This is an attempt to quell some of the rumors and erroneous speculation swirling about The Aftermath.
Though I am not in a position to know everything about decisions that are made outside my control (or Leah’s), I do have some insight – more than most who may claim to have “heard rumors,” rely on anonymous sources or merely speculate because they have a keyboard on which they can type.
First, and most important for me, I want to dispel the lies that have been circulated (most likely by scientology) that episodes or the show as a whole are in peril because of Leah Remini’s demands for money and/or diva like behavior.
I have worked side by side with Leah for three years on this show. Is she passionate about what she does? Is she determined and resolute about the stories we present? Yes, yes and yes. Qualities she would be celebrated for if she were a man.
A diva, she is not. This show would not exist without her. It would not have been the critically acclaimed award winning show it is without her — not just before the camera, but more importantly behind it.
I know what I have experienced working by her side every day. Her dedication and willingness to work incredibly hard is beyond imagination. Her driving purpose has been and always will be for the victims and particularly for those who have appeared on The Aftermath. She has put herself and her position on the line for victims, and even for me, when others would not. Always standing on the side of the truth and demanding that everyone involved in the show do so is something to be admired. Ask any of the people who have been on The Aftermath and they will all 100% agree with me — for they have experienced the force of nature that is Leah crusading for justice for the victims of scientology (and now other abusive organizations). She is the best friend you could ever want to have in your corner.
Of course, scientology doesn’t like her or anything she does. They wish fervently that she would shut up and go away and are doing everything they possibly can to make that happen. There have also been some who would rather avoid the hard work needed to make sure everything is accurate and the shows were the very best they could be. They have not been a good fit. Not everyone shares our passion. That is unfortunate but unavoidable in a business like making TV. Nevertheless, those people got paid, some very handsomely and they have an Emmy nominated and winning show on their resume.
I have watched Leah work on her birthday, Mother’s Day, Father’s Day and weekends – often from 6am to 10pm or later. Not because she is being paid extra to do so, but because she believes so strongly in giving a voice to those who wouldn’t otherwise have a platform and in making the show the best it can be. For scientology to accuse her of being motivated by money is laugh out loud ridiculous and beyond ironic (scientology is purely motivated by money). She could make a LOT more doing sitcoms. With a lot less stress.
As her friend, I cannot sit by and watch as anonymous “sources” attempt to mess with her. She probably needs no defense, as her good work speaks for itself, but I feel compelled to say it anyway.
Anyone who wants to besmirch her or spread false stories is not trying to help end the abuses of scientology. They are trying to end her exposure of the abuses of scientology.
As for the Masterson episode: At no time has A&E said the Danny Masterson episode would not air. The victims were given an air date, but things often change when there are so many competing interests involved. Episodes constantly shift around, particularly on this show. It is not the victims job to know or understand this. They were of course upset. So were Leah and I, but we had the advantage of a better understanding of how the sausage of reality tv is made, even if we were not involved in the decision on when to air.
We first filmed with the Masterson survivors two years ago and there has been a lot of water under bridge since then; the detectives investigating the case have been targeted by scientology operatives, the survivors have been stalked and harassed by scientology PI’s. The scientologist witnesses have been acting in accordance with scientology policy — it is a scientology “crime” to testify against a scientologist “in good standing.” There is still an on-going investigation and LA County District Attorney Jackie Lacey has the case “on her desk” awaiting a decision to move forward. We believe this case is stalled solely due to the efforts of scientology putting pressure on the D/A. And that is where the counter-pressure should be directed.
A&E decided to air the show at a later date in order to give this atrocious story the full measure of respect it deserves.
Everyone needs to understand there are MANY factors that come into play in getting a show to air. Primarily it is the desire to tell the true stories. Partly it is what is in the best interests of the victims. Partly it is legal concerns. Partly it is corporate concerns based on the bottom line, and even sometimes what happens with other, completely unrelated shows. You can be sure, the last thing a TV network wants is to NOT air a show that they have paid for. Frankly, if Leah and I had our way, the decisions would ONLY be based on the first two points above. But we don’t own a TV network and don’t have the money to finance producing a TV series. So a lot of other factors enter the equation, and though everyone would love for it to all be transparent, it never will be. This is big business.
As for the other 2 possible stories that have been talked about: the victim who had been helped by The Aftermath Foundation could be a whole additional episode about what happened in trying to get this put together and the subsequent events. As could the episode focused on the disappearance of Heber Jentzsch. Hopefully at some point we will be able to tell these stories and the background events as they give fascinating insight into the machinations of the world of scientology. But right now is not the time.
We will give you more information as we get it and as it can be released without jeopardizing any of the many factors at play.
We thank you for caring enough to be outraged. Sometimes we feel the same way.
Rest assured, as Leah has said many times, we will never give up until the abuses have been stopped.
Mike and Leah, I say this with the utmost respect…you two have balls of steel!!! Truly, I am in awe of your strength against whey I’m sure is unimaginable pressure and harassment fro COS. I’ve watched every episode and you both have the best intentions for all who reach out for your help and those sharing their horrific stories. Looking forward to more episodes and the day COS is taken down! God Bless!!
Keep up the good fight Leah and Mike. Your information on all that is happening is very important. Line you folks.

I agree. You two have balls. This so called religion tries to destroy anyone who speaks up against them. I feel that Leah and Mike are heroes ,so are the people who speak up against this crooked cult. Keep up the good work. I have noticed that for the last two week Aftermath has not been shown on A@E. I hope you are just taking a well needed break and will return to the airways. Hang in there.
I am disgusted that a so called church is so vicious. Mike, Leah and all of the victimss that speak the truth about this evil cult are brave heroes. I watched the episode about how Scientology nearly destroyed that man who ended up in Ireland and eventually became friends with Mike. It shows the lengths this evil entity will go to to destroy anyone who speaks up against them. I mean they even targeted the IRS agents who were investigating them regarding tax exempt years ago. Mike and Leah are doing a great service even putting themselves in peril. Scientology needs to be Stopped. Everyone involved in bringing light to this corrupt entity are in my prayers. Thank you Mike and Leah. Both of you are heroes in my book. God bless you both and all of the survivors who are involved in Scirntology and the Aftermath.
I am so blessed to have been able to watch this series and hear the stories of the survivors. You two are in my prayers always, Please keep up the fight. I am so sorry for all the bull you two are going thru. Hoping for more seasons to come soon. God Bless you and Leah.
I feel the same, you have opened my eyes and I feel this is a dangerous cult. I pray for your safety and appreciate all you are going through to educate us on this cult. The more powerful it gets the harder it will be to expose its abuses of all involved. God Bless you all for your courage.
You and Leah, all those who assist in the show’s production and broadcast and those who appear as guests, and all the regular bloggers, have my utmost respect and awe. As I have better come to understand this so called “religion” I now view it not as a religion but as a RICO or Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organization, covered under the Federal 1970 RICO Act since the acts of intimidation, harassment, the acts of Scientology PI’s, and the fleecing of the “parishioners” occur across many states and thus come under federal jurisdiction.
Thank You for what you both are doing, even saving potential lives! I never knew anything about Scientology until I started watching this series! You are doing a benevolent thing for our country, and even other countries! Those you help I know are thankful beyond words! Keep up the great work for Mankind you are doing!
I am not sure why you feel the need to defend Leah’s or your behaviour? Everyone who watches the show has the utmost faith in you both. Each of you personally facing internal demons, that I am sure you do not like to remember.
You have helped countless people, especially those who would ever consider being a member of Scientology. Think not only of the lives you have helped, but those you have prevented from needing help.
The only thing that would be nice to learn about, is more about Jehovahs Witnesses, FLDS etc. Jehovah’s Witness haven’t had the mysterious shroud that Scientology had. It seems to be a socially acceptable religion. However, I know a man who left. He married my friend and they have 2 lovely boys. The grandparents have very very little to do with them. To this day, he is sad around birthdays and school events. While his boys are able to celebrate/participate, he sadly remembers his exclusions.
Another thing – more episodes please – or closer season to season. 10 episodes isn’t enough. The episodes are touching, educational and entertaining too.
You guys are doing a brilliant job – keep it up.
The lies being spread about Leah’s behavior is a sad reality of both being a woman in the work force and being immune the midst of battles with an entity without a moral compass.
Although I was disheartened by not having an episode waiting for me this week, the fact is that this is a living documentary. Things are still in throes of reality of “right now” not history. There are a hundred different factors that are currently moving with other factions, and all of it is dead center with yet another huge and powerful factor that is fighting you tooth and nail.
I consider every episode aired a well earned and fought for victory.
Thank you for all you do, from a Clearwater resident..
You’re doing a GREAT job. The proof is how frantically scientology/DM is TRYING to derail your exposing the truth of his abuses and crimes.
you all have done a wonderful job and we the people of Clearwater thank you . If i get the chance to expose them for the crimes the Clearwater police and congressman Xenu and Mayor Xenu have done to me to help build your case of truth against the corrupt police force i will be more than glad to assist you confirming these crimes against the police chief with films of truth proving his lies a year before you did . thanks again Jerry McGuire
I was wondering why there was no show this week. That explains it I bet. I hope this is just a passing concern because of the pending litigation of Masterson. We should ALL write to A & E. I intend to to that right now. Sooooo sorry Leah and Mike…that must have been a huge disappointment. You guys are doing amazing work.
