Marty’s smile, in the photo on his YouTube channel, get bigger and wider.
I’d love to know how many people will finally decide to leave once they see their long-withheld-from-view Int. execs behaving this way and in their current shape and condition. I have a sneaky suspicion that we will hear from many, eventually, that this was the pivotal moment and event. I’m keeping my fingers crossed.
Mike, I’ve been wondering (and feel free to not let this through if the question is out of line…) what goes through someone’s head when they’re carrying out this completely insane mission on DM’s orders and making themselves look like asses? I know you told Sweeney that your blow cog was telling him that DM never hit you, but what about these on-camera lunatic screamfests? What are they thinking? Or are they too broken and worn down to even think about what they’re doing? I’m genuinely curious (as a dilletante celeb former public).
Well, Kathy Feshback used the “Ideal” Exclamation marks; lets grant her that ability as an OT VIII and Class VIII at least she placed the after an extraordinary comment.
Pity ‘nobody cares’, as Jenny De V spouted a few days ago. But, a disaster is a disaster regardless of who does or doesn’t care.
Thank you for such a great posting.
I’ve wondered about the following scenario for some time now and these Continental/Celebrity Narconons make sense to me – not that I approve or agree. In fact, I’m appalled that these Narconons have not been shut down or sued out of existence now and are to be reincarnated and reclassified in yet another shell game of corporate reshuffling.
But, as I’ve been thinking about recent developments in the chult and with its front groups, such as Narconon, this past year or so, and watching membership dwindle, lawsuits increase, and Miscavige intentionally making Bridge training and auditing for the “great unwashed masses” impossible, I’ve wondered if he has seen the handwriting on the wall and is looking to offer a boutique “religious” and rehab experience that would appeal to and target mainly celebrities (in all fields, not just entertainment), opinion leaders and other very wealthy individuals.
By making the bigger profit margin products (detox and religious services) expensive and exclusive, offered in posh real estate holdings which are geographically isolated and well guarded, and offering these products and “religious/rehab” services to just a few select, preferred and privileged “customers,” I could see how it might work – for a decade longer or so, at least. This way the CoS becomes a smaller and more manageable cult of personality(ies) which also has the distinction of being tax exempt as a religion, and which then can afford to become more withdrawn from the outside world and therefore less accessible to the media and its nosy, joe-public and probably less likely to be interfered with by the government or law enforcement. (Unfortunately, I can also see the inherent dangers in this and the possibility for another Jonestown or other tragic ending for the remaining dedicated members when it reaches its inevitable end point.)
But pushing aside that doomsday ending for now, I can see how Continental Narconons and Ideal Orgs geared mainly toward “celebrity” clients – with a redefinition of that word so it can include any and all HNWI (high net worth individuals) – could eliminate several problems that Miscavige is currently dealing with. In the case of Narconons, by catering to these type of private pay, celebrity detox clients, or, as in decades before, those who need a “rest cure” due to “exhaustion” and the demands of celebrity lifestyles, it eliminates much of the insurance and state certification oversight that is currently needed, as I suspect there wouldn’t be much need to bill Medicare, Medicaid, or other type of private insurance.
With wealthy “celebrity” and with mandatory private pay clients, I would think the biggest guarantee you need to give is privacy and exclusivity, combined with (the illusion of) the promise of penitent-priest confidentiality when also delivering religious services. So the whole Narconon and Scientology “experience” becomes more of a boutique spa-like retreat, with the best of Sea Org trained hospitality and service “specialists” and “consultants.” The profit margin for Miscavige becomes greater and easier to manipulate with fewer complaints due to few customers and if he deigns to mingle with the “riff raff” parishioners or clients, then he has his choice of wealthy business people, actors, artists, athletes, politicians, and other Big Beings to choose from.
The biggest problem I can see with this scenario is if a whale/celebrity decides to “blow,” there could be bigger and noisier consequences. But with confidential or confessional folders at his disposal and his own perceived (delusional, narcissistic, and sociopathological) personal power in controlling and manipulating his admiring, compliant members, perhaps he sees little or fewer risks this way.
I don’t know if this scenario or business model has any merit, but if I were Miscavige, and considering the pickle he is in, that’s the way I’d go in circling the wagons to protect myself (first and foremost, of course!) and the other big beings/big donors/big dupes who support me in the lifestyle in which I’ve become accustomed to, while making best use of my real estate acquisitions (through one of my better fundraising scams), so that I could continue to add to my coffers (with less work and fewer legal headaches, hopefully) while continuing to indulge my tastes and propensity for luxury brands and goods.
OK, trying to think like Miscavige makes me feel vile and dirty. Going to take a long, scalding shower and BRB.
I don’t think that targeting mainly celebrities would turn up much business. The pool of potential customers is tiny (no matter how you define celebrity), and there’s plenty of competition from legitimate rehabs. If the model were to target mainly wealthy people, that opens it up just a bit. But, let’s face it — anything that DM is selling will always target anyone who’s got just enough cash to meet the price of entry.
Yeah, it probably would not generate many new, “off the street” clients through standard marketing and advertising because, as you say, of the strong competition from well established and legitimate celebrity rehabs.
I was thinking more of word of mouth advertising and referrals by Miscavige’s current roster of celebrity and wealthy donors. As long as he could reassure them of just the right kind of exclusivity and privacy at these properties, and, for those who were interested, assurance of close to Source “tech” being applied, then I believe he could more easily tap into their extensive list of friends and acquaintances, extended families, and business connections than he currently has been able to.
Whether it would be to send someone close to them to rehab or to temporarily, quietly dispose of a “troublesome” special someone in an ideal, out-of-the-way location that also conveniently offered scientology “religious” services, such as could be arranged at one of the new Ideal Narconon spa retreats for instance, the celebrity/whale would know that they could count on their Dear Leader to clear any hurdles or publicity when making making those special arrangements for their special someone. You know, not unlike a “special arrangement” made by the Duggans in South Africa. You know… wink, wink, and click, click – goes the Mount Blanc fountain pen against the leather bound, gold embossed checkbook. “Who?” you might ask. “Never heard of them!” would be the answer. Just like Miscavige has never heard of Texas.
But seriously, I really don’t know. I’m just indulging in speculation.
“…this is a REVOLUTIONARY EVENT…” No doubt means that Cap’n Craptastic is coming up with new ways of separating the rusted on’s from their dwindling supplies of money.
A train wreck is a good symbol for these events. Being one of the first Int events producers I have seen them turn into pure propaganda for the adoration of Dear Leader.
I wonder if these events were pay for view how many would? Oh yes they are pay per view now, I’m wrong. You either give money or your sanity.
GOB, you must have one hellava prospective on this having been one of the producers. In your opinion, when did go from event to pure propaganda? And did the Ideal Org idea spur this along? And how far out in left field with this get?
Old Surfer Dude, sorry to reply so late, was away working. It went from event to
propaganda in 1988 at Flag when DM started to Bypass on Events and Norman Starkey ran around yelling and telling everyone to respect DM and not counter intend him. Norman really did a job on this and DM was then set-up as a DEMI GOD in a lot of Staff members mind and it continues to this day. Under lying this was an implied message that DM was in Comm with LRH via theta comm. Which then passed over to the public at Flag and spread through-out the field. To give DM CI was to give LRH CI. I predict this will continue to a point where the sheeple will believe that LRH is in fact operating DM,s body and at that point DM will assume source.
So, no mention of the “Voice for Humanity” campaign? Could that have been pulled because of the problems with the name of it?
I’ve wondered the same. Guess we’ll have to wear our formal duds (last year’s Halloween costume?) and attend one of the events. Or better yet, just wait at home for the whole event video to be leaked before any of the events take place locally.
P.S. It’s still OK to wear formal dress, drink lots of champagne, and eat lots of popcorn while watching the IAS event in front of our home computers. Or Mike might suggest pirate and superhero Halloween costumes instead. Personally, I usually wear PJs. I usually can’t take Miscavige’s droning on and Shermanspeak all in one sitting before falling asleep!
MR, I am wondering if Miscavige is also trying to use some corporate shell gaming with the new Cont NNs. It would seem that they would want new corporations for the new Cont NNs, new corporations with none of the legal liability of the existing Narconons attachable, if that is even possible.