Well, I am late to the party (weather related distractions) but oh what a party! It is so heartening to see the amazing and much deserved level of support for you and Leah. Mike, your integrity shines through in every post and in every episode. You and Leah are heroes – bringing the truth to the people every week, raising awareness of the damage the CofS does in it’s scam to save the planet so that more people do not get sucked in. After 30 years in I saw the light, thanks to you and Tony and those who started speaking out. I can’t imagine the enormous pressure you and Leah are under. We all appreciate this update from you, and your fabulous support of Leah (as if anyone would believe that load if BS they wrote about her). I just hope that justice will prevail sooner than later and this organization is no more. All my best to you and Leah and your wonderful families.
I’ve been watching from the beginning and have also viewed a lot of escapees stories. Ever so grateful for your work exposing cults. By sheer luck I wasn’t sucked in 40+ years ago when I got caught in a free “come on in for a free audit” spiel. I was lucky to get out just buying a book I ended up pitching into the trash.
Still, 4 decades, 17 moves & three states later I was shocked to STILL be on a mailing list. I finally returned the mail with a sticker MOVED TO: and gave the name/address of a political party I don’t believe in. To be fair, I put down my address as the CoS address on all unwanted political mail. I figure they deserve each other.
Keep up the good work.
BRILLIANT mail strategy.
Omg that’s amazing I think everyone should start sending their unwanted mail to them!! That would be hysterical
Thank you for that great idea! Their mail has followed me from LI to FL and it makes me crazy.
Brava to the amazingly courageous people who have put themselves out there with you to tell their stories & the platform that A&E, the crew, Leah, you & all associated with the boots on the ground effort bring to those people. That compassion, hard work & tenacity will bring results that will continue to ripple long after the show is complete.
Very Best
Mike and Leah keep up the good fight.
Love the show and wish there was more we can do to stop COS
This may be a bit off-track, but I was (maybe I wasn’t really) surprised to see COS is putting the blame on Leah for the stabbing at the Australia Advanced Org because, of course, who else would be at fault? LOL! What a ridiculous position. From the article in Washington Post, “Week after week, month after month, and now year after year, this series has poisoned the airwaves in an avowed effort to create hatred against the Scientology religion and Scientologists,” the letter states. “Now, somebody is dead. You paid for the hate that caused his murder.” Yeah, okay talk about masters of spin. This is just as stupefying as the fact that COS spent $57 million on a 157,000 square foot palatial estate and there are only about 2000 members in Australia, in total??? There were so few people available to celebrate the opening of the org that they had to fly in Asian members to make the event look good.
Here is the article from the WAPO –
Lol right! No, I think the poor kid got violent because he wasn’t going to see his mother for 1 billion years! Gtfo, these people are sick F***s. Thank you Mike and Leah for bringing this cult to light. I live in Tampa and my mom’s pulmonologist and cardiologist are in downtown Clearwater, and we go there monthly. it’s so creepy to see the flag and all the sea org peeps running around. My mom, who is up there in age and watches the show, is so funny when she sees them. I pointed a few out while we were driving through and she exclaimed, “look at you idiots, wtf are you doing, dumbasses”. We we’re laughing, but now I’m probably being followed. ? I noticed so many of the businesses slowly going away. The Dunkin’ Donuts is even closed now! Are they buying every damn building? I’m in sales, myself, and have to be careful of the businesses I call on in the area. Came to find out, two of the companies on my prospect list are Scientology owned, needless to say, I won’t be calling on them! I sure hope something is done, it’s unconscionable that the madness continues. Keep up the good work! Love you guys!
Dear Mike,
Job well done! I am truly amazed at the strength brought on by you & Leah. I Hope that one day you may be reunited by your family who is still inside the church. Your family on the “outside” is beautiful….lots of luck and success in your future endeavors
Hi Mike and Leah, and all who are involved with the production of the show – I’m not surprised to see so many comments of support and love, and the respect that everyone has for you. I want to thank you, too, for the hard work and tears you’ve put into this journey of trying to make some change for the better. I also want to commend you for the courage and commitment you have all given to the show, this blog, and the foundation. You are giving back a gift that this cult was never able to give it’s members – Freedom, happiness, and authenticity. I also want to give a shout out to Aaron Smith-Levin, for his vlog entries, and all of the info he supplies to those of us who follow him, as well. I don’t know if I could ever be as driven and caring for others as you all have been. We are proud of you and support you wholly – We know how the cult spreads lies and disinformation – Have no fear, we don’t believe a word of it. Much love and respect, Paul – Providence, RI
What Paul said. To a t.
MUCH love & respect, Ana – Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
I just realized that I left out Chris Shelton for all the work he does, as well. Sorry about that, Chris! Kudos for the work, and for educating us wogs, and maybe even some COS members who might be tempted with some “Critical Thinking”. Your contibution goes a long way!
This is such a great show…I wonder about Masterson/Phillips union…CDaN says they live separately, it is not his son, and she is being ‘handled’ by Scio operatives. I also heard “Crash”‘s oscar win was bought & paid for by Scio. Keep up the good work, it was quite shocking to watch Marty escape and then cave in to the pressure brought to bear. Thanks
All religion should be transparent. All religion is supposed to be for the common good. Most are not. Most are secretive. It begs the answer to the question, “Why?”. I am Roman Catholic, but I also have a brain of my own. I want to know “why” regarding several issues. I need answers or I’m leaving.
Thank you for helping folks like myself, realize the difference between compassion by truly helping others and dictatorship that basically demands control of our thoughts, finances and our lives.
Initially, I was wary of you, as I am with Scientology hierarchy, but since watching The Aftermath, I believe your reasons for doing the series are sincere. You are trying, not only to expose the true nature of Scientology, but to make amends for your part in fueling the beast. It can’t be easy, and I commend you for it.
I can’t imagine how it feels to know that for years and years they were unwitting pawns in a scheme to defraud life-savings and families away from its members and those who were turned out. I’m sure, though, that Mike and Leah, and all the others who have participated in this adventure of “The Aftermath,” are sincere and committed to turning things around and making amends for the past.
The members of this organization need to know there is an alternative. From Paul who was a prosecutor of the Christians before he was saved while on the road to Damascus.
“But in all these things we overwhelmingly conquer through Him who loved us. For I am convinced that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor things present, nor things to come, nor powers, nor height, nor depth, nor any other created thing, will be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.”
I for one, would appreciate it if people wouldn’t use this blog as a platform to push THEIR religious beliefs… is the same pushy consciousness that Scientology uses. That THEIR way is the true and right way. Ack.
Don’t be rediculous. Scientologist stiffle speech. We who are not can express our feelings on any subject respectfully without someone telling us not to do so.
In my, (semi) short 33yrs, I have learned that the negative people, untruthful people, and just plain ugly hearted people….will ALWAYS speak louder than those who are at peace with themsevles, knowing in their heart of hearts what is being screamed at them is pure, laughable, drivle. Your, and Leah’s charachter shines through more than anything else in this series. I have not once, felt as though I needed to question that! Those worthy of YOUR support and respect, are behinde you two 100%. Keep on keepin on….
Mike and Leah, the show is compelling, disturbing and shocking viewing. Keep up the great work you guys are doing.
While I know that not everyone can post encouragement due to many reasons, (and there are people who didn’t post of whom there can be no doubt regarding their stance on Scientology) something that struck me while reading these posts was the deafening silence from several people who were very active on all of the other posts. Some of them I wondered about, but now I’m pretty sure that they are not on the boards because they are “supportive” and just want to comment on posts. I can be pretty certain of just where they stand!! I think their silence says a lot.
You’re right. It’s eerie. The silence is deafening.
This post was not made by me- I’m not sure how this was done, but I did not post this…
Kat, anyone can post under any name. And the troll simply copied your pic. The type of post is indicative of an old GO/OSA play to have an agent provocateur come and start people fighting amongst each other. Notice the veiled generality about perceived intentions of people who did not post about something?
Copying their hero’s (Hubtard) covert and insane attitude towards people.
Unfortunately, it appears that you may have become a target for Fair Game since the billboard. Thanks for noting that post was not made by you. It does not sound like you. The problem with people who pull these tricks is that they forget that we are capable of critical thinking once we leave scientology.
Mike and Leah,
Love the show, Keep up the fight.
Respect and support from the UK.
Lots of love to you and Leah and all the good people trying to help prevent harm from the ghastly cult. It has destroyed the love and connections in my friend’s family. It sickens me that it’s allowed to continue when it hurts so many and steals their lives and money. Look after yourselves xxxx
Mike and Leah –
Thank you for all you do. You are helping us heal form the complex post traumatic stress disorder we received from doing Scientology and being Scientologists.
The betrayal form this cult is beyond belief. The healing is taking a long time but we are doing it and you are HELPING!
Please – continue! You are restoring our hope that something WILL be done about it.
WE all Love you and Leah tons.
Go get em Mike and Leah ,
You have my respect and loyalty for what you are doing and how dare Scamology take this despicable path .
It does seem strange though that events with these unfounded rumours ( and thats all they are is rumours ) have gone the way they have .
I may just have a suspicious mind but could it be just possible that Scamology has a mole or 2 within the staff of A&E , it would go along way to explaining where these rumours came from and as we all know Scamology is more than capable of doing this and a lot worse .
A case in point is the fact that 60 minutes in Australia got a rather lengthy letter from Scamology before their investigation even got underway strongly suggesting that they have a mole within their ranks as well .
It would be the only explanation of how the information that 60 minutes was about to do an exposé on them and I think that they wouldn’t have to look very far as the number of people who would have known about that investigation would be very few indeed .