Could it be David Miscavige has chosen Ceberano because he wants to show he is doing something against all the bad PR in Australia?
I’m not saying it is a wise choice or anything. I was never in, so what do I know? 😛
Speaking of train wrecks… While you and Lou are buying shoes in London and yanking a ribbon in EU, Yager and Bloomberg have been yanking Jenny’s chain ever since she shoved her tits in Marty’s face at LAX. And Flag is circling the drain. Maybe you should grab Shelly to post and Org Board.
Scientology desperately needs an Adjectival Redundancy Rundown. The vomitus stream of hyperbole, combined with a seemingly endless loop of empty promises built upon earlier un-materialized promises
has long since passed the point of diminishing returns for any who once may have “believed”.
Monkey see monkey do.
They don’t allow debate, they have no tradition of debate.
The Hubbard training methods in house in Scientology disallow verbal discussions and debates.
So they parrot this limited hyperbole that Hubbard ordered them to repeat after him when describing how valuable and important his Scientology crank pseudo past lives trauma therapy and exorcism are.
They are stuck with a system that allows no free communication, and Hubbard tells them that they are the best communicators in the world. He’s stuck them believing they are better, when in truth they are disabled mentally and just parroting Hubbard’s own disabilities to interact and debate his ideas freely.
Hubbard made it off limits to even define Scientology in words the outside world usually uses to describe what Scientology does. Scientology’s does auditing (therapy). Scientology does the “OT levels” (OT levels 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7 are exorcism).
Scientologists are not even allowed (for bad and wrong reasons) to even say the words “Xenu” and “body thetans” publicly.
The bad reasons justifying Scientology’s bad behavior and lack of defining itself simply trace to L. Ron Hubbard who Scientologists cannot debate the Hubbard laid in concrete harmful and illogical limits of what they can do.
This makes it impossible to have a normal conversation with a Scientologists, they flee from you if you start saying the word “Xenu” or “body thetans” and if you discuss their trauma past lives therapy’s connection to the Xenu created “Wall of Fire” incident and to then the fact that they do exorcism on their OT levels 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7.
I have never experienced one fully understanding Scientologist who will simplify their whole “Bridge to Total Freedom” into normal words of therapy and exorcism.
But Scientology is, in fact, just a spiritual therapy and a spiritual exorcism religion (but it’s limited version religion rules are debatable in the real world, you cannot debate their irreligious behavior while you are inside the official Scientology movement).
Feshbach gives me a headache, kind of queezy too.
She was probably a pretty nice person before she found a cult to join.
Ronn S, she makes go into projectile vomiting. She gave me headaches and made me feel queasy years ago. She’s taken me to a new level. Hey, maybe I’ll get a huge cert!
Find your MU.
Ah good….”Ideal Narconon”.
I guess that means there are two Narconon groups…..
The “Ideal Narconon” and the Narconon having it’s
ass ripped by numerous lawsuits.
He has established the new “Ideal Narconon” that will
still be standing tall in the shining light once the dark clouds move away and the dust settles
from all of these frivolous lawsuits……ie: once everyone is paid off.
And of course what do the Sheeple see as they stroll out of the events in wonderment?
“Ideal Narconon”……say the word Ideal in Scientology these days and all is good.
I guess the other Narconon’s are having trouble because they weren’t Ideal.
Hey, if the one guy who changed the entire country is Vlastimil Spalek from Czech, I can guarantee you that either they have an MU on change or entire or country.
Anyway, it gives an insight into what these freedom medal stories are about. Not sayin that these people were doing nothing, just saying the twist of reality is way too much.
But as the OSA guy here once told me – it doesn’t matter that it is unreal, we do it in such a way because people want it so.
So let them have it.
“MU on change or entire or country”
That’s funny! I’m going for all three. What he really means to say is annoyed a few in his vicinity.
I would love to see the video so my comments would be more to the point, still I dare to have some thoughts.
Besides the fact that the guy has been a PR guy since the early beginnings in the 90’s, a 20 plus years scientologist and longtime part time staff, while scientologically he has little to no training and a couple of years ago he had only some basic auditing, I would guess the main factors for choosing him were:
1) as Mike wrote there is some foundation to put the hype on, for some years now he has been participating as the PR in the “anti-drug” campaigns, which basically consisted of having a bicycle marathon around the country, visiting every head of any village or town on the way who would agree (until some caught wind of scientology), distributing some brochures and mainly taking pictures and making some media, mainly in local newspapers. No scientology mentioned. Carefully avoiding distribution of older brochures to officials where scientology was mentioned as the source. And dutifully reporting the inches of good press made up the lines. Real impact hard to estimate. Certainly there can be some people, kids, parents who would read the brochures and get some message. So basically an information distribution action which can be of some assistance to some tens and if very generous to hundreds of people. How that changes the ten million nation I cannot say. The guy himself just parrots the information from the booklets, has no other education about the subject and basically I suspect he doesn’t care. The media created just said there was a group of people who inform about drugs and run around the country. How that helps anyone or creates any effect in a country where the population mainly thinks that drugs are certainly a problem but more or less under control – who knows. No denying the team behind it was doing it for free and out of their scientological enthusiasm;
2) They thought he could be a good choice to be shown with dear leader as he likes to be in front of cameras and can represent. Oh yes, in the world of DM, if there is anyone let to create some effect, he or she must be a perfect clone of hisself…
3) The whales in the U.S. will never have a chance to check how things are in the Czech Republic so it is a pretty good fantasy which can be held as reality for a long long time. This is by the way one of factual things – the further it gets from the U.S. the wilder the stories and the hype get. Lenin said that a lie repeated hundreds of times becomes a truth so we have some tech behind it here.
The mixture of noble ideals and vicious intentions is so far unregistered trademark of the CoS.
And yes, they all might certainly have annoyed a few in the vicinity.
So, how’d that 10,000 strong procession thing work out for you, Dave?
What I don’t understand is why there is still this tape delay for orgs other than Saint Hill to see the event. It’s obvious they’re mailing the DVD everywhere. I’ve never seen evidence of a satellite truck in front of any Scientology event, and the cost of beaming it live is massive considering the few people that go into the orgs. Probably not worth it in terms of cost/benefit (and this for the people that bought the KCET building). But even barring that, the technology exists for them to live-stream it on their website. Or they could record it digitally and upload it to their servers after the event is over. This would mean a delay of hours, not a week. Why are the eeeevill SPs able to get pics and video from outside and inside the tent uploaded within an hour of them being taken and the church takes a week?
Because us SP’s and never in’s would have an even easier time getting access to live feeds or broadcasts… they just don’t get real technology… and I am sure some of Mike’s UTR would be happy to share their access with him 🙂
Edge, you forget that wee Davie and OSA would have to catch anything that went wrong at the event and edit it out first, so they could never conceivably live stream it. And they are so stuck in their methods of video edit and event relay that they couldn’t easily switch media. they could use LiveStream or UStream or Google Hangouts and run it live, but that will never happen. There isn’t a sat truck anymore because it is likely not viable, even with a full LA production lot with personnel parked in it by the dozen! We used to live satellite export these big events, but it hasn’t happened in years.
NP, they would never, ever live stream because of the reasons you stated. EVERYTHING has to be perfect for DAVID MISCAVAGE. No hitches. And that only comes from being able to manipulate the final product.
Very informative post…
The AOSH Canada location isn’t entirely empty. They shifted the CLO (~60) out of their temporary location down the road in Caledon Ontario sometime last year. (Irony: A non-Narconon rehab has moved into the Caledon location.)
To open the AO and hotel would take a lot more work, money, and lots and lots of staff. (When it was a conference centre, the main restaurant needed a staff of 100 full and part-time.)
In the unlikely event that they open it, I want to be a fly on the wall when Flag and AOLA hear that they’re losing what income they get from Canada.
AOSH Canada article.
My gawd, who writes that crap? It all has the same attempt to overwhelm using significances.
It’s unfathomable to me that anyone with even the lowest sensibilities would ever put out such drivel. There is no attempt to work with common realities, just attempts to pound in agreements with overwhelm. The only thing I can think of that would compel them to commit these overts is them dramatizing their own overwhelm.