But I digress , Scamology’s attempt to smear Leah,s good name will fail just as their cult has become a failure .
They kick you Leah and Mike you kick back harder , use size 12 steel capped boots and swing with all your might , let these mongrels know who they are messing with , find out who the mole or moles are within A&E and out them on national tv , that would put Scamology back in their box for the short term .
Go Mike and Leah !!!!!
Thank you both for your continuing efforts to expose this cult for what it is. The “leader” will soon meet his comeuppance and those gripped in his thrall will be set free.
We love y’all and the show!!!!!!! We hate L Ron Hubbard, David Miscavige, Tom Cruise and the rest of the psychopaths that keep this sick cult going. We hope this series runs forever!!!! Thank you!!!!!!!!!!
Uhm… have to say I don’t hope the series runs forever. I hope it’s not needed anymore as soon as possible after COS implodes and DM goes to jail.
Thank you Mike and Leah. You have put yourselves in harm’s way over and over trying to expose this cult. I pray that God will give you both peace, joy and comfort. You deserve it.
Thank you again.
Love and best wishes to Leah, yourself, the men and women making the show happen, and your families. Keep up the good fight.
Good for you Mike! You are a true gentleman and the complete opposite of what scientology taught you to be for a number of years. Your bravery and knowledge is priceless and is having the desired effect thus far. Leah is passionate and 100% believes in what she’s fighting for. She fights for people like she fought for her own family. Together…unstoppable!! Keep going and keep telling the truth and exposing the corrupt world of scamology ??
Good for you Mike! You are a true gentleman and the complete opposite of what scientology taught you to be for a number of years. Your bravery and knowledge is priceless and is having the desired effect thus far. Leah is passionate and 100% believes in what she’s fighting for. She fights for people like she fought for her own family. Keep going and keep telling the truth and exposing the corrupt world of scamology ??
We admire Leah’s integrity, courage and compassion. There’s no one that I mentioned the show to, be it someone in Israel, Switzerland, here in the States that haven’t heard or seen the show. Some that have never heard of Scientology.
I wish there were more episodes. There is still so much to cover. We, my husband and I, hope that our daughter, who has been a staff member of the church for over 15 years and who disconnected from us over 9 years ago, will have chance to watch it and wake up.
We love and admire you both.
Anat & George
I live in the U.K. but I’m hooked on this TV program. Leah and yourself are wonderful. The love and empathy you show to the victims of Scientology is so admirable, you have both been through so much and still have to struggle every day with what they do to you. I think you are all amazing, it can’t be easy working in these circumstances but you do. Thank you for opening our eyes to these atrocities.
Mike, the sharing links are still not appearing on your site.
Mike- I absolutely cannot agree more with the comments above ….
Leah is not a Diva but a complete BAD*SS with a heart of GOLD – and same to you!!!
Thank you for bringing truth into the light .
Look forward to Tuesday nights on A&E!
I’m taking a moment to let you know how much I appreciate the work that you and Leah do for the victims of $cientology. It’s not only time away from your families that I value but also the emotions and sometimes stresses each of you experiences. I marvel at how much you’re willing to be vulnerable to and show the world. I can only imagine how much emotions and stressors you experience that are private moments, just for yourselves alone or that you may show to family and friends. I support you and Leah. I support the show, however difficult it is to live with decisions made by the network for legal, corporate or money-making reasons. I also support the Aftermath team, that is, all of the folks associated with the show as well as all of the volunteers at the foundation. Good job – keep going – for as difficult as it sometimes is, there are many many many of us out here who value what y’all are doing.
Debbie. Ive been wondering that myself. ..
Where is your wife DM?
Man Up and let her out of the prison she’s in…live the rest of her life in peace…
If you have a shred of compassion for her
Every show I wish was longer, when it ends. I also commend and respect all involved. Saddened by the people separated by their loved ones and what religion would think that is right. I purchased the book, Fog Island and look forward to reading it. Thanks for what you are doing and please don’t stop. We are with you. It baffles and surprises me how someone can be in it for decades and then decide to leave.. Glad they do but surprised they finally see what is happening and get out.
Please don’t stop! This is exactly how you know you are doing the right thing. When evil people get mad and scared, you KNOW you are at the heart of the issue.
Leah, you are a hero to me. I send you my love and strength. ?
Keep it up. I know people who are just finding out and are enraged. I also hear conversations from random people talking about the show and are spreading the information. Silence from you would be a victory for Scientology.
It’s difficult to believe than any television network would ‘cancel’ any award winning, highly rated program. I suppose it happens. I tried to see how many awards A&E have won over the years but wasn’t able to find a comprehensive list anywhere.
The ‘protest’ noted on Tony’s blog is laughable at best. This only feeds right into the exact thing Leah and Mike have been saying. Do these people honestly think A&E aren’t going to see this as just another ploy by the CoS. And I have SERIOUS doubts that there are any real ‘ministers’ in that protest group. There isn’t a chance in hell that any real minister would align themselves with the CoS.
As to the ‘diva’ who is Leah – LMAO! Has anyone watched her reality show? I’m not sure how many times on her show I saw her in sweat pants and a baggy shirt – no make up and her hair in a messy bun on the top of her head. FAR FAR FAR from diva behaviour.
Leah & Mike – if it all ended tomorrow – you have them running scared – that’s a win as far as I can see. I’d love to see the last show of your series where you both say – we have nothing left to talk about, because the CoS no longer exists. This is my prayer.
I’d also love to see – someone stand on the street when Sea Org folks are walking by and ask them, “are you happy – do you ever laugh anymore?” Because all I see in the videos are sad, dead faces. It’s painful to see so many people hurting that way.
“It’s difficult to believe than any television network would ‘cancel’ any award winning, highly rated program.”
Sue, the history of television programming is replete with MANY scores of exactly that. I remember a network canning their biggest money maker just because one person at the top thought there were too many shows of the same genre on TV.
Yeah, that’s why I said, I suppose it happens.
I am the “victim” of getting hooked on many amazing shows only to have a network cancel them. I’ll never understand it!
Oh well….
While I had accidentally come across your show two weeks ago, I have been riveted and binge watched every episode available. Then I turned to Youtube and found another amazing stash of more horrific recollections. Some go on for hours recalling the insanity they were made to endure as a child. Being dumped in the desert at age 6 and 8 and being scared to death because of rattlesnakes and coyotes? The same young children being paid $10 for the tail of a rattlesnake that they would get by chopping it off with a shovel. The poor things didn’t even understand what the bite of a snake like that could do to them. May God bless each and everyone of you. My heart goes out to you and Leah and I wish you two, and all those that have escape this madness, nothing but the best. Including success in bringing it to an end. My gosh, people boycott all sorts of political stuff, I think there should be a concerted effort to boycott anything to do with Tom Cruise.
One simple question… If members supposedly believe that each member – including LRH – will be coming back someday, (thus the Billion year contract), why are they so pro abortion?? The joke would be kind of on them if someone aborted the return of LRH. LOL!
Wow. To take your comment to a logical conclusion; Lets say LRH was coming back. He would logically want to be the child of a Sea Org member.
But S.O. members are no longer allowed to have children.
Maybe the real reason SO members are not allowed to have children is to abort LRH’s return so that the dwarfenfuehrer can have his 1000 year Reich.
I am thankful and appreciative of the hard work and dedication the Mike and Leah have shown. My mind has been blown by the fact that COS is ALLOWED to get away with their egregious and unethical behaviors. What concerns me the most is our governmental entities seem unwilling to do anything to fully investigate the alleged crimes, review their undeserving tax-exempt status or protect the rights of individuals. Has COS bribed or intimidated or infiltrated such a broad swath of the governing entities, designed and sworn to protect us, that they are all turning a blind eye? Makes me wonder. While the truths about COS have shocked and appalled me, the seeming “hands off” approach by our governmental agencies have been as shocking to me.
Well said! Agree 100%
This cult needs to be stopped! It’s crazy to me that its even gotten this far. We support you and Leah 100% ! Keep going!
I pray I live long enough to see the end of Scientology.
Keep up the great job…. Love the show, never miss ed one… There is so much out there that needs to be exposed, there are other religions that run as cults, and pedophilia and sex trafficking “organization”..Thank you again for bringing this to the light, fight the good fight and you will win, hard work will pay off,
A&E has run this important program, Scientology and the Aftermath, for three seasons. I think it has had more impact than almost any other critique of $ci. It was a brave and bold stand despite all the pressure $ci could bring to bear. I want to give much credit to them for this. And my appreciation for you and Leah is huge.
Specifically regarding the Masterson episode:
I am disappointed but not surprised that A&E will not be showing the Masterson episode at this time. When you are going to present a case for multiple felony rapes and criminal conspiracy on national TV against a known actor with a high powered attorney who has yet to be charged, I would think you would have to have every detail locked down. If there is a single loose strand, or even no apparent loose ones, the whole thing could unravel with a resulting multi-million dollar law suit. I’m not a lawyer and as much as I believe the survivors (and I wholeheartedly do), you are going up against an organization that is ruthless and filthy rich. They have people lying for them for the “greater good” and produced affidavits years ago disputing the facts even before it had come to light. They have enough “influence” among the police to have derailed the investigation. I mean, really, where are the missing files? What about the investigator who felt threatened? Many years have passed and although the multiple survivors can reinforce the truth of things, they are dependent upon a system that has not served them at all up to this point despite the reports of a very strong case. The district attorney is a politician who will be weighing other considerations besides truth and justice.