These ‘comms’ are utterly meaningless. This ‘comm’, or whatever it is, would drive any reasonably thinking person away.
It is a formula intended to restimulate and reinforce the original trance.
For myself, I need to analyze the following:
“…this is a REVOLUTIONARY EVENT where earth-shaking new footholds in global salvage, making an impact on every continent, will be announced, and where the next monumental advance towards an OT civilization, that will turn your world upside down, will be revealed.”
First, I’m going to re-work the grammar a bit
” In case you haven’t already heard, earth-shaking new footholds in global salvage which are making an impact on every continent, and the next monumental advance towards an OT civilization which will turn your world upside down will be revealed at this REVOLUTIONARY EVENT.”
So we have 2 major categories of news:
1) Earth-shaking new footholds in global salvage announced.
2) The next monumental advance toward an OT civilization revealed.
and these announcements describe programs being done by the Church of Scientology which are making an impact on every continent and which will turn my world upside down.
OK, I think I’ve got it. Except for why anyone would want a foothold to be earth-shaking, yes, by George, I’ve got it.
C’mon, Aquamarine, give ’em a break. You KNOW grammar is not their strong suite. Actually, nothing is their strong suite except extracting money.
Global salvage makes me think of someone diving for buried treasure on sunken ships or putting garbage on barges. Just sayin. . .
It does look like NarCONon in the US will be left to wither on the vine {like Lron’s tomatoes}. The 4 or 5 licensed NarCONons in California {those that use the word NarCONon in their name anyway} have licensed spaces for only 191 ‘students’. Not much of a clientele, as many Salvation Army residences have 100 each.
NarCONon Arrowhead now has a mortgage that is probably not being paid by the 30-40 ‘students’ currently there. That is one way to take all the possible money out of the operation. All of the lawsuits against NarCONon in California, Nevada and now Michigan have the ability to close down those operations. The rehab scam is on its last legs and it’s about time that operation was shut down.
Current Miscavage minions must live in a cast iron bubble, they can’t see out it, can’t hear anything and can’t communicate to the outside world. The cognitive dissonance they suffer must be overwhelming, but then $cieno ‘training’ does try to keep that under control.
🙁 Your last paragraph – sadly true – “a cast iron bubble” – Many public actually KNOW about felony assault, shrinking memberships, extortionistic regging, etc, and they don’t care. They have turned into cast iron thetans.
I thought the ideal material of choice was cold chrome steel? Preferrably the type that could not be stained!
And that’s the thing that just blows me away, McCarran. THEY KNOW! THEY KNOW EVERYTHING! And yet…
I have a theory. Since DM has bankrupted everybody with his insane off policy fund raising, no one can afford to buy formal attire. Maybe if he changed the dress code to shorts and sandals more of the sheeple could afford to show up.
As an Old Surfer Dude, shorts, T-shirt & flip flops ARE formal attire for me.
AND flip flops I thought formal was tshirts OR flip flops damn gotta go back and put on my …..
I thought the document suggested you cine in your birthday suit. What could be simpler than that?
I thought the document suggested you come in your birthday suit. What could be simpler than that?
Why did I think of this? http://youtu.be/AKXlhpeb6wI
Wonderful 🙂
LOL…..Very funny!
Brilliant ROTFL +100 🙂
🙂 Perfect, statpush. 🙂
Haha – Love this: “If that is a revolutionary, earth shaking, personally life changing event, then unplug the life support machines. It’s a waste of electricity that might be otherwise gainfully employed.”
Just the fact that they use these over-exaggerating terms like Monumental etc etc goes to show how desperate they are to get people to their events. I mean, if a lot of people were moving and winning on the bridge, and if the events were such “HUGE KEY OUTS” there would be plenty of people just waiting to storm the doors so they get a good seat. You know, like at Justin B Concerts. They don’t need hyperbolic statements to SELL their seats.
Considering the eleventy trillion scientologists now active in this sector of the universe…
“THIS IS THE BIGGEST EVENT IN IAS HISTORY! We have just heard that something is being presented at this event that is SO big, it will change our lives, personally.”
There of course is only one remaining event for $cientology that will fill that bill;
“We regret to inform you that Scientology will be officially closing it’s doors and wrapping up all operations by the end of this year. All staff will need to fend for themselves as we can no longer afford to provide room and board or any of the other stuff you might expect. We will not be providing any ARC X sessions but we encourage you to find a twin and do what ever you want. David Miscavage is not available for comment and there will be no further announcements from upper mismanagement. Have a nice life.”
Ahh, wouldn’t that be just GREAT! An end to all of that crap. But for now a postulate I’m happy to support.
Mike, Mike, Mike….. You’re glib, you’re glib man…..you don’t know the history of exclamation tech…..I do.
That’s good, Chee, you made me laugh. 🙂
An “ideal narcanon” is for miscavige is one whose lawsuits do not require that he be deposed.
Agree, it seems to me that Narcanon has been more of a legal headache for COB than a source of major stable wins and a huge influx of new people into the cult. So why put ideal Narconons at all these different continental locations. It does not compute in my universe.
Why? It’s called burning the toast over and over to be right for the first time you burned it. DM has to now tout Narconon and what a success it is just to be right in the light of all the lawsuits plaguing Narconons and DM. I think if someone strapped DM in a chair and made him look at the actual products of all those Narconons, once he actually “got” that it was a shambles and he was wrong, he would wither up and melt, screaming, “I’m melting!” and then he would be no more.
This is my biggest question about this whole event. I am dumbstruck. Why would Dave be pushing something that I thought was going to go down? Plus, to speak about it at an event when he is a defendant in a major lawsuit against it? Somebody explain this to me. I just don’t get it.
Partly it is because he has no choice.
There has to be SOME foundation upon which to rest the hype and lies.
He cannot really talk about orgs at the IAS event.
So, he is limited to “IAS” type stuff — CCHR, Applied Scholastics, Narconon, Criminon, WTH, VM’s and “planetary dissemination.”
And out of those, he does CCHR every year and that takes up 30 minutes of the event. Announcing the latest psych destruction/obliteration/eradication/annihilation “campaign” and showing a new booklet and DVD.
There is NOTHING happening in Applied Scholastics anywhere. Their headquarters has become a defacto NOI retreat.
There is NOTHING happening on the Criminon front.
Volunteer Ministers usually send some people out in different places but they have had a really sparse year.
He showed some new “PSAs” for the “Massive International Dissemination Campaign.”
Probably talked about the “massive win” in the European Court of Human Rights over Russia’s idiotic religion laws and the “massive win” on being allowed to marry people in the UK (and ignored EVERYTHING else in the legal arena).
And pretty much the only things left were Narconon (where they have had to put attention because the existing Narconons will likely be closed down as a result of the ongoing litigation), the “new AO” in ANZO and the “ideal CLO” in EU.
With some purchased property, the clubbed seals can be SHOWN the “massive expansion” and it opens the door to throw out all sorts of confetti on top of that “most successful drug rehab program on earth” and small random stories “a senior govt official from an African nation did the NN program and now wants to get it used throughout his country”and to show a proclamation declaring Narconon Day in a town in India.
Content in these events is getting harder and harder to come by.
Even the IAS Medal Winners are slim pickings. Someone ELSE “implementing the WTH throughout Colombia” is kind of tired when there have been 3 previous medal winners who have all done the same thing. And some persona from Czech Republic that literally nobody has heard of? And a way past her prime celebrity (who I happen to adore and have known since childhood) who should have gotten this award 10 or 15 years ago when she DID promote scientology and made it sort of hip and now is just someone they can squeeze a video out of because there is plenty of old footage to fill it in and she sang at the opening of the “ideal org” in Melbourne and probably Sydney too.\
So, bottom line, he is running out of options.
To anyone who knows how these events get put together, it is very apparent the wheels have come off.
Thank you, Mike, for answering my question. I get it.
“With the release of the Golden Age of Tech II, Super Power, Cause Resurgence we know the world of Scientology has never been the same since.”
Kathy is obviously out of date. Should read:
“With the departing of Marty, Mike and many other long time Scientologists, we know the world of Scientology has never been the same since.”