Ongoing support and respectful treatment for the survivors is of extreme importance.
Glen – all great points!
Plus there is something to be said about not only perfecting the show with updates and the harassment that’s gone on behind the scenes, as well as the element of surprise when it is time!
Mike’s message today is encouraging as for it not just being shelved. As for the supposed diva behavior – I saw the one Radar Online article and refused to even click on it. They’ve done some decent coverage on Scientology abuses at times but in general they’re not reliable at all and the moment I saw it I knew it was click-bait that likely originated from CO$ or someone else looking to make quick cash telling a lie.
I think the fact that there are 128 supportive comments within six (?) hours says it all.
Yes! So many comments it temporarily was down. Love it!
I stand behind Mike and Leah and all their time and efforts in exposing this diabolical organization. How any organization like this is allowed to exist, let alone to continue to prey upon the public is beyond human acceptance. I hope Mike and Leah, the show, and all involved can survive the politics and pressures of COS as well as the world of T.V. and all that goes into it. Keep up the good fight Mike and Leah. the truth, as well as the world, is on your side.
You can be sure that if there is anything or any one working to put an end to the show, it is Scientology. No one else would give a fuck about a TV show. If they did not like it they would just change the channel.
I was FSO staff in 1979. We had ” Save Sparkling Clearwater and Richard Tenney running for mayor in 80. His sole campaign promise was to get Scn run out of town. People used to honk their horns to disturb auditing sessions so we moved the auditing rooms to the pool side of the FH.
I would like to take part in a peaceful protest of Scientology’s crimes. My last auditor on the ship was Joan Heller the OT VIII review auditor. In the last session I had in the SO she got a meter read on “Present Time Problem?” which resulted in my telling her that I was dying.
About 3 years later I was at AOLA doing my Solo Certainty course when the doors to the elevator opened and Joan stepped in. She jumped when she saw me as if she had seen a ghost. I said ” You probably did not expect to see me again” to which she replied “No, I really didn’t”.
She was right, I am supposed to be dead. Why is that? Because the Captain told my wife that I would die in 2002 and used that to hold her against her will. She was only released after my father started talking about calling the FBI and it came up in a session with Jessica Feshback, the PAC crew auditor. And that was a no cycle because I had foolishly talked my father out of calling the FBI. The ship personnel had gotten me into session no doubt to get me to stop calling for my wifes release. I was thinking about going back to the ship with a picture of my wife on a sign (She was black) and a caption ” Free the slaves”.
I really really do apps what y’all do! You are some of the bravest people I know! I cant express how much I love you and Leah, y’all are doing, have done, and will continue to do great work! Yall a good people! Keep up the great work!
Don’t quit Mike & Leah!
It is only with shows such as The Aftermath that abusive “religions” will cease to exist. Please, please, keep up the good work and don’t let the trolls of Sci-CON-tology silence yours, Leahs’ orthe voices of ANY
of the victims. These stories need to be told.
As a former Scientologist of 20 years, I’m riveted by the Aftermath Series and every week say to my husband…”this is huge”. Thank you, Leah & Mike, for your unselfish bravery while exposing the truth.
Just the paragraph:
There is still an on-going investigation and LA County District Attorney Jackie Lacey has the case “on her desk” awaiting a decision to move forward. We believe this case is stalled solely due to the efforts of scientology putting pressure on the D/A. And that is where the counter-pressure should be directed.
That about says it all……there is still an ongoing criminal investigation among a host of other legalities that keep popping up. As it seems that COS “protects & covers it’s own”…..just as “the DEVIL looks after his own”….there you have it.
Leah & Mike work as one… ..a well oiled machine who have HAD the experience of having been PART of COS….they KNOW & are well acquainted with others who have been on the inside who can attest to the FACTS that COS is abusive & will by ANY means be a force to be reckoned with should someone try to stand up against them.
As a never in who was vaguely familiar with COS, my eyes have been truly opened,. we sit by our TV screen & watch every episode & take notes, then letters are sent off in the hopes that SOMEONE, ANYONE will be BRAVE enough to go up against COS
Like the FLDS who’s “God Squad” ride around the town to keep OUTSIDES OUT….Well, COS has razor topped fencing to keep people not on OUT but also IN. Refusing to let someone LEAVE the premises when they WANT to leave to me is holding someone HOSTAGE against their will.
I have yet to see an OFFICIAL ASSAULT VEHICLE OR BATTERING RAM crash though the gates of “Gold Base” to give an unexpected CHECK ON THOSE GATES….IT NEEDS TO HAPPEN
Both of you are very brave and so are all the people who have spoken out on your show. It’s hard to believe the authorities are not investigating in full force. I added A and E to my subscription only because of your show. Keep up the good work. Millions of people at the very least have woken up to the reality of this psycho running the show.
I do public outreach for victims of similar predation, and I can’t thank you and Leah enough for your work in describing how organized intimidation stalking works. No one would believe this could be happening in western countries until the media coverage on Scientology and Weinstein made contract stalking a topic of discussion.
There are tens of thousands of victims and Aftermath has put a huge dent towards getting this large population their freedom.
you guys have taught us what to expect from Scientology. never for a minute did I not believe all the bull came from them. We support you guys 100%
Wow. I am so happy for Leah Remini that she has Mike’s total support like this article! Well done Mike. You two, along with the show team, are making the biggest inroads in getting the TRUTH out there. That “church” may exist as an institution, but people are learning truths that give them a choice in joining or not, and will force the church to either change or get smaller. Being on the side of truth you are…as Yoda would say.
We love you both. I get the feeling, that at the very least, if the show imploded, Leah would never stop. She is a righteous being. I cannot wait to see it all come to fruition.
Corruption on many levels is the enemy, scurrying around every corner. Fuck those with no guts and fuck those that can’t be bothered, too.
Every book I read, every story told, every podcast, every interview, is heartbreaking. The children. DAMN! The human beings being played like puppets, against each other, for profit. I am disgusted at law enforcement and our system that seem so impotent. How have we not learned from history. Don’t turn your backs on obvious injustice because it is not you or your family. What if it were you or your family? These peoples lives are being stolen. Their minds molested and battered, and some, their bodies. They are all alone. Surrounded and so utterly alone.
I wholeheartedly believe that you and Leah are acting for the greater good of the victims. Keep up the good work. The truth WILL prevail.
Thank you so much for the update.
It’s reassuring to know that things are indeed being done.
Scientology will be brought down. It’s only a matter of time now.
I think there has never been a braver telling of the truth, ever, on TV. Despite what must be terrible pressure from Scientology, (unbelievable what lengths they go to, bullying tactics, against people), still you go on. My hat is off to you, and I am sure there are many like me who cannot wait for the episode:
“Scientology has tax exempt status removed!” “Cult folds.” God bless you for the healing you bring, when these victims are able to speak of the abuses from the cult. *I refuse to call Scientology a church. It is not.
Agree 100%………I’ve been trying to leave a comment but this page is flooded with support which I whole heartedly agree with.
Mike and Leah,
It has to take so much strength to carry on through this. Thank you for everything.
I am and will always be a supporter. You both give me HOPE that this will end sooner than later.
Imagine where things would be today if you had not stepped up and forward. I firmly believe you (and everyone prior/after you exposing the truth) are saving people from being sucked into this cult/borg.
A lot of us have had so much pain!!! You reveal the TRUTH on a broad scale and are in the ring taking it in the face, gut, head from this gang of thugs calling themselves a religion.
Thank you so much for everything you are doing.
Mike, you and Leah are exposing, with compassion, honesty, and determination, Scientology’s crimes, fraud, and abuse like never before in their long, sordid history.
“Thanks” doesn’t begin to cover it.
That which Scientology is accusing others, they themselves are doing and are and have become. This has been proved countless times now. Anyone with a web browser can figure this out. I would love for the courts, DOJ, IRS, FBI to step in and do something as it is their duty. However, until then, shows like this, the blogs, the books, they guard the doors to Scientology. Through these very public means, the truth stands tall above the shadows of a sociopathic cult,
Just wanted to say hi to the person from OSA who is reading this right now. Save Teegeeack!
We love you both. I get the feeling, that at the very least, if the show imploded, Leah would never stop. She is a righteous being. I cannot wait to see it all come to fruition.
Corruption on many levels is the enemy , scurrying around every. corner. Fuck those with no guts and fuck those that can’t be bothered, too.
Every book I read, every story told, every podcast, every interview, is heartbreaking. The children. DAMN! These human beings being played like puppets, against each other, for profit. I am disgusted at law enforcement and our system that seem so impotent. How have we not learned from history. Don’t turn your backs on obvious injustice because it is not you or your family. What if it were you or your family. These peoples lives are being stolen. Their minds molested and battered, and some, their bodies. They are all alone. Surrounded and so utterly alone.
That’s cute that scientology tries to start rumors about Leah being a diva, considering that Navy servicepeople are all over social media spilling the real tea about Tom Cruise’s behavior on THEIR ship while filming Top Gun 2.
Just another footbullety attempt to distract people from the real issues, I guess.
Thank you for the bravery you all have shown by bringing the issues on this show. You are all brave and please keep up the great work you are doing to break up this cult and their subversive behavior.
As a resident of the Tampa Bay area including Clearwater we want the cult and their tax shelter gone. It is abuse to the paying taxpayers of Clearwater they want their town back.