Oh, I guess you didn’t get the brilliant memo from the 3 Int Execs, who held an impromptu press conference, of sorts, at LAX recently. Just brilliant.
Jenny Linson Devocht, intimate friend and personal aide to the self-proclaimed POS (pope of scientology), David Miscavige, assured us that Mike and Marty’s departure have had NO effect whatsoever, in or out of the WoS (World of Scientology). I quote:
“You do nothing to help mankind. Between you and Mike, it’s pathetic. You guys are embarrassing and pathetic. Pathetic. Disgusting. …get a life. It’s an embarrassment to the fact that you were ever connected to us. … You’ve had no effect. Nobody cares. Nobody is interested. You have done nothing. You have nothing…. Its a goddamn joke. Nobody gives a crap…”
And she must be right because that video has had a measly 360,000+ views on YouTube and is trending on Reddit, Boing Boing, Vox, Uproxx, Heavy… you know the luantic fringes of the internet, which nobody reads anyway. Marty’s blog has had ONLY had 11 million hits. Mike’s? 47X that, at the most? Pffft. Nothing. Pathetic, really.
Theirs and other long time Scientologists’ departures have had NO effect. Zilch. One big fat zero. Zero effect. It’s not only pathetic and disgusting but it’s an embarrassment to the rest of us how glib they are about it. Really. I don’t understand why everyone doesn’t just go get a life. Just get a life. It shows on their faces. Just look at Mike’s picture up to your right on this blog and compare that to the image of Mike in the 2007 BBC documentary. What true for you is…
What I meant is that Jenny was right, “Nobody gives a fuck. And that’s the truth.” I mean, you and I don’t care. Nobody cares. We’re not really here now. In fact, we were never here. No reason to be. So, just move along folks. Nothing to see here…
That video should bring in a lot of new public! No doubt there are a lot of folks out there wishing they could be like ‘Jenny’. Wow. Unfrickin believable that they would try a stunt like that given the lowly position the cult now has.
“Move along please.” perfectly stated. It even got a smile out of Jenny.
I recall something about speaking in “broad Generalities” from somewhere…..
This: “The dress attire for this event is formal, which means tuxedo, dark suit or long gown – basically what you wore for this year’s live LRH Birthday event”
But daahling, I would never be seen DEAD in the same attire I wore to another event – that simply wouldn’t do. Even if Joan Rivers has left us, someone else is SURE to notice………
Oh shit – were we supposed to keep our event cards? I used mine to break into our local OSA office to retrieve my file/s, and now its all bent. Can I get another one?
Sure Shelley; just pop into your local OSA and explain your situation – I am sure they will happily give you a new one.
Me – formal attire to go and watch a video?! Don’t think so…popcorn, wine and PJs is what I wear to watch videos 😀
Right? I’m sure it won’t take too long for Mike or Tony to get their hands on a copy that we can watch from the comforts of our own couches online.
Black tie is not formal attire. Formal is white tie. (Think Fred Astaire in white tie and tails, with top hats being optional formal attire nowadays.)
Black tie (tuxedo) is semi-formal,
Just saying.
You beat me to it re ‘wearing the same dress again’ = nice way to ‘CHEAPEN’ the announced event!
Scientologists would come to the IAS events in droves … but they don’t like the dress code
Let me correct this – they would come in a single drove, that is 🙂
It’s so ridiculous from top to bottom – all you can do is make some fun
The fact that Scientologists like Kathy feel the need to actually speak like COB and pick up his speech patterns (or should I say Dan Sherman’s) is just a small piece of evidence that Scientology is a cult of personality.
I know that it’s very likely true that the same was the case for LRH, but in my experience I did not see people trying to emulate LRH’s speech patterns and being was the way people now do for COB. But maybe I’m wrong.
I think this is because people are more likely to snap terminals with COB since they are mostly respecting him out of fear. Whereas with LRH, people actually admired and loved him.
Alex — interesting observation.
You are right about this and I think it is primarily because people are deathly afraid of saying anything that is “politically incorrect” so they just repeat the words and phrases literally. It’s a protective mechanism.