I so admire what you and Leah are doing. Please stay encouraged and know that many, many folks support you in every way. You are fighting a good fight, a worthy cause, a noble effort to right many wrongs. Stay safe and stay strong.
“Courage, dear heart”
-C.S. Lewis
Thanks for this clarification, Mike. My immediate fear at the “pulling” of the shows was that “someone got to someone” at A&E, as it was put by a commenter at the Bunker. I did also hope that maybe A&E had other reasons to change the time and the Masterson show wasn’t necessarily dead. I’m glad that you’ve confirmed this hope. Watching Scientology can be so infuriating and depressing — how their “fair game” abuses sometimes result in people switching sides or betraying the truth and their principles (Nibs, Joan Wood, Bob Minton). That’s why the fear comes up first — because they are just that bad, not only lacking ethics, but having the nerve to call their lack of ethics “Ethics.”
Tony’s blog highlighted yet Another protest (in NY City). Let’s see – this is what, the Second protest in the last 2-3 weeks? – Averaging 20/30 sciborgs each, at best? Compared to? . . . 2008 Worldwide protest by Anonymous, numbering Hundreds/Thousands At Each Location ! ! ! Every time these Termites expose themselves, they look more Pathetic and Ridiculous than they did the time before – And They Don’t Realize It. Mike, Leah, A&E – All give yourselves a well-deserved pat on the back. And, Don’t Give In, Don’t Give Up – you’ve got them on the run.
Keep up the great work Mike and Leah!
I love learning more about the COS and it’s horrors!
I was never in the Church, but not i know that when i got mail from them a while ago telling me i could take a “free course” it was all just lies to get me to fork over a bunch of money! iIt is also helping me help my friends learn more about the cult so that we can all do something to help those who got out, and help people STAY OUT if they are interested in learning more!
I really really really hope to meet you guys in person one day!
Thanks for the update Mike. Can’t wait for when it finally does air. Anyone who has been a fervent watcher of the show can tell that you, Leah, and A&E are dedicated to stopping the abuses of this powerful cult. God bless all involved.
I have personally seen movies and other art works stolen by their producer’s employees and sold on the black market. In Mexico City one can purchase DVDs of such works for very low cost. Maybe some worker in A&E will do this with the Masterson episode(s) and leak them out on Rutube or elsewhere.
I agree whole heartedly keep up the fight we all stand with you mike and leah
Amen! Full support all the way!
Life’s a Journey. There are highs & lows on this journey. My life journey hit rock bottom back in 2012. I was inspired by 3 words “KEEP MOVING FORWARD”. A quote from ROCKY BALBOA. I tattooed those 3 words on my right forearm. I’ve been moving forward ever since. Mike & Leah you are MOVING FORWARD & making a differnce on this quest to expose COS. Your awesome.
BTW the tattoo on my other arm says “MAKE A DIFFERENCE”
Thank you
Maybe the cult would like to be further compensated for helping and you and Leah know how to do what you are doing? That’s funny isn’t it cult? How your own tactics are being used for good, isn’t it? How they know how you work, exactly what you are and what you are doing and what your moves and motives are. How they can anticipate your next move. Ironic how that works isn’t it? LOL.
Thank you both so much for what you do and who you are. I pray you both have more personal time to be with and love on your families. Work / life balance is very important.
Be safe. Take care of yourselves and know we all support you and appreciate your hard work.
Mike, you and Leah have become my heroes. I have so much admiration for yoy both. I can’t even imagine the amount of bullshit you guys have to deal with from CoS to make this show happen every season, but it’s making a bigger impact to the world at large than almost anything else that has been done to expose the lies and crimes of CoS.
You two, and all of the victims who have come forward, are warriors. CoS is afraid and falling apart. Desperate people do desperate things. Do not falter.
You are one of my favorite people on this planet, seriously. I have watched all of your interviews. Although I have never met you, your writings and appearances bring me comfort. I consider you a friend in my heart. I wish you and your family nothing but the best.
Take care Mike.
Never stop fighting, you guys are making great change happen faster in the world.
With love,
You and Leah and the survivors of the Scientology abuse are heroes!!! Keep up the exposure of these atrocities!!! The Tampa Bay Area and in particular, Clearwater, will hopefully benefit in some way from this show! God bless you all and I pray someone will listen!!!
Thanks for the post Mike. I hope any outrage people may have had wasn’t directed towards you or Leah personally, or even at A&E for delaying the airing of the episode. I can personally understand how some people were upset at how someone at A&E leaked this to the press before contacting the individuals who were set to appear and who were preparing themselves emotionally for it (I was upset about that for them as well).
That being said, regardless of how upset anyone may be at A&E for the miscommunication to the survivors of Masterson, or that they delayed the show (which none of us really know the full reasons for the delay), I hope that everyone can keep in mind that A&E, as a network, has done more than any other network (that I’m aware of) in shining a bright light on the abuses of this organization. They’ve continued with this for the past 3 years (and hopefully many more) under what I can only imagine must be some extremely difficult circumstances. The A&E personnel involved in helping get these shows on the air could probably just forget about it so they don’t have to deal with any blow-back from Scientology, but they haven’t wavered or cowered, and they continue to face that organization head-on, regardless of the harassment they must be enduring. That is admirable.
It’s also extremely important work that everyone involved in Aftermath is doing. I’ve heard about Scientology over the years a few times (South Park, Cruise vs Lauer, coverage of Leah leaving, Going Clear, etc.), but every time I tried to research it to learn more about it, all the Scientology lingo that I read on Wikipedia and other websites made the topic so complicated that I never really could understand it very well, so I just kind of moved on. However, when A&E starting showing you and Leah in Aftermath, that’s when I could start to understand what was going on much more easily. You and Leah both do an excellent job of putting things in “layman’s terms” so never-ins like me can more easily understand the complexities of this organization and its policies. We’re starting to understand much more about what they do, why they do it, and most importantly, the lasting damage they can cause to individuals and their families. That, to me, is what makes Aftermath, with you and Leah, so important.
As for that ridiculous “diva” article about Leah (using an “anonymous source”, of course), I appreciate you taking up for your friend. I just wanted to say that I don’t think anyone with half a brain gave that any weight whatsoever. I think most of your supporters that I heard from just kind of shook our heads about it and moved on. That article was an absolute joke.
Thanks again for posting this (I posted last night, but I think it got lost when I submitted, so sorry if this is a re-post and I’m just not seeing it).
You and Leah and the survivors of the Scientology abuse are heroes!!! Keep up the exposure of these atrocities!!! The Tampa Bay Area and in particular, Clearwater, will hopefully benefit in some way from this show! God bless you all and I pray someone will listen!!!
I am always so impressed with the way that you handle things as a gentleman. I know that a lot of harassment and heart-ache has been part and parcel of exposing abuses in a litigious, out of control cult that tends to attack like a rabid dog when confronted. I also know that you and Leah have done more than anyone to expose what goes on behind the sealed doors of Scientology. If just ONE person leaves the cult because your show opened their eyes, it would be worth it. I applaud your dedication to helping others find freedom, and while I know many are disappointed by the changes in scheduling, I cannot think that they won’t understand and support the networks decisions with regard to air dates.
I also understand that there are many, many hands in the decisions to air anything, especially episodes which could have negative outcomes for the shows ability to continue. I would like to think that A/E has carefully weighed all aspects of the issue prior to making a heavy decision about their ability to make information public.
I Hope that the DA moves forward soon, but the wheels of justice move slowly. However, I also know that there is the possibility that they will charge him under special circumstances that carry a life sentence if convicted (not sure if this is still on the table or not), which means that they will need to move even slower. Ultimately, it is the victims of Masterson and Scientology who deserve justice and I think they will get it in this case. But I digress-
I started this comment to compliment you and Leah and support all that you do. If anyone should be proud of what you are accomplishing it should be the two of you. You may be the most important part of the history of Scientology.
It would be great if you and Leah and The Aftermath could go on and on until this cult can no longer do damage but one day the show will go off and then the show will go on. I am forever indebted to Leah for giving my story a voice and she did it with a great big megaphone that she bought with years and years of hard work.
By shining a light on the abuses inflicted by the church of scientology and david miscavige, you and Leah not only have prevented a lot of abuses and damage that could have been done to others, you have enlightened millions about what a cult mindset is, about what an abusive relationship is and these matters aren’t taken so lightly any more.
No matter what happens with future episodes or season, you and Leah are saving lives.
I second that! You, Leah and A&E have done more to expose the workings of a cult gone mad than we could have asked for.
I appreciate all of your hard work and hope it works out for the program to continue.
I would LOVe it if the Aftermath Foundation’s good work could be widely broadcast. Just the idea that the Foundation exists is such a WONDERFUL thing
Well, really it’s horrible that it has to exist, treatment of people this way, or the way most “religions” do, makes it an atrocious reality that they need to exist, but I agree, in light of it’s necessity, it is a wonderful thing and they are doing wonderful work. Keep up the good fight Mike and Leah, I will keep watching and doing what I can. Fortunately here in Canada, scientology wields no real power. We never, thankfully, allowed them to attain tax free status so their spread has been minimized and their members considered freaks.
REMEMBER: Before “AFTERMATH”, A&E was a piddling little network hardly anyone watched. Leah DESERVES a pay raise, if only for lending her name to the series that has put AETV the map. I’m sure many started watching because of her name & celebrity status. and I’m not the only guy who noticed other AETV shows because the DVR was tuned to the channel when I turned it on. ImO, she deserves a percentage of their increased revenue from viewers like me boosting their stats. Of course, it’s up to the network to keep their stats up. She can’t do EVERYthing. And mr. micro-mismanage “must savage” can only tell lies about his failed SuMP/CSN experiment with too-low viewership to be ranked as he falsely accuses Leah of being a has-been. He was a “something” only in the very cramped quarters of his own universe, a has-never-been wannabe in the real world. Everything he touches turns to c–p, which he attempts to spin through his web of lies into being the finest gold filigree.
The price of truth.
I tried to post yesterday but there was a glitch I guess. Anyway.. Mike and Leah you are both amazing, as is A&E. I, also, jumped to the conclusion about A&E being “gotten to” by the for that I apologize . You and the Aftermath shows have helped me personally unravel yet still more from all those many years ago, and have also shed light for my daughter, who has been disconnected from by her father, (a fully 100% dedicated, head in the sand money extorting robot). I pray for you both to be safe, and for A&E to continue to be the gutsy network they have shown themselves to be by airing 3 seasons of Aftermath. Bless you both and we support you guys utterly. You are heroes. So strong.
Thanks Madge — and to all who have been so supportive.
…the Aftermath shows have helped me personally unravel yet still more from all those many years ago, and have also shed light for my daughter, who has been disconnected from by her father,
This is the sort of comment that really makes my day. You have no idea how much this means. This is why we do the show.
Love you Mike. Maybe we can hook up this year eh? We’re not THAT far away. And the others a bit further south. Let’s actually do it. xoxox
Appreciate your dedication to fighting for justice.
Keep up the great work
THANKS for all the good work and the update, guys.
You’re doing what no one else could have done, making the tiny tyrant quake in his minuscule hand-made high-lift shoes. If you (and we) get a little peeved by a roadblock along the way, we need to take note of how FAR we’ve gotten in this journey that no one would have dreamed could have gotten here.
AND the Aftermath Foundation is there to extend the good works.
Thank you. Thank you! This post really helps explain the issue of delayed shows and the very compl7cated situations that are involved. I am so proud of you, Leah and A&E! Keep up this amazing work.
Maybe is A&E won’t air the Masterson episode you should give the story to the NY Times as part of the #metoo movement. They don’t seem as easily as intimidated…
I believe that what you and Leah are doing will make a difference, it is just slow going hang in there!
As frustrating as it is for us, I can imagine it is much worse for the two of you.
As for Leah, guess what? She’s not perfect, but neither are any of us. I don’t know her, but from what I’ve seen and read, she is sweet, passionate, kind, and determined. This is her life’s work right now. I believe God called her to do this.
I thought from the minute I heard she’d left the crock that that little brown-eyed lady would be the impetus behind pulling the whole thing down.
That’s a big job. I’m glad she has you, Mike, and all the other people involved in trying to end these abuses.
anyone with half a brain would know that Leah has nothing to do with being a diva or not being a genuine person both of you have exposed a major flaw in our government. they will take the side of whoever has the most money and I believe that to be the case with Masterson. I think the LAPD and the FBI need to be shamed in public allowing this to continue!
Agree completely!
I remember Danny Masterson when he was a baby in his mother’s arms. In 1980 Carol Masterson (Reiche) was the D of P in AO 2 which delivered OTDRD and NOTs.
I don’t know if he was raised by his father but I don’t recall “Carol hanging around for long.
I just want to say that I really agree with what everyone else has said about Mike, Leah, and the Aftermath show. Thank you so much for shedding the light on this cult, and I appreciate your great works exposing this cult for what it really is.
Keep up the great work Mike and Leah! Anyone with half a brain knows how much your necks are in the line with every episode. David Miscavige is nothing but a coward hiding behind a veil of lies.
Hang in there. It’s always darkest before the dawn.
When I was part of an episode on season 1, I was immediately impressed by Leah’s command of the set. She knew what needed to be done and had a firm control of everything in sight. Watching her shape the shows each season, she knows how to bring out the humanity in each of the stories being told. I can’t imagine anyone doing a better job or being wise enough to make Mike a partner in the journey.
You’ve done a lot too, Mr.Bunker. I’ve seen many of your YouTube videos and it has broken my heart to see you refused a slice of pizza due to a scientology security guard or not being able to walk down the sidewalk because scientologists were spaced ten feet apart. Unbelievable. Yet you persevere and continue to gracious and calm!
Anytime that I am tempted to become frustrated with A&E for not airing all episodes that have been taped to date, I must remember that A&E had the courage to air this show in the first place. I would bet plenty of other television networks would not touch The Aftermath due to fear of scientology’s dirty tricks. So, I will remain supportive of A&E for their courage. And I am forever a supporter of Mike & Leah.
Me too
Ditto. Everyone involved in getting this series made and aired has my utmost respect and admiration. Human nature yearns for quick easy solutions. But history shows it is rarely that easy. Patience, truth (which the CoS loathes) and time are essential.
You can be sure that if there is anything or any one working to put an end to the show, it is Scientology. No one else would give a fuck about a TV show. If they did not like it they would just change the channel.
I was FSO staff in 1979. We had ” Save Sparkling Clearwater and Richard Tenney running for mayor in 80. His sole campaign promise was to get Scn run out of town. People used to honk their horns to disturb auditing sessions so we moved the auditing rooms to the pool side of the FH.
I would like to take part in a peaceful protest of Scientology’s crimes. My last auditor on the ship was Joan Heller the OT VIII review auditor. In the last session I had in the SO she got a meter read on “Present Time Problem?” which resulted in my telling her that I was dying.
About 3 years later I was at AOLA doing my Solo Certainty course when the doors to the elevator opened and Joan stepped in. She jumped when she saw me as if she had seen a ghost. I said ” You probably did not expect to see me again” to which she replied “No, I really didn’t”.
She was right, I am supposed to be dead. Why is that? Because the Captain told my wife that I would die in 2002 and used that to hold her against her will. She was only released after my father started talking about calling the FBI and it came up in a session with Jessica Feshback, the PAC crew auditor. And that was a no cycle because I had foolishly talked my father out of calling the FBI. The ship personnel had gotten me into session no doubt to get me to stop calling for my wifes release. I was thinking about going back to the ship with a picture of my wife on a sign (She was black) and a caption ” Free the slaves”.WET
Had my wife not been released when she was I really would have been dead as she got me medical care in the nick of time
Amen!!! Keep up the good work
Thank you Mike for explaining the back story so well. My concern was for the victims whi need to get their stories out into the public eye. Werw rhey feeling let down, frustrated and hopeless again? The second reason is that in my minds eye l could see Scn higher ups prancing around calling it a win…….instant outrage.
I get it, l do. People to protect from needless fair gaming, and network concerns which are understandable. I can and will be patient and wait.
If you need enthusiastic help, willing to train, l’ve been been known to put in 18 hr days …..
God bless both of you for your efforts and determination to tell the truth and giving victims a voice. I know that the darkness loses power when brought into the light. I pray that Almighty God will intervene and I will continue to pray on all of the victims behalf. Continue the fight knowing that we are behind you
Love and prayers,
I commend you for your work, you are truly doing a fantastic job putting yourself on the line! With families on the sides you both work I imagine 24/7 to shut down this evil cult. Your children and your families have every reason to be proud!! Keep up the great work Leah and Mike, you are unstoppable!! I will keep following you from Norway sending all my best!
It’s sad that you have to make a statement like this but I am glad you have. Many do not understand the inner workings of Tv so do not understand the maze you have to follow and that’s without the issues caused by the disgusting behaviour of Scientology. Like many others I thank you both for the strength and fortitude and voice you remain in your fight to end this vile cult
You guys are doing excellent work. I applaud your accomplishments and pray for your crusade to continue until all of the lies & abuses scientology passes along are nothing but history. God bless you both (which is funny that is the one thing you dont hear from scientologists which I was under the impression was the basis of most religions).
Actually I expected the show to be held due to possible legal entanglements. The important thing is that you have the desire , drive and strength and endurance to go the distance needed to expose this dangerous cult and the criminal behavior they hide and protect.
Mike , you and Leah have an appealing chemistry. Its clear both of you don’t mind exposing your vulnerabilities and trusting the other enough to share them . I’m curious as to how well you knew each other in your Scientology days. We’re you friends then or did you just know each other on a first name basis ? I’m sure neither of you ever dreamed your lives would intersect taking you on this wild ride called “ The Aftermath “.
I absolutely LOVE the show and look forward to every episode !!
Doing the right thing may not always be easy, but in the end it is the right thing. You are all doing the right thing. You have knowledge that others do not, and a firm grasp of the vision you have developed for this mission you are on. It is unfortunate that in this age of the microwave society, we are so ready to jump to conclusions when we only have a small glimpse at what is really going on. The irony is that you are carefully laying out a roadmap of the indiscretions of the cult so that the masses have a clear understanding; context if you will. It is my hope that when there are enough pieces laid in front of the right people, the moment in time will come for the cult to find itself defending instead of attacking.
In my humble estimation, the very fact that they are having to ‘respond’ to every show is by nature not offensive, but defensive. By dividing and conquering, taking small pieces of territory along the way, it forever changes the landscape…much like the cult has done. They will not give up their hard fought territory easily, but may have no choice if you keep up the attack of your own.
I am a never in. I watch and become angry during and after each episode. The frustration at why the cult is allowed to remain tax exempt is at a fever pitch for many. The fact that people exist inside the cult that have NEVER known any other way saddens me greatly, and those will be the hardest to salvage. The cult has ruined entire generations and thousands of familial and other relationships in its relatively short existence. When history looks back at this horrible injustice it will rightfully name all of the key players who destroyed so many lives. It will also name those who got out and then committed their lives to undoing the cult, and the damage that was done. Those names will be remembered…with honor. The prior names will be included with the all of the dictatorial midgets who placed love of money and self before all else.
This is a race worth running and finishing and you are running well. It is a marathon, and not a sprint (unfortunately), but you are geared up to run the long run. You know that better than those taking cheap shots or making quick judgments about that which they do not know. Thank you for your communication and know that it brings you a vast amount of support.
Very well said! I’m also a never in who was introduced to this cult through the show. I generally don’t watch TV and very rarely surf the internet so, while I was vaguely familiar with Scientology (I always just associated it with some wacky Hollywood religion), I was unaware of the abuses and issues. I made it a point to gather information so that I could make an educated decision and very quickly saw the very real abuses- just seeing and reading he posts from the still in’s on this blog has served to underscore any decision I made regarding my belief that this is a full blown very dangerous cult.
Thank you! You took the words right right out of my head. Only thing I would add is Leah and Mike, we now understand how Scientology goes after anyone who says anything against them and will attacked smeared at all cost. They have so much money to do just that and are out to ruin anyone in their way. I knew as soon as I read Leah was a “demanding diva and is hard to work with” that it is Scientology goons at work. It is tragically sad that they can continue to ruin lives and not pay taxes for the robbery they are committing everyday by gauging their remaining and new members for $$$. Mike and Leah, please know there are many many people praying and cheering for you guys and there are many more grateful for your hard work telling their story and pain they hope to tell. XOXO
It’s great the work you both do and for all the ex’s of this cult who speak out against it but I fear this cult is here to stay as it is. Even if the gov. Grows some balls to take on the tax status, it will be tied up in the courts for decades.
Unless the Tom Cruise’ s of the world come forward to speak out against it or the general public let’s the IRS know the American public are not going to pay taxes until this cult does, I fear they are here to stay.
The one thing that I don’t get, if DM knows it’s a scam, why would they spend millions on the preservation of Hubbard’s materials?
I have never been a Scientologist. Prior to watching this amazing show, I only knew they were a group of sort of weirdo people who believed some kinda strange things and got some celebrities involved in their religion.
When I tuned into the show, I will fully admit; I did so out of some odd fascination. I was nominally familiar with Leah, but if I’m honest, I tuned in to hear the dirty laundry.
Boy was I wrong.
After watching the first episode, I knew you and Leah were doing good work. I still find the beliefs espoused by Scientology fascinating (not in a good way), but I tune in to hear the human stories that you two present. I cry with your guests as they explain the victimization they suffered, the families they have lost, and at the resolve they have to putting things right.
It would be so much harder for them to tell their stories if it weren’t for you and Leah. There isn’t a person that could watch that show and believe either of you are doing this for money.
You two are goddamn heros.
Thank you, Mike and Leah, for showing the world that Scientology is indeed dangerous and must be stopped.
If the Danny Masterson episode ever airs, make sure it goes on well.
God bless you both for your heroism.
Not only is Leah a good friend but Mike you are also a very good friend to her for sticking up for her I am sure not to to many people believe that bullshit after seeing the two of you on the show keep up the good fight you two are doing a bloody awesome job!
Thank you both for opening peoples eyes where Scientology is concerned. I am in the UK and until I watched this series had not known anything about what has been going on within this so called Church.You both work very hard in trying to let people know all about the inner machinery within and how good people are brainwashed into believing this crap. Please keep on doing what you are doing and I am sure at some point their tax exempt status will be revoked and more people will stand up to the depraved actions of David Miscavige ( I think its a height thing ). Thank you again Mike and Leah and I cannot wait to watch what happens next on your journey for the truth. xxxxxxx
I’m just in awe at how amazingly brave your guys are. I’m greatful that there are people like you and Leah in the world. Your making such an impact that’s it’s obvious Scientology is all over the place. Keep them on their toes… I’m overwhelmed with how greatful I am that you two are continuously fighting regardless of how hard the fight it is. This is not an easy one. But, I truely believe that you are making such an impact that Scientology seems to be getting sloppy and I believe you guys will win this battle. I just hope your not fighting it for to much longer. You all deserve to live your lives without this chaos that is Scientology. Thank you Mike. You truely are a blessing.
I am speaking for all of your fans and supporters in saying we don’t believe any of the crap about Leah! We know the desperation the cos is feeling becausecshe is a truth bomb right in their faces! Keep up the great work!
I was wondering if a Scientology Safe house could be opened? I am a clearwater resident and am in the heart of Scientology, driving through downtown daily. I know of a property between the Ft Harrison and the small Scientology hotels (packed to the rim with bunk beds) south of Sunset Point. The buses run past it all hours of the day. Signage could be placed in front of the property as it is a commercial property. Thoughts?
Mike, thank you for the detailed update.
Scientology is like a cornered vicious animal. It will do anything to escape, in this case, escape the truth. I think it’s difficult to understand truly evil Scientology is unless you’ve been a part of it and expierienced the insane responses to any negative response to it.
I so appreciate the dedication you and Leah have. I’m with you 100%.
As I was told once by Wally Burgess, a former Captain of the Apollo when the cult called a Committee of Evidence on me: Don’t let the bastards get you”.
Thank you for all you have done and if you need or want anything from me you just have to ask.
P.S. To the bastards from the cult reading this who made a sustained effort to ensure my demise: I am still alive and as I said when I left: I’ll be back”. Not to keep the ship going as I did for 16 years; but to make sure it finds the grave you planned for me.
Thank you for the info. I knew that things were being pulled out of context and was waiting for the truth. You and Leah are both amazing, hard working, and caring. Thank you both for the dedication you give to this cause. I hope that when the time is right, the episodes will all be aired. Thank you again-Love to you both.
The work you and Leah do is EXTREMELY appreciated, Mike . It is also a very valuable service, not only for us ex Scientologists, and people still in , but for the public and society at large.
No one, NO ONE, BELIEVES THE LIES! We are not stupid and we know who is creating the bs. Keep on going, we love you and appreciate all your efforts. That cult is HORRIFYING!
Keep up your good work and your strength! You ARE making a difference!
You’re a good man, Mike Rinder. And Leah is my standard for what standing up to bullies and crushing pressure looks like. I keep the two of you and your families in my thoughts, and will continue to appreciate you even if you never do another thing but live your lives. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.
How do you know if a scientologist is lying?
Their lips are moving.
Keep up the good work guys. What you do is much needed and dont let those anonymous scientology bastards grind you down
Before I even READ this article, God that photo is cool!
Keep up the good fight.
Scientology is dead, and all that David Miscavige cares about now is saving his own hide.
Delays happen in life, yet the truth always emerges. Always.
Very well said.
And recieved.
Sending my love and respect to both you from Sweden. I am one of the lucky ones that never got into the church even though I worked in a Scientology family as a young nanny in the early 80’s. I had access to the whole library of L Ron Hubbard’s books and I read them all when the baby was sleeping. I met a lot of interesting people that came to visit. I was fascinated. When the family invited me to come and live with them in England, my mother put a stop to it. I have her to thank I guess. I follow your work and wonder if the family I worked with is still in the church. They had a significant position located in Malmoe.
Big thanks for everything you do and not giving up!
Mike thanks for the explanation and for all you had Leah are doing! I, like so many others, are thankful for the stories you bring and outraged at this evil called Scientology. We need to all stand firm with you and let the work continue, even when it is frustrating and slow. Thank you for this voice of reason in such a time of frustration. I personally have been moved to complete 4 IRS Form 13909s, Tax-Exempt Organization Complaint against the COS and it’s organizations and I’ve written Charles P. Rettig,
Commissioner of the IRS requesting a review and revocation of the COS’s exempt status. Perhaps this revocation will never happen but I’ve done something to support your efforts and I never would have without those efforts. Please stay strong, be encouraged. You have helped so many victims and many more will be helped as your continue the fight. My personal thanks to you and Leah!
rock on! It’s time to put this cult out of business.
Thank you. This was an amazing season. I never doubted Leah; she doesn’t need your defense, because the accusations are so totally bogus, but of course you want to as her true friend. Keep on fighting the good fight. Looking forward to whatever is aired. Will try to be patient. Thanks for the info.
Thank you for your blog. It makes a lot of sense now, and I’m glad you are able to clarify the situation to stop the rumor mill.
As a never-in, I can never truly know what you and Leah and all the survivors have been through… but I stand with you in support to end the abuses. TV show or no TV show, you and Leah have made a HUGE difference already, and the momentum swing is in your favor!
I think they’re afraid because you two are power houses! One front man one celebrity finally saying the truth! And let’s be real only fake thing about Leah is the Nails and lashes ?. I say that with love. She’s changed my life and got my mom back to me and finally saw all she’s allowed be done to me!! For that alone whatever BS they’re. Trying to spin I know is a lie. Because in honesty they’re more scared of the truth then they are of people finding out it’s a scam before checks cash and cards are chipped. Any religion that only wants $$$ & labor is no true religion. Plus who do they help that’s not one of “theirs”.
Anyways I love. You both and thank you again! I hope you two see this and one day read the 8 min read of my story!
I want to be Leah when I grow up! And I wish all women had a Mike Rinder in their lives! Keep up the good work!
You two are saving people. That is all that matters.
I remember Leah from the Don and Mike Show radio days. She was/is always genuine, caring, and hysterical! You guys are doing an amazing job and I have no doubt that a huge impact is being made through your efforts and this riveting and disturbing story of Scientology you are telling. Stay strong and keep fighting, you have an army of awareness behind you now.
Miscabage must be going crazy and is reacting (well, he has never done anything else but react) and, as you noted Mike, he conveys what scientology has as its utmost interest: MONEY.
Let it be. The correct action is to reassure you and Leah that you have, not only my support, but the one of thousands of people. If something is needed, let us know and we will figure out a way to contribute to the purpose Leah, you, myself and many others have: lets end the abuses of this criminal organization.
Miscabage can go away and enjoy his billions, Karma will take car of him. In te meantime we, together, will keep at it.
Thank you for all you do.
The Goliath that is Scientology never figured on two Davids to put serious chunks in their armor.
Bless you both. See you soon.
Thanks for the facts. I would expect nothing less from Leah and you. Keep educating the public with your informative and compelling series. It will make it much harder for Scientologists to solicit people with free personality tests and events sponsored by COS organizations one would otherwise not know were affiliated with Scientology.
Just wanted to say a massive thank you to both for the exposure of such an evil and dangerous cult. Without your hard work I and millions of others would have had no clue of exactly the type of underhand illegal intimidation these people actually do. I am currently half way through Tony Ortega’s book on Paulette and it makes me feel physically sick at the lengths they went to and still do to bring a ‘suppressed person’ down, how they nearly ruined and killed that woman is beyond belief.
Keep up the good work and stay strong against them.
Please stand strong and know that the sane people of this world are here to support you. We love you both and thank you from the bottoms of our hearts for helping people find the truth and giving them support when they finally see the truth and escape that madness.
Mike, and Leah, You make it so understandable , interesting, . what i dont get is, why authorities arent looking into this so called church,. well keep up the good work,and if there is something we as good church goers can do! Please let it be known.
The only place that I’ve heard the word ‘diva’ is in the Scientology cesspool sites.
I’m sure I feel the same way as 99.999% of the Aftermath followers – Leah and you are heroes and in a league of your own. Your integrity, dedication and kindness are inspiring.
The tawdry incoherence that comes from those Scientology DB’s just belongs downwind.
You both are just genuinely good people with a strong moral compass. Thank you for bringing darkness to light. I wish I could help.
Tony’s article about the person who threatened suicide was slime. Chrissie, Bobbette and the other victims deserve to be heard.
Mike & Leah,
Thank you for all you do. It is so evident how much both of you care about the people on your show and the stories they have to tell. Leah is so authentic, those are real tears she sheds & usually reduces me to waterworks.
Hopefully, A&E will air the episode about Danny Masterson and that they understand how important it is for victims of sexual abuse/rape to have a chance to be heard ESPECIALLY once they work up the courage to speak. The LA D/A Jackie Lacey has done nothing, the original complaints were shelved, then A&E promises an air date only to revoke it, scientology has been fair gaming them – it seems like the survivors are being victimized over & over.
I believe you & Leah are advocating & standing up for these women and all the other survivors.
You guys are doing such great work. I had no idea what was going on in and with Scientology. How it can be called a church and is tax exempt is amazing to me. Keep up the great work !!!
Anyone who watches your program or just about any interview either of you have given on the subject matter. I admire your collective ability to continue to reach back and not only assist, employ, and shine light upon the stories of others who’ve left Scientology but your passion and persistence in your work to keep the same injustices from happening to others. It’s my hope that your program gives family members the hope they need to keep the lines of communication open with their families inside of Scientology just a little while longer in the hopes that those folks will walk on through that open door.
Bless you both. The finest diamonds are just carbon that thrived under pressure.
Leah is my hero. If not for her my ‘wall of shame’ would never have lifted. If not for her show I would not have found that I was not alone and forever lost in ‘Wonderland’. Scientology has been a deeply personal and painful part of my journey and the work that you and Leah have done has rescued me from ‘that place’ where I felt so alone on the edge of extinction. Scientology is evil. Any ‘goodness’ there is in Scientology only comes from the good people who fell in that pit along with the rest of us. Most of us. We are all mostly good people. But Leah is special. I will always have her back. And you as well Mike. To do what you both do is so commendable. I am so grateful. Thank you thank you! I love you both.
I don’t dispute a single word you said and hope you won’t mind if I extend your remarks with my opinion that Leah is a hero of the entire world. I have said before that Leah has the heart of a Lion and I expect one day people will refer to her as Leah the Lionhearted.
Keep up the great work team , we are all behind you in the goal of ridding this vile cult into past history
Mike and Leah. You are a class act all the way.
We love you dearly and support you all the way.
What you are doing is huge.
Not only are you surviving the Scientological Terrorist Organization and flourishing and prospering, you are putting the beast down.
Thank you and BRAVO!
What SAM just said, X 100!
This is exactly how the industry works, and heartbreakingly unfortunate that the victims evidently felt misled. As well unfortunate that the list of victims of Scientology harrassment continues to grow in the effort to tell their stories.
LOVE you and Leah. Thank You for all you (both) do. I would not know anything if not for Going Clear HBO special and Your show. Keep making the show and we will keep watching and spreading the awareness on social media.
My Husband and I are on your side, Love what your guys are doing. Nothings matters other then stopping this cult. So sorry to hear about the bad mouthing its upsetting to hear about it but thankful you guys keep pushing on.
Well, A&E not airing, smacks of foul play. All the more reason to call this “religion” a cult and pull its tax exempt status. I.Am.Disgusted.
Thank you so much for myself setting things right I feel like an idiot for tweeting what I did I should have known there was more to the story. I believe in what you folks are doing there are times that I cry when I watch an episode I want to help but feel helpless to do so. As for COS they are scared they hate the truth of what is coming out
Keep up the good work. We love you and if you need our support we will be there for you!
Mike you and Leah have more than put your lives on the line and we the viewers applaud you both! Keep doing what you are doing. We have your back! Let Scientology, show themselves for what they are a CULT and each time there is someone in your face uninvited, or stalking you knowing they are on camera, it proves they are a cult!
Sounds like attack to me. Your supporters trust you all to do what you need to do when you need to do it. The rest is just noise and stupidity. On top of it all, you and Leah put yourselves in the crosshairs. Thank you for everything.
Thank you, Leah and Mike and all who work with you, for all you do.
I’m in agreement with both of you. I believed Leah when she left and told her story and I still believe Leah and you for that matter. You have people who stand with you and i am one of those people Mike!
Thank you from the bottom of my heart for the work you do. You and Leah are my heros and I do appreciate you providing an outlet for the brave people to tell their story. I trust your judgement and I realize some decisions are out of your control. Aftermath is must see TV for me and its made me cry more than once.
Thank you again for your hard work.
Agreed Bob Harris
Sad that Scientology has its own network and can air what it pleases! Keep up the great work you are both doing…so many of us applaud your courage!
and nobody watches it!
It’s drivel! Seems to be a lot of emphasis on powerful graphics devoid of any content whatsoever. I’m dumbfounded anyone – let alone Scientologists can watch it at all.
I’m so not surprised at any of this. I knew when we sat down to watch Tuesday night something was up. Those people will stop at nothing. Thank you Leah And Mike for putting the victims first no matter what. You are both amazing people and shame on anyone who covers up their crimes!! Blessing and prayers for you both as you make this journey uncovering the crimes of this cult
Thank you for telling us the facts you are both doing a great job
Thank you Mike and Leah! I admit I was completely crushed about the episodes possibly not airing. But still quite grateful to A & E for doing Aftermath at all as I did express in the various groups. It’s huge! Both you and Leah are my heroes, and reading about her being badmouthed brings tears to my eyes and pisses me off. You can see her honesty, the hard work and passion she puts into it and sacrifices she makes to end all the abuse and get the truth out. I appreciate this post as my hope has been restored. We all see what you both do and I just want to say thank to you from my heart.
Just keep doing a great show that needs to be done. I commend and respect all involved. Thank you.
Only criminals would want to stop a program that outs crime. When I was in the SO, I shouted “Seig Heil” and saluted with the rest.
Once the German Quartermaster of the Watch gave me the Nazi salute as I came up the gangway. I did a doubt formula after O/Ws in which I stopped the train and threw some Jews off as they were on the way to to the death camps.In the doubt formula I left the group ” Who was proud to be a member of the Nazi SS”. I gave the formula to Mr Natasha Faust a CMO staff or messenger. She berated me for writing up a whole track O/W though did not say what reference was violated. I did not care; my Meter check finally F/Ned after a week of going around and around.
But in a way she was right, there was out-tech. After leaving the group of those proud to be officers in the Waffen SS I joined those officers proud to be in the Sea Org which is the same group of Nazis that I left.
It has to be; why else would the QM of the Gangway Rolf Kallinich give me the Nazi salute if he did not recognize me? They were running death camps before and they are running them again. They are just slightly more covert about it. “I wasn’t there, but “The Hole” sounds like a small concentration camp. Well, even the Nazis started small; they used the prisoners to build the camps and expanded them to other countries.
This is not a reply to Bob Harris
And Mike and Leah: You are doing a great job. You two should be getting a Freedom Medal. Though getting one from IAS would be like myself getting one from Hitler, which supposedly happened too However is is a matter of Sea Org Records that I was promoted 4 times and have a commendation in my file from DM.
Heil Miscaviage