The “Think For Yourself” religion doesn’t.
Back in those days, Scientologists could speak freely. I never felt so micromanaged in the early days. The cinch tightened more and more, to the point of getting spiritually choked to death. “…likely to snap terminals with COB….” explains it well.
Check it out…Marty’s video of Mark Yaeger, Jenny Linson and Bloomberg is about to become the most-watched Scientology-related video on Youtube. It will break 400,000 views in about an hour.
I believe 470,000 will be a record for any video having anything to do with Scientology.
My mistake!! The crazy Tom Cruise video has almost 10 million views.
Anon’s original Message To Scientology video is in the millions as well.
I just read the update that Co$ Photoshopped the entire crowd at the event BEFORE the event even took place! OMG. And when I clicked on the link to the official C of $ web site to see it, that picture had been taken down. Just goes to show you how the OSA Bots and DM hang on every word published on Mike’s site and run to correct things that are wrong and are foot bullets. You can’t make this stuff up!
I think so too Alex. I think being afraid to communicate, because of punishment or loss, precedes thought stopping. It grows to be unsafe to even think a controversial thought, because they might come up on a meter and wreak punishment. This alone is very telling of how far Scn has drifted from it’s original purposes.
The Scientology movement needs a whole lot of new Kathy Feshbachs, but Scientology isn’t attracting people like her.
Smarter regular upper middle class and rich people are NOT attracted to Scientology!
Rich and upper middle class Scientology newbies should always get the news that Scientology is a crank therapeutic practice, a past lives trauma therapy practice, and it is a high volume exorcism practice where the exorcism is done to get rid of souls that Scientology calls “body thetans” and “body thetan clusters” (beehives of souls clustered together). The soul exorcism that Scientology does on OT level3, OT level 4, OT level 5, OT level 6 and OT level 7 take usually years to do all the top secret stages of this Scientology carefully laid out exorcism of all these “body thetans” and the “body thetan clusters.”
Rich newbies should know that Scientology is a whole lot of exorcism to get to the “top” like Kathy! (She married into the wealth, lucky her, which is likely why she’s permanently happy.)
It takes years to turn into a play along member like Kathy Feshbach.
Anyone got the video leak yet?
In two words: HO and HUM. It’s amazing to me that many of these “stupendous” (I’ve not seen that word used yet) announcements all sound so very much the same, with or without exclamation points. “Monumental” is really getting a workout and has become as meaningless as all the other “big” words they love to use. Those still in must have *very* short memories…or don’t care to look back a year or two and see just what has actually taken place after previous “monumental” announcements.
It’s not even a case of short memory thegman77. Who can remember 100th of the BS DeMon spouts at these events? After the first 5 minutes it just becomes an unbearably loud droning. After half an hour, you congratulate yourself on still being awake, and start playing games in your head to keep yourself awake!
So I reckon most people don’t even hear what he is saying, never mind remember any of it.
When I was a youngster, I went to “General Conference” with my parents. About 5 minutes into any General Authority’s talk, I was hypnotized into a state of total boredom. As I started reading the Shermanspeak NarCONon info, I could hear the same droning voice and slipped closely into a coma, searching for a pencil and a hymn book so I could do tracings of the embossed covers. He expects everyone to feel that way about everything he says, yet come away saying it was incCREdIBLE!!! REmarKAble! SPECtaCULAR!#!#!#!, etc., then promptly forget all he said except that all is well with the world and give me your money.
If it wasn’t such a waste of my time, I’d take the 3 paragraphs and turn them into a nice cohesive sentence that described the lack of progress made in NarCONon by the COS. (David Miscavige breathes a sigh of relief that yet another person has a life and he can hide behind the curtain for one more day)
General Conference is the bi-annual meetings of the Mormon church held the first weekend of April and March in salt lake city.
“Once the GAET comes though she is going to have to stop using them until she retrains from the bottom up.”
Spit my coffee laughing!!!!!!!!!!
Me too. That last line had me laughing my ass off and spitting out my vitamin pills. Mike, you’re in fine form today!
No kidding! Lol! Oh no, I too am using the ET! That Scn ET works!!